Jericho (TV Series 2006–2008) Poster


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Cancelled Way Too Soon
payasoingenioso12 May 2021
I agree with so many reviewers, specifically those that see how much stronger a 13 episode season could be for a series like this.

The mystery, action, thriller, and drama elements are all sound.

The acting and plot were suspect to me in the beginning. That soon changed as the characters developed. These actors were put the test in some deep moments.

I definitely recommend this to those with patience, understanding, and a love for conspiracies turned reality.
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Guilty pleasure
tkell3116 January 2021
Sure it's formulaic, but they do it well with a wide range of distinct characters and along the way tackle some real issues. And here I am in 2021 rewatching it because it beats everything being made 15 years later.
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Cut too soon. Relevant today.
michael-561-6928929 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunate this was cut off after only two seasons. Had so much potential. Probably more than crappier shows today that last 5+ seasons.

Still relevant. Even 15 years later.

There are some cheese scenes though. That's why I rated a 8/10. Also... the tubby doofus cop that keeps digging is beyond annoying.
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Survival and Political based Drama worth watching and researching the source of
Blackbird013-11 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many things that can be said about Jericho. It is fantasy drama based on U.S. foreign policy and corporate corruption in the government. It brilliantly brings atrocities committed by Blackwater in Iraq into the spotlight by bringing the issue home to the United States and showing "ravenwood" abusing U.S. citizens in the same way. Parallels and caricatures showing the actions of corrupt government, corporations, and individuals who have helped destroy United States Liberties and civil rights.

Jericho isn't light, and it isn't comfortable. It brings to light real life issues in a way that could make many blind followers of the military or military action very uncomfortable. The first season shows people struggling to survive after a tragedy and breakdown of modern society. The second season progresses showing how they are abused and subjugated by the new government formed by the very internal terrorists that destroyed the old one.

The show is well done and keeps your attention. Unlike mindless drama shows the characters her grow and learn allowing resolution and understanding. It's definitely something not truly meant for kids to see, but worthwhile for anyone old enough to understand politics, world issues, and the dangers of war and military being used for profit, control, and the enslavement of the people by supported corporations. In other words the show brings the real ugly face of government and corporate corruption to life using a fictional world representing traditional American culture being destroyed by in house corruption.
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This was canceled....
ptoering-6784631 March 2021
You've seen a myriad of garbage tv shows parade across your screen, some with 5+ seasons of mediocrity. This is not that show. Every bit as engaging as it was 15+ years ago, it's really worth a watch. Is the production value up to snuff in 2021? No, but its still great writing, a great premise, and decent acting. If you like TWD but could lose the zombies, take a look.
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Small town, big bang.
BlackTaterTotallyBlue23 December 2010
It's a great series that deserved more of a fighting chance. It's easy to understand the many ardent fans of the show, but hard to understand Jericho's failure to attract more viewers than it did. The show is engaging, to the point of being dangerously addicting and whatever it lacks (see below), that's more than made up for by a consistently inventive story expansion. The show moves seamlessly from the original premise of 'USA - post nuke' into much unexpected territory. There's some filler episodes, but barely a bum one. What hampers the series is that odd but inevitable 'dated' feeling that almost all network dramas fail to shake, even the minute they arrive on our screens. Dramas like this just can't live up to the HBO/AMC cannon because of the demands on them to, eg: appeal to a large audience and produce 22-ish episodes per series - it can be simply backbreaking. One can't help but imagine how much better this show could have been with a studio like HBO behind it. It certainly deserves more care, with which it might have not been cancelled. Nevertheless, the fact one can imagine Jericho's greater potential is a credit to the strength of both the inventive writing, the smart political commentary and the many well-drawn characters which shine through occasional soft-focus, feel-good, pre-watershed moments of schmaltz and sentimentality. Those moments are thankfully few, but there's enough to make you wish there were less. The cast are all very capable, particularly Skeet Ulrich, Lennie James and Gerald McRaney who lend the show its gravitas. Bring it back! 4/5
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Epic Post-Apocalyptic Cult Classic
SarahCorriher11 October 2019
Truly one of the best TV shows of all time. Jericho is great for those who enjoy post-apocalyptic shows. It had quite a cult following in its day too.
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graphicspittz1877 September 2020
Loved this show love love the cast. Would have loved 90% less drama music at every single touching moment but oh well still loved it. Reminded me of walking dead without the zombies
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Disappointed 😞
leannebowler7 January 2022
I watched jericho a few time but this is the first time I watched all the way through. It has some sad moments and some excitement moments. I am disappointed on how they left it. I wish they had done another season. I need to know what happens next.but overall I enjoyed it.
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Jericho, a refreshing step up in quality
Linda_S2 April 2008
So often I lament the passing of quality broadcast commercial television and then something new, challenging, such as Jericho shows up.

I think it is certainly timely in light of threats from without and perhaps even within our nation.

I was concerned that the 2nd season was not going to measure up as the first episode was rather shaky but it picked up and ended with a bang.

I am glad that CBS brought it back for a finale.

Casting was excellent and I am still astonished at the quality of the writing and plotting. Just so well done.
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interesting but way to soapy
endymionng14 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So we are done with the first season of this interesting premise combining the classic movie "The Day After" with the equally strong British post-catastrophe show from the seventies called "Survivors". The British show had a virus kill of 99% of the British population, so the rebuilding and maintaining of society and civilization is the same as here. However this US show is so far spending way to much time in close-ups of soapy sub-plots that belongs on daytime television instead being the though gritty tale it could be. I don't mind the big baddie lurking far away as a potential threat, but the story ought to focus on the rebuilding of society if it is going tell a meaningful tale. As with the "Invasion" show from 2005 nothing much happens at all between the pilot and episode 12 at which point it has almost painted itself into a corner... We will see what (if anything) happens to save the show. Points for pretty decent acting (although they killed the best one in the final - that was nuts...), potential and some of the subplots, but thats it - more than seven is nuts...
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Still a great show
cookieboy_sd7 October 2019
I've watched this one from start to finish several times and it never gets old. The plot and character development are top notch. The characters are what really hook you. The cast really sell their characters. The way they interact makes you feel like they really did all live together in a small Kansas town. The plot is intriguing. Its a great look into a believable set of circumstances with a cast of characters you really root for. It should have been continued for longer than the 1.3 seasons it was given.
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Could have been so much better.
giftgoose25 October 2015
The idea was fine but they went astray. Instead of sticking with the main story line they decided to meander into soapy territory far too often.

There are some good lessons to be learned from this show, though I doubt that anyone in a position to make decisions to implement contingency plans for small rural towns would have watched this show.

For me, the worst thing about this type of show is how stupid the characters can be. They often seem to make snap decisions without proper discussion. And what discourse there is often ends in bitterness. It just makes me want to bang their heads together and tell them to use a bit of logical thinking.

I know it's the current way of editing shows but switching so frequently from one story line to another for a couple of minutes then back to the previous story line becomes annoying. One minute your watching a tense life threatening situation unfold then your switched to a scene where someones thinking about what their life could have been.

Verdict: Has its moments of greatness but also has

many frustrating/annoying moments.
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Meh, I just don't know
thekaj27 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is certainly interesting enough. A small town seemingly cut off from the rest of the world as civilization itself might have gone up with a mushroom cloud. It's a story that has been effectively told in the book Alas Babylon and the miniseries The Day After. Those are big footsteps to follow in, and I'm not too sure this show can do it.

For one, the characters all seem too artificial. We have the wayward son, the bullheaded father, the strong "glue" mother, and the brother who stayed loyal to dad. There's also the standard 2 girls for our hero to fall for: beautiful woman with past history, and hometown girl who can fix machinery. Plus there's other characters like the stranger who knows how to do everything (while apparently 98% of the rest of the town can't understand concepts like how to start a generator or how bad radiation is), outcast boy who pitches in to help, snotty rich girl who spurns outcast boy at first but is won over by a can of pop, and a host of other one dimensional characters with a single role to play, which is usually just to provide a way for the main characters to highlight their knowledge or show how heroic they are.

Like I said, the premise is sound. I want to know who or what caused these attacks. I want to know how wide spread it is. I want to see how the town survives. I'm just not at all convinced that I want to see the story unfold through these characters. I'll give it a little more time, but most likely I'll just stop watching and read up on the storyline if it survives the year.
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Glad I didn't overlook it
henrycoles919 September 2020
I was disappointed in how this series didn't get off to the best start but it sure kept getting better. I loved how it explored the American core ideal of resilience and always coming back after any catastrophe. The lead actor Skeet Ulrich was good but Lennie James's performance always stole the stage.
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fun show
seabeeb29 March 2008
I really found this show refreshing. Its not the greatest show ever but it was entertaining. The show gives the feel of Saturday morning serials (fast paced and leaving you with a cliff-hanger). I loved the underlying messages to our current governmental situation. I just learned that it was not to be picked up again. I can't believe CBS is cancelling the show after the response they received after it was cancelled the first time. I hope that some other network (ie. SciFi) will try to carry on the series (sort of like Battlestar Galactica) to a complete and thorough conclusion even if it doesn't fit the usual format of a least five years.
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Cut short too soon
danmasucci-424-79671518 January 2020
My second favorite TV show of all time. It deserved at least two more seasons but they production team wrapped it up in a satisfying way with what they were given.
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Very entertaining so far
froggiefan26 October 2006
I have watched faithfully each week so far and am thoroughly enjoying the show. It is probably my third favorite right now behind Lost and Heroes. The premise of the show is fascinating and thrilling. Very unique. I was excited from the moment I saw the first preview - and so far I haven't been let down. Is it realistic? No probably not. Is is predictable? Yeah, pretty much. But it's a TV show. What TV show is 100% realistic? Viewers are meant to let go of reality and absorb themselves in the fictional world for an hour once per week. It has great character development (who is good and who is bad?). It has mystery. Romance. Action. For those who watch and then hack it to death on the boards - I say stop worrying so much about whether things would really happen that way and enjoy the weekly ride. It's been fun for me so far...
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The Best
derka-90-99437025 June 2011
This show was the best television offered in a long time, in my opinion. I think this version of an apocalyptic scenario was more widely accepted because of it's realism. I also think that was the reason it was cancelled. When I first heard of the show I was immediately interested and watched all of the episodes in a couple of days. People just about always say it was cancelled because of ratings. I don't think so. Check the ratings yourself, Jericho's ratings were just as good as or better than Fringe and Burn Notice (I watch those). Those two are still going strong. And Jericho had way better ratings than a lot of other shows that are still on. The order was given by the big wigs in charge to axe it, so it was axed. Once yo pull your head out of the sand and do some honest research, you will find that the people who control your government and the people who control your television, movies, news, radio, etc. usually are one in the same or at least run in the same circles of powerful people. If you ever get a chance to watch it and read the subsequent season 3 comics, then do yourself a favor and do it. If you have an IQ over 75 then you will realize by the end of the first season why it was cancelled. Sorry, I really went off on a tangent there. Besides all of what I said, Jericho was really well acted, very well written, and you will be wanting more when you are finished. The Best.
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This is not a "The Day After" Remake
doctordaxx200424 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
***May contain spoilers*** For those naysayers that think this series won't make it, think again. It's subtly cerebral and has action in it as well. It has the makings of a very subtle psychological thriller and is full of suspense because it makes you really want to know why Denver was attacked. I really enjoy how the attack on Atlanta was discovered on an answering machine by a now-orphaned teenager. It leaves you wide open for guessing whether it was these two cities only as a show of terrorist force (given the times we live in)- or if it was a more widespread attack by a foreign aggressor nation.

You also get the sense of the community being affected when the mayor attempts to rally the citizens together in a united effort. The introduction of the former police officer from St. Louis is lacking, but it leaves me feeling that his role in responding to the attack is much more deeply rooted and agendas hidden. The conflict between the mayor and his son, the hero that saved that bus load full of children- and the son's redemption by performing the emergency tracheotomy on a child to save its life (while being assisted and watched by other children) really shows how people can adapt to stressful situations at any age and it shows our resolve and strength as Americans.

Overall, I think this will go well! Let's hope that the first episode was an hors'd'oeuvre and not the whole enchilada!
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More than just a show, a warning
javacrucian42022 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching Jericho on Netflix (all 29 episodes over two days). Others have written about the show's premise and storyline, so I won't repeat those here. As for my take on the show: First I have to say, anyone claiming that the acting is poor either stopped watching after a couple episodes or watched a different show entirely. Rarely have I seen such moving performances on television or anywhere else. I found myself relating to almost all the characters, and their hardships were believable and realistic. If anything, the acting was TOO moving; my wife and I were both teared up a few times, and given that several of the main characters die and there is no shortage of sad moments.

The other thing Jericho has no shortage of is red herrings. Just when you think you've an angle figured out, there comes a twist. But the twists make sense and keep you interested.

**spoilers** Behind the story of the characters is the hostile takeover of the USA by subversive forces within the US government itself. What appeals to me here is that the writers address the biggest problem our real life US government faces - severe corruption and the supremacy of corporate influence over our political system. The terrorists in Jericho are not religious zealots or militant patriots. They are very high ranking government officials working along with corporate interests to use a false flag operation (the nuke attacks) to take over the USA and replace the current government with a new one. The new one, in this case, is a federal government that delegates its day to day power to two corporations - Jennings & Rall (aka Haliburton) and Ravenwood (aka Blackwater). Of any threat to our democracy, corporate and banking influence are the most dangerous because they are the most powerful. Jericho presents us with a nightmare vision of what life would be like under the boot of such powers. The Bill of Rights is just a memory. No right to due process or fair trial; if you don't do what you're told you are a "security risk" and you disappear. Your property is subject to seizure without notice, warrant, or compensation. All of you personal information is recorded and put in a database. You have no privacy. Jennings & Rall control all commerce and bleed the people dry with price gouging while using Ravenwood to violently suppress any free market or black market competition, even while people suffer from want.

This really would be life under such corporations, and this is what Jericho shows us. And that, in turn, is what makes it so scary. Because if you stop to think about who the real threat in America is, it's not a handful of Saudis with box cutters on planes, or some poor deluded schmuck that the FBI can string along and then arrest for show. The real threat comes from capitalism overtaking democracy instead of complimenting it. It's a threat that is all too real, and Jericho warns us against allowing such a future to come to pass. That message, along with simply being a very well written and entertaining show, is what makes Jericho one of the great TV series of my time. Sadly, the shows ratings didn't live up to its writing and it was canceled way too soon. Evidently people would rather watch the likes of Snookie drunkenly prancing around making an immature ass of herself over trivial problems than come to grips with a potential future we may someday face in one form or another. Whatever. If you have two braincells to rub together and any grasp of the dangerous state that modern America is in, give Jericho a try.
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My Post-Apocalyptic Journey with "Jericho" (2006-2008) - A Solid 7/10
SEGHE12415 September 2023
"Jericho" was one of those TV series that came into my life during a time when I was craving a good post-apocalyptic story. From the moment I started watching it back in 2006, I was hooked. It offered a unique blend of small-town charm, survivalist grit, and the intrigue of a world plunged into chaos.

The premise was straightforward yet compelling. After a series of mysterious nuclear attacks on major U. S. cities, the residents of Jericho, a small Kansas town, found themselves isolated and forced to confront the harsh realities of life in a world that had suddenly turned hostile. The series excelled in portraying the initial shock and confusion of the characters as they grappled with the enormity of the situation.

One of the standout aspects of "Jericho" was its characters. These were ordinary people thrust into extraordinary circumstances, and their struggles felt genuine and relatable. The show's protagonist, Jake Green, played by Skeet Ulrich, embodied the rugged hero archetype. His return to Jericho after years of absence added depth to the story and gave us a flawed yet compelling central character to follow.

The ensemble cast was solid, and each character had their moments to shine. I found myself invested in the lives of the Green family, the Hawkins family, and the town's quirky residents. Their interactions, conflicts, and alliances made "Jericho" more than just a survival story; it was about the resilience of the human spirit.

The world-building in "Jericho" was another strong point. The series explored the challenges of survival in a world with limited resources and the constant threat of outside forces. It raised thought-provoking questions about morality, leadership, and the lengths people would go to protect their loved ones.

However, "Jericho" wasn't without its flaws. The pacing could be uneven at times, with certain episodes feeling slower compared to the high-stakes drama that characterized the series. The first season was particularly strong, but the second season, shortened due to budget constraints, felt rushed and left some storylines unresolved.

The show's cancellation after the second season left many fans disappointed and wanting more. While a graphic novel continuation provided some closure, it couldn't fully satisfy the appetite for answers and resolution that had built up over the series.

In hindsight, my journey with "Jericho" was a memorable one. It offered a fresh take on the post-apocalyptic genre, filled with memorable characters and thought-provoking scenarios. While it may not have reached the lofty heights of some other TV series, "Jericho" holds a special place in my heart as a solid 7/10 experience, and I'm glad I took that journey into the heart of a town fighting for survival.
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The best new drama of 2006
Workin_Man24 September 2006
"Jericho" is by far, the best new show of 2006. I watched the pilot episode on CBS and I was extremely impressed with it. The acting, storyline, and the whole premise of the show is fantastic! I even got teary eyed a few times through the show. That is a rare thing for me. I usually never get teary eyed during a show or a movie. However, "Jericho" is a whole different kind of show. It was actually suspenseful and even a little bit scary!

I would definitely recommend this show to fans of the drama/sci-fi genres. Actually, I would recommend it to just about anyone! If you're looking for a good time watching TV, then this is the show you should be watching. I definitely enjoyed it, and I know you will enjoy it too.
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Hallmark Apocalypse
ckalburton21 November 2018
What do you get when you cross a Hallmark movie and the end of the world (or the end of the country)? Jericho. Much of the first season felt like a soap opera, but as it progressed and especially in the second season, the show moved away from that and matured into something really good. Sadly, it was canceled just as it picked up momentum. Its strengths include an interesting and plausible story about a terror attack on US soil, and the character Robert Hawkins. You don't know for sure where he stands for a good bit of the show's run. This would be a good show to bring back and modernize. The way it ended, it could be possible to bring back much of the original cast and continue the story a decade later.
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Nobody is in Charge
sneezewhiz29 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm fascinated by this show partly because I am a big fan of post-apocalyptic fiction (Alas Babylon, The Day After, Testament, The Last Ship, Threads, On the Beach, etc). I recommend "Threads"(BBC 1984). After viewing it, you will wonder why someone hasn't done a good book or movie about Hurricane Katrina using it's premise.

But back to "Jericho." A town of five thousand in western Kansas, most of whose residents have no visible means of support. Where is the big employer, like a shoe factory or a plastic-extruding plant? You can't tell me the town is one to two thousand farmers and their families.

Farmers would be too busy and too far away to hang out in a bar all day, they'd have supplies of gasoline and food at their farms, plus old agricultural machinery and other equipment that doesn't require gasoline and there would be people who would have the knowledge to operate it.

A town of five thousand would have a courthouse, a bank, and leading citizens. There would be power dynamics and struggles that were in place before the catastrophe.

In the most recent episode we learn that the Greens have a ranch out in the countryside with a barn full of horses. A barn full of horses is a time-consuming high-maintenance endeavor, not some place you visit in the fourth episode because you need to get Jake Green worked up.

We also learn that the people of Jericho turn to the mayor and police when their utilities stop working. There does not appear to be an electric substation anywhere near the town nor anyone in the town who appears to know where the electricity came from.

It looks like the creators of this show got their concept for a small town from their experience with suburban bedroom communities. Jericho appears to work as if there were a large city no more than 20 minutes away by car, not like a town in the middle of nowhere.

If you take a look at the IMDb cast & crew page for this show, you will note there are no credited producers, directors or writers. You see executive producers, art, sound, SFX and miscellaneous crew, but just like the town of Jericho itself, there are no responsible adults to look to or blame.
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