Extracurricular (TV Series 2020) Poster

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Good show, mediocre ending
zippelflorian19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Generally a pretty good show but I was disappointed by the ending. I don't think there was any need for a cliffhanger, nor is there any need for a season two. The show reached a its climax in episode nine and I was already exicted about an interesting (bad) ending that I would've found to be very fitting.

Like it is now, it leaves you with an unfinished feeling behind and a bit of a bad taste. If there will be a season 2, I highly doubt it makes any sense or will be as good as the inital seasons, since everything was pretty much over.

For christ sake, just let them either go to the police and be arrested or run away to Australia or whatever but make a decision and give the show an end. I hate tv-shows that are already made for the precule. Nothing is better than just a great show with 10 episodes and a great ending. Then it would've been 8-9/10.
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Not your typical K-drama
maranthak1 May 2020
I must start off by saying this drama had a very unique feel to it, very different from a typical k-drama, and don't be mistaken this is no rom-com! There where no cliché's and no fillers in this drama. Episode 1 made me think that this was gonna be set on only a high school, but this was not the case. Specialty of this drama was the taboo-breaking subjects. The drama felt very grounded and raw, as to concepts like sex, drugs, pressure, friendships, love. I found the plot quite original as well, which on paper would not sound realistic at all, but this drama made it work like a gem. As for the casting and acting, I loved the chemistry, and also the tension between the main characters. The main lead was outstanding, showing every bit of emotion as well as possible. I feel like there was a lot of dept into his personality, as to being a socially awkward person, an emotional wrack, but also having a really reactive and strong side to him. Overall I really enjoyed this drama, only downside is that its short :(
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sakuradu7324 June 2020
I was sooo impressed by the actors. This series is worth so much more than the usual hollywood nonesense we're given. Bravo !
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Almost had a stress induced heart attack
priceyrules11 May 2020
Where do I begin...? Towards the end of the season I was literally YELLING at the screen! I had to pause this show so many times because I was just worried about what was going to happen next.

If you like shows with twists and turns around every corner, THIS IS YOUR SHOW! Ignore the haters.
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extracurricular NEEDS a season 2
akacoldplay4 June 2020
The story was captivating from episode 1. within 10 episodes the depth the characters develop is amazing.
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More than 10/10
amine-201030 January 2021
I am a guy 29ys old but I've watched a lot of American series till I get tired of it...since the silly end of game of thrones..but I really want to change faces and language of English and see something different , what I found is that Korean series and these las two years they have a lot of great series , and this one was top and great in everything's I don't know what last time I did care about character but this show I really screamed ,cried,laughed in any charactes and decision he make . This is just amazing Netflix renewed for many garbage series but still waiting news from this and (Alice in borderland / sweet home)

Thank u Korean team for this epic journey.

My next watch is : Flowers of evil Stranger Uncanny counters
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I am so sleepy but still can't resist looking for other reviews in the net.
jj-9505621 May 2020
This was a masterpiece. I loved the scenarios, directing, acting, and character development. I am sure Season 2 would reveal more on other characters. I really loved this show. It deprived my 2 nights' sleep but story wise Soooooooo refreshing.
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Entertaining, but not a masterpiece.
nenecucha5 December 2020
I'm reading a lot of comments complaining about the lack of character development, but in my opinion it was a good protrayal of how high school kids act. They where reckless, stubborn and immature. It was really stressful to watch their reaction (or lack of) in certain scenes. Nevertheless, what turned me off was both the main characters. The boy seemed to be some kind of mastermind but ended up being quite clumsy and dumb. As for the girl, she was really smart but her abusive behaviour and stubbornness gave me anxiety, I just wanted to stop her all the time... All in all, good story, but was expecting more.
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Brilliant kdrama
Nice drama each episode keeps interesting they will keep you till the end of each episode and those who are going to watch let me give you piece of advice tha first episode will not keep you entertained may be it will keep u from watching second episode so don't back up it will be interesting from second episode mark my word. and first episode u won't understand anything untill you watch next episode ...so go for it watch it
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Good but last episode sucked
icycleragon2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Buildup was good till episode 9 but main characters cannot think two steps ahead, especially Jisoo and it all turns bad in last episode, pretty lame ending left a sour taste, I would've given this show an 8 but that last episode and ending was terrible
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Worth watching
Misss259 July 2022
Extracurricular hocked me up from starting to end. As it has only 10 episodes, I coundn't resist,and I binge it within a day. It's quite different from other school dramas,there were no romantic scenes,silly things to drag it. It was really intense and is on the point whole time. Maybe, ending could have better if it showed how they ended up. I'm not a romantic drama fan but still I want them to be together. Their (Shy guy and strong girl) chemistry is something that I can watch whole day and their way of tackling problems is also fun to watch.

After watching this while googling I find out about the school bullying issue of the main male cast. I'm just sad to learn that. Hope,he gets more drama,he is just too good.
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First 9 Episodes are very good...
divemabini18 December 2022
...then episode 10 happens, and the typical blemish of Korean writers not knowing how to close out a story happens.

I would have given this show a NINE if it had ended after 9 episodes. Good premise. Gritty and engaging. Flawed a bit in typical K-show fashion that when the going gets tough, stakes are on the line, or lives are at stake, the main characters decide to.... you guessed it.... go it ALONE and stop communicating with each other. This is used time and again in these shows. But other than that, the first 9 episodes generally flowed pretty well. With the exception of folks not putting 2 and 2 together to get to 4. A bit too much obliviousness for believability, but it is what it is.

Which is EXACTLY the problem with episode 10. Everyone suddenly becomes completely aware and has crystal clear vision of things going on around them. And the writers put in about a dozen set pieces of reveals and confrontations, which could have been spaced out throughout the show (and solved one of the biggest gripes I had above).

It's like they needed to Black & White wrap things up, when they failed to realize that a more nuanced and vague ending would have served the running theme of the show much better and wouldn't be such a jarring change of direction in the minds of the viewers.

Very unfortunate, because I was looking forward to giving my first 8+ star review in quite some time. Alas, but because of lazy writers not pacing the show right for a big reveal ending, it was not meant to be.
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To be fair I didn't make it past the third episode
christyofarrell24 April 2022
The main character is a young entrepreneurial, ethical criminal guy trying to fund his college tuition, and yet countlessly gets beat on and taken advantage of by, fellow students, including 5ft 4' girls. Plot holes in the technology side of things, loses his (trap) phone if you like but lacks the knowledge of creating/ transferring to a new one. Has grown up witnessing those closest to him betray him and use him yet seems to be oblivious to a new potential trojan horse.

Four stars for reasonable acting and pretty good filming.

Wouldn't really recommend.
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Great perfomances..not an usual korean drama..
itemrika31 May 2020
Great performances by actors an actress..good story although to short (10 episodes) to build deeper background story into each characters. Will wait for 2nd season.
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absolutely worth watching
binjakukleaa10 May 2020
I've watched it all in one day because everytime I finished an episode, I kept wanting more... it's very catchy! It's also interesting the way things turn out... I definitely recommend it
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School drama
bobyvishal30 April 2020
This drama is sooo amazing you will not feel bore episode by episode it getting more interesting...i just loved this drama definitely worth watching 💯
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loredangrigore3 May 2020
Fantastic! Season 2...when?! I look forward to see it!
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Get ready to take a mental beating...
kaypalms5 January 2021
I'm reading some other reviews and people are calling it a masterpiece? The best k drama they've ever seen? Hardly. Must not have seen many.

Sure there is a lot of story, plot, and action. But it's all negative. It's just a downward spiral of negative energy/action/plot with no breath of air to ease the unhappiness. All I got was more and more depressed with every episode. I kept WISHING for like one positive thing to happen to the main characters but it's just a constant negative spiral like I almost didn't finish the show cause it was so depressing.

I'll give it a 6 for good acting and characters, but the plot was just exhausting I'm so glad it's over. There are MANY KDramas I'll watch over and over and trust me this will not be one of them.
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worth to binge watch
mya_sekamat3 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The drama was good. each episode keep you wanting more and more. But i still sense some plot hole on the drama. they didn't explain much on who Mr. Lee and Bae Gyuri as a daughter. The ending is okay but it make me mad.
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Good but not great
pedrocorreia-282-5549121 December 2021
The show starts off very strong but slowly loses it touch. The main character who first seems like a problem solverand a borderline genius turns out to be close to a bumbling idiot. The show seems like it is going to be about a student who lives a double life as a student and a pimp, struggling to balance and excel at the two while only using his intelligence to solve problems in both aspects of his life as he not physically tough but slowly forgets about both aspects. The show is good at raising the steaks and introducing new challenges but is rarely good at solving these.

The show Is a decent watch and will entertain you enough so that you'll want to finish it but it will not blow you away.
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The sad truth about youth's modern day struggles
kenn-alcantara2 May 2020
I want to provide a little bit of background of how I score films/series that I've watched. For me there are three important factors that they should excel on: Acting, Script, Technicality. Script as being the highest followed by film technicalities and acting. This three are the main factors that revolve around my review for Extracurricular.

I want to discuss first about its script and how it epitomized today's mental health issues. The message of the series is very clear, it is how youth nowadays are being put the test and into pressure from today's perfectionist society, and how these pressures resulted into rebellious actions. Jisoo, the main character, is just one of the victims of this society. At an early age he was already left by his parents to live on his own thus limiting his chances of graduating from school and limiting his living needs due to financial reasons. The pressure of providing for himself and getting a good job in the future are what make him create his own illegal business. This right here is a one action that a young person is bound to do when left alone with tremendous pressure. In comparison, Gyuri's character despite having a stable provision of needs from her parents, still experienced this pressure by having her future decided by her parents into becoming the CEO of their company. That pressure right there of becoming a perfect and mature woman for her parents took a toll of her mind thus becoming a self-determined, aggressive woman towards Jisoo. The opportunity of being someone without her parents' influence is what makes her so determine to be in business with Jisoo. You see there are just two actions that a young person can do against this perfectionist society, one is to survive it by doing whats neccessary even if it is illegal or by rebelling against it and veering away from what's expected from him/her. What I like about this is that both of the main leads encapsulate these decisions into their own personalities while the story move forward with consequences it brought to them. The series realistically made us, the audience, understand the struggles of the youth but also capture the consequences it can bring if they do these actions. There are no solutions given by this series, it just wanted to show the true horror that the youth can experience if they continue to be in this perfectionist society. This is a message for both the youth and the adults who are responsible of guiding them. All in all, the message was perfectly delivered but in terms of the progression of the story and characters it kinda falls flat during the latter episodes as they were so focused on showcasing the struggles of the characters leaving an opportunity to showcase the effect of these into their personalities and character development.

As for the acting, hands down to all of the actors who portrayed their characters so well. Kim Dong Hee is a rising star in the making and can be the actor that can ignite a different genre of kdrama. Park Ju Hyun on the other hand is a versatile actress as she made you want to kill her in the first few episodes but ended up loving her because of her charisma and angst that she brings into the character. I feel like the second leads could have been better but for me this is not the actors' fault but rather on the script's side. I hope that they can provide a good character devlopemen for these characters if they decided to do a second season.

The series itself is a beautiul art that mastered the techniques of filmmaking. The angles and frames are perfect for the mood that they want to establish in the scene. The hallway fights and rooftop brawl in the penultimate episode was a perfect shot brought out from a camera, kinda reminds me of Oldboy and The Raid Redemption. The series had well-balanced shots as it also bring that lovely romantic vibe between the leads in a non-cringey way. Netflix surely has provided another avenue for korean filmmakers to expand and hone their craft away from the norm.

All in all, this series is not your typical romantic kdrama as it brought a different vibe and genre into it. It is very timely as it portrays the current mental health issue that the youth is mostly sufffering nowadays. A crime drama that has grounded motivation from the characters and a realistic portrayal of the comsequences from the characters' actions and motivations.
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Got me in the 1st half, lost me in the 2nd
baumhenrik16 April 2021
First impression was quite positive but then it kinda bored me in the second half.
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Almost great
keyur-thadeshwar14 January 2021
First 7 episodes were good and ruined up later episodes
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JuHyun Park !!!
richnjoytv11 May 2020
It covers heavy topic, but it's a fun drama even if you watch it lightly. A popular TV Series comes to mind, but Extraccurricular has a completely different appeal. The drama itself is also fantastic, but above all, It is blessing to know actor JuHyun Park, who played Bae Gyu-ri. Thanks to her, I feel like a fan for the first time in my life.

You can see her : JuHyun Park's Instagram account : @charmgirl_1005
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Koreans trying to lose their typical drama style
anudari-450351 May 2020
Recently been losing interest in kdramas but extracurricular brought back with shocking story, unexpected turns. You can see a lot of inspired shots from different crime films and dramas. Couldn't predict what was going to be next which was good. Maybe they overdid at some scenes trying really hard not to be predictable, ended up nearly difficult to believe.
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