Halloween Ends (2022) Poster

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Should be called "Corey's Halloween"
tdavidson-6082215 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a movie that promotes the final showdown between Laurie and Michael, it's very head scratching that Myers doesn't make his first on screen appearance to almost 45 mins into the film. That was a really bad sign. The movie really centers around Corey, not Michael nor Laurie for that matter. It's about his severe struggles with reality and how he continues to unravel from a freak babysitting accident. The film does do a decent job of making you root for the guy and all the people who were pricks to him look to get their comeuppance. But again, way too much time was spent on Corey and not Michael and Laurie. The last scene though was a very creative way to put everybody's mind at rest that this time Michael is certainly NOT coming back. I would say the movie as a whole was disappointing but I'd be lying if I said I was expecting it to be great before watching it. Most people I'm sure would agree.
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It should have ended with 2018...
and_mikkelsen18 October 2022
Yeah this movie proves why this should NEVER have been a trilogy in the first place... Kills was a letdown and this was the final nail in the coffin!

This movie introduces an entirely new storyline and character, which is not the way you close off a trilogy! The concept around this is interesting enough, but as a conclusion to a long running franchise, it could not have been more bafflingly misplaced!

Micheal Myers is reduced to a cameo and the final confrontation comes out of nowhere, with NO build up or satisfaction! The confrontation in 2018 was better than this! It is clear that there were not material enough for a trilogy so why? Oh Yeah.... money.
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Did I watch the wrong movie?
jpkaramanolis14 October 2022
Another failed sequel of a classic horror flick. There was no Micheal Myers anywhere for most of the movie! That shouldn't be the final movie of a legendary horror movie character. We focused way too much on side characters, wasting so much time of the movie and taking away screen time from Michael for no reason. Laurie was once again the best in the movie. The actress played her role really well and I enjoyed seeing her probably for the last time. Her granddaughter as a character was annoying, like those straight to VHS Disney movies where the kid wod turn against their parents for stupid reasons, that was her in the entire movie... It was disappointing but I'm glad I watched it because it ends a huge franchise I've been watching since middle school. It was a pop corn movie and nothing more, but still an okay pop corn movie.
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Cheap and random "conclusion" to the franchise
hnt_dnl14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To give context to how little I cared about HALLOWEEN ENDS (2022), the "conclusion" to this now bloated, confusing, retconned franchise, I completely forgot that it was coming out this year. When I saw trailers on YouTube recently, I was thinking it was coming out some time next year. Also, I literally found out on the SAME DAY it was premiering that it was available on Peacock! And I was like, it's Halloween month, this is (supposedly) the final Halloween film, I have time to spare, so I'll give it a go. Maybe my low expectations will be countered with something remotely decent. And, honestly, this movie might actually be worse than the atrocious predecessor Halloween Kills! It's that bad. Looking very cheap and less cinematic than the prior 2 entries, Halloween Ends tells what feels like an incredibly random story that could have been any throwaway sequel from the 80s.

Inexplicably, this movie opts to focus on a completely new character Corey and the filmmakers chose one of the most boring and annoying horror movie protagonists/antagonists that I can recall in recent memory. In the film's pre-credits scene set on Halloween night of 2019, Corey accidentally killed the kid he was babysitting for and spends the rest of the movie, set in 2022, being the town pariah. The film opens with an interesting premise that the Haddonfield citizens are so paranoid about Michael Myers that they implode and turn on each other, but it never really followed through with it. Instead, we get all these weird scenes of random citizens verbally attacking the main characters Corey and the Strodes for being the cause of all the evil and killings. What's odd is that even though Laurie (once again played by Jamie Lee Curtis) was barely a blip in Kills, even though she gets a lot more screentime in Ends, she still feels like a bit player.

As I said, it focuses on this new character Corey, who ends up in a forbidden romance with Laurie's annoying granddaughter Allyson (reprised by Andi Matchak), the most useless character in this recent retconned trilogy of films. I couldn't stand Allyson in the 2018 movie or Kills, and Ends just confirms my belief that Allyson was nothing more than a terrible plot device in the trilogy. In H2018 and Kills, she just a random nuisance who got caught up in the action while Laurie (in H2018) and Karen (in Kills) were the proactive badasses who got things done. Then Laurie gets sidelined while Karen gets killed off, while Allyson gets to hang around and continue to be useless. In Ends, this time it's Corey who gets to be proactive while Allyson is just his love interest. Somehow, this girl is a filler love interest after she's been in 2 movies, while the new guy gets to be the lead. Shows how uninteresting she is. Also, Lindsay is in this movie for no reason whatsoever than to exist, just like she did in Kills.

But the worst offense in this movie is how little Michael got to do. For some reason, he's been hiding out under a bridge for the last 4 years since the tragic events of H2018/Kills and no one has even caught him yet. Then he only re-surfaces when Corey gets thrown over the bridge by those 4 juvenile delinquents, who for some reason are dressed like it's still the 1970s. So he takes Corey in as his apprentice and the duo tag teams it for a while until Corey decides he wants to be the alpha and incapacitates Michael stealing his mask and taking over being the main killer. To top off this weirdness, Allyson basically stays with Corey knowing how sick he is. He literally tells her that he killed a person and her first instinct is to comfort him and go on a date! No reporting the crime to the police...she just wants to keep making out with him. The duo have all these weird scenes where Allyson is all like she's drawn to him and they were meant to be together.

In fact, the tone of this entire movie was strange with a terrible supporting cast of unlikable characters. I know it's a "small" town, but what was with all these random moments of people running into Laurie, Corey, and Allyson and spewing out judgment on them? There was that grocery store parking lot scene where the lady scolded Laurie for being the cause of Michael slashing her cousin's throat (how did that old lady survive Kills?), the 4 teen bullies always running into and bullying Corey, the creepy cop (who looks twice her age) hitting on Allyson, the couple whose kid Corey accidentally killed just show up randomly in the bar including the father delivering that weird monologue, Corey's strict and holier-than-thou mother, and his boss/stepfather's odd line "I hope you find love"? So much weird dialogue in this movie. Then there were filler characters like Allyson's co-workers: the sleazy doctor and the mouthy nurse. Were they supposed to be comic relief?

The climax made no sense. Laurie shoots Corey a couple of times, then purposefully shoots the wall using up her bullets, lets him grab a knife to supposedly kill her. But she literally said a few minutes ago "Did you think I was going to kill myself?" He stabs himself and then she's sad about it? He just tried to kill her. Of course the plot deviced Allyson walks in and assumes Laurie killed him and then drives away then gets a call from Hawkins (played again by Will Patton) who asks about Laurie because she called about a suicide, so she goes back. Didn't Allyson realize that was a hoax? She just saw Laurie standing over Corey's body with a knife. Why would Laurie commit suicide when she just stopped her assailant? Also, why would Laurie tell someone she was going to kill herself? Then Michael pops up, Laurie battles him, gets the upper hand, then slows around and killer talks him until he can grab her throat, Allyson shows up, she runs her mouth unnecessarily, they don't finish him and instead wait for the police and entire town to parade Michael's body to the junkyard where they mutilate his body. The End.

There were several times where I kept looking at how much time was left in this tedious film because that's how bored and frustrated I was. The first 30 minutes felt like an hour. By the 50-minute mark, there was a whole hour left and I couldn't believe it because the movie felt so slow and random with such an unimpressive cast of characters. There was actually one decent scene in the entire movie (thus the extra star) and that was the scene between Laurie and Hawkins in the grocery store. It was actually well-written and acted by Curtis and Patton, but then the movie followed it with randomness, just like virtually every other moment in the film. Kills and now this film Ends are so bad, it's making me appreciate H2018 even more because that movie had some cohesion, tension, buildup, and horror and a smashing ending, even though it had it's share of cringe moments indicative of modern writing and filmmaking. But Kills and Ends are just cringe films start to finish. It's hard to believe that this is how the storied franchise is actually going to end. They'll probably reboot/remake it again for like the 5th time. They may have to because this film is not the right note to go out on.
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When does the real finale come out?
sbob32214 October 2022
I don't know what this movie was but I am still waiting on the real final movie in the trilogy to be released. This was just a bad joke right? I kept watching hoping that it would get better and it just didn't I had heard the final act was good and I was lied to. Then I am not sure what message they were trying to send with their wacky symbolism they do but it went over my head. When it was over me and the girlfriend just felt crushed that it was such a bad movie. 2018 was great and kills was ok but this makes me angry and sad at how disappointing it was.

This wasn't a Halloween movie. It takes place on halloween and Michael and Laurie cameo in it but that's it. Every time I look at the rating I am giving it I lower the score because I feel I am being too generous.
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Why Would They Do This
johnnyhbtvs2717 October 2022
Halloween Ends is a total shambles. An absolute joke of a movie. I thought Halloween Kills was bad...this makes Kills look like a masterpiece.

The name Corey Cunningham will forever be a black mark on the Halloween series. Like seriously, why would they do this? This is up there with "do your thing cuz" from the Texas Chainsaw 3D.

The Allyson character is such a non character that it never makes sense why she even would go near Corey in the first place. She is basically just whatever the script calls for at any particular moment.

Jamie Lee is given little to do as in the previous film, she is pretty much a non-entity for the majority of the movie despite being the face of the franchise.

The other face of the franchise, Michael, is done such a disservice it's hard to even call this a Halloween movie. It's mad to think Malek Akkad let them run with this kind of story with so little Michael.

Is Halloween Ends the worst movie ever made? Perhaps not. Is Halloween Ends the worst Halloween movie they could possibly have made? Definitely.
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Lesser than I had hoped, better than I had expected
I_Ailurophile14 October 2022
I've had mixed expectations about this movie, and it feels important at the outset to delineate why. John Carpenter's 1978 original is an essential classic, built on strong atmosphere; the first 1981 sequel is blustery, boorish nonsense (which Carpenter himself seems to agree with, and he wrote it). I've long avoided the rest of the franchise assuming standard bland slasher fare, a feeling reinforced by 'Halloween II.' 2018's direct sequel, meanwhile, I personally loved, as it felt like a great amalgamation of Carpenter's atmosphere and grisly slasher violence. However, my hopes for this latest run of pictures was brought low with last year's 'Halloween kills,' as some scenes and story beats were unnecessary, the pace was unfavorably brisk, and it too often sidelined plot and some genuinely great ideas for wanton slasher brutality. So here we are: October 2022, the theoretical (never actual, surely) end of 'Halloween,' and THE promised showdown between Michael Myers and Laurie Strode. How does it stack up? Long story short, I like it.

It quickly becomes apparent that this feature is not the same 'Halloween' any of its predecessors have been, and it emphatically tries to be something else. To the extent that 'Halloween kills' incorporated some Big Brain ideas in what was ultimately a bit of a mess, it seems to me like this goes further still and works backward from larger notions that are at its core, beyond violence for the sake of violence, to then swing back to that violence after all. I don't know how completely successful the result is, but I deeply admire the effort: a town recovering from trauma, descending into blame and fear; trying (and failing) to reason through the How and Why by blaming the victim instead of the culprit; demonization manifesting a self-fulfilling prophecy; and more. Moreover, to the credit of the writers, the concepts at play here dovetail into substantial dialogue that closed the 2021 film, and cast it in a new and more favorable light.

John Carpenter returns as composer alongside recent collaborators Cody Carpenter and Daniel Davies, and as with 2018's picture (and less so the 2021 movie), they again turn in a slew of themes that are utterly outstanding. Building off Carpenter's original 1978 music, the score readily creates strong, uneasy atmosphere from start to finish with wide-ranging dynamics - complementing able tension and a measure of atmosphere that the film can claim of its own accord. As 'Halloween ends' goes a slightly different direction it more capably engages viewers as we anxiously wait to see just where it's going to go, and where these characters will end up. It even creates an air of ambiguity about its characters, such that any one might be headed on a dark path and become another bleak mark on Haddonfield's legacy. Rest assured that we still get plenty of gruesome violence, at once even more gnarly than what we saw in the immediate predecessor (almost excessively so), but also less frequent and more calculated (and all the better for it). And: while the climax and especially the ending are unquestionably too On The Nose, I'd be lying if I said they weren't nonetheless very satisfying such as they are.

To be honest, this is much better than I expected. 'Kills' dampened my anticipation, but I still hoped 'Ends' might eke out a victory, and I think it succeeds. It's certainly not perfect, though. Clocking in at almost two hours, that length is a double-edged sword. There's a lot of ideas that the feature tries to include, and it maintains a fairly quick gait to be able to do so. There are also, arguably, too many ideas herein, and not all are tackled completely; some might not have even been necessary, which means the length is more than it needed to be. The climax in particular, and the scenes leading up to it, seem like they're smashing together too much all at once, and the result is a tad inelegant. The arc of one specific character - you'll know the one - is obviously integral to the movie as it presents, but comes across like that progress bar on software installation that always hovers at 99% but never hits 100%. Some scenes, especially earlier in the runtime, feel a little too common, while some of the violence is so nasty that it reminds (in a bad way) of tawdry gorefests like 'Hostel.'

And it should be said, too, that the confluence of some of the Big Ideas here impress as a perversion of some real-life issues that have been of heated debate in the last several years especially. We, the audience, know that despite the reputation Laurie has acquired over the years in-universe, she isn't wrong, she is a victim, and Michael is a monster. The way these emphatic points are played with in 'Ends' questionably mirrors bad faith arguments in real life about people with repugnant beliefs being held accountable for them, only to double-down, and the victims then being wrongfully taken to task for daring to speak out. In the fictional universe of 'Halloween' this is a grey area; in real life, it's black and white - and the inclusion here just feels Off in a way that's hard to pin down.

Yes, 'Halloween ends' is imperfect. But I think it's much stronger than not, especially coming off the sadly middling middle child that was 'Halloween kills.' Of course David Gordon Green's direction is superb, and the screenplay is tight in every individual way. The cast is excellent, Jamie Lee Curtis and Andi Matichak especially, and all the contributions of those behind the scenes are unimpeachable, including the effects artists. All this is well and good; the heart of the matter is the story that is told. It's not all that it could have been, but as far as I'm concerned, this is engrossing, entertaining, and ultimately fulfilling for (ostensibly) bringing the saga to an end. In the days to follow its release opinions will vary, yet for my part I'm quite pleased with 'Halloween ends,' flaws and all, and find it to be a worthy finale.
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Actually worse than Halloween Kills
AdrienneGrayceMusic21 October 2022
Didn't think it was possible but Halloween Ends was actually a million times worse than Halloween Kills. Yikes. This one was just plain out DUMB. It was pointless and a waste of time and money. Bad acting, pointless weird love story during most of it. Michael only made a couple cameos and we didn't see him for at least 45 minutes. The main male character was just weird. Most important of all, for a Halloween movie, this one absolutely lacked the Halloween "feel" of the other franchises. No trick or treat or scary halloween vibes here. I feel so bad for JLC for getting wrapped up in this garbage. Despite the bad reviews, I still watched it just for nostalgia's sake and to be my own judge of the film but they are all absolutely correct in saying this was the worst Halloween movie ever made. The ending was just as bad as the middle and the beginning. The writers and directors, even the casting directors should all retire.
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My favourite of the new Halloween movies
AdrenalinDragon14 October 2022
Surprised at how much I enjoyed this entry, considering many people are saying it's the worst one. I actually quite liked this movie. I was kind of meh on the first Halloween and Halloween Kills just felt to me like filler with kills after kills lacking anything of interest. This seemed more focused on characters and consequences rather than just kill counts.

This movie is very different from the previous two. It doesn't focus on loads of kills and I could see that being divisive with people being disappointed on the lack of Michael Myers and deaths. This time it focuses on a new character that ends up being tied to everything with how people end up turning evil on how they are treated. There's also a good conclusion to the Michael Myers stuff, albeit rushed but decent.

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I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
BA_Harrison14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Obnoxious brat Jeremy (Jaxon Goldenberg) locks his babysitter Corey Cunningham (Rohan Campbell) in the attic. Corey gets flustered and kicks the attic door open, accidentally knocking Jeremy over the bannisters to land in a bloody heap at the feet of his parents, who have just arrived home.

Corey is released but becomes a local pariah, someone for the people of Haddonfield to demonise now that Michael Myers isn't around. Except that Michael is around. He's been living in the sewers like a ninja turtle, presumably feeding on rats and poo. Or rat poo. After Corey is pushed off a bridge by local bullies, he is dragged underground by Michael, but Myers doesn't kill him: instead, they become best buds and go on a killing spree, which is bad news for Laurie Strode's granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak) who has just started dating Corey. Fortunately, Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) has seen something in Corey's eyes that makes her believe that he is going down a dark path, but can she convince Allyson that her boyfriend is evil before it is too late?

I went into Halloween Ends with the mindset 'How can director David Gordon Green possibly make a worse movie than Halloween Kills?'. I've just found out.

The film kicks things off with a pre-credits sequence that made me wonder whether this was going to be a comedy, and it just gets worse. And worse. And worse. Each time I thought the film couldn't be any more insulting to horror fans, Green does the seemingly impossible.

From the moment they show the metal crusher in the junkyard where Corey works, it's obvious that Michael will be reduced to mincemeat at the end. Less predictable is just how little Michael actually features in the film: this is a Halloween movie, so one might reasonably expect Myers to play a big part, but the series' iconic killer only makes brief appearances, the bulk of the film revolving around Corey. This is not what fans want!

But it's not just the lack of Myers that makes this film a total failure: there's the awful script, which offers up more groan-worthy dialogue and godawful moments than its predecessor, something that I didn't think was even possible. Michael and Corey becoming pals is dreadful (I half expected to see Michael riding pillion on Corey's motorcycle), but for me the worst bits are when Corey tells Allyson that he has killed someone and she doesn't bat an eyelid, or when Laurie decides to pull the knife out of Corey's neck after he has stabbed himself, just as Allyson walks in through the door, leading the girl to believe that her gran has killed her boyfriend. Doh!

After the inevitable and risible showdown between Laurie and Michael, and the disposing of the maniac's body in that grinder, the film finally ends, leaving David Gordon Green to focus on destroying another horror classic, The Exorcist (why does he hate horror fans so much? What have we ever done to him?).
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I actually liked it - It does something DIFFERENT and to me thats good
mr_bickle_the_pickle17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went in with not a lot of expectation. Particularly because I didnt really like Halloween Kills and I had heard a lot of negative reviews for this.....but I actually really liked it. For starters, I liked that they actually did something different. It would have been so easy to just have Michael Myers go on a rampage, kill a bunch of people and surprise surprise is someone alive at the end. I dont know if Michael somehow transferred a part of his soul or if he just sensed the darkness already in, but I was totally on board for exploring the idea of evil never dying because anybody can become it. Im not syhaing the film was perfect. I did roll my eyes a bit at the romance sub plot. But I always find so unbelievable in any genre when someone knows someone for like 3 days and is like "Ermagerd, you're the love of my life. Lets run away together". They could have done more to expand that relationship. I also don t get why the town was against Laurie. I mean, to a certain extent I get the town needed a scapegoat. But, I just dont get the sentiment that its her fault because she taunted him and invited him in. Like sure, she was paranoid and built a death trap house. But its not like she was visiting him at the criminal hospital going "Ha ha sucker, you didnt get me" or something. Like, he came back and started killing people on his volition. Also, I dont get the criticism of the film being messy. I think it had a very clear idea in mind of where it wanted to go, whereas Halloween Kills seemed a lot more random and trying to cash in nostalgia rather than plot. And I also wanted to add that I really liked that they brought back the whole " Michael is just a man" mythos. Whereas again Halloween Kills seemed to ignore that and just went straight into "No hes a supernatural, unstoppable killer". And I thought Rohan Campbell was a good addition to the cast. He did a great job of conveying both creepy as well as sympathetic.
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I disagree with most of the reviews here.
aciarleglio-116 October 2022
Yep. There was nothing wrong with Halloween Ends. Just because it's not the story people expected or maybe wanted doesn't make it bad. Was it my favorite of the the Halloweens ?, no of course not. I did like the story premise and thought it was executed well. I would have liked more Halloween night atmosphere though, that's my personal preference and favorite part of the original. I wish some producers, somewhere, would put in a serious effort to increase the atmosphere of the next Halloween installment. I would definitely rank this higher in my Halloween list if there was some real creepy Halloween night buildup. I completely understand the movie taking a different direction/approach. I mean seriously they have to change up the story or we'd end up with the same movie repeatedly. The home critics on here definitely think they could create a better installment, as always. I'm glad I don't watch movies based on other's opinions. I will always support filmmakers trying to give the fans more of the movies we love.
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Halloween ends, in the toilet...
m-4782614 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hope the next installment will forget about arthouse Halloween, and be back to the normal timeline. Halloween was never a psychological thriller. It was just a silly slasher flick, with stereotypical characters, and an unbelievably resistant vilain. Just like previous installments of this trilogy, Halloween Ends, takes itself too seriously, without having something to back it up. Sometimes it felt like a cheap soap, other times, like reality TV. Or a bad play, with uncomfortable chairs. And people telling their boring live, and sharing their feelings, to each other, and us... And when the horror kicked in, it made you laugh more than it should've. With the way it couldn't be effectively scary. I didn't mind the « new approach » but was it really one? Because at the end of the day, it still felt like the same all over again. And why make the kill count so unsympathetic? What's the point in watching a slasher movie, where you can't wait for characters to die. I liked the finale showdown between Michael and Laurie, but they felt like two people who fight for divorce at that point. Which is why the siblings connection gave their encounters, more depth and meaning, in previous « no more canon » installments. I was getting sick of Laurie's victim/survivor rambling, or was it Jamie Lee's? But I liked that end voice over. It was in par with the rest of the idea behind this new side of the story. But why did they had to end Ends like a Tarantino movie? And why the parallel between Michael and Corey? Like they said in 2018, he picked her randomly, so making it look like Laurie was trying to prevent Allyson her own disappointment, was too random and far fetched. They just were full of ideas, but weren't good enough filmmakers to make it all stick. Sorry, but that's just the way I feel. I cringed every time Kyle Richards appeared onscreen. Just because she was in the first Halloween, doesn't mean she had to be there too. It made Haddonfield feel a lot more like a hillbilly town, than it appeared to be in the original movie. Maybe it's the end for this heroine, but I doubt studios will allow this to be the last of the series. So see you in a couple of years, and don't mind me pretending it ended with H20.
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Beyond a let down is an understatement.
smblights13 October 2022
I won't say anything that happens in the movie, I'll just complain and start with-If you absolutely have to see this movie watch it on a streaming service. But it's not even worth that. A 20 minute short film of just the ending would have been the only way this movie would have been good.. Absolutely NO WAY they didn't screw this up on purpose. A 4 year old with no concept of the series and possibly not even potty trained could have made a better film. Why they would end it with this? Honestly an insult to fans, past writers and everyone and thing involved. I think it's time the series ends. Will always love the original. Heck, I loved 2018. How they started it back up with 2018 and ended it with horrible slap in the face is astonishing..
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No, Just...omg, No,No and No.
travisvincent14 October 2022
I'm not sure who thought this script was a good idea because it's not. If there is a film in film school called "How to ruin a franchise" this would be it. As a lifelong die hard Halloween fan I have a love for the good ones and the bad but this along with Halloween Kills is just a no. So much potential was wasted and im not even going to mention the plot or any details. Halloween Ends is an insult to the characters, the ideas and the franchise. It borders offensive. While Halloween Kills has redeeming values Ends just screws it all to high heaven. The final insult is that Michael Myers has been reduced to a couple cameos in his own film. Watch it on a streaming service or somewhere else for free and give it a try just for nostalgias sake but you have been warned. I gave it a 5 because the Halloween franchise has a soft spot with me and I can't bear to give it a lower score.
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"Ends" has murdered Michael Myers, with poor writing and disrespect for his franchise
nicolasroop14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a mess of a trilogy. I can't believe what started off as an interesting new take on a horror icon devolved into such a cliched and anticlimatic conclusion. Whoever handed the reigns over to David Gordon Green needs to be fired and blacklisted. Again, Green proves that he just cannot make a mainstream film. From the camera work right down to his actors performances(and these are good actors he's working with), he just cannot break from his indie roots, and I believe this really hurt the new trilogy. Look at the stark difference in directorial style from the first film in this trilogy compared to the other two and that will give you a bit of a clue as to what happened with production. The producers put far too much trust into their director, and the end result was catastrophic. Somebody, anybody, should have told him that most of this material makes no sense with the rest of the storyline and that nobody cares about any of these characters other than Michael Myers.

I have many questions for Mr. Green. Such as, why did he decide Lorie Strode needed to be a narrator that sounded similar to a Jane Austen novel? Or, Why did you think giving Michael Myers a partner, or even thinking that someone would have the same evil inside them as he does, would be a good idea? Scratch that, why is Michael Myers not immortal and just going complete psycho killer on everyone, including the guy he ends up helping? And how are 2 women who weigh maybe about 90 lbs soaking wet could over power him in such a way? Also, if he's not immortal, how in the hell did he survive a house fire, get injured(shot, stabbed, etc.) and kill a bunch of people all in the same night, only to go into hiding for 4 years and somehow take care of his wounds and not die? I get that it is just a movie, but make it make sense!

Not to mention, what is the deal with the political statements in the movie? Did the horror film about a maniac who wants to kill everything in his path to killing his family really need an overt political statement being made throughout? I personally don't and it, just like many, many other things, didn't even gel well in terms of the story. I also feel like I need to address the fact that this finale seems to forget it's a horror movie until about the last 15-20 mins. There are 2 kills in the first 80 mins, and then the end was just as unimpressive with the kills as the first 80 mins. I'd say it was on par with the last Scream film in terms of violence. Nowhere near the brutal deaths of Kills or, because it's fresh from last weekend, Terrifier 2.

Overall, this has to be the worst in the franchise right next to Kills. Even Halloween: Resurrection was better than this. At least they knew how to stick with their own lore about Michael Myers. This final installment seems to forget everything about him, included the lore that was being set up by this trilogy. I suppose that's something I'm impressed by. Never seen a planned trilogy of a well known franchise ditch ideas from previous films in said trilogy. They're usually more planned than this slapdash effort. I do not think the Halloween franchise will ever recover from this.

½ a butcher knife out of 5.
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Long Live The Original.
RobsBottin16 October 2022
John Carpenter and Debra Hill produced a very quirky and punky horror movie in 1978. It has its flaws but it remains one of the most effective slasher movies ever made.

It did not warrant a sequel let alone a franchise all of its own and with each and every sequel comes diminishing returns which comes as no surprise to me since there is no story left to tell.

Blumhouse are no longer a credible film studio they are simply eking out as much cash as possible and exploiting a gullible fan base who hang to the absurd notion that 'this one will be better than the last'. Dreadful uninspiring nonsense.
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I'm sold!!
ubasarsahin15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can see why people hate this film , I know those people would hate me too after reading my review lol . Because I am about to say '' what is there to take that serious? ''

Halloween is a film, franchise, about halloween. It's about Michael Myers, it's about Laurie and it's about fun and gore for horror fans like us. This is not The Conjuring. So my point is why so serious if they change the things a bit in the last film? What's there to be bothered about?

I definitely had fun watching the whole thing. The whole build-up for Corey, the dram and especially the last act. I loved it. I think it was breath-taking and at some point I even felt like shedding a tear because I was so much connected with the film ( I even had to shush the person standing right behind me to focus better ). Lol

I loved the kills. They were absolutely clever and creative. Especially the one with the fire. I loved it.

The whole tension and the soundtrack hit so well imo.

It was just a beautiful time at the cinemas.

Well, speaking of that, I think we, the movie lovers, are supposed to prefer cinemas over streaming if and when we can afford it. Otherwise there will be no cinemas to go to soon. That will also mean the end of physical media and the end of quality film.

I talked too much. Damn.
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Writers have amnesia and forgot what they last 2 movies were about...
mark-doster14 October 2022
People loathed Rob Zombie's Halloween for spending an hour showing you his childhood.

Then Halloween Ends said "hold my beer..."

This new trilogy literally took the story of one movie and stretched it out into three. This is how you end up with pointless drama and random new characters.

The people behind these should be ashamed of themselves. They were not made by true Halloween fans and were not made for true Halloween fans.

These filmmakers had far too much freedom with a franchise with a rich history...and it shows.

What a sad way to see an empty, lifeless and meaningless end to such a character.

I can't even begin to convey how insanely inept it is to see the "emotional" climax with booming John Carpenter music and its the first glimpse of an actual Halloween movie but there's only 3 minutes of movie left.

They forgot to build up to the climax...the climax they wanted to move you with yet not guide you to.

Stupid stupid stupid writing and directing.

The dialogue was cringy and nothing that any self-respecting humans would ever say out loud. There are moments when we should just be shown emphasis on something when imstead we get spoon-fed awful words to make certain our dumb brains know what's going on. The characters go against their nature just to make the story move, the story that seems to have been written the day before shooting. And they forgot that the last movie of a trilogy should sum up the characters from the previous installments and not resemble the first movie of a new trilogy.

OH, and they forgot this movie is about Michael Myers too. I know, I know. Easy mistake right...

My god, the fact that these exist just crushes my heart and any remaining faith in Hollywood as competent storytellers.

I just can't.
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Good movie ... just a BAD 3rd film in a trilogy
david_royz14 October 2022
If this was a comeback or standalone film it'd be very good. But after a brutal, frightening first 2 films this is very unsatisfying as the end of an otherwise great trilogy.

It lacks scares. It lacks tension. It lacks horror. It lacks Michael Myers!

Starting off with a seemingly unrelated story with different characters (almost a homage to the original Scream film, which itself is a homage to Halloween), it becomes a slow-burn story. Viewers are left wondering when Michael will appear, but when he does it abruptly ends.

There are some unresolved issues. There were missed opportunities to bring back legacy characters or Easter Eggs. It simply feels disconnected to the Halloween and Halloween Kills.
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Very dissapointing
danielcereto14 October 2022
First, this trylogy should have been only one movie with a better conclusion. The third movie is even worse than the second. And the second was weak.

Second, I don't understand how you can do a great Halloween (2018) comeback, but then two of the worst Hallowen movies from all time.

Last, Halloween Ends (2022) is poor as a movie. Sometimes embarrassing. The script is bad, pretty bad. Acting is horrendous, soap opera level. And the conclusion is a joke. A bad one.

To add, Michael deserved better than this. Hopefully in the future someone can fix it, and give it the conclusion that deserves as an horror icon.
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Finally something truly different!
whatgift13 October 2022
From the opening scene you can tell this is not going to be like any Halloween movie before it, and as the movie goes on you wonder if this is part of the same trilogy, considering how different it feels.

That's not a bad thing though - this finally treads new ground in the series that has been around for over 40 years, and you truly don't know how it's going to play out over the course of its runtime. It's nice to see a Halloween movie that isn't just a set up for most of the characters to be murdered - while there is still some of that here it's not the focus.

While the story is compelling and the acting excellent, the direction feels...off. It's like an inexperienced film student has put it together, such is the random execution of the scenes and story, and some of the characters actions just don't ring true as a result.

When the ending comes around it's done well and is very visceral, but it feels somewhat of an anticlimax after the journey we've gone through in this movie alone, to say nothing about all the movies that came before it.

While this is easily the best of this new trilogy, it's a shame it couldn't have been executed better, but it is a somewhat satisfying end to this chapter in the Halloween saga.
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Laurie vs The Shape has come to an end
bhernandez221614 October 2022
Tonight, I have just witnessed the craziest scary movie that will leave you breathless! And the story of Laurie Strode and the legendary boogeyman: Michael Myers aka The Shape has finally come to an end. Halloween Ends brings a pretty good jumpscares and has delivered a pretty good vibes for this movie.

I don't wanna give anything away, but I really did enjoy this movie! Jamie Lee Curtis is still amazing as Laurie Strode and her performance was just incredible, and Andi Matichak is just so beautiful and she really did a great job in the movie. But this will be so sad to see Jamie leave the franchise and her last final girl Laurie Strode to finally come to an end.

Thank you so much for bringing the best Halloween franchise back to life on the big screen, and thank you David Gordon Green and John Carpenter for bringing Michael Myers to life for the whole fans to see! The final chapter may come to an end.... but evil never dies.
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Halloween Resurrection is no longer last place...
BrettLee2014 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert... This was beyond terrible. People always talk about how bad Halloween Resurrection is, at least Michael Myers is in Resurrection. This was the Friday the 13th Part 5 of the Halloween franchise. And Laurie can just take him out with a few stabs? Yet in the previous movies (2018 & H Kills) he was shot multiple times, stabbed with a pitchfork, ran over, left in a house set on fire, beat to death and shot by the whole town and he still got back up ... but Laurie and a kitchen knife were no match for Michael. This movie is complete garbage. The few kills shown were in the trailer (of course) and 90% of them weren't even Michael. What a strange opening, we should feel sorry for the babysitter that turns murderer? Michael lives in the sewer? And goes after his mask that just happens to be at Laurie's house... he doesn't even know who she is. No one has ever said "this is that girl from 40 yrs ago" they just assume he is aware.
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