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Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated PG-13 for intense violent sequences throughout, some sexuality, language and smoking

Sex & Nudity

  • Silva caresses Bonds legs and chest while he's tied to a chair as an attempt to arouse him.
  • Bond a woman are completely naked caressing and making out heavily. Bond has her pressed up against a wall. Both of their naked bodies are completely obscured.
  • We see a woman in the shower. It is implied that she is completely naked but we do not see anything. Bond enters the shower and the two make out and caress each other. Sex is implied.
  • Severine's dress's show lots of cleavage in a few scenes.
  • The making out scenes only last 3-4 seconds.

Violence & Gore

  • Bond, surrounded by Silva's men, uses a gun he's holding and manages to shoot and kill all of them, except for Silva.
  • Most of the violence comes from shooting and very minimal stabbing, the shooting usually include a small blood mist along with a spray of the white-ish smoke that comes from the heat of the bullet and the shirt material.
  • Bond runs up, jumps through the air and kicks a man, breaking his neck and killing him.
  • Bond extracts the remnants of a bullet from his torso using a knife (some blood).
  • Bond engages in a fight with three bodyguards in a bar. One of them tackles Bond over the side of a small bridge which hovers over a Komodo dragon pit. the two fight inside the pit, and the man is then dragged away by a Komodo dragon (we see the bite wound and him being dragged away).
  • A woman is shot in the stomach and dies (offscreen, but the dead body is seen later).
  • Silva kills two guards (offscreen, bodies are shown briefly on the ground).
  • Silva leads some of his men dressed as police officers to a public inquiry in order to kill M. A shootout engages, police guards are shot and some people attending the inquiry are shot but no blood is shown.
  • A few dead bodies are shown at the start with bloody wounds/pools of blood.
  • A man opens his mouth and shows that all but two teeth in his upper jaw are fake and that his left jawbone is fake.
  • A character is shot in the head by a sniper. There is some brief blood spray.
  • Bond wrestles a gun off one of Silva's men and shoots the ice they are standing on into freezing cold water. Bond then strangles him underwater by getting him into a headlock in his leg.


  • 'Sh*t' is said five times.
  • Maybe 5 uses of 'God' and less uses of 'Christ'
  • 'F*cked this up' is said once.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Bond takes prescription pills, implied painkillers.
  • Bond drinks almost constantly in the Caribbean, and plays a drinking game at a bar involving a live scorpion at night.
  • Bond slaps cash on the bar in exchange for access to a bottle of liquor in the morning.
  • Bond accepts his trademark vodka martini, which he deems "perfect".
  • Medical tests reveal that Bond may be addicted to alcohol and other substances.
  • A girl is seen smoking for a very long time.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • When Bond enters the Tube, whilst struggling to get a door open, a Tube train approaches, and Bond manages to open the door just before the train passes by; tension increases in this scene.
  • Silva uses a detonator to send a "Not in Service" Tube train crashing into Bond; Bond narrowly escapes.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Bond chases Patrice through streets, and Patrice eventually gets onto a train. He fires at Bond as both men climb atop the moving train, and one of the bullets hits Bond, and some blood is seen. Bond commandeers a crane on the train and crashes it into the next car, and climbs across it to get to the next roof, where he and Patrice fight. Moneypenny tries to snipe Patrice, but accidentally hits Bond, who falls off the train and into water below.
  • Silva's armed men engage in a shootout with Bond, M and Kincade. Bond uses the Aston Martin's guns to shoot and kill some of Silva's men. The rest are shot otherwise but no blood is shown on any of the bodies. Silva and the rest of his men arrive in a helicopter causing much destruction, Skyfall blows up, ejecting shrapnel into the helicopter pilots and causing the helicopter to crash into Skyfall causing a huge explosion killing many of Silva's men.
  • Silva puts a gun to M's head and puts his head on the other side of her head and tells her to kill them both. She refuses to and Bond throws a knife into Silva's back. He dies from this.
  • M is shot during Silva's assault on Skyfall and dies from blood loss.
  • Bond and Patrice get into a fight inside a building, wrestling over a sniper rifle. The two are seen silhouetted, so most of the violence isn't actually seen. Patrice eventually falls out of a window and dies.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • M dies in Bond's arms, a very emotional scene.

See also

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