Upside-Down Magic (TV Movie 2020) Poster

(2020 TV Movie)

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risbyceonna27 February 2021
Honestly, it's a rip-off of Harry Potter. The plot was so predictable and the characters had cliche personalities and overall the message kinda sucked. I don't recommend. (This is my first bad review)
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Harry Potter Knock Off That's Decent For The Under 10 Crowd.
filmbuff-057061 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't see much advertisement for this movie, but some of my favorite Disney Channel stars heavily promoted it online so I thought-What the heck. I'll kill 103 minutes and see it. (Yes, 103, not 100 or 105 like most Disney Channel movies.) I personally thought it was okay, but I wouldn't see it again.

The movie follows 2 teen wizards- Nory and Reina, who are old enough to go to Magic School. Reina is put in the advanced classes, and Nora has to go to the Upside Down Magic classes. You see, Nora can turn into animals, but only odd ones, like a crossover between a cat and fire-breathing dragon. Because of this odd(and deemed dangerous) trait, she must do regular school work in a basement until her powers wear off and she can be expelled from the school. Believing in her powers, Nory convinces her class to stand up to her school and show what they are made of.

In one word, I thought this movie was okay. Not bad, but not good, just in the middle. There were engaging parts, and there were dull parts. However, I am 21 and this seemed to be geared towards kids under 10 years old. Single-digit aged kids should get a kick out of it, Double-digit aged kids will be mostly bored.

Now, you may say: "Well, you're 21 and this a Disney Channel Movie for kids." Yes, but there's quite a few DCMs that came out in my late teens and adulthood that I enjoyed very much- Kim Possible, Invisible Sister and Adventures In Babysitting among them. I actually own 2 of these on DVD! And growing up, past the aimed audience age, I have enjoyed movies like Lemonade Mouth, Camp Rock, and Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie. So the quality is not due to my age, it's due to how the demographic was focused on the kids and not the adults who may be watching. That within itself is not a bad thing, but that does limit your crowd and that's why my recommendation is quite marginal.

Another problem that I had was that this seemed to be a knock off of Harry Potter. Here's one example of many: you know how Hogwarts students go through Platform 9 3/4 by seeping through a brick wall? Going to the magic school Sage Academy is very similar, going through a tree or something similar. This again shows how unoriginal Disney has been lately-first with sequels, then with remakes, now with ripping off other properties.

The film was quite predictable as well. To give you one of many examples, it was clear early on that this movie was going to have a message of "be yourself" and words that cliché were used near the end. I think I rolled my eyes when that happened, along with a mental "I knew it."

So, yes, I found this dull, predictable, and unoriginal. But there were a few things I enjoyed about the movie:

For one thing, I recognized a few of the stars from the Disney shows that I watch- Siena Agudong and Max Torina were both guest stars from my favorite show, Sydney To The Max, and Ricardo Ortiz was in 2 episodes of Gabby Duran. These appearances made this film somewhat watchable. In fact, I wouldn't say that any of the actors were bad, just that their material was a bit lackluster.

Also, while I was often bored, I could tolerate the movie for about half the run-time. Considering that it was about 90 minutes without commercials, I enjoyed it for around 45 of them. However, at most, that's all I can say about the movie.

When I give a movie a 6/10, it's a negative review that means I didn't like it but a certain audience would like it better. As I mentioned, that would be kids under 10. If you are 11 or older, then this movie is not recommended to you. If you must see it with the intended audience, have your phone or something ready to use during the movie.

This is a magical film for kids, but the others will went to cast a spell on the 90 minutes they spent.

Reverse Recommendation: If you want a similar movie that's actually good, then I highly suggest seeing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Even if you have seen it, re-visiting it would be a better use of your time.

*If you enjoyed this review, please check out my others at or my old page at

Please note however that I review grown up movies as well, so be cautious as I discuss my thoughts on the content in some of these movies! Enjoy!
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Nothing Like the Books
h-s-contino21 December 2020
I was really excited when I heard they were making a movie based on the "Upside Down Magic" book series. But, whoever produced this film obviously never read the books. There are huge changes and none of them were good decisions. They didn't even get the 5 F's right... disappointing!
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Cringey all the way until the end
kiult27 June 2021
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I don't know about the book that everyone is talking about, but this movie is so bad.

Bad acting, cringey script, even the battle between the shadow monster near the end was bad.

On top of all that, I was very disappointed near the end where they face against the shadow witch. She was like," Oh look at my fire, you think that's powerful? I can do much more." When she transformed, she does nothing but stood there. She did not fly, disappear, or use anymore fireball. Nope, she just let the kids made a fool out of her.
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Good message
carling-820-54923117 September 2020
I thought this movie was pretty good. I like the message of "be the best version of yourself." These kids are outcasts but in the end turn out to be better than anyone realized. I have an autistic child and this message resonated with me for him. The story and characters were cute and it kept us engaged.
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Descendants Mix Up not Upside Down Magic
katiemeyers-8639014 August 2020
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In this movie Disney took the AMAZING book series Upside Down Magic and made it into Disney's Descendants movie it was just a mash up though.... Nory was not supposed to have a best named Raina (aka the person Disney made into Audrey) and it was all gone weird I mean what the heck is shadow magic where did they even get that?! Ok just imagine upside down Magic is a perfect ball of clay now Disney should have added a tiny touch but instead they completely smashed it then tried to build it back up! Trust me people the books are amazing! The movie was nothing like it! I would have rated it 0 if I could
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Not bad and fun movie for what it is
schinbeckler14 March 2021
I get it's not like the book, but on its own, it is a fun movie. All of my kids loved it, from 5 to 14. If you don't go in with any predetermined expectations, I believe you can enjoy it. All of the actors did a great job, the special effects were actually pretty good for a non-hollywood blockbuster with a huge budget. I really like the UDM teacher. He really helped to make the movie enjoyable.
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Nothing like the book
elizabethhaddix18 September 2020
I can get why they didn't make it like the book but at least make a bit similar to it, make the plot lines similar or something, i absolutely despise this movie if 2nd grade me saw this they would be so sad because of how much of a disappointment this movie is. If you like this movie what is wrong with you. Even the characters are nothing like how they were in the books, you can picture Elliot as some cool dude not some weird idiot. you can picture Andres as a nerd with no control over anything but again in the movie they make him into some perfect boy who ends up with the main character. Oh and don't get me started with all the character that were cut, All of the characters were cut except Nora Andres, Elliot and Pepper. and they turn the nice inspiring teacher into the opposite of what she was a boy who is janitor who puts the students down on their weird magic instead of putting them up.
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ashinarawat26 April 2021
Great story for children below 12.

Shows the ups and downs in friendship,loving yourself.
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Absolute garbage.
DarlingLlama4 August 2020
The writing was horrible, characters kept changing behaviors and failed to be consistent, the directing was awful and ruined several opportunities for great humor.

It was a waste of time with a two dimensional antagonist, an annoying protagonist and meaningless supporting cast. An overall complete waste of time and thoroughly predictable.

Would have been more exciting to watch a daytime soap opera, than this drivel. Playing in heavy traffic with leg weights on would've been more enjoyable.
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Great movie with super important message!
einaveavni15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is seriously fantastic! It teaches kids they don't need to change who they are to fit in with the rest, but rather to connect and be the best they can be of who they already are! Watched this movie with my 10 year old daughter and we loved every minute of it. It was funny, it was scary and it was a feel-good movie that we totally enjoyed!

Loved it and loved the message it sends out!
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fine Disney TV movie
SnoopyStyle31 December 2020
Best friends Nory and Reina are excited to go to magic school, Sage Academy for Magical Studies. The students are divided into five classes depending on their magical abilities. Reina is a fire starter and joins the Flare class. Nory transforms into animals which means that she is supposed to join the Fluxer class. She cannot hold onto a single shape and is instead sent to Upside-Down Magic. She joins three other misfits who cannot do their abilities in a traditional way. They are expected to wear down their magic until they can return to the world as nobodies.

I actually like this Disney TV movie for kids. The message is good. The kids are good and sweet. The production is fine for a TV movie. I don't know anything about the books and I don't want to know. It's fine. It's very fine.
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Rena242 August 2020
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Just What are these people trying to teach the children of this generation!!!. Garbage Garbage Garbage!!!. The whole mantra of this move is "Just be yourself" and flush the morals and ethics into the toilet. Ya right ! be yourself even if you feel like you are a psychopath is fine!!!. Please don't teach the children what to think, but teach them how to think and Lay foundations of good morals and ethics and life skills. it saddens me to see movies like this now a days.
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Nothing at all like the books
laurasmall-7249511 October 2020
My son and I are huge fans of the books and was expecting so much more from this I only gave it a 3 because my son still enjoyed parts of the movie but for me it was a huge disappointment They missed out several important characters, the fact Nory went to live with her aunt and also changed some characters powers completely For me it was a complete let down when it had so much potential to be something special
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Great Movie!
alicestephens-3889420 December 2020
When I first saw the trailer I thought "ugh. Just a Disney Harry Potter knock off" but then I tried the movie and it was nothing like Harry Potter! I have watched this movie twice because I enjoyed it so much! The 2nd time I showed my mom and she enjoyed it too! I would suggest it to ages under 14ish.
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Great message
tomfrawley-4942918 September 2020
It's great what this book/movie is trying to teach the children of this generation. The whole mantra of this move is self acceptance and finding your own power especially for kids who might not fit in or have learning disabilities. Teaches acceptance and tolerance and Lays foundations of good morals and ethics and life skills. it gladdens me to see movies like this now a days.
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questioncomics23 November 2021
My friend was an extra and said it was the worst experience of his life, People got heat stroke. Boooooo, big sad :(. The story is also very generic and the film was not that fun.
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Fun movie for the family to watch
kali_vaa31 May 2021
I should start by saying we haven't read any of the books. My 7 year old son picked this one to watch and we all enjoyed it. I was hesitant because of all of the low ratings, but they all say it's not as good as the books. So thanks to all the haters, we'll have to start reading them!
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Slandered a great story, heres why
liliromanski3 March 2021
The book series of upside down magic was one of my favorites in elementary school. i own all three books and have read them each several times and let me tell you that this movie slandered them so hard it was able to dissapoint me in the first minute and 30 seconds. thw world its set in is entirely different, they changed one of the powers(flickers are supposed to have invisibility, not telekenisis), added a character out of the blue, completely cut 3/4 of the upside down class, and two of the four characters in the class had their powers changed or altered. my girl pepper was ROBBED of her fury status, and where was the happy teacher we were supposed to have for the upside down class?? also the principal in the books was related to Nory (her father i think) she had several siblings, and in the movie she is an only child and the principal is just an as***le!!!!!! i wanted the fun worldwidw magic school story, not this dystopian secret hogwarts school bullcrap.
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Magic but like really specific
arbukle-john4 June 2022
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Within the first 10 minutes we learn that's shapeshifter, fire benders, then rock movers, and people that can fly.. what about every other ability?! No?

Okay .. so then you're going to make the main character a failure and have them go to "failures class" and her best friend, who is also a failure, gets to go to top class but isn't worthy so she cheats and ends up being the bad guy.

Worst straight to Disney I've seen in a while.
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Hollywood in its biggest crisis
danieln-1552515 August 2020
Hollywood is in its biggest crisis in history. Awful movies one by one, awful music, bad TV shows. They started taking other people's ideas, from books. Even when the script is given to them, they still do a bad job. Such a Failed industry.
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Strong personal message among good performances.
mmevanille-5309727 December 2020
Cute and with a good message for the 8-13 or so age group.

Unfortunately some genres on imdb get rated lower than they deserve, and children/teen content is one of them. I dare anyone who rates this lower than a 4 to write good content for someone of this target age group. Most negative reviews are reviewed from a critical and authoritarian style adult prejudice. Reviews for tween content need to be written from that perspective and target audience in mind.

And from that perspective this is very good content. The performances from a young cast are impeccable. The story is compelling and interesting. The CGI is believable. It is a bit like Harry Potter in a way, so point off for unoriginality, but it does have a more personalized message about self acceptance and self improvement.

I wouldn't hesitate showing someone of that target audience this film. 9/10
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brookeacurtis7 September 2020
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I wonder why Disney is downgrading in movies and television series so much.
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Boring repetition
bahera-seddek93124 August 2020
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A repeat of Harry Potter's novel, but the bad copy, why insist on imitating the novel
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pierceavalonhiggins1 August 2020
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I feel that it didn't breakout of its comfort zone, followed the grammatical path, we need to breakout of the ways taught to us by the common english professors, in order to achieve true write, or rites; there's power to the notion, the color, the fancy things, the things that Disney does so well; I still watch Disney, have been for my whole life, I want to say, more specifically: to not follow the herd, so here goes; (the absolute value of 100) = (the absolute value of 1) : if 1 equals the "standard" that my the absolute values of my said "ego" in which, is quadrilaterally proving its merits, says its ultimate reality of form, at Disney's level of relaxed expertise, then this film, in terms of what Disney can do, is simply going through the motions....but let's break out of the standards and have fun with it.
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