Warehouse 13 (TV Series 2009–2014) Poster


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What a great show and suited to all ages
tsruss8 February 2010
What a great piece of work. Its just fun and entertaining - no in-depth stories, no deep meanings, nothing to do but watch and enjoy.

My wife and I like it (50s), my children enjoy it (20s and 30s) and their kids enjoy it (6 - 12). Anyone else that has sen it raves about it as well. What more could you want!

Nice escapism after a day at work. I can't wait for the next series to come out.

I recommend this to anyone, sci-fi fans or not. It has adventure, humour, no bad language, nothing too risqué for the kids but a strong enough storyline to keep the adults on board as well as the kids.
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Lite, entertaining supernatural puzzler
Rabh1729 September 2009
Now a lot of, I suspect, younger reviewers are slamming this show as a X-Files wanna-be. And other are unfairly comparing this one to "Fringe", which I LOVE BTW.

But Warehouse 13 occupies a lighter plane. Pete & Myka are NOT Mulder & Scully, and I do NOT want a repeat of that dark, tortuous, and frankly 'too-full-of-themselves' conspiracy skulduggery.

There's NO Dark conspiracy here-- just a mysterious organization that's trying to keep all the strange and powerful 'Objects' in a safe place where they can do no harm. The Fun is watching the two agents bounce off each other as they try and figure out the puzzle of WHAT the 'Object' is and how to Counter-act it. Sometimes, the hunt is serious-- but never Dark and bloody. Other times, the hunt is light and comical. And the episodes waver back and forth, giving the viewer a range of emotional impact-- but never too deep or too hilarious. It keeps a side of Serious without going too heavy for too long-- and yes-- they always pull through at the end-- and hello folks, that what most of Network TV shows are about. Because that's what most People really want when they turn on their TV after a Long hard day at work. Don't knock it.

And unlike a lot of current Sci-Fi shows (And here I also include Fringe) Warehouse is all about the fact that 'Mysteries' and 'Mythical Objects of Power' exist; but there is NO attempt to studiously explain the WHY or HOW. They just exist, and they can cause wonder, havoc, terror and joy-- but they all tend to have a Price.

And the Warehouse Organization is itself a seeming Mystery in and of itself. It seems to be OLDER than the US Gov't for one. And its Principals-- like Mrs. Fredrick seem to be 'Unexplainables' themselves.

For me-- Mrs. Fredricks is a gem of a character. She exudes gravitas. She's Utterly Unflappable and fundamentally dowdy like a Cast-Iron Grandma. Just don't be so foolish as to expect her to kiss you goodnight before you go to bed. Like Pete says: "She could just Glare you to death."

And she NEVER seems to WALK anywhere. She and her Bodyguard just APPEAR. But the DOOR never moves. That's a Nice touch.

Besides, Warehouse could be classified as an entertaining Family Show. Fringe is NOT for Kids. And X-Files is in a class by itself.

Take this show at it's own worth.
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What has happened to this once entertaining series?
PlatoSays29 May 2013
I've watched the entire run so far and after a good beginning, what has happened to it? By S4 mid-point, its turned into the most dreadful, ham-acted, soap opera where the artifact mysteries are largely overwhelmed by the childish acting - especially Pete who appears to have gone from being slightly immature macho man to an emotional 7yrs old. He reminds me a lot of Seeley Booth in Bones on a bad acting day.

Even Myky is suffering from the same affliction - she was the sensible one and now is hyper/silly girl which doesn't sit well. These two are meant to be top notch Secret Service agents in their late 20s for heaven's sake, not Buffy extras.

I can only assume the writing team has changed, or the producers are aiming at a younger/less demanding demographic. Whatever is going on - I certainly won't be tuning in to see the rest of S4 if it carries on like this.

What a pity.
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Fun Fast-Paced Action/Comedy Show
freema78-159-51663813 September 2011
I always look forward to watching Warehouse 13. It's a mix of adventure, mystery, and comedy, with elements of X-Files, Fringe, Moonlighting, The Librarian, 24, and Unsolved Mysteries.

It's refreshing that they don't take themselves too seriously, and yet it's filled with fast-paced action and dialogue, and a great variety of characters. The discussions about the artifacts are always interesting and comical. The actors are awesome, eg., chemistry between Pete and Myka is excellent (even if Jack's dialogue is occasionally a bit juvenile - they need to fix that), and Claudia and Artie are wonderful. Mrs. Frederic and HG Wells also add some depth, although it would be nice if they did more with Leena.

Really, I don't know why this wasn't picked up by a mainstream network, because we need more shows like this.
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Give it a chance
heymikeymo8 July 2009
I watched the pilot and Warehouse 13 has all the elements you would want in a good science fiction series. There is the endless room of gadgets and trinkets so who knows what they could find. There is a story for each character, with a history that is slowly to be revealed. Its possible to have a new twist every week which is all you ask for. Its well written and the characters are likable. And there is comedy and snappy dialogue to make it a touch edgy. I especially liked the offer of cookies to come inside the warehouse. The main character, who is a first leery, jumps right at that in a very funny way. If you liked the X-Files weirdness and Eureka's comedy, this is for you.
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This was the creme de la creme weird fun series...
bheadher15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It made it to 5 seasons, and should have been 'fixed' for a few more years...I always loved the steam punk flavor of the warehouse itself, and the old sometimes ancient artifacts were usually super...it was a fun series that tried to make sense of all the weird stuff that goes on around the world, with mostly wel written scripts and great FX improvisation...I miss the suspence frankly...
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classicmomentsvp2 January 2023
We binged this show and found it to be extremely entertaining. The concept is similar to "The Librarians" which is another fun show to binge.

I just read online that there may be a reboot of the series which I hope is true. Yes its corny and unbelievable but at least you don't have to worry about "F" bombs and other adult maturity scenes which makes it very family friendly for all ages.

If you truly enjoy the show and want to see a reboot in the future, post your ratings and/or give a nice review.

Sometimes silliness and make-believe takes away the stress of everyday life so shows like this just lets you laugh and be entertained :)
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A new favorite of mine
Zen4167 September 2010
SyFy (nee "The SciFi Channel") can usually be counted on to air some pretty interesting series; everything from humorous scifi light (Eureka for instance) to the darker, intense stuff (Battlestar Galactica and it's spin off, Caprica). I would definitely put "Warehouse 13" into the previous category rather than the latter. It's a cool quirky series that knows how to have fun with it's six primary, very different, series regulars. Saul Rubinek's Artie Nielsen, who acts as a sort of curator to the warehouse is the gruff, often exasperated anchor point to the rest of the crew and I have to admit: I wasn't crazy about his character at first but he really grew on me. He's kind of like that grouchy uncle you have that really has a heart of gold underneath. C. C. H. Pounder (as regent Mrs. Frederic) is one of those powerful actors who plays such a strong but subtle role brilliantly. Love seeing her on the little screen after such an amazing amount of varied roles on both the tube and the silver screen. The whole cast is a nice mish-mash of personalities that compliment one another but I have to admit a growing favorite of mine is Allison Scagliotti's "Claudia Donovan", who's funny, bright, endearing and occasionally flawed which makes her all the more likable. She winds up getting into some seriously funny messes that require the leads (an equally humorous Eddie McClintock and perfect straight-man Joanne Kelly as agents Lattimer and Bering) to bail her out. The weekly series always has some really cool artifact that belonged to some famous historical figure that wields some kind of science-bending power to it and the leads are tasked with retrieving said artifacts without getting themselves killed or some such other disaster. This show is good and it's getting better with every new episode (thanks to excellent writing) and it's definitely worth checking out if you're not already a fan.
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Started out well
SanteeFats7 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this series from the pilot on. I really liked the first couple of seasons but things started to go south in my opinion after that. The plots got kind of weird with Arty using an artifact to bring s dead agent back to live and then he went bonkers for a few episodes, killing Lena, my favorite secondary character, until Claudia stabs him with another artifact thereby bringing him back from the precipice. Now that Arty has returned to the land of the living and things are more or less back to normal. I feel the series is losing its direction of the first couple of seasons. It was funny, interesting, and different than typical syfy shows. It still has a lot of the same stuff but I can't put my finger on it but I am not as enchanted with it as I was. I very much liked the addition of Claudia, she brings youth, humor and even sexy to the show, plus she is the tech guru that gives Arty the business from time to time. I will probably keep watching but this show is not the show I originally saw.
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Pretty good show
kmustain3630 December 2009
This show reminds me of the old "Friday the Thirteenth" television show, where two young adults are tasked with locating possessed items that cause problems and lead to the deaths of innocent victims and users of the items. Although this show does remind me of that dark and sinister show, "Warehouse" has a lighter agenda and makes for a well developed television show. I also have to mention that the special effects for a show that appears to have a decent operating budget are pretty good for a weekly television show. The characters are very deep and keep you wanting to learn more about their pasts. If the show does not get canceled, I plan on watching this show on a weekly basis. Thumbs up to SYFY in their new format on a very good and well thought out show.
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Fun show with great chemistry
SnoopyStyle13 May 2014
Pete Lattimer (Eddie McClintock) and Myka Bering (Joanne Kelly) are a couple of agents from the US Secret Service. They get assigned by the mysterious Mrs Frederic (CCH Pounder) to a secret location in South Dakota. There is a warehouse run by Artie Nielsen (Saul Rubinek) filled with powerful supernatural objects. These artifacts are everywhere. Warehouse agents have gone out to retrieve and safely store them since ancient times. This is the 13th incarnation of the warehouse in a long line of warehouses. Claudia (Allison Scagliotti) is a girl whose life has always intersected with the warehouse.

This is a fun little sci-fi TV series. The idea of objects with power is pretty fun although it's nothing new. Quite frankly, the warehouse reminded me so much of the Indiana Jones warehouse originally. There are a lot of fun little gadgets like the Tesla gun. More than the fun objects, it's the fun chemistry of the group. They have a good family vibe to them. Eddie and Joanne have a great back and forth. The show is great whenever they riff on each other.
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It's 2022
michaelbattista27 September 2022
Simply put bring the show back. Bring back the basic stories with average people and throw in the occasional baddie but don't drag that out too far.

People are crying about Pete but he was just a goofball who ultimately had a real heart not only for others but the warehouse.

Don't think Joanna Kelly would come back but a older more mature Lattermore will suffice for the crying people saying he's a child or disrespectful to woman.

There's a place for Artie and Jenks.

We need a show like this especially after all that we have been through.

Quantum Leap came back and so can Warehouse 13 !!!!!!!
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Started strong with original cast....
prc541-130-87175411 August 2022
Quirky original series are always my go to genre. Enjoyed this show immensely until Claudia entered the lineup. The original cast was great and getting better as the series gained momentum. The newcomer Claudia's character just overwhelmed the others and I was turned off. Tried intermittently to watch by skipping the shows she was in to no avail since she became a permanent fixture. Cannot watch Alison S in anything again.
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A Series that could have been.
jeffsingletary25 February 2020
Most of the comments are spot on.

It is sci-fi. There are going to be similar themes between other shows. So I throw the 'wanna be' comments aside. The show stands on its own.

The show did deteriorate as it went on. Myka and Pete became cartoonish. It declined from lite and entertaining, which I quite enjoyed, to being foolish.

There are bright moments when the characters are engaging. You care for them. That, for me, is the hallmark of any good show. As noted in other reviews it became soap opera-ish.

I did not find it good viewing for kids. I am a traditional guy. The gayness, the let's shack up together view of relationships, unmarried sex, and sperm donor story lines are not family friendly.
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A Whole Lotta Fun!
mikeww-643097 May 2023
If you are seeking a show that has a mix of science fiction, supernatural and comedy with a slice of CSI this show is for you. Nothing is too serious except the entertainment value. This is one show I looked forward to watching week after week for pure fun. There was usually one or two underlying stories from episode to episode as well as an individual story each episode so you felt like something was resolved every show which was nice. No show is perfect and at times Pete's adolescent outlook could get annoying but for the most part provided good humour and the show could drift into a thoughtful serious reflection in his relationship with Myka and his life experiences previous to his current agent job. The last episode was an excellent wrap up and they could have taken an easy recap way out but they put time and effort into the writing introducing new snippets of memories that were not in the episodes.

There needs to be more shows like this to bring back the fun to watching TV. Overall I give the show an 8...high in entertainment value, Seasons 1-3, 8.0-9, Season 4, 7-7.5, Season 5, 8.0 Enjoy.
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OperaTarte1 October 2022
Re-discovered this 'minor-masterpiece' of fun & originality when the Sci=Fi channel ran it for an entire month this summer. I didn't quite realize how badly originality, creativity & fun without compromising essence - had devolved in both TV & films. Nothing in it to make bristle any PC devotees - Warehouse 13 has substance - *translated* - it is ENTERTAINING. Being a history buff helps, but the episodes can also instigate interest in every subject imaginable. In its own way - it teaches in the most inobtrusive way. Please bring it back. If L&O can attempt a come-back & fall flat on its proverbial once good reputation - Warehouse 13 is a definite A+!
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The show seems familiar to me.
nkuhn72112 August 2009
This comment may have been made already but, does anyone else see how much this show is a lot like Friday the 13th: The TV series? I loved that show when it was on so i'm really enjoying Warehouse 13 but i was curious if it was just me. Of course, the set up is different but the whole cursed objects and having to retrieve them is dead on. I do like the government connection since i was a big fan of X-files! Hopefully this show will win viewers and we will be able to keep another good one on the air for a change, i'm just sick of the reality shows for now. Anyway, I plan to continue watching since they really aren't any other good shows on at the moment.
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Warehouse 13 - oddities conjure humour, wonderment and the profound.
cirqus-214 October 2009
What a surprising little gem Warehouse 13 has turned out to be. I feel the creative team in control have only just begun tapping into the almost limitless supply of stories available to them with this cracking premise they have conjured. Not surprising really as one of the show's creators is Jane Espenson who wrote some of the best and funniest of Joss Whedon's episodes for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly.

In Warehouse 13, two agents find themselves in charge of a top secret warehouse that holds some of the worlds most troublesome and in many cases dangerous objects collected over time. Teamed with the curator of Warehouse 13 and an enigmatic local bed and breakfast owner, the two agents scour the world looking to retrieve, find, and trap the worlds most unique objects, in the hope of safeguarding the planet. Will this be in vane or will they indeed maintain a long time, century's old equilibrium? We can only wait and see.

The fun part of this show is most assuredly with the two leads Myka Bering (Joanne Kelly) and Pete Lattimer (Eddie McClintock) who have a wonderfully playful relationship with each other without the complications of a 'Will they won't they?' subtext. Surrounded with enough warehouse curiosities that allow for humour, wonderment and profound seriousness the show holds it's own with many in the same genre and while the show is still in it's infancy I feel it has established a solid enough first season to warrant a follow up.

That said with the amount of high concept TV out there, Warehouse 13 will probably have to tread more serious ground for the next season, and perhaps inject a more maturing seasonal arc if it is to sustain itself for a longer run on network television.

While I enjoyed the first season I will say there was little tension and certainly the sense of danger to the characters was never quite realised enough for me to worry about anyone or the predicaments they found themselves in. However the number of clever and quirky objects conceived by the writers to further the narrative was fascinating and always a delight.

All told this sits very nicely with shows like Eureka, Reaper and the earlier seasons of Supernatural.

Looking forward to Season Two.
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A hidden jewel, discovered.
CrewChiefW011 July 2010
A nice mix of X-files, Fringe, Supernatural and the Carol Burnett Show. The actors seem to share a chemistry and have sufficient depth for a Syfy series to draw me in. The special effects are not overused, considering the subject, and the sprinkling of personal stories add to, rather than subtract from the overall storyline. I call it a success, and eagerly anticipate the second season. I have not bought any Television series on DVD, but this one does tempt, does it not? X-files it's not, but neither does it take itself so seriously, for which I give it a hearty thumbs-up! Enjoy, and next time, you bring the popcorn!
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Love/hate relationship
GMGoodwrenchGirl4 January 2020
Rarely have I run across a show with which I have had such a love/hate relationship. This was one of those shows.

It's supposed to be a little quirky and funny mixed in with sci-fi weirdness, detective work and action, and it manages to marry all these ideas in a really entertaining way.

I totally loved the characters of Pete, Artie and Mrs. Frederick. I didn't dislike the others...they just drove me nuts.

Seriously, if this combo of people were in charge of something like Warehouse 13 in real life, we would have all been dead a long time ago. To have agents who are supposed to be uber-intelligent and the "best of the best", they sure did turn their backs on the bad guys a lot to consult with each other...letting the bad guys slip away or allowing them to perform another nefarious act. Made me want to scream. However, if the warehouse had been staffed with real pros, there wouldn't have been a show, or at least not an hour's worth.

Also want to add that you could make a drinking game from this...every time Myka says "Peeete?". There wouldn't be a sober person left in the room.

I don't know how they did it, but they managed to successfully make a super-irritating, super-likeable show, and I watched every season.
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An Honest Review
generationofswine8 January 2019
Like "Eureka" it's simply a fun science-fiction show, however this one with a sort of "X-Files" meets "Friday the 13th the Series" twist to it.

It was great for what it was, but if it stuck around a bit longer it could have developed a serious mythology behind it and been an excellent slice of science fiction.

In any case, it's not as pure science-fiction as it's sister show, but only because it has more of an adventure vibe to it. However, it is just as light hearted and just as fun.

And that is really the point, it was made to be a fun show and nothing more, nothing too deep, nothing too dark, just entertaining fun.
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Seen whole on one swipe and... downhill slide.. :(
Especially due to the end series where the writers inability to think and make it for dumb audience I rate the whole W13 as 7/10.

When you watching the show which starts with brilliant storyline, catchy and really clever premises you hang on it but then the reality and lack of imagination and even shortcuts and inconsistency between the story writers show up and spoil the whole thing.

Beginning was really nice, the characters with soul and written with consistent behavior and development of relationship. The snag bag tag premise is clever and nice. Later in show obviously was main to write as many interesting stories and sub plots as possible, so you see characters being quite out of characters. Mainly you realize that clever and professional people doing the most dumbest things, security on anything is irrelevant and where debronzing for example after 100 years mean 24 hours at minimum without light and person is very exhausted, in series 4 debronzing 400 years old "patient" means nothing and he immediately acting..

So after beginning of series 3 and except some brilliant and good parts later on you may take it as fast slide to below average US low TV intelligence show where clever people acting like a bunch of idiots just to not complicate too much creation of story and progress the show...

Really pity, one of favorite shows which ended obvious money grabbing machinery to produce as much possible against the quality...
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Endless Wonder
hiphopredaj6 February 2021
This show toes the line between historical facts and Sci-Fu in a great way. They will show items that (in the show) were owned by historical figures and they will put a sort of Sci-Fi twist on it. They will give a upside and a downside to the item that is somewhat relevant to the item owned by them.

Another thing the show does well is they give all the characters a big, beautiful, and strong character arc. Each character has a really strong moment that give the actor playing them a moment to show their passion and love they have for the character. I think that the way the incorporate something about the actors' life into their characters is beautiful.

I highly recommend this show to anyone. It truly has something for everyone! It is a show with "Endless Wonder"!
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This WAS an 9 but they had to change their dynamic.
Poppycorn14429 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show along with it's universe mate Eureka, but it plummeted in my estimation by pairing up Pete and Myka in the final season.

I can't even watch those episodes because they're so wrong. They had a solid brainy sister, annoying yet intuitive brother relationship and they torpedoed it. I still don't understand why they thought that was a good idea.

In my mind that bit of crazy never happened.
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Interesting concept that rapidly went downhill
dinalt102 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Was an interesting concept (albeit not wholly original), and started really strongly.

The cast was solid, and there were some excellent performances in the main.

But what the hell happened to some characters throughout the series ? Pete went from a secret service/ex marine to a whiny 5 year old throughout the series.

The last season was the worst for Pete, where he became positively irritating - maybe the script writers wanted him to become like a 'xander' style character a la Buffy. But whereas xander grew and developed, Pete seemed to regress to childhood - in no way someone you'd want anywhere near the worlds most dangerous things.

Gets a 5 from me as the first few seasons were good. After that, the focus shifted to the characters which was a shame - as they weren't well developed at all.

I know some would want it back. For me though, leave it finished - a show that's kind of fun for a while, but ultimately goes nowhere.
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