Above Suspicion (TV Series 2009–2012) Poster


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This franchise has run out of a bit of steam
Sleepin_Dragon26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite positive in my reviews of the first two entries, but this third one I found a little tough to get through. Firstly, I am quite surprised to see that she has shot up the ranks, and is now a DI, a DI that still has a lack of knowledge in so many areas. She's the same rank as Morse!! I think not.

As for the story itself, you can definitely see it's from the pen of LaPlante, it somehow feels a little unoriginal, I feel like we've been here before, several times over. I did get a little confused with it in parts.

No quibble in terms of the acting, great performances all round, even Ciaran Hinds, who I'm not always the biggest fan of is rather good, he and the delightful Kelly Reilly combine really well.

Not brilliant, but watchable, and engaging enough to keep your interest.

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I actually like Kelly Reilly
blanche-220 June 2014
Laura LaPlante has written many excellent scripts for British television, notably Prime Suspect and one of my favorites, the 1992 version of "Framed." Here she gives us "Above Suspicion," starring Kelly Reilly and Ciaran Hinds. The story arcs are done in a series of episodes -- the first story, about a serial killer, guest-starred Jason Durr in a fantastic performance, and the second story concerned someone who was copying the Black Dahlia murders. It was so interesting to me that the British detectives had never heard of the Black Dahlia, which in America is a famous case.

These episodes are pretty graphic. Kelly Reilly, as a woman in a man's world has a lethargic way about her, giving the impression that she can't do her job. I think this is an acting choice. - quiet, obedient, but resourceful and smart. It's not a particularly well-written role. Reilly is gorgeous, with striking coloring and a beautiful figure, and very intense eyes that seem to bore into the various characters. The script seems to depend a lot on the camera work, with her in closeup. The role definitely could be stronger.

Ciaran Hinds plays the somewhat unpleasant boss. He does a good job, almost too good because I really don't care for him.

Good enough that I would watch another episode if one came out on Netflix.
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Entertaining murder mystery
Tweekums26 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When film star Amanda Delany is found murdered it isn't long before DI Anna Travis, DCS James Langton and the team are on the case. As is usual there are plenty of suspects and more than one possible motive; Amanda was no stranger to the tabloids because of her varied love life, it soon becomes apparent that she used drugs and she is keeping a diary with the intent of publishing it. As the investigation continues more people start to die; suggesting it might have something to do with her past rather than more recent events. Away from the investigation there is tension in the team as Langton is convinced that one of his team leaked information about a botched operation which cost him his promotion.

This was another enjoyable story in Linda La Plante's latest Franchise; it might not match 'Prime Suspect' but it is still pretty good. This is largely down to Ciarán Hinds portrayal of the gruff DCS Langton and his chemistry with Kelly Reilly's DI Travis. There are enough suspects and motives and a few twists to keep the viewer guessing till the end… always good in a mystery!
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Sick of gratuitous violence against women
correll-662947 September 2017
I actually like the cast of this series and I might have given it an 8 if it wasn't for the sickening and gratuitous violence against women. Men don't get murdered anymore or mutilated women is just too inviting. So sick of the lack of imagination and total reliance on sex and violence.
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Lose the creepy 'love interest' angle
nat_mt10 April 2021
I quite liked this show and I am a fan of British murder mysteries. However I am not a fan of the creepy older man in a superior position of power over a subordinate, younger female employee (very inappropriate). It is particularly creepy that he was friends with her father and may have known her as a child. Why on earth would an attractive young woman be attracted to an elderly gentleman in that way?! Yes I understand the father figure aspect, but why make it sexual?! Just another show where they pair younger female actors with much older male actors- just stop. If it wasn't for that I enjoyed this show the 3rd one deadly intent was the most boring, the other 3 were generally entertaining.
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Jason Durr made this. What a brilliant performance
Rhysoedwards5 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must say, that Above Suspicion was very good and very entertaining.

It was reasonably disturbing, frightening, humorous, dramatic and gripping all at the same time. I have not read the books, so my opinion of this adaption may be false, yet i see no strong fault in this TV drama at all! I was a little confused by how the main character Travis was portrayed, as for the woman who is supposed to be the star of the show, it wasn't shown particularly well, neither by the writers or the actress.

In fact, the star of the show was Jason Durr with his complex rising actor abused by his mother and the prostitutes that occupied the brothel she ran when he was a child. Even before the interview sequence where the horrid maniac that his character turns out to be is revealed he is still the most watchable actor in the entire show.

Trually a talented man on a very good drama.


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good start, creepy uncle vibe
SnoopyStyle24 August 2016
Anna Travis (Kelly Reilly) is a new police detective. Her first day does not go well as a decomposing body is discovered. Her new boss DCI Langton (Ciarán Hinds) is her late father's mate. The dead woman is related to a whole series of dead women and a possible serial killer. American acting star Alan Daniels becomes the prime suspect. She begins a relationship with him and also investigates him.

This starts well with an adorable Reilly stumbling through her first day. Hinds is a great mentor character. These two characters have the potential for building a great police procedural. There is no mystery with only one main suspect. The other problem is that Anna goes from zero to a hundred in a flash. She's completely incompetent in the first ten minutes and she quickly turns into one of the best detectives. The show is over-extended and the flirtations between Travis and Langton are really creepy considering his relationship with her. He's basically a creepy uncle. It would be better to eliminate his connection to her father.
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Rookie versus would-be retiree
Dr_Coulardeau25 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A typical British detective story series in Liverpool, we assume at least it is there, though it could be any British city indeed, since the only distinctive sign we are in Great Britain is that cars run on the left. The two main detectives, an older man at the end of his career waiting for his last promotion before retiring, and a young woman, a rookie some call her, who is the daughter of another criminal investigator who had been the colleague of the first detective in this series. I would regret the older one is too much centered on his last promotion in his career, and the younger one is too much centered on going as fast as she can in her career to reach the level her father had reached before everyone can wink an eyelid closed and open in a jiffy.

Apart from that the murders are absolutely gruesome though we are not shown the real details. The murders are horrible because the victims are in a way or another obnoxious and their death has to be a retaliation and a sort of revenge all the murderers get from or on the victims. Then the investigations are rather simple, for us the audience, since we know practically from the start who did it and the only small details missing concern the motivations of the murderers. The murderers are above suspicion, not because they are not persons of interest, but because they are in a social position that makes them totally untouchable, except maybe in the last story where all those who should have been the killers are proved not to be, though they had all the reasons and motivations in the world to do it.

So you will follow the stories and enjoy the stampeding rhythm of the investigations and you will sigh with relief at the end, more or less, rather more than less, satisfied in your expectations, at least I hope so. I must admit the general accent is more northern than standard British per se, and it is not always easy to catch. Entertaining though it does not remap our social or cultural consciousness.

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...there's one that keeps you interested, but what they did with her is not enough
bjarias19 July 2016
There are so many series just like this one.. so why watch. Most times because you come across characters that grab you and you want to know more... story-line, if not terrible is secondary. Problem is in this series no one grabs you. Yes, the attractive redhead is a major draw, and had they given her some more 'life' it might have drawn us in to a much greater degree. But here you have one of the most sensual actors very near her prime, and that attraction is almost totally wasted. Sure they were going for reality, but in real life that's pretty boring. Add some human interest drama into the mix and you have a completely different dynamic. Not to say it would be anywhere near a guaranteed hit, but it would have had a much greater shot at being more interesting.
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It's a shame that the reviewers have not read the book???
rosati221 September 2020
I just finished the first of four episodes. For those that have read Above Suspicion the tv series is very true to the book. And I think the book was very good to excellent.

I also think reviewers are making an unfair comparison with Prime Suspect and Helen Mirren. This is clearly unique and Lynda LaPlante's masterpiece - both the book and the tv series that closely reflects the book.

The Detective Tennison books and series are not only superb but unique. Yet it is very different than the Detective Travis books and series which is also very well done and very, very good.

Unlike almost all the reviewers I highly recommend both, but one must realize that that the Travis series is not a sequel to Jane Tennison, is very different, but also quite good, if not excellent. It would be nice if reviewers both watched the series and read the books as well.
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Not bad at all.
Sleepin_Dragon20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it tried to be Prime Suspect, and whilst it didn't hit those dizzy heights, it still made for really entertaining TV. Even though it's only a few years back (it's now 2009) it seems like dramas back then were far more gruesome, gory and designed to just plain shock, they were all at it, Waking the Dead, Wire in the Blood, Silent Witness, the latter possible the worst offender.

Back to Above Suspicion, the story is solid, nothing really original I guess, what made it different I guess was Kelly Reilly, fresh faced, strikingly pretty, and just different somehow, wonderfully talented. I wouldn't say I've always been the biggest fan of Ciarán Hinds, but he's very good in this, Shaun Dingwall is fun as always, but it's Jason Durr that steals the show, what a wasted, underused talent he is, very capable, very handsome, no reason for him not to be better known.

Still waiting for 'Tennyson' the story of a young Jane, we're being starved of LaPlante dramas.

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One of the best
Cindy-Marie-1253 February 2022
VERY well made. Nice twists, not too predictable.

Suspense.... And the attraction between Langton ans Travis..... Love this !

Too bad there were only 4 seasons.
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Better than some, but misses more than it hits
musickrev26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ciarán Hinds is one of those actors I always enjoy watching, and he does a good job here. The problem is that the setup - particularly the sexual interplay between Hinds' character, DCS Langton and Kelly Reilly's DI Travis - lacks conviction. The supporting actors are good and the stories are the usual twisting and turning plots. Some quite gory, some more convincing than others. Direction is a bit patchy with a sense that Kelly Reilly was left adrift. At least the soundtrack is refreshingly low in overused ambient pad washes. It could have been really good, but it didn't really pull together. A shame, but I've seen worse.
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Still not doing much for me
TheLittleSongbird23 May 2016
As a fan of mystery/detective dramas, 'Above Suspicion' is yet to grip me. It is not a terrible series and does have its good points, but has several big flaws. So far "Deadly Intent" is the weakest of the three seasons seen so far (have yet to see the fourth).

Sure, it is filmed stylishly and atmospherically and the locations are used well. No drabness or choppy editing in sight. The story never makes you want to look at your watch or do something else, though it is never completely gripping. The villain has some menace to him.

On the other hand, there are still a lot wrong with "Deadly Intent". Kelly Reilly gives her worst performance of the series yet, her expression is so limited, her line delivery has little expression and she is incredibly wooden. You can never shake off the feeling that she is implausibly young either. Even Ciaran Hinds, who actually was pretty good in the first two series, is not enough to save "Deadly Intent". Again Langton is too much of a sleaze and is too cartoonish, and while Hinds is more commanding and involved than Reilly he chews the scenery here to uncomfortable and misplaced effect.

The characters fail to be interesting, instead riddled with badly written and explored clichés. The relationship between the two characters continues to be contrived. The sound continues to sometimes be sloppy and out of sync, the dialogue never sounds natural and while it has its moments the story is convoluted in places and throughout lacks tension or suspense. The ending doesn't ring true at all either.

In conclusion, didn't do much for me and manages to be weaker than the average at best previous two series. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Can't she manage to comb her hair????
chrismacy-9851226 August 2023
Travis doesn't have a clue about how to dress for a crime scene. Her main focus seems to be attracting admirers. Although her eye make-up is extensive in every scene, she apparently hasn't any idea how to comb her hair. These are all minor diversions that keep the viewer from getting involved in the plot. At the end of one episode, she sceams "I love you" to her superior officer, who's been dismissive of her - what the hell is there for her to love?

It's a miracle that this squad solves any of the crimes the writers have devised. They devised a squad that seems to be made up of about 30 people, but they have no idea how to solve crimes.
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Competent show but the star is Kelly Reilly's body.
msghall10 April 2021
This is one of the faster paced detective shows with some interesting concurrent conversations that give it a realistic sheen. The stories are decent and the direction crisp, if at times chaotic and jumbled.

It's not always a comfortable view. Even as a man, I'm a little put off by Hinds' character's sexism; it harkens back decades even though the setting is not that long ago.

But make no mistake, the real attraction for many here is Reilly's body; her stunning breasts, skin-tight skirts and amazing legs are all predominantly featured just so you won't miss them. And believe me, you won't.
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Binge watchable!
Lisa-2137617 September 2023
I love both leads and the rest of the characters were great! I want to read the books after seeing the series. I do agree with some of the reviews regarding Anna Travis played by Kelly Reilly that her work outfits could look more professional. The white tank tops, white puffy top, white button down shirts all were too tight and why white everyday? Normal office workers or normal people can't keep white clothes spot free. Also her hair had to be sexy all the time with huge bangs as well as the tousled hair look. Kelly is model thin without the usual Detective Inspector character flaws which enriches a character where we can connect more to the character as a human being.
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Another great series from Lynda La Plante
nancyldraper12 October 2018
Another great series from Lynda La Plante. As always, great writing. Solid casting. Kelly Reilly and Ciara's Hinds set the pace for good supporting performances. Pretty grisly visuals. I give this series a 7 (good) out of 10. {Police Procedural}
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Much Better Than Expected
besss-0341816 February 2024
Story lines, writing are good. I actually found the themes had a fresh take on what could've been very ordinary and run of the mill.

The biggest surprise was Ciarán Hinds . I'm only used to seeing him in minor always-the-bad-guy parts. He's a much better actor than I thought.

They didn't shy away from subject matter. Season 2 was especially gruesome (in my opinion)

Kelly Reily's role gives a good performance as DI Anna Travis. However, as lovely as she looks, it just doesn't work when a copper has to sprint after a perp at a moments notice... not a chance in the pencil shirt and heels. Lol

All in all, it's a good, entertaining watch. Award worthy? Not so much, but a great binge on a rainy day. Like most UK crime series, it's a definite cut above most of the North American ones that last go on and on past their sell-by date.
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The lead actors elevate my rating from 2 to 6
River2259 August 2022
The plots have so much promise but writing is awful. So many clichés and bad dialogue. The acting by Kelly Reilly and Ciaran Hinds is great. Their acting carried the show and is the only reason I continued to watch. I should also add that the villains were perfectly cast.
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Watched a lot of British mysteries, but just wow....
jayg_587 March 2021
Kelly Reilly as a DC. Newest one in the office, barks orders to her superiors, wears skin tight tops and high heels when everyone else is in Brit cop garb. Needs a haircut, looks more like a hooker. Ciaran Hines as the Guv. His acting is all over the place. intensity turns to shouting like he's in a barroom brawl. She's caught in several instances of being totally unprofessional, and voila' she's back at her desk in a day. The plot-lines seem to be just for sensationalism and are mostly the only things that kept me watching for 2 of the 4 seasons, but I turned it off at the end of 2. It went from improbable to impossibly silly. No real police behave like these clowns. I've seen over the top British cop shows - like No Offense. Loved it. I think the only reason it's rated as highly as it is, is because it's British TV, and there are a lot of followers of the genre, good, bad, and indifferent. This one is just bad. The operative word is "cringe-worthy".
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Jaw droppingly bad
jasonjdrake23 August 2020
I don't know where to start. The illogical plot? The complete disregard for internal logic? The ignorance or wilful ignoring of any form of police procedure or normal investigation? The fantastical nature of each and every cliche? I could go on, but as I wished the episodes wouldn't, I won't. This is an embarrassment to crime dramas. To enjoy this is to find solace in the only two synapses you have rubbing together. Watch Charlie Brooker's great crime show spoof Touch of Cloth instead, it had more logic. We pushed on through three episodes believing it not able to get worse, but it steadily did. La Plante seems happy with it as she has threatened over the years for more seasons.

It made me and my girlfriend angry by the end of it. Don't make our mistake
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Loitering intent
Lejink11 January 2011
Typically busy, far-fetched crime drama from the well-worn pen of Lynda LapLante, played out as usual over three nights on prime-time ITV. Like its channel-mate "Trial and Retribution", it attempts to follow the successful trail of the Helen Mirren-starring "Prime Suspect" in laudably centring the sleuthing on a female character, in this case Kelly Reilly. However, whereas in "Prime Suspect", there was an undercurrent of down-to-earth realism, particularly in the lead character's portrayal, here you have to suspend all disbelief as Miss Reilly has to fend off almost everything in trousers, including the again almost cartoonishly over-the-top Ciaran Hinds as the tough-as-nails, bring-me-a-sandwich DCI to whom she reports.This she courts by permanently wearing a short skirt and high heels even when on muddy crime-scene locations together with pancaked make up and a pout that would put Victoria Beckham to shame.

Better to sidestep all this Betty Boop stuff, very possibly deliberate genre-subversion by LaPlante and concentrate on the story itself, which while lacking some originality as a heavyweight drug-dealer attempts to flood the UK with a deadly addictive drug and gets into complications with his ex-wife, her sister, his brother and a Columbian cartel hot on his trail, nevertheless by turns winds and rattles along to a big finish. Said drug-baron, to escape pursuit, pulls the old "Face-Off" transplant, before escaping the chasing Reilly and Hinds in a car versus plane set-piece, which I first remember seeing years ago, in "Charley Varrick".

At least the bad guy got away, reducing the perceived omnipotence of Reilly who seems blessed with the unfortunate gift of delayed-reaction photographic recall, which sees her periodically divine impossible clues just too late to help solve the actual case.

There's no doubt there'll be another entry in the series, if only to play out the hackneyed affair which has been beckoning for some time between the two leads. I'll watch it because I quite like high production TV crime procedurals, which this certainly is, but I won't kid myself that it's anything more than contrived pulp fiction at the end of the day.
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I'd have given 10 stars except...
solitaryman-9105115 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
...for the fact that in S2-E3, The Red Dahlia, there are 2 INEXPLICABLE facts that defy common sense. In 2 separate scenes, the SAME woman ASSAULTS 2 different detectives. One with a riding crop that leaves a scar on his face and the other female detective gets a literal beat down. What made me take off 5 stars is that NOTHING HAPPENED to this out of control female. Nothing, nada, zilch, zero. She was not arrested or jailed. I guess in England assault on police is not a crime. And don't even get me started won why police, especially murder detectives, are not allowed to carry guns. Only in Northern Ireland are they allowed to. THAT, is my chief complaint on ALL British cop shows. My other complaint on this particular episode is that after the killer escapes, (he was cuffed) by beating a cop who was assigned to watch him, the inspector in charge bellows out, "How did he get out of his cuffs?" DUHHHHH, maybe, just maybe, he took the cuff key out of the cops pocket????
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ianseward-1040828 January 2022
Awful acting by the lead characters.

Kelly Reilly is totally unbelievable .

The big geezer just as bad always shouting .

Creepy love interest . You smell lovely he says in the first episode .

Swerve this one.
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