The Umbrella Academy (TV Series 2019– ) Poster

Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • There is a scene where a man is tied up being tortured and he acts like he likes it and seems to maybe be pleasing himself. Makes reference to ejaculating.
  • A couple of kisses throughout the show. Nothing too graphic.
  • Multiple references nothing very explicit is shown
  • Sex and nudity becomes very less frequent in season 2
  • In Season 3, there's an episode where Five goes to a bar and there's a scandily clad woman dancing.
  • Season 4.luther is a male stripper. Rips pants off wearing a thong. You can see his bare buttocks. For a brief moment.

Violence & Gore

  • A Woman gives birth at a swimming pool. The only thing graphic is the blood in the water beforehand.
  • A gory scene in which a boy cuts open his arm and reaches inside to remove a tracking device.
  • A woman is unexpectedly shot from behind, can be shocking for some viewers.
  • Multiple fight scenes throughout that show blood spraying from gunshot wounds and stab wounds.
  • There's a scene in which a character who can talk with the dead discusses with them why and how they died. They show how they died, and it's very gory (run over by a car, hands chopped up, etc.) This scene isn't meant to jump scare/be too terribly horrific, but the graphic images may be considered scary to some viewers.
  • A woman uses a curling iron to cauterize a cut on her arm.
  • There're several dead bodies in the show, and they often have obvious wounds (gunshots in various places, stab wounds, bruises)
  • A man is graphically stabbed in the eye with a butter knife.
  • In one scene a closed room with opaque windows has depiction of a major battle with extreme blood spray on the windows. When the fight is over a teenage boy emerges covered head to toe with blood and gore.
  • Not a lot of violence but when it occurs it tends to be mild but doesn't shy away from getting graphic
  • Somebodys throat is slit lots of blood extremely graphic and shocking
  • A character interrupts a meeting and hacks everybody to death with an axe, blood and guts everywhere.
  • One character uses their powers to make another character punch themselves in the face (played for laughs)
  • Most of the violent scenes are accompanied by music which lowers the shock factor.
  • We see a man with severed hands.
  • A man attempts to cut off his arm with an axe but then decides not to.
  • Extremely gory moments with a boy stabbing someone in the eye with a pen, and then cutting his arm open to remove a tracker.
  • A group of people are implied to be ripped apart, but it's all off screen and you only hear screams and the sounds of their bodies being teared.
  • Many deaths of background characters (while fighting the main characters) can be pretty gory but most of the blood looks very fake and CGI.
  • Strong bloody gory violence throughout
  • Numerous groin attacks throughout, one involving a character stabbing a man's groin with a pencil.
  • A man gets shot in the head on screen on season 4 episode 1.


  • Some uses of "prick" throughout the show. Many uses of "shit." Other very mild cuss words like "hell" and "damn" sprinkled in. "Asshole" is also used quite often. "Whore" is used a few times. Fuck is said about 28-30 times in the entire series
  • Between 50-55 uses of 'shit' per episode.
  • Five is clearly heard saying "fucking" at the beginning of the episode.
  • season 3 has harder profanity with "fuck" "cunt" and "shit" being used from episode 2
  • The word 'queer' is used as a slur.
  • Season 1 has multiple uses of "hell," "damn," "shit," "ass," "jackass," "whore," "prick, and one hard to hear use of "Goddamn."
  • Season 2 has a lot more common profanity including many uses of "hell," "damn," "shit," "bastard, "goddamn," "ass," one use of "dick," one hard to hear use of "pussy," and 11 uses of "fuck."
  • Unlike the previous seasons, season 3 has frequent use of fuck as well as cunt
  • Season Three is much more profane. A more frequent use of "fuck" in every episode and "motherfucker" and "cunt" are sparsely used.
  • In the third season, the word "fuck" and "cunt" are both used repeatedly in the beginning of a scene.
  • Season 1-2 has mild profanities such as "shit," "bitch" and "crap" but season 3 has more severe cursing such as "fuck," "cunt," and others.
  • Fuck is used 28-30 times in season 3 as well as a few uses of cunt and pussy.
  • Season 1-2 only mild curse words but gets more intense and aggressive in season 3
  • "Badass" is also used a lot.
  • Fuck, cunt, pussy, dick, balls, and cocksucker are used very frequently.
  • Cunt is said a few times per episode.
  • In the 1st and 2nd seasons, mild and moderate/PG-13 language is present in the show, but in the 3rd season, it become an R language.
  • Seasons 3 and four have the most uses of fuck being used about 15-16 times per episode.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Klaus smokes and drinks a bunch, and in the beginning of episode 1, he gets out of rehab for drug use.
  • Klaus gets high and drunk frequently througout. Cha-Cha and Hazel eat edibles and also get high.
  • Two characters take laughing gas together in season 2.
  • There's an extended drug trip sequence after someone takes LSD

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The overall violence/gore/fighting etc. can of course be frightening at times to some.
  • Multiple characters suffer from PTSD and anxiety attacks throughout the show.
  • While there is no warning. S2 EP9 has an extended sequence with strobing lights that may affect photosensitive viewers.
  • Throughout season one, Klaus gets put in trances and screaming faces surround the screen.
  • The series show some flashbacks of the main characters being emotionally abused as kids by their father, the leader of the Umbrella Academy.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • There is a relationship between adopted siblings, though technically legal, it could still be considered incest.
  • A woman is seen in a bathtub without any clothes. There is no nudity at all and it is not meant to be sexual, as she is covered in blood and attempting to clean it off.
  • Men and a woman take a sauna bath nakedly together. No nudity is exposed due to steam.
  • A man ties up another man to help keep him sober. The man that ties him up says, "If I see a boner I'm out." Though they are siblings and it's meant to be comical, people might still think it's incest.
  • In the season 3, there is a passionate kiss between Luther and Sloane
  • Luther goes to a stand and buys condoms and he says "for sex, which is a thing I do now" leading to Luther and Sloane having sex offscreen.
  • Towards the end of the series, there is a relationship between two characters which might bother some due to the age gap (the younger actor is in his late teens, and the older is in her thirties). Also, there is infidelity involved in this.
  • Season 3 is nothing but cleavage and the disgusting spitting chick.

Violence & Gore

  • A kid kills a lot of people in a meeting with an axe. Many dismembered arms and body parts are seen and the whole room ends up covered in blood. A dead man with his organs spilling out is on screen for a few seconds.
  • A man is tortured and killed from electrocution to the chest and ears
  • A character uses a Violin Bow to slash a characters throat. Very gory scene, contains lots of blood. The other character can be seen and heard choking on the blood with it spurting out. Very gruesome.
  • One character puts a glass eyeball into a dead character and takes it out in one scene. There is no blood spurt, extreme gore, etc., but it shot close to the face and in full view of what is going on.
  • A tractor pins Diego down by his foot. He is rescued and doesn't appear to be injured.
  • A character hallucinates and blood and other types of gore are seen surrounding them. Only really gory thing are a large number of eyeballs seen in a tray. However the music lowers the shock factor of the scene and the vision that follows is scary but fast paced.
  • There's one scene where a teenage boy kills a lot of people in a meeting with an axe, people's arms and half ripped off body can be seen hanging from the ceiling. This is probably the goriest scene in the series.
  • In season 1 Leonard gets punched, kicked, and thrown around by 3 guys leading to him losing an eye.
  • In season 2 it gets more gory and you see more disturbing bloody scenes.
  • Klaus is impaled by a large horn. Lots of blood spray and quite graphic - in slow motion.
  • Elliot get stabbed and tortured, although we don't see it, we see the aftermath, and it's EXTREMELY GORY.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • 5 gets drunk in an episode. He is a 58 year old in the body of a 13 year old due to a time travel accident.
  • A man drives an ice cream truck not long after drinking at least half a bottle of vodka and taking a pill, since another man's arm is temporarily out of commission from being shot and he must pay attention to the tracking device he planted on another vehicle.
  • In Season 2, two characters get high on laughing gas (nitrous oxide)
  • Vanya is captured and given LSD with an extended drug trip sequence near the end of season 2

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • It's implied that one of the characters was experimented on (hulk or Captain America style). He's twice the size of a normal man and his whole upper body is covered in hair and scars. It's not shot in a scary way, but his body could be unsettling.
  • Klaus has regular flashbacks to childhood trauma of his father locking him in a crypt and adulthood trauma of the Vietnam War.
  • Diego has to pull out his Moms cords (she is a robot), which will kill her, the scene might upset viewers because it is very emotional and Diego cries while he does it.
  • Allison's throat gets cut open. Some may find this graphic due to the intensity and blood.
  • A boy runs away from his home and drowns in a lake. He's seen unconscious but ultimately survives.
  • After Ben talks to Vanya in the ethereal dimension. He slowly fades away. Not intense but very emotional.
  • Reginald Hargreeves true identity although it's only seen from behind will no doubt frighten viewers.
  • Vanya is tortured in an episode. Frightening and intense but what follows as she embraces her powers once more is what will frighten viewers.
  • A character is known to be dead before the events of the series, however what's frightening is that the circumstances of his death are left unknown.
  • Season 3 shows a character dying and going to 'heaven'. He then proceeds to relive some of his childhood trauma by watching the kid version of himself being left to die in a mausoleum by his father. Could be distressing for some viewers as the father shows no emotion and is implied to have done this several times to test the kid's power.
  • The series ending is extremely bleak and depressing, and the nature of a self-sacrificing scene could potentially trigger viewers sensitive to depression and/or self harm.

See also

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