Secret Invasion (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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What a waste of talent
mikeprior-8310826 July 2023
Take a good premise, an absolutely stellar cast, a reportedly generous budget and somehow get.....this???

This badly made, cheap-looking, muddled, dull, bland excuse for an espionage/action thriller?

The occasional scene where individual performances occasionally manage to elevate the awful material aside, this was an absolute train wreck.

Confusing narrative, badly shot, character motivations all over the place, what should have been major.plot revelations (and character deaths) were tossed away without any sense of import or gravitas.

God knows where the reported $200m budget went, this had the production values of a daytime soap apart from the obligatory CGI finale (which sets up more narrative problems for the future in itself)

Looks like it was reshot extensively, someone needs to carry the can for this bin fire.
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A strong beginning
mieriks16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series, about Fury and Talos who try to stop the Skrulls who have infiltrated the highest spheres of the universe, is good!

Even though it was a good watch, I personally have a lot of complaints about it. The dialogues lack flow and stable structure, the cinematography is frequently poor, the editing is out of place, and the CGI and lighting are mixed. However, I think the strongest part is the beginning; Episode 1: Resurrection and Episode 2: Promises. They are unpredictable and engaging and set a high bar for the rest of the series. Unfortunately, the episodes get worse in average and the finale is disappointing because it's straightforward and weakly executed. Anyway, as said, the strong beginning really makes you want to watch the rest, which to me makes it a worthy experience, but barely.

Intriguing start, this series falters with awkward dialogue, inconsistent execution, and underwhelming visuals. Despite a promising beginning, the series stumbles mid-season and delivers a predictable, poorly executed finale. Still, the initial pull makes it a worthy watch.
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Glad Fury Got His Show, Helps Progress Storylines
Reviews_of_the_Dead10 May 2024
This was a show that intrigued me when it came out. I had just gotten caught up on all the Marvel properties so I knew that I needed to find time to check out this television mini-series. What I found interesting is that we've hadn't had a Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) property yet. He featured heavily in Captain Marvel, but that is her origin story for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to gear up for Avengers: Endgame.

What we're getting here is an espionage style story. It is in the vein of a James Bond or the like. This is much different though dealing with an alien race that can look like us, the Skrulls. This allows them to infiltrate world governments and important positions. We are exploring here the story of the deal that Fury made with Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) who is their leader. We see how he credited the villain, Gravik (Kingsley Ben-Adir), since things that were promised didn't come true. He leads a terrorist group that wants to take over Earth, since their planet was taken over by the Kree.

There are great characters here like Sonya Falsworth (Olivia Colman), who I believe is with British intelligence. This falls into Captain America films in that we're exploring a story that is relevant today. Gravik brings the world on the brink of World War III by doing things in Russia and making it look like they're working together. This introduces G'iah (Emilia Clarke) who is the daughter of Talos. Where she ends up in this series is intriguing and I wonder if she will be back for a later property with the changes to her character. There's also the idea of the outsider and how as humans, we fear it. Our nature is to destroy instead of come together so I like that we explore that here.

I'll say that overall, this was solid. I think that the story is stretched too much and it never fully hooked me. I'm glad that I watched it now to see where things go from here. Again, also glad that Fury got his own show now. The cast is great around him as well. Clarke, Don Cheadle, Ben-Adir, Mendelsohn, Colman, Charlayne Woodard, Dermot Mulroney and Christopher McDonald, all are solid. We also have a cameo by Martin Freeman. I'd also say this is well-made. The cinematography is good. There are drab sequences, showing how bleak the outlook is for Fury's mission. This is once again a CGI-fest, not as much as others. There were slight issues here and there where this took me out.

I'd recommend this if you are a MCU fan to continue the story that runs through everything.

My Rating: 6.5 out of 10.
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It's one of the dumber additions to the MCU... but...
Broccolidwarf20 July 2023
...there IS a "but" (more on that later)

  • This review is based off the first 5 episodes.

First the criticism.

In a universe so full of extraordinary superheroes and alien technology, it makes absolutely no sense that "good old Fury" is running around on his own, with a normal run of the mill pistol, to try to "save" earth from being taken over by aliens.

It's just unbelievable dumb in its premise, and despite excellent production quality (as is the norm for the MCU) the show is on track to get a 3.

BUT (and here is the kicker)... then enters Olivia Colman.

Her character lifts the entire show by 3 points, all by herself.

That understated, witty, stiff upper lip character just makes it all worth while.

More or less every time she is on screen you chuckle, if not laugh out loud.

Imagine taking her from "The Crown", with a few (obvious) changes, and then making her a much funnier stone cold killer, with absolutely no boundaries.

I'd happily watch an entire show based off just her character.

It takes the show from a waste of time, in an already overcrowded universe, to being something you find yourself grudgingly continuing to watch, despite all the illogical poorly thought out BS going on around her, just to watch what she does next.

I dearly hope they expand her character and give it a bigger part as the show develops, and I hope they are not dumb enough to kill her off, as that would instantly make me lose interest in this otherwise senseless drivel.
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It has more potential
glori149110 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I consider this series to have much more potential, I know that Marvel is only trying to give us the bases to know a little about the characters, however they are bringing out and bringing out thematic characters that at the moment have not been able to be incorporated into the MCU. It was good that they showed us a little about Nick Fury's life outside of Avengers, however they fell short, as well as that they talked about all the changes that the characters had due to the blip. It deals with a very current topic about migration, how these people feel without having a home to belong to, the influence of governments and policies, about the "strongest race", about genocide, among others. I knew from the beginning that Rhodey couldn't be that bad. Emilia Clarke and Olivia Colman are good entries to the MCU, hoping that they will be able to explore their stories more, since one is left with doubts that G'iah is just as powerful as Captain Marvel, also that now the government has declared war on the Skrulls. Just as they show us that there is more to tell about Nick Fury and we want to know more about his story with Priscilla.
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The Real Secret Invasion Was Disney Plus Invading My Sanity With Its Mid Shows
MamadNobari9726 July 2023
There is no secrecy here, there is no invasion in here, there is just... terrible writing as always.

In 2019 when I first watched Captain Marvel and saw how they butchered Skrulls in there, I already knew Marvel just ruined one of their best storylines and there was no salvaging it.

Secret Invasion is one of the most interesting and somewhat complicated comic storylines I've seen. I haven't read the comics but The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes' Secret Invasion storyline was enough to convince me how good this story is and how mind-blowing and intense a live-action of it would be.

But Disney Plus, like the trash-making machine it is, unsurprisingly took it and made one of the most boring and uninteresting pieces of you know what with it just like every other MCU show it has crapped out in the past couple of years.

But I understand that a storyline on this scale couldn't've been done in the main MCU films because it would be so hard to pull off and also having the Infinity War Saga would make it difficult to incorporate the story in there. I understand that they don't have the budget to bring more actors from the MCU in here, even though it had a movie-level budget of over $200M. And it is then fair to review the show based on its story and not what other story it should've been. The problem is, the new story of this show is just soooo bland and boring and they don't even care about doing anything interesting with it.

If I had to talk about the problems of this show, this review would go on for paragraphs after paragraphs and IMDb's word limit is only 10000 characters, so I make a list of pros and cons instead.

The bad:

  • AI intro

  • Tv show that had a budget twice Oppenheimer's looks low-budget

  • Inferior story and plot to the original in every way imaginable

  • A colossal waste of Emilia Clarke

  • Awful characterization where you don't even care about already-established characters you cared for once

  • Terrible villain which seems to be a tradition at this point with D+ MCU shows

  • A movie cut into uneven episodes sold as a weekly show but it isn't a weekly formula

  • Terrible pacing as always

  • The whole world is Secretly being Invaded but this global scale is never presented and is never felt

  • They don't even have enough material to keep the already small season above 30 minutes

  • No character development

  • There is no tension or secrecy in the story

  • There is no Secret Invasion because the villains are practically nonexistent and don't do much

  • The villain ultimately becomes a copy of Flag-Smashers

  • You will not care about anything in the show because of the awful writing. Not the characters and certainly not the story

  • Random character deaths for the sake of shock value without first even establishing the character

  • A 6-episode mini series with "30-minute" penultimate and finale episodes, have time for filler episodes where nothing happens

  • Very little action or espionage compared to constant nonsense dialogue

  • Taking zero advantage of this Skrull infiltration plot device to make the story even a little bit more interesting

  • Butchering one of the coolest storylines that could've been an Avengers movie with a better story than the first two Avengers

  • Not many twists and turns

  • They lay out the plot with the literal first line of the show and give away every advantage they have on the viewer's not knowing the whole picture

  • Terribly written character motivations and presented in a worse way

  • Very dull and boring storytelling

Now what I liked about it

  • Some of the few action scenes that are in this show are pretty decently choreographed and CGIed and they look good

  • The music is decent

And yeah, that's it!

I wouldn't say this show is necessarily worse than Ms. Marvel even though I gave that a 5, but I give it lower because I didn't expect much from Ms. Marvel and got a mid show. With this show however, I am aware of what a good storyline they butchered and I give it an even lower score.

If you have unfortunately seen every MCU show up to this point like me, then it really shouldn't be a surprise to you that this show is another Disney Plus trash with terrible writing.

I would recommend you start away from this hot garbage and go watch The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes instead. It's way better than anything MCU has done, at least on Disney Plus maybe and you'll see what a missed opportunity it was for them with having that Captain Marvel script.

I just cannot imagine having billions of dollars and burning them on these shows that aren't even for die-hard Marvel and MCU fans, let alone a casual audience. I cannot fathom someone actually enjoying this and think it's well-written. But I guess if the subscriptions keep coming, why stop making the mid shows, right?
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Boring, inconsistent and shallow
John_T_Chance26 June 2023
What an absolute waste. Samuel L Jackson seriously must have had a clause written into his contract that states he must be seated 75% of the time on set. Watch these episodes again and notice every excuse in the world for him to be sitting in a chair. They even made a Louie 14th chair joke in the first episode to cover for him having to sit down while they filmed an action sequence around him. He is old the character is old and it just doesn't work. Add the fact that the writing is incredibly shallow and predictable and it makes you wonder why anybody is praising this garbage.

It's great to be a fan but to put blinders on and to blindly support things hurts actual fans. They will just keep delivering nonsense if you keep eating it up we'll get more trash. Stop ruining it for everyone.
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A bafflingly mediocre train wreck
ryanhwishart26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge Marvel fan, I can't believe how badly written and executed this show really is. They started with truly talented actors, solid source material, and Disney level production value...and then I guess the House of Mouse ran out of money so they had to leave the writing to unpaid interns who clearly had second jobs to get to.


The whole show revolves around shape shifting aliens who have slowly infiltrated the highest levels of the world's governments, but didn't bother to take the positions of the actual leaders who can order the nuclear strikes they so desperately want. Meanwhile, facing the literal possibility of humanity's annihilation, Nick Fury refuses to summon a single Avenger to help him stop this plot and instead chooses to run around armed with nothing more than a pistol and a can-do attitude. Two truly great characters from the MCU get killed off in incredibly boring ways to illustrate just how bad the antagonist really is (RIP Talos and Maria Hill, both taken far too soon and with no fanfare whatsoever). And if all that wasn't groan-inducing enough, the leader of the Skrulls manages to get his hands on some sort of technology that can replicate the powers of any of the Avengers or their enemies as long as samples of their DNA have been collected (because that not only exists, but shouldn't be explained at all and wouldn't have come in handy literally hundreds of times throughout Phases 1-4). But wait, there's more, because using said machine also allows the receiver of the superpowers to instantly wield every one of them at once without ever practicing. The situation is saved after Sam Jackson and Olivia Coleman (who is fantastic by the way, and honestly one of the only bright spots in this show) manage to take out all of POTUS's protective detail with knockout darts and expose the Skrull who's impersonating Col. Rhodes (even though the president knows Skrulls exist but never considered that the one main guy on his staff telling him he needs to start nuclear Armageddon might be one of them). The series ends with G'iah walking around with more powers than anyone else in the MCU, the president alerting the public to the threat of shape-shifters and essentially inciting public unrest and countless random assassinations across the globe, and Nick Fury and his Skrull wife walking off into the metaphorical sunset looking surprisingly pleased with themselves for a "job well done". Oh, and it's heavily implied that Fury and his wife have never even kissed in her original Skrull form, because no guy who has a shape-shifting wife would ever want her to switch it up every now and then (big eye-roll).

Disney should be ashamed of themselves for fumbling what could've been a really entertaining series.
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Beautiful, bold, but a weak addition to the MCU
marshalllangdon26 July 2023
Secret Invasion had so much potential to be a dark, and thrilling conspiracy series, but ended up missing the mark.

The series starts off as a slow burn, but lacks the intrigue and suspense to make it an edge of your seat thrill ride.

The back half of the season had much shorter episodes with more action and, therefore, a faster pace, but it wasn't enough to remedy the weak writing.

It attempts to be bold and shocking by including several twists throughout its 6-episode run, but the anti-climactic character deaths, and the revelation of certain key characters being skrulls, end up leaving us more confused, than sad or shocked.

Samuel L. Jackson does a fine job in the role he's had for over a decade, but Kingsley Ben-Adir and Olivia Coleman are the ones that really shine, too bad the latter's screen time was way too short.

Unlike some of the recent movies, Secret Invasion has a less reliance on massive CGI spectacle, so ends up looking much better than previous MCU outings. The de-aging effects in particular were incredible, and more convincing than most attempts in film these days.

Overall, it could have been Marvels next big hit, but unfortunately matches the quality of most of the Phase 4 and 5 films and TV shows.

6/10 - Okay.
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"Secret Invasion: A Disappointing Journey into Mediocrity"
Disney's much-anticipated show, "Secret Invasion," based on the Marvel Comics storyline, falls flat on its promises of intrigue and excitement. Despite its star-studded cast and the potential for an engaging plot, the series fails to deliver on multiple fronts, leaving viewers with a frustrating sense of missed opportunities.

One of the most glaring issues with "Secret Invasion" is its lackluster character development. Despite having a talented ensemble cast, the characters are poorly fleshed out and fail to evoke any real emotional connection. We are introduced to a multitude of personalities, but none of them are given enough depth or nuance to make us truly care about their journey. Instead, they feel like mere placeholders, going through the motions without leaving a lasting impression.

Compounding the problem of weak character development is the lack of likability in the main cast. Even the most talented actors struggle to salvage their roles from the clutches of dull writing. Characters who were meant to be complex and layered come across as one-dimensional, leaving us indifferent to their struggles. It becomes increasingly difficult to invest in a story when you can't find a single character to root for or empathize with.

Perhaps the most egregious flaw of "Secret Invasion" is its agonizingly slow progression. The series seems more interested in elongating the mystery rather than moving the plot forward. Episodes pass by, and the storyline inches forward at an excruciatingly slow pace. It's like watching paint dry, with little payoff for the patience invested. This snail-paced narrative drains the excitement from what should have been a thrilling and action-packed show.

What's more, "Secret Invasion" fails to generate any genuine interest in what lies ahead. The lack of compelling storytelling and uninspired character arcs diminish any anticipation for future episodes. Viewers are left feeling detached and disinterested, questioning whether it's worth investing their time in a show that fails to capture their imagination or ignite curiosity about what is to come.

Overall, "Secret Invasion" falls short of its potential, providing a lackluster viewing experience with its boring character development, unlikable characters, slow progression, and a general lack of interest in the future episodes. Marvel fans hoping for an engrossing and captivating series will likely be left disappointed. With so many other high-quality shows available, it's difficult to recommend investing time in a show that fails to deliver on its promises.
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Entertaining Enough
Supermanfan-136 April 2024
I know that Secret Invasion has had some mixed reviews but after just finishing it I can say that it's entertaining enough to watch. It stars Samuel L. Jackson, who's back as Nick Fury, as he takes on the shapeshifting alien race named the Skrulls who's becoming a huge threat to the human race. Also returning are Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), Rhodey (Don Cheadle) Maria Hill (Colbie Smulders) and Everett K. Ross (Martin Freeman). They also bring in some serious newcomer talent in Emilia Clarke, Olivia Colman, Dermot Mulroney, Kingsley Ben-Adir, among others. With that much talent it would be hard for this series to fail. Everyone I just named all give terrific performances and makeup for some uneven writing. As most reviews have already stated this is unlike most Marvel series as it has a more serious tone. I would definitely recommend this to any fan of this genre and definitely any Marvel fan.
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No bad, not good
Insert_Text5 December 2023
This series feels like a missed opportunity layered with strange choices. First off, this should have been an Avengers movie. Secondly, it is very strange that Nick Furry has been married to an alien this whole time and we never even got a hint at it. The character development was weak and the plot was confusing. For such a big arch, it should have had a biggest scale, i.e. An Avengers movie. The MCU has more or less lost its touch lately, and it's sad to see. This was a perfect opportunity for twists and surprises done the right way, and that opportunity seems to have been missed. Hopefully Marvel can get their act together eventually.
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Such a Bore
thatsgottahurt-17 July 2023
Let me start with what this series isn't. It isn't exciting, original or in the least bit interesting. The path it treads is well worn and has been done better so many times before. The majority of the characters are immediately forgotten due to their sheer blandness and similarity to one another. I don't think it understands what it's trying to be. Is it a superhero series or or a tepid spy thriller? It presents as yet another hodgepodge of cliches and tropes, packaged under the Disney/Marvel banner. The character of Nick Fury and his tired quips is now at the point of being a parody of who he used to be.
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Secret? more like Spies R' Us
pappywatts28 June 2023
Well.. another marvel series stuck in a groove where and how will it resolve, I feel sorry for the Lads and Ladies who are doing their best with the Scribe they've been given, which is what happens after the Avengers who are not in the picture anymore, so surely Nick Fury is now redundant?

Making it into a historical pre-blip alien invasion, where they've replaced the world politicians, except for Potus, a bit absurd...really..????

I'm giving it a 7 the production values are there,but let down by the absurd plot, which is really around 3 mebbe a 4..

John Le Carre this ain't.. Also why do the Brits and rest of Europe leaders have to be replaced, and Brit PM has to be a female scumbag skrull with her own agenda.. If you're going to pad it out for more than one season,there will be a lack of interest from viewers,this can't all be from a comic book series content from yesteryear.

Stan Lee must be turning in his grave..
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Boring, predictable, uninspired
mossikukulas-2131422 June 2023
Boring, predictable, uninspired

Run of the mill plot, hardly spy stuff, it looks just like any other Marvel TV show, actually it looks and feels very similar to Winter Soldier and the Falcon. It's like all Marvel TV shows are made to look identical to one another.. no character, no nuance just canned goods on a shelf.

The cast is good but the script is boring. Is the world is in danger again why is it just 3 people are trying to stop it. I mean.. I hope there is some kind of other plot twist further down because we've seen it all before and it doesn't really have anything to offer than a haggard Nick Fury who god knows what he was doing and how or why and this aura of mystery is just lazy you know?

I hope it gets better really but somehow I doubt it.
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Mcu is back !
speedycomics30 June 2023
Thai show lives up to all its hype ! Only 2 episodes have been released and we are losing our minds. We give it 9/10 best thing to come from Mcu since the infinity arc, end game stuff! . If this keeps on this might single handedly be the best show ever done by marvel studios! . We might have to change the review to 10-10. Samuel L. Jackson Is amazing as usual and the story really shows a side of him which we never knew. The other actors are on point as well, and Emilia Clarke is not only stunning as usual but also portraits her character as if she was made for the role. It's interesting to see how far this will lead us down the rabbit hole. An amazing series to watch with the whole family. Keep it up guys !


Speedy comics group !
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This could've been a revamp for Marvel
thePopcornExplorer26 July 2023
With the Marvel Phase 5 arriving, they could've made a sort of a come back after the mess Phase 4 was, but they continue to be stuck, in this particular time around it seems they are making the old Marvel stages irrelevant.

There is a limit to the amount of super heroes and villains that exist in Marvel where it just become senseless, even with the Multiverse, in this story they are still facing threats on Earth (actually USA as always) and none of the major super heroes appear which makes no sense specially when the threat is as big as the antagonists on Secret Invasion, a shape shifting alien race that can infiltrate to the highest level of governments a destroy a world from within... Nonetheless I was actually expecting this show to be good, it started nice but the first problem started with lack of context, Fury has been away for a long time and now he comes back as a shadow version of his former self, a beat down man and we have no context as to why, throughout the series they try to give this context but it doesn't make too much of an impact. We follow along just for the character to do a full circle...

More bad decisions, killing off a character that has been present in MCU for quite some time and this character's death was as underwhelming as the character participation on the franchise as a whole, we had a moment of USA military arrogance which always annoys me personally, but I am getting side tracked... This all could've been overlooked but then the last episode arrives and I cannot stress how absurd that final battle was and how much of a middle finger it is for every single super hero movie that came before... really, all powers each with a particular explanation, they are given just like that? I don't want to give away to much, it reminded me of a particular scene on the old Fantastic 4, just laughable.

I am becoming hopeless to a recovery from the hit Phase 4 took on Marvel, I see mediocrity going forward.
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Disappointing, nothing really works
tomic-nikola30 June 2023
After first 2 episodes...

Very disappointing. I expected much, much more. Quite ambitiously conceived, promising story idea, very good casting (some actors like Olivia Colman are just brilliant, some, like a guy who plays Gravik, simply bleak), but the realization in practice... really bad.

These 6 out of 10 are like a sign of good will, nothing more.

I'm not sure exactly where the key error was made, but nothing really works. Also, there are some illogical solutions in the story that are impossible to justify.

I hope that some improvement is possible, at least to a solid 7/10, but even in that best possible case the impression of a missed opportunity remains. Pity.
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(not so) Secret mediocrity
mgicnick23 June 2023
I see a lot of conditioned reviews of praise for the first episode: "Samuel Jackson + Marvel = amazing !!!" Well of course this recipe has been very successful in the past but unfortunately not this time, the stunning visuals/good atmosphere could not save the poor, cliché, boring, painfully predictable execution lacking any substance, it was so unwatchable I had to quit halfway through the first episode and I see no reason to be coming back unless something changes drastically.

"Secret invasion" naturally follows Disney's (and Hollywood's in general) decline in the last three or four years, producing quality content and making a tidy profit is evidently no longer a priority.
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Not the best from the MCU but still worth watching
Rob13315 April 2024
I need to start off by saying I'm a huge fan of superhero movies and shows so my review for Secret Invasion may be a little biased, especially to people like me that love these shows. I even enjoy the superhero movies/shows that aren't as liked or as highly rated as the others. Having said that, I think Secret Invasion should be enjoyable to most. It's much more than just another superhero show, it's also a solid spy thriller. While there is still plenty of fun to have it's also a lot more serious than other Marvel projects and it moves the overall MCU story forward in a lot of ways. It also has plenty of Easter eggs throughout each episode. We learn more about Nick Fury in this series than all of the other movies and shows combined. Obviously, if you're a fan of the MCU this this is a must watch. It's only six episodes so you can binge the entire season over a weekend.
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Lazy Writing
soeprijo1927 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers

I'm going to go straight to the point about this series, because it has so many flaws. First, killing important characters do not make a series worth watching. Secondly, characters development were really suck to the point that I thought that AI wrote the script. And last but not least, I know Fury was (or is still) a secret agent, but if everything has to be about double crossing and backstabbing, well you really need to check your options about the story. Because it has been done in Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier.

Another thing: do Skrulls know each other when they're in shapeshifting mode?! Or not?! Because if not, then millions of year of evolving in their home planet Skrull, so that they now become a shapeshifting species, does really raise a question about how they can recognize each other. Why am I asking this?! Because in the final act, the villain DID NOT recognize his own species, that's why!

Lazy Writing 6/10

Note: don't ruin Nick Fury's character please, that ending's Casablanca style was really bland.
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Watching Paint Dry Is More Entertaining
Andrewmcal22 June 2023
In Secret Invasion Disney Marvel has managed to create something less interesting than the side effects part of a drug commercial!

I thought with a stellar cast of actors, how bad could this be? Samuel l Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Olivia Coleman, Cobie Smulders, and Amelia Clarke are talented actors. I've profoundly enjoyed their previous performances, even in not so great movies. But, Secret Invasion is so... war crime level bad, even these talented people can't save it!

Disney Marvel's Secret Invasion is a convoluted mess. The writing is beyond unimaginative, without skill or talent, and often contradicts itself in the same scene. The director and producers should be taken to the public square and made to apologize... profusely and often! And, the higher ups who greenlit this abomination should have their glasses checked or the dosage on their prescriptions changed... maybe both!

I've given this mess a 2/10 for bringing together, however poorly used, amazing actors. Secret Invasion has a phenomenal cast. But, the series itself is... monumentally bad! Don't be fooled as I was. There is nothing here for anyone who isn't waiting for a plane at the airport or checking into their hotel.

I don't know how Disney, once the gold standard, can continue to produce such... excrement.
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Good 1st Episode
whiskey_charlie21 June 2023
I liked the premise of the first episode, and while some might complain about the political insinuation, and so on... it's just a tv show, based on comic book fiction. Don't know if this series is going to be great, as there are 5 more episodes the writers/production team can mess up, but it's certainly headed in the right direction, and THANKFULLY, cringe worthy jokes have taken a backseat.

The plot's has already highlighted (or has it?!), a good line up of particularly liking this look on Fury. Has a Captain Ahab feel to it. Ben Mendelssohn is a joy to watch, as is Olivia Coleman, although it's uncertain where her character leads to. As is Don Cheadle's Rhodes. Sorry to see some familiar faces go.

Episode 1 ended on a cliffhanger, so definitely looking forward to the next episode. If the series maintains the current tone, it has the making of one of Marvel's better offering. One can only hope Disney doesn't go off the rails, as it has been known to do... 8/10 for now. This could change either way.
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Another rush job from the MCU.
Avwillfan8926 July 2023
I had a lot of hope for this series. It honestly looked like a down to earth spy thriller with an intriguing concept.

Sadly I was wrong.

Sure it has high production values and a lot of really cool actors involved, including the great Olivia Coleman. But apart from her character, the rest of the great cast's talents are wasted. Both Sam Jackson and Emilia Clarke are incredibly emotionless throughout the series, despite suffering heavy personal losses. The spy thriller aspect doesn't really do its job in conveying a deeper sense of dread. Even thought the villain is hateful, terrifying and kills so many beloved characters, they didn't explore his character or his motivations thoroughly enough.

There are so many questions lingering at the end, there are consequences that are left completely unexplored and further more, there are no end credits. Which was very shocking as it's the number one staple of the MCU (with the exception of Endgame)

It also doesn't help that the opening credits were created by AI, an ongoing problem in the creative industry now.

I think by now audiences have well and truly had enough of Disney and its mediocrity.

So disappointed.
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Not much of value here
Xavier_Stone22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Of course there are tons of fan boys praising this as amazing but it's way below average. There is tons of back story as they have to explain aliens and shape shifting and a rebellion and Nick Fury. Ok, but after all of this is done what is the meat of the story? Not much.

Some silly fighting here and there and Nick Fury has two helpers to assist him in bringing down a group of terrorists with 3 backpack bombs in a crowd. No other help, and no over watch? No special ability characters besides a shape shifter?

Of course the bombs go off as nobody can seem to catch them in time. Very annoying.

But even after you get through this pilot episode and reflect it doesn't amount to much of an interesting story. 3/10 for a unique story line that fails fast.
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