Maggie Moore(s) (2023) Poster

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Fun 1990s-Style Dark Comedy
thalassafischer2 September 2023
Sometimes I just look at the barest details of a film and instantly know I'll like it, and Maggie Moore(s) is one of those examples. I rented it on a whim and was pleased with what is essentially a quirky dark comedy done in the style of late 1990s and/or early 2000s. There's nothing specifically retro about this movie, it's just in the pattern of a certain sub-genre of comedy that i like. It makes a lot of sense then that an almost unrecognizably older Tina Fey plays one of the supporting roles.

John Hamm is decent because he never actually has to be funny. Everyone else is funny around him! He's 'the straight man." SO he can be the basic good guy cop grieving his dead wife who is afraid to move on. While this role holds none of the demands of the odious womanizer Don Draper, it also has none of the demands of being a comedic actor, which John Hamm is not. No problem here!

I found this flick legitimately enjoyable though some aspects were ridiculous it doesn't take away from the overall light mood and the reasonable progression of a cohesive story line. YMMV depending on what you consider funny, obviously.
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A satisfactory one time watch
tgcme3 January 2024
This movie is a nice viewing on a popcorn and a movie kinda night. It starts off a bit slow and meandering. Cards are all laid out on the table, you're watching a decent murder investigation with no real questions because you already know what's going on. But the third act comes in hot with an OMG WTF that launches into a rather tense finale with some real stakes and a fairly satisfying ending.

I think movies like this need support. It's okay to sit through a movie that isn't force feeding you "action" all the time. It's okay to let a movie marinate. It's okay to sit through the beats rather than constant jump cuts.

The language was a bit much for me. But overall, a decent independent movie at a time when Hollywood needs to return back to decent original movies.
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I totally enjoyed it
gallmann-3882731 December 2023
What a pleasant surprise. This is one of those movies I usually hesitate to see because the poster and description don't really appeal to me and then I find out I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on it. I agree with the reviews, it is a breath of fresh air with dialogues to die for and much better than it looked. It has that kind of witty humor that makes you laugh in such a fun way, you can't help but like totally enjoy it. Some mentioned it's rather a slow burner, but I've watched a lot of slow burners - and I'm talking here only about the good ones since this movie definitely doesn't belong to the bad category, and those good slow burners were much slower than this one. In my opinion the pace was quite good because not once did it make me feel bored.

Like I said, I totally enjoyed it, I mean like REALLY enjoyed it!! It's a movie you can watch twice in case you wanna share it with your friends and go with it a second time.
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Has a Fargo Vibe
revchristodd-138-98572624 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a whodunnit. We know very early in the film what the main story is: a small town business man wants to get rid of his wife. So this is a "how-catch-him." Like an episode of Columbo, the suspense is generated by watching how the detective (Jon Hamm) puts together the clues. It's a tad more complex for him because there are two victims with the same name and thus twice as many suspects, red herrings and a neat Chekov's gun. But since we know who is behind the plot (which goes a lot farther than he intended), the real attraction, as in the movie Fargo, is the characters. Hamm is wonderful as the down-to-earth but very observant police chief, supported by his odd deputy. Tina Fey gives her best acting performance ever by going against type as the self-defacing but nosy neighbor who starts out as a witness and becomes the object of a rather sweet romantic subplot. Like Fargo, there is some violence but it is not graphic by today's standards. A very enjoyable film that will not give you nightmares if you watch it just before bed.
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Cherry vanilla fun!
spankywzl-4102622 June 2023
I'm happy they make movies like Maggie Moore(s). Honestly, after seeing the Chicken Soup for the Soul logo, I expected some real twee and vanilla plot lines and humor. Then I see that Hamm and Fey are the leads. I like them both so this is a bonus. It doesn't hurt to have these two in particular doing the heavy lifting in making a decent script good, or and an amusing expression more clever simply by their expert delivery. The chemistry between the two works mainly because of the awkward banter. It is fairly lighthearted fair with a tinge of violence and blood. The hour and a half flew by, and the film held my interest throughout. Like I stated above, I am very happy that this script got made so well! 7 out of 10 stars.
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A (Very) Light Fargoish Film
BoBo_Goal3211 October 2023
Before someone thinks it is even a light Comparison to Fargo (movie or series) - it is not. But something with the small town un resolved murder cases, the friendly cops and the far-fetched motive for the killing - yes, something, before I set to write this review, was ringing the Fargo Bell (and maybe because I've just been exposed to the fact they have another season in a month from now).

It is also a comic plot with silly criminals and one thin thread which is getting thickened by the hour (or by half of it). The sleepy town and police team are getting up for two separate mornings with two murdered women with the same name. Why? This is exactly what the movie asks of his audience.

This one doesn't ask of his viewers to solve the mystery, but he seeks that they will join the ride of the main characters and just enjoy the plot getting thicker and a little bit complicated for the police team.

Short. To the target and has a great cast, which is led by John Ham, nick Mohammed (Nate the Great) and Tina Fey. All are led by John Slattery at his second movie as director; he does a solid job and probably will be interesting to see his next films, when they will happen.
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Quirky Dark-Comedy...Bizarre Surreal Characters & Cartoon-Like Behavior
LeonLouisRicci3 January 2024
Prolific Actor and Occasional Director, John Flattery Takes the Helm in this Dark Comedy that has Unmistakable "Fargo" Vibes.

Actors John Hamm and Tina Fey Lead a Quirk-Character Cast of Misfits, Losers, Low-Life-Criminals, as an Awkward Coupling of Post-Marriage 30-Somethings.

He, with His Wife Passing, and She with a Divorce from a Dominating Husband (that She can't seem to avoid meeting-up with).

The Plot has the Mystery of 2 Murders, only Days Apart, Both Victims with the Name Maggie Moore.

Everyone in this Fictional Small Town is a Character Worthy of Sensationalized Paper-Back Fiction.

Exaggerated, Full of Colorful Quirks, Mostly a Step Slow with the Characters Designed to Entertain and Propel the Lurid Plot, Filled with Violence and Charmless Charm.

All of it is Designed a Step-Above Reality and that Design is What Could Place it in a Sub-Genre of Crime-Fiction, You Could Call...


With its Tongue-In-Cheek Display of some Ultra-Violence by Dumb-as-Dirt Criminals who Take Turns Providing Outrageous, Surprising Laughs.

It's that Counterpart to the "Normal" or Usual Mystery, Drama, Romance, and Crime, Story that Sets the Type Apart.

Over-Reaching, as if On-Cue, to the Events that Causes these Folks to Over-React in a what at Times Seems Like Something Out of a Cartoon.

Coloring (outside the lines) and Can't Help but be Noticed by Everyone but Themselves.

A Style that is Not for Everyone, but Dark-Comedy, sometimes Called Black-Comedy, has a Legion of Fans.

They Love the Cult-Status that Makes these Movies a Different Experience from the Straight-Laced, Familiar, and Safe Movie Offerings that "Stays Within the Lines".

For those Fans, it's...

Worth a Watch

For Fans of the Traditional Take...

Not so Much.
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Basic as basic can be
zack_gideon17 June 2023
If you enjoy basic movies, with a run of the mill plot, mediocre acting, little to no chemistry and a blended storyline that makes sure to include romance, basic humor, murder and cops then this movie is for you!!!

Really not much here that I can say was remarkable or even really enjoyable. John ham and Fey are okay I guess, but every scene just seems flat with little chemistry. I doubt there were many takes and they just moved thru the script during filming.

I just don't really see the point of this. Bad guys, good cops, damsel in distress, unsolved murder. There's literally hundreds of better versions of this type of story. Bland 5.2/10.
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Good murder mystery movie...!
kamalbeeee7 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A husband killed his wife by some hitman becozz she wants to complaint abt his forgery in his canteen... Then he killed another lady with same name to distract the police... At last a protogonist and investigator find the killer... Nice script but poorly executed... Very predictable and poor climax... Onetime watchable movie..!

A husband killed his wife by some hitman becozz she wants to complaint abt his forgery in his canteen... Then he killed another lady with same name to distract the police... At last a protogonist and investigator find the killer... Nice script but poorly executed... Very predictable and poor climax... Onetime watchable movie..!
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Doesn't work when it's light, doesn't work when it's serious
jtindahouse2 July 2023
This might just be the toughest type of film to get right. The mixing of two drastically different tones is such a hard mix to get right. A lot of people consider the Coen brothers to be some of the best to ever do it - and even they didn't always get it right.

The main problem with 'Maggie Moore(s)' is that it does really work in either mode. When it is trying to be light and funny it just comes across painfully dull. And when it shifts into serious mode, it offers nothing that a thousand other similar films haven't done before. There is no point of difference in this movie.

They try to make up for a painfully flat script with some big names in the cast, but even that isn't close to enough to save it. It just makes some very bad dialogue be delivered slightly better. It's still bad dialogue. This was a misfire on all levels. A generous 4/10.
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a breath of fresh air
uberdonkey64 August 2023
I'm really starting to like Jon Hamm in his recent movies. He plays a calm mature and sweet man very well. This time as a policeman. If you are tired of CGI films without a story, of Hollywood pap that just wants kids through the doors, try this film.

So it's a murder mystery (for the policeman, the viewer knows who did it, but its nice watching them go through the process). Also, there are novel and interesting characters that interact beautifully. To be honest all the characters were acted well, and half the film really is about the dilemmas of the 4 or 5 key characters. Although there are some deaths, its not excessively gory and it isn't an action film. Reminds me a bit of the murder mysteries we'd see in the late 80s, but in this story is much better, characters are 3d, and filming very polished. Yep, the story is a little quirky, but pretty believable. There is a romantic sub-plot, which is complicated by one being a widower, and the other being divorced, but it takes on some modern themes very well.

For me a good film requires a good and well told story, with good characters. This is what this film is. No high drama (except may a little toward end, and a bit of a surprise), but I loved the way it was presented and paced. Made it feel like real life without being dull at any time. Maybe the film is an 8, but I gave it a 9 just because it was laid out so well and skillfully.

Maybe people under 25 will find it slow or no dramatic enough, but I think most older people (male and female) will find this a fulfilling film covering a few interesting themes and with an interesting murder mystery aspect. Comedy? Not really, though some light touches which are sweet/funnyish. Go on, give it a go.
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A murder mystery, with no mystery, the way I like it...
johntorrance-9641126 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie, it's entertaining, and very straightforward. But, there are a couple of things that force to you suspend disbelief, maybe too far. First, it seems strange that a compute loyalty system would connect the wrong person to a phone number they don't have. Although, I write software and I can totally see one of my idiot co-workers not checking for that. But the one that really bugs me is that the many pretending to be deaf adds nothing to the story! First, if he was really deaf, that would be fine, and they could have just taken that through the whole movie. Second, if he was never deaf or pretending to be deaf, also, that would have been fine. But, why was he still pretending to be deaf when he was in his own home, with the TV volume on max and ignoring the door. Also, why on earth would he pretend to be deaf with people he was about to kill?
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talented cast wasted
F42KH4N23 June 2023
Great performances but I haven't seen a movie with such a telegraphed plot, with so much unnecessary exposition, in a long time.

Does this review have spoilers? No. But the movie is entirely selfspoiling, so it wouldn't matter anyway.

Really the cast behind the minor characters somewhat rescued this movie from being totally unwatchable. Guy who played jay was excellent. The villain was quite menacing.

Hamm was rather charming, and played it nice and subtle. Tina fey and nick mohammed weren't given much to work with.

Could have really done without being so blatant to the point of having contempt for the audience. Written by someone who maybe appreciates dark comedy but just can't muster it up themselves?
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dreaming of Coen brothers
SnoopyStyle8 August 2023
Police Chief Jordan Sanders (Jon Hamm) investigates the murders of two women both named Maggie Moore. Rita Grace (Tina Fey) is the nosy neighbor of the first Maggie.

This is a howcatchem murder caper. It's a little quirky with a hint of a lighter tone, but it's not quirky enough to be funny. Actor John Slattery is trying his hand at directing and has called upon his Mad Men bestie Jon Hamm to lead the charge. Tina Fey is doing Tina Fey with a twist. My initial impression is that this is trying to be Fargo. By the end of the movie, I have concluded that Slattery is no Coen brothers. That does not make it a bad movie. It's not a great movie. It's just good enough for a quirky interesting watch.
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Tina Fey? Yes please! As often as possible
orcinussr16 June 2023
I've found in recent years that, by far, the most desirable aspect of my entertaining content needs to be comedic in nature - I know.. I know.. I KNOW! But it seems that's all I can handle these days - so when I see a film that features Ms. Fey and Jon Hamm and 'Nate the Great' fabled wunderkind from Ted lasso Nick Mohammed, well I'm sold! And long story short (cause this is neither) I enjoyed the past time albeit didn't LAUGH laugh per se but found it amusing nonetheless - so anyway I do in fact recommend this for viewing if your looking for a fun little combination of comedy and idk.. Thriller? Yes sure.
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Slattery trying to find the laughs in manslaughter.
ThurstonHunger26 December 2023
At the library saw this recent movie with Tina Fey and Jon Hamm, so thought it would be worth a shot at something my wife and I could enjoy together. Early on it starts out with some of the crime action, that many others have pointed out is a tricky pairing with comedy.

It jettisoned my wife for sure. But I stuck around...

The problem is not just that it's a crime/comedy, but the comedy is often pretty dry and well the crime is not embezzling, but let's say much wetter. Another problem is some of the absolutely stupid behavior by the "crooks" contrasted with the more sharp-witted dialog.

Tina Fey leans hard into her ugly ducking role, but her attractive personality plus kind of belies that. Well, then there is her ex-husband with benefits, that was sort of part of the dry humor. I noticed another review thought it was John Goodman as the assassin who has some tricks up his extra-large sleeves. But no, I think it was his stunt double.

The subtle work just gets murdered by the heavier overriding plot points. It's like admiring your kids chalk work on pavement drawing well within the police chalked body outline. Hard to shake that off-feeling.

Maybe instead of trying to go Fargo, John Slattery (Hamm's old pal from Mad Men, in his 2nd full length each time with a star from that successful show)....maybe Slattery could have gone further into David Lynch territory. Even that might not have worked, here in the US with our requisite patriotic level of fear of some random act of violence, I think it's hard to laugh at mistaken identity womanslaughter.

Bottom line the film ends up being less than the sum of its parts. Damn shame as the cast and ideas I do feel like could have been forged into something uniquely successful.
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Nick made it funny.
sharonwonders15 July 2023
Strange thing to say with Tina and Jon in there. They were lovely, though, and I like these kinds of movies. Each of the other characters could have filled in a little more funny, quirky or darkness with lots o potential. "fargo misses the mark" but still good.

Don't know what more to write so filling up these characters. Will look for more stuff with Nick in it. I thought Jon and Nick had chemistry and jon and tina had chemistry and Nick and cashier had chemistry. Other characters needed a little more connection time. Fun set and cars, nothing too fancy, nothing too cartoony, just eclectic fun.
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Fargo with mismatched cast and poor dialog
janet-42-16747218 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1/2 way though this film I kept on wondering if I had seen it before. Unnecessary murders, Humanized chief of police, small town vistas, etc. Fargo without the snow. I also noticed that the characters seemed to be struggling to get away from the writers. They were dogged down with speech and actions that made no sense. Everyone seemed to be miscast. I love Tina Fey, don't get me wrong, but she was one of those actors who were underutilized and poorly formed. Jon Hamm was wooden, but when isn't he? I actually started to watch this because it was a chance to see Nick Mohammed In something other than Ted Lasso. Again, disappointing.

I don't really care that this was a ripoff of Fargo, so much as it shoulda/coulda been a good ripoff. The elements were there, but only the killer was fresh (I won't spoil the plot, but he was pretty good at being evil).

Throughout the movie, people kept on doing things that didn't make sense. In one of the scenes, where Tina Fey's character gets a hotel room was like a really nice song playing on a record player and suddenly someone sends the tonearm scratching across the entire record - jarring and nonsensical.

Jon Hamm's character is grieving, but there is no substance to the grieving.

And finally, the multiple victims in the story. No development. I would accuse the screenwriter of misogany with the first 2 murders, but he makes up for it with the last three. However, at least the last 3 got a chance for us to begin to see who they were. The women at the beginning had no chance at all - just victims.

I will give the writer and filmmaker some credit, however for not dumbing down the audience. When tina's character, towards the end of the movie makes her fateful decision, you know from her encounter with the car repair man what drove (pun intended) her to her decision.

I will give the set locations person and cinematographer a positive review - sets were gorgeous and real, and the cinematography helped to answer a few questions and move the plot along.

All in all, this should have been a much better movie and was destroyed by bad writing, bad character development. And poor casting.

I gave it 4 stars because i was willing to watch it to the end, and those of you who have not seen Fargo will enjoy it more than I did.
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A black comedy supposedly based on real events, mixing murders with a bit of humor.
ma-cortes18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
John Slattery film with decent performances, emotion, wry humor and some very quirky dialogue. An uneven mix of laughter and blood, about the lives of some citizens leading to terrible events, and not without its boring patches. Police Chief Sanders (Jon Hamm) investigates the strange murders of two women with the same name and unravels a small-town web of lies. He meets and quickly falls in love with Rita (Tina Fey), a nosy neighbor who is eager to help solve the mystery. A homemade murder story! Small town !. Great crime! A lot can happen in the middle of nowhere! An ordinary place, an extraordinary thriller!

A mix of black comedy, drama, violence, blood, laughter and some very extravagant and excessive dialogues. John Slattery (Roger Sterling in Mad Men) directs this black comedy made in the style of the now classic 'Fargo', being inspired by a real case that occurred in Texas and starring Jon Hamm (Beirut, Top Gun: Maverick) and Tina Fey (Mean Girls) in which two women with the same name are murdered a few days apart in the same city. In fact, the film is based on the real unsolved mystery of the murder of two women with the same name, one was in a car, parked near the train tracks, and it was set on fire, then, approximately a week later, another woman she was also murdered. The Maggie Moore(s) is a film full of humor, violence and a set of crazy characters: unfaithful husbands, nosy neighbors, a hitman... And in which the identity of the murderers is known from the beginning, but not because they have done.

The film is enhanced by W. Mott Hupfel III's brilliant camera work, augmented by the bright, colorful cinematography. In addition to a lively and pleasant musical score by composer Ben Sollee. This fun and entertaining film was unevenly directed by John Slattery. Actor and filmaker John Slattery (director) and Jon Hamm (police chief Jordan Sanders) used to be in "Mad Men" playing respectively Roger Sterling and Don Draper, both senior partners in the advertising company the series was about. This is the second feature film directed by John Slattery (who has a long career as an actor), the first was: ¨The Mystery of God's Pocket¨ (2014), although he has also made episodes for television series such as ¨Love¨ (2016) , and Mad Men (2007). The Maggie Moore(s) Rating: 5.5/10. Aceptable and passable film.
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Uneven. Not hitting the mark. Too slow. Just... not.
imseeg24 June 2023
Not a terrible "comedy", but a rather SLOW one, with very few real jokes that made me laugh.

More bad: some of the actors (even the leading ones) just dont hit it of. No actor's chemistry. No spark or punch.

Not any good then at all? No, the story in itself is rather quirky and interesting and out of whack at moments. BUT there are basically 2 stories trying to be told. The one about a looser, who gets into deep trouble with the wrong criminal guys and the other story is sort of an quirky romantic story, which fails to lift of.

One of those movies that doesnt start out bad at all, but one of those movies that you also get that nagging feeling halfway through that it is going nowhere.
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Slow Burn Thriller that Pays Off
GeneralUrsus25 June 2023
Don't understand the hate for this nifty little thriller. Bodies start to pile up in a small town in Albuquerque, New Mexico. John Hamm and his trusty assistant Deputy Ready are on hand to sniff out the clues and put the pieces of this tricky puzzle together.

Hamm and Tina Fey feature some nice chemistry and work well to keep the energy going. Sure there are elements of Fargo and Rear Window sewn into the plot but, they only act as pepper there's much more seasoning here to keep you interested.

The picture is lensed by John Hamm's former Mad Men co-star John Slattery. He has a nice feel for suspense, tension and utilizes the dramatic mountain ranges of New Mexico to good effect.

A fine supporting cast of memorable character actors keep you interested. There's a twist or two but, mostly it's a slow burn thriller that pays off. Give it a try.
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If the Story had been told from fewer angles, they would have maintained more suspense and interest.
Maggie Moore(s) is a new crime comedy directed by John Slattery. He is more known as an actor but has previously directed the movie God's Pocket. He has also directed several episodes of the TV series Mad Men, in which actor John Hamm also played a major role.

Local Sheriff Jordan Sanders (Jon Hamm) teams up with his deputy Reddy (Nick Mohammed) to solve a murder mystery. The murder mystery is about two women with the same name, Maggie Moore, who were murdered in quick succession in the same town.

This murder mystery seems to affect the entire small town and leads to many different clues and suspects, even one of the partners of one of the victims.

Director John Slattery has not directed any films since 2014. The same applies to script writer Paul Bernbaum, who has not written an independent script since 2006. The fact that both have not been active in this profession for a while can unfortunately be seen in the final film.

For example, the story is told from too many different angles, such as that of the police sheriff, the mastermind of the murders, the killer himself, and some witness. By showing all these different angles, the story sometimes remains difficult to follow. Because as a viewer you also get more and earlier answers than, for example, the police sheriff himself, you can also keep anticipating the story. The murder mystery and who the perpetrators are, for example, is shown to you as a viewer all too quickly. As a result, the murder mystery only loses its mysterious sides. Had they brought the story from lesser sides, the movie could have remained more of a murder mystery. As a viewer you would have had a chance to try to solve this mystery yourself.

Despite the lesser script, Jon Hamm puts in good and appropriate acting as a police sheriff who tries to investigate everything down to the smallest details. Together with Nick Mohammed, he comes across as a good and credible police sheriff with a deputy sheriff, who always tries to deliver comedy at the wrong times. Tina Fey sometimes also comes across as a nosy neighbor who tries to get everything on board rather than her character being really helpful to the story. They also set up a kind of dating story between her and Jon Hamm that seems a bit detached compared to the rest of the film. The angle of the creator of the murders is also less interesting to follow, because this is a less enjoyable storyline and you don't really care about this character anyway.
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Maggie Moore(s)
henry8-310 August 2023
John Hamm plays a local police chief, who along with his deputy, Nick Mohammed investigate the two seemingly unconnected murders of two women both named Maggie Moore. A nosey neighbour to the first victim played by Tina Fey, shares her thoughts with Hamm and the 2 start falling for each other.

Strange sort of sub Fargo comedy thriller that has a sometimes odd mix of comedy and romance (Hamm/Fey), a witty investigation (Hamm/Mohammed) and a quite brutal thriller, occasionally tinged with dark humour (Micah Stock/Happy Anderson). It is not entirely successful in blending these elements, particularly with the thriller sections, but Hamm, Fey and Mohammed are fun company and many of their scenes together are quite sharply written. Not great, but with some nice scenes, so worth a look.
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a "wanna be" Breaking Bad murder mystery
dklecan31 December 2023
Pros: 1. Romance between Hamm and Fey. Great Chemistry here. Their relationship seemed pitch perfect for their age and personality. I would love to see them again in a rom-com. They seemed natural vs that latest yell match of a rom-com of Julia Roberts in her daughter's wedding. 2. I loved the views of my Sandia Mountains. The Sandia mountains loom over everything in ABQ, and they did a great job including them in the background of many of the scenes.

Cons: 1. Seemed like they tried to make a murder mystery in the Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul playbook. There are Scenes of funky architecture, dialogs inside crazy diners, murder in a 1950's era concrete apartment and another crime scene located out in the desert. Most of us from Albuquerque don't go to half these places. 2. Murder mystery? ...there was no mystery here. We know who killed who from the very beginning and so did most of the protagonists. Most reviewers mentioned that they tried to make a Cohen brothers/Fargo type story focusing on character development than mystery. 3. And lastly, an indian (from India) actor? I know there are Indians in NM, but I've lived here, worked here, and taught here most of my life and never met a single one. NM has the largest population of hispanic and native Americans and they couldn't find one to play the deputy or any other character? Some TV shows/movies go crazy with diversity, but not having a single Hispanic actor in a US Southwestern locale is like not having an Italian or African American actor in a NY scene.
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not the worst...
ops-5253526 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
But definately not the best of stories taken out of the probable and ever so serindipitously murderous true life happenings. Identity confussion and brutal murder for hire are the greatest of keywords to this just about feature length film

its plain average on production and acting, with more or less over the top tv-series stars, except mr goodman and maybe hamm. But as a lot they function, had expected some more ''nobody'' or ''arizona'' stuff from the plot of criminal action, never mind.

If you like kinda weirdo giggling comedy of a massmurder from the american southwest, then its a go for it, not much else that bumps into my wornout grey substance in there in the brain somewhere, just a small recommend from the grumpy old man.
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