Koala Man (TV Series 2023) Poster


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Michael Cusack's Newest Show about a Superhero
nasdagoodshepherd9 January 2023
I just watched a first few episodes of Hulu's newest adult animated show, Koala Man. I've got to say that I was actually kinda impressed with it. The show's background design has more texture, and the visuals are nothing special, the visuals are at least quite fun to look at. The character designs reminds me of the art style from Rick and Morty, Close Enough, Solar Opposites, and Final Space. The characters are kinda like a mixture of the characters from Solar Opposites and Close Enough to me, and yet they're likable and the humor is also fun. Not to mention some of the parts of the show are really great, for example, some animation segments on the characters are considered to be really fluid and it's actually splendid to look at.

All and all, Koala Man will put a smile on your face and I highly recommend it, it's funny, action-packed, and it's enjoyable, especially from Michael Cusack and Justin Roiland.

I give Koala Man an 8.9/10.
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Well this is a pleasant surprise.
tommypezmaster11 January 2023
Gives the superhero comedy gene a fresh new start. The characters are justified by who they are and what they do and still feel relatable at the same time. The Australian setting really helped elevate the series and makes it feel exotic like most titles set in Australia. The co-creator of Smiling Friends really know how to make me feel.

Koala Man/Kevin may be hapless, but you feel for him for his journey to be the hero the entire town needs, despite looking at him as a joke everywhere. The trouble the town goes though feels like fresh new takes on problems only superheros must solve.

I think you should give this one a shot.
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An excellent comedy romp
sehij-0550120 January 2023
I first watched Koala man as a series of YouTube shorts and when I first heard of the series I was very excited. I am pleased to say I have not been disappointed by Michael Cusack's latest series. I have appreciated most of his work and style and this series is absolutely no exception. I like the animation stlye, it's oddly sloppy but well done nature is something I appreciate. The jokes lead from banal everyday events taken to their comedic extreme with a man dressed as a koala. I don't know why but the Australian accent adds a lot to the humour for me, I know it's part of the Aussie thing but still the voice actors delivery and accent for me adds to the humour. It's very much the style my friends and I have enjoyed whilst we were growing up and I am pleased it now has a series and recognition. I hope it goes a long way.
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Worst Michael cusack project but still decent
Hoebagolo4 February 2023
Feels like he's gone more mainstream to appeal to vaster audience. Especially since it's a Hulu exclusive (maybe they limited his usual odd style). A lot of what makes his other projects (smiling friends, yolo, bushworld) so great is their weirdness and originality of which this show lacks in comparison. Everything seems watered down, from the boring lead/family to damo and Darren(original shorts of them on YouTube). The daughters storyline is awkwardly forced and agonizingly unoriginal(which they could've poked fun at, didn't). The sons boring and lame but they could've done a lot more with leaning into that too. The moms basic as well. The dads basic which is his shtick but doesn't standout comedically when most the other main characters are just as tame/uninspired.

There's still that kooky Aussie charm/self deprecation in it that makes me love him in general and kept me watching his show to the end. If you like this and haven't seen his other shows you should definitely check them out.
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Rick and Morty with an Australian coat of paint
mjr-8873917 January 2023
As a fan of the original koala man YouTube clips by Michael Cusack, I think the writing took a turn in the wrong direction for the series. The heavily fantasy themed plots and over the top Rick and morty style action is not what this show should have been. It should have felt more like a slice of life/king of the hill type show with more down to earth plots.

Koala man works better as a comedy when he is fighting uninteresting problems and thinks he is a real superhero, not so funny when he is actually fighting giant space aliens and saving the world.

Feels like the show has had too much of a Hollywood influence and has forgotten what made koala man funny in the first place.
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I'm sold
Amthermandes19 January 2023
Ok, I may be a sucker for adult animation, and also for Australian culture. So I was pretty much destined to enjoy this show. What I didn't know is that I'd enjoy it this much.

It's not based on bits like Family Guy, and it's not as smart as "Rick and Morty," some may see it as a desperate grab for American attention by throwing all this Aussie culture in their faces to woo them, with funny little cultural things like "showbags" and "sausage rolls" and other Aussie quirks, along with character donning the striking and appealing Aussie accent. But some of us are suckers for it, because let's be honest, our own culture is usually boring to ourselves. And Australians are, well, COOL to us yanks. Believe me, that accent holds a lot of power over us. It's more exotic than anything in Europe. So congrats Hulu, you did your research, and you found something that would catch our attention.

The show centers on Koala Man, the not-so-covert identity of a local family man who is a lot like Stan from "American Dad," but only the Australian version. He's a stickler to rules, and prides himself as being the head of a family, which he loves about as much as rules themselves. He exists in what appears to be an alternative reality of Earth, where strange things happen like animals talking, aliens screwing planets, and psychic powers are actually real. It's a wild world, and it's all in Australia. It certainly feels like Australia's trying to teach America and the rest of the world something about Aussie culture. I have always enjoyed Australian cinema, and this comes as a fresh addition to the adult animated comedy scene.
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Fun, Promising, Shadow Of What It Could Have Been.
UncleLobster14 March 2023
Hits all the popular highlights of Australian culture in a funny aproachable way, but doesn't venture outside it's snake-riddled backyard.

The visuals stand out, and are a real breath of fresh air, although still its not as good as the unqiue and original youtube shorts, and that comes across throughout the entire project.

They started with a really unqiue concept - and had modern edgy original cartoon shorts, and then watered it down for a more aproachable audience, which made it loose it's spark.

And as the episodes continue, the plot kinda just drags, and isn't actually that interesting, and doesn't really critique society in any meanful way.

It could have been a turning point for a great year of Australian Animation, from a rising artist that seems to hold much promise, but you get the feeling that it all got lost in the corporate bureaucracy of trying to make an approachable hit.

If this ever gets a second season, they should move Koala Man to the big city, and have more sharp and edgy critiques of Australian culture, that usually gets neglected by typical depections of Australia in media.

Sad fact that rural towns are kinda boring, which reflects in the show.
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It was since the first two Seasons of Rick and Morty that I didn't found a so good TV Show
turelcaccese9 January 2023
"Everybody got to evelate from the norm" (Vital Signs by Rush)

The Big Lez Show, Danger 5, Italian Spiderman, Smiling Friends, Bushworld Adventures, Yolo, Solar Opposites.

These are just some of the title of the people behind this new TV Show, created by the prolific mind of Australian animator Michael Cusack.

Koala Man is a tv show about a regular mid-age family dad that try his best to make the right thing, even if there is no reason to do that and even if his family is experiencing a crisis. There is honesty in the frustration lived by Kevin Williams/Koala Man and episode after episode you start to understand that his obsession with the justice is just to cover other kind of issues. All the supernatural events connected to the routine of the simple town of Depto are just the norm, a metaphor to analyze the Australian society (Australia that could be the Netherlands, the UK, or every random not so big country of the Europe) in the era post covid, an era self-aware of his own unselfishness and inadequacy, envy of the illusion of the America dream.

The Australian Time zone: The narrative of the alternative story backround created because of Australia Time zone (no spoiler don't worry) is probably the most superb part of this not so silly cartoon, something similar to the alternate storyline written by Alan Moore in Watchmen. I'm not joking.

Excellent Acting with a really great cast.

A great music direction composed by Brendan Caulfield Oustanding Animations (The Emu episode have one of the greatest animation and music I ever saw for a first season tv show episode).

If you like only one of the title I wrote at the beginning of this review, you will love this show.
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gehriquentin13 February 2023
I watched it because I saw that it was made by the person that made Solar Opposite and that it was really fun.

To be honest, this show is not bad but not that good either. There is some funny moments but not as hilarious as Solar Opposite is.

I really love the end that is so stupid and funny with the Kukaburra. From episode 1 to 4, it's a little bit long and not that funny.

I really recommend this show if people loved Solar Opposite ! I hope there will be a second season more like the last two episodes.

The story still make sense anyway and it's of course for adult if you were wondering but I guess not !
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dcoke2520 February 2024
Just binged the first season and it was MEH. Got like two genuine laughs, otherwise, NOTHING. For the most part, this show isn't offensive, but then there was one episode where it was really going for the edgy humor, and it didn't make sense and seemed to be a Justin Roiland suggestion. Nothing was 100% off about it, but nothing was ever on about it either.

The premise is like a cute 1-off joke that they stretch for a whole season. Delusional man, wants to be a super-hero, a premise that was done in Kick-Ass, and Super, to better results. The character I liked the most was the daughter, liked her petty want to be popular, and getting happy as her competition gets eliminated one-by-one in rather clever ways. Those were like the only enjoyment I got out of this series. Other than that, it's another one of those "LOL RANDOM" series, which I don't know if Zach Hadel of all people, reigns in Mike making Smiling Friends work, or if that's just a better premise for the LOL Random humor to work its magic. Here it seemed like most of the time, it was just done for the sake of it and not the plot of it. While I laughed at the thug Kangaroos, it also didn't really make sense.

I don't regret watching it, but I wouldn't recommend people watch it, it's like alternative comedy, where you acknowledge where the jokes are supposed to be, but rarely if ever laugh at said jokes.
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Slam dunk
nicshampoo15 January 2023
This is the most authentic Australian comedy to ever hit mainstream audiences. The way it captures Aussie culture so perfectly and includes things like handball, show bags and tradies but still makes itself accessible to outside audiences is amazing. It's so satisfying to see Michael Cusack hit such success, he's one of the most talented Australian exports since Hugh Jackman. So many obscure Aussie references and expressions that'll go over Americans heads like Harvey Norman and cashies. 6 seasons and a movie please. Thank god he included damo and Darren... Hearing Jarrad Wright & Jordan Shanks voices was the icing on the cake.
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Re writing the pessimistic Adult Animation Genre
josyenoelvines16 February 2023
It is criminally underrated and I was absolutely in love with it.

The optimistic side of Adult Animation is hard to come by and it's obvious Micheal Cusack understands how to balance his shows even when it's flying into absolute absurdity.

Everything feels somehow grounded in a weird reality. Nothing makes me think "this is out of place". It seems episodic and like a continuation of a story all at once, almost like a South park episode without cynicism.

The characters are all likable and very down to earth even with the absurd quirks they have.

The voice acting is incredibly natural, that's why I enjoyed smiling friends so much when it dropped.

I am realizing how much I hate polished dialogue because this feels so real even in the most unreal setting you can present.

In most TV shows they can't capture some of the raw chats people have with eachother. Misunderstandings, random pauses, breathing audibly, small skips in words. All gets highlighted in these shows and it makes it feel much more natural even if it isn't a flawless flow.

The art style is super cute and I have 0 complaints but it is reminiscent of Family Guy and other similar adult animation styles which isn't bad. Just formulaic. The characters designs aren't overcrowded, they are simple but distinct. I never find myself asking "who was that again" because of how unique each design/personality is.

I could give this show a million praises. The only thing I'd argue is poor is rewatchability. I wouldn't watch it multiple times over unless I was sharing it with someone else.
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Hilariously pointless Aussie tv and I love it!
abbylizbon14 January 2023
I agree with other reviewers where this show may not be your cup of tea if you're not Aussie or understand our humour.

I do however disagree with the opinions that this show is trying to compete with Rick and Morty/Solar Opposites etc. I think it's a lazy assumption to think that all adult humour runs in the same category. I love both of the aforementioned, and Koala Man definitely cannot sit in that same category.

It's a show that will get very mixed opinions I feel. I personally love that it feels like we get a stereotypically outrageous adult Aussie show on a major streaming platform. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here!
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Might be funny down under...
jonas-715-4345299 January 2023
But up here in boring old Scandinavia, it's barely worth watching in 8x. Weak storytelling, uninteresting characters and nothing humorous about any of the dialogs or the attempts to make weird twists on everyday family issues in the suburbs. To compete in the Rick & Morty, or Family Guy genres is no easy task - but this is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Will give it a couple of more episodes to at least see what they have in store for, otherwise prominent actors, like Huge Jackman and Hugo Weaving. Maybe they can help pick up the pace. Emu-man, koala-man, or what ever your name is: Godspeed :).
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The Suburban Superhero we never knew needed
mz-3001710 January 2023
So after watching the entire series in one sitting, I can syat that it's failr enjoyable. For non-Australians, there are alot of jokes and references some people can't understand, but regardless of the cultural differences, it's a bloody good time for everyone to enjoy the absurdity of the show.

Though the general art style of the characters is based of oversaturated adult animated sitcoms, there are plenty moments of animation that stand out. Though it makes sense, by means to keeping Cusack's art style seperate from Smiling Friends and YOLO Crystal Fantasy.

Main characters are enjoyable to watch, despite having the cliche basis of a somewhat dysfunctional family to go through many experiences, they're charming as they are. Side characters are also enjoyable too, with small moments to shine for comedic relief.

It gets pretty ridiculous in the last 2 episodes, but in a good way that leaves alot of room of character depth and expanding it's own world. Can't wait to season 2 and what Michael Cuscak and the rest of the cast and crew can offer!
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Just as powerless as the main character
dracforever28 January 2023
I have no clue how this show has such a high rating. Storyline is dumb, main character is impotent, and except for some overt adult content, is a children's show level content.

My rating was not reached on a whim after five minutes, I watched the first eight episodes. I was hoping it was just taking its time setting up the characters but, alas, it was not. Maybe I don't understand down under humour although, I don't think that's my issue. Seems the PC agenda has taken any and all the bite out of poking fun. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience, recommend this Hulu original program. (Additionally, I'm beginning to question my support of Hulu as my streaming service.)
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Refreshing animation
dylanrathmann10 January 2023
A welcome addition to adult animation, taking inspiration from the likes of solar opposites and Rick and morty, Koala man is funny, action packed and crazy. Solid yet wacky stories, with likeable characters. The animation style is unique and solid to watch. First few episodes in and the superhero element is perfectly matched with relatable and everyday occurrences spun with a satirical twist. One more thing too note is the beautiful Australian accent that makes profanity worth hearing. I look forward to future seasons of this eccentric Australian gem of animation. The use of a timeline makes this especially rewarding too watch.
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A new Aussie classic
brodie-2568613 January 2023
I feel like if your going into this show as a non Aussie a lot of the humour will be lost on you. However as an Australian having a cartoon on the level the Big Lez Show which a high production value is quite the special treat!

To any Aussie who has grown up with Michael Cusack cartoons on YouTube and classic Aussie characters such and big Lez and Mike Nolan you will definitely find some enjoyment in this show. Plus this show has a nice added bonus of some big name Aussie battlers such and Hugh Jackman and Hugo Weaving who give surprising good preformances in the silly and strange take on Australia.
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Why does he have a Kiwi accent?
benhouse-0513010 April 2023
This show is occasionally funny. But the content, the formula, and the characterisation is nothing new. In a lot of ways it is very Australian, in a modern sense. By that I mean, take what the U. S. is doing and do exactly the same but pretend like it's new and original, when in reality it's just derivative excrement. It's like a group of juvenile delinquents got together and though 'hey, wouldn't it be cool if we made the Simpsons but Homer thought he was a superhero? But instead of doing one episode of it like the Simpsons would, we make an entire serious out of it and milk it for everything it's worht?'

And the worst about it? He doesn't have an Aussie accent. One could be forgiven for thinking that the creator is a Kiwi, but he isn't! He's from the town it's set in. I can only assume he's trying very hard to sound like Jermaine, or Murray from the Flight of the Concords, which is a great show. Unfortunately this isn't anything but. Don't waste your time.
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I really enjoyed it.
Father_RIPs24 January 2023
I am not going to go too in-depth with the show simply because I am more of a movie critic, but overall I think Koala Man deserves a hell of a lot more than it received. Most people never gave the show a chance before flocking to Twitter to complain. I recommend watching it to the end because the show starts to shine later in its run, and then judge it for yourself.

Here is my judgment, one thing I liked about Koala Man is how it's a tamer and more extended version of a Cusack show which gives it charm within itself. It can be heartwarming and funny simultaneously, which can be a powerful tool in storytelling (especially adult animation). One thing it could work on is hooking the audience sooner. The first two and a half episodes are slow, but as you continue to watch, you can see how Cusack's ability to create an arced story within longer episodes develops and strengthens. This made the season's middle and end very good.

Koala Man is fun, and I hope people stop hating on it so it can get a second season. With even more experience under Cusack's belt, Koala Man could develop into something magically insane.
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speaktomenow10 May 2023
How many times and ways can I say that this is terrible to fill in 600 characters ?

I love animation and I really wanted to like this but wow it was terrible. I'm still toughing it out watching Family Guy and American Dad and Big Mouth but I'm unclear why anyone would watch this. It will never get renewed.

How many times and ways can I say that this is terrible to fill in 600 characters ?

Don't waste your time. Another show we will never understand how this got green lit. Who green lit this for production? Did they ever read the scripts or watch it?

If this is on your résumé you should be ashamed.
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About time
ghostmodule24 January 2023
I've been waiting for Michael Cusack to create a show like this for years, especially one that included his Damo and Darren characters, which this show does. Among YOLO and Smiling Friends, this is definitely my favourite so far. I don't really have any complaints besides wishing Damo and Darren had their own real show, but I doubt that's going to happen.

Koala Man simply rocks, the storyline is surprisingly good and kept me interested the whole way through, going into it I expected a lot less in terms of story arcs and whatnot but was met with a whole lot more. The last episode ended on a cliffhanger so here's to hoping another season comes soon and the show can continue without Roiland in the midst of the recent controversy around him. It would be a shame to see such a fun show like this get cancelled because of him but I'm hopeful the show will still be renewed.
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lawrencehobart29 January 2023
About time we had something like this. The septics (not a typo) might not get some of the cultural references, but it's just a great caricature of small town, lower middle Australia. And the characters are very relatable. It's kind of a spin off of Damo and Darren, which is kinda cool in itself, that was always going somewhere, and to see Justin Roiland in the mix is exciting. I'm shocked, I'd honestly expected after watching Season One to see a score of 8.2 or more, but I get it, some of us just have our artistic appreciation glands in our colons, and that's OK. All in all, bravo, great job, actually 9.5 out of ten but rounded up.
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Exceptional cast
jake-atterby11 January 2023
Don't be turned off by the animation style, the writing and voice acting is so phenomenal, with stand out performances from Hugh Jackman, Demi Lardner and the surprise appearance of Hugo Weaving! Honestly, I could listen to these characters talking hot nonsense for hours. Clearly a lot of love has been put into this, and the suburban Australian setting is extremely refreshing - not to mention the show's strict continuity which becomes stranger and stranger as it goes on. Do not go into this thinking it's just another Rick and Morty/ Solar Opposites, it is so much more and well worth your time!
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Outrageously stupid but funny!
mishahaynie22 January 2023
If you can get past how insanely moronic this show is, you'll have a good time! The show is so much better than I was ever expecting this to be! And it keeps getting better with every episode! I turned this on thinking it was going to be the worst thing ever made, but was pleasantly surprised by how insanely awesome and likable this show and its characters turned out to be! Went much deeper than I was ever expecting the show to go. At least watch the first five episodes! Give it a watch! You won't be disappointed. It's not for everyone, but it's unapologetically different in all the right ways!!!
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