After the Verdict (TV Series 2022) Poster

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High hopes, but...
patriciaddupont15 January 2023
I had really high hopes for this show, and was excited to watch when it finally came out. The premise is great, and most of the cast is fantastic, but the lead actress who plays Clara is just plain annoying. Her acting is way over the top, and her comedic timing is off. For instance, watch the scene where she bludgeons a car with a cello, and you'll know what I mean. The scene is just not funny, but it should have been, and would have been with a better actor. Going to persevere to find out whodunnit, and because im enjoying watching the rest of this great Aussie cast/ensemble, but it's not gripping me.
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It was refreshing
rivervalo20 September 2022
I really, really liked this. It was fun to watch, I cannot wait for next season.

I don't understand people who say that the characters aren't real. You either live in your private little bubble or you re too young.

Anyway it' s not a life changing show, but if you re looking for something to watch and have a good time, I really recommend this.

It is not scary, there are no violent scenes, no cursing, sometimes the lines are a bit awkward, but so is life and so are real people.

I think it's the first Australian show that I actually enjoyed Why do the reviews have to be so long? I am not a tv critic.
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Not your usual crime show - check it out now!
Margo9238920 August 2022
Not too many crime shows manage to successfully combine a gripping plot with humour - but 'After the Verdict' definitely delivers both. I'm totally addicted and can't wait to crack this one!
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Quirky fun
My5terygi5l30 December 2022
After The Verdict is a quirky and fun Australian mystery. The investigation begins after the verdict is read. Like the British, the actor's portray their roles with amazing debt and to perfection. They are very believable. I love the protagonist played by Michelle Lim Davidson and all of the actors playing the jurors. Lincoln Younes has great one liner's. Each juror is unique. The characters are all so much fun and knee deep in the mystery of the death of a woman. From the victim's husband to the jurors, the police and the woman who was acquitted of the murder, the personalities are so much fun. I have totally enjoyed it. This is a light mystery that you watch when you want cozy and fun. I would love for it to continue with the same character's. They would be great detectives after a verdict is announced. Don't listen to anyone who gives it a bad rating. Watch past the first episode and judge for yourself. Lots to see each episode.
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A very generous 5. Could've been better.
EShawn23 August 2022
I'm giving this a 5, because it has potential. I normally I give series up to the 4th episode, before I bail on it, or continue. I had to struggle through 2 episodes. One of the main things that keep me interested, or like a show or movie, is the characters. Especially the protagonist. Unfortunately, the protagonist, Clara, has got to be one of the most annoying characters I've seen on screen. Now I don't know if it's the way the character was written, or it's Michelle Lim Davidson and her acting. She's like stand up comic (who isn't that good to begin with) who's trying too hard to act serious in a serious show. It just doesn't work for me. I just can't bring myself to watching another episode. Watching her is like listening to nails scratching a chalkboard. Every other character is ok. Even the real estate dude. His character is meant to be annoying, and the actor plays him off well. I get the correct response towards "Ollie". I don't think the Clara character is supposed to be annoying. Sometimes I think the character is supposed to be funny, but just comes off like a bad joke. And over acting. All the other characters don't trigger me. With the things going on in her life, you'd feel sorry for her. But the only thing that keeps popping into my head is, she brings it upon herself. Then plays like the victim.

It's too bad, the show has potential. Just can't get pass the Clara character. Maybe if she was played by a different actor, or the writers didn't make her so much of an insecure, lonely person, that pulls everyone into her world, without thinking how it would affect them. And then acts like she's the victim when schit happens to her. Just so that she fills that "void" in her. Could've made a character like this, but a lot less annoying.

Hopefully, others don't find her annoying like I do. If it weren't for Clara, I'd probably give this 6.5-7 (in the direction it was going).
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Quirky and Entertaining
graham-kraushaar23 June 2023
I don't always need to have to think hard around a plot sometimes I just want to sit back and be entertained and this fitted the bill perfectly.

It was funny and sufficiently tense where required, to make the reasonably different take on a Whodunnit flow along very nicely.

The plot twisted around smartly, moving forward at sensible pace and the characters worked off each other well with their differing backstories all playing into the story.

I would agree with some other comments that Clara could at times felt overplayed. I rather enjoyed it and would be perfectly happy to watch another series.
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Appaling, Embarrassing Australian Production
castensmith22 August 2022
I can't believe this show ever made it on our screens.

Acting, plot, script really really D grade.

Some shows improve after the first few episodes, this mini series just gets worse.
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A great Australian series!
xhcncw16 May 2024
After the Verdict's first miniseries is so great. Binged it in a couple of nights, and it's well paced, has great characterisation, and a real mystery that threads through well. I'm in my mid 30s and found lots of elements of the show (relationships, children, older parents, etc) both relatable and moving. Lots of fun for its Sydney humour, settings and observations, including just how painful the real estate market is. Clara is a great lead character who is relatable and the casting across the series is spot on. I'd love another series (don't know if that's possible though...) and more like this in Australian TV!
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Probably the worst mini-series i have ever seen
icamlett-7018518 August 2022
Awful acting, an infantile script, stereotypical characters, a woke agenda a ridiculous plot and Magda Szubanski trying hard to be accepted as a serious actress. In other words the perfect storm of unadulterated bilge. Avoid like the Black Death!
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linzinorrie25 November 2022
Definitely had potential but the acting is absolutely abysmal. Doubt I'll be able to get through all the episodes. Really is a shame because it could have been really good, interesting concept, good storyline. The main character Clara is completely infuriating. She is wildly annoying, maybe that is the character or maybe it is just poor acting skills. Either way, it ruins a lot of the series for me personally. There isn't much depth to any of the characters and it seems a little bit overacted, trying too hard and it has not paid off. I can't relate or feel any kind of empathy for the characters.
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really give it up channel nine
mkennedy-682674 September 2022
You as a tv station really have no idea. Magda Jabalanski needs to be put out of our misery, over act, under acts and overall not even funny. The show is predictable poor scripting and bad continuity. Bit like most programs on this network.

Who ever wrote this needs to go back to the real world for inspiration. How about looking at old episodes of Homicide, Matlock, Division For, Cant See round Corners, Number 96 etc these are classics with some great stalwarts in Australian acting, writing and directing. Basic and contemporary but always delivered.

These thirty something programs now being dished up are lack lustre and have nothing to offer.
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jayphillips-631716 October 2022
Some of the laziest writing and most poorly conceived story lines you will ever see.

Timelines simply don't add up. Continuity is horrible. Research appears to be completely skipped throughout the entire production.

Any police officer watching it would cringe if they weren't already screaming and throwing things at the tv.

Acting wasn't too bad, but the characters the cast were given made them all look like bad actors. Their scripts, their characters, their stories are all completely ridiculous. None of them, perhaps apart from the one on trial, were given anything to work with.

No idea what this cost, but it cost exactly that amount too much.

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Light but bad
sarah_kingau31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The characters, let's start there. Individually, on their own, commended!

But did we decide to just get the best anctors and not how they fit together!

Belinda Brooks is meant to be a 40yo woman who looks like she could be my mother.

It was utterly distracting from the outset and made the rest of the plot difficult to relax into, every flashback was jarring for the audience as to the factually impossible implausible age of Belinda.

Magda and Virginia made no sense but they did their individual best!

There's many factual errors which had they been tightened would have put the focus back onto storyline's and help retain audience enjoyment.

Not well written.
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