Open Season 3 (2010) Poster


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Open Season 3: The trilogy is ruined.
martinezr-117759 July 2017
This ruined the series for me. Why. Just why?? In the movie, they added a lot of characters that we did NOT know or heard about. Even in Open Season: Scared Silly, they disappear!! In Open Season 3, there were some scenes that were unnecessary. For instance, in the start of the move, Boog, wakes up from a cave?? Since when did he lived in a cave?? Anyways, he gets excited for "one day of guy's trip." Then, he goes outside and start to shake his butt. WHY? That was extremely unnecessary and uncalled for. And remember Elliot and Giselle? They had KIDS!! And Guess what? In the ending of the movie, EVERYBODY SHAKE'S THERE BUTT!!! WHO MADE THESE SCENES!!!??? WHO DID IT AND WHY!!!??? Then boog goes to a circus for some reason and makes friends with a LAMA and a TWIN VERSION of boog named Doug. Okay then. Then in one scene, boog falls in love with a character (i forgot what her name was.) But she thinks that Boog is Doug. Boog tries to tell her, but she never listens. Elliot, Ian, and the rest of the gang try to save Boog from going to....Russia???? In conclusion, I think this was a movie we didn't ask for and to be the worst movie of the whole series!
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Time for this season to end.
natashabowiepinky17 March 2014
The first one was 'meh'. The second entry was 'huh'. The third is 'Whatever'. Sense a trend?

I've got very little to say here. There are too many characters, most with weird foreign dialects... which are still more amusing than half of what they say. The animation is about as good as you'd expect for a straight to DVD film. For those who like their stories predictable to a ridiculous level, this won't rock your boat at all. It's all I could do to stifle a yawn every five minutes, though.

And it's not a good idea to remind me of the plot of one Madagascar 3, one of my most hated animated movies of recent years. This is a marginal improvement... at least the finale in the Big Top this time didn't go on FOREVER. It was still pretty tortuous, though. And when it all wraps up after barely an hour (with a bizarrely unfunny slideshow over the credits) you wonder: was there any need for this to be made? No... No, there wasn't. 4/10
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Probably the Death of a Series
gavin694218 January 2011
Boog plans a guy's trip, but all his friends back out for one reason or another. He goes alone and stumbles on to a circus and a beautiful female bear named Ursa. Switching places with a male bear named Doug, his friends in the forest soon become worried.

The reviews for this film are not stellar, and I think I can sum up why: the original voice cast is not involved in this picture, so the characters sound funny. The plot is thin, and the movie comes in under 90 minutes, letting you know that they didn't have a strong story (even including the dogs and cats seems forced because it is not related to the main story at all).

For me, I liked the film. I don't have a strong attachment to the original, so I wasn't as offended. And I think kids will like it. Sure, the voice for Boog was annoying... but then, I loved the dogs and cats, so it's a toss-up. I felt like this was going to be a launching pad for a TV series, because it has a "Madagascar" feel to it... but with its poor reception, that may not be likely.

If you have kids, let them check it out. They may be less cynical than adult viewers, and it's not all bad. I learned what a camelid is... that may be worth the price of renting the film. But then again, maybe not. My girlfriend watched it with me and fell asleep... what does that tell you?
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Should have stopped after the Open Season II
khalmovskaya23 October 2010
If someone would like to spoil good memories after the Open Season I, they should definitely watch the third part. But I DO regret that I spent money on the cinema ticket this time!

It can get a title "The weakest animation of the year". Looks like the Director spent just an hour working over the movie. The script writers were not invited at all probably! No story, no jokes, no cute characters!

The "joke attempts" were so weak, that even kids never laughed! The quality of animation went down really evidently - characters are drawn careless, face of the Girl-bear looks quite scary; action is sent up by very loud stained voices of animals, but not by the story itself! The Bear is not cute any more, the Deer is not funny, but unpleasant, and the other Animals are just miserable flat washy figures!

If I wouldn't sit in the middle of the row - I would leave the cinema in 10 minutes after beginning of the movie!

Looks like it was just a sad attempt to squeeze out the last tipping points out of the name "Open season"...
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There was no reason for making this sequel...
miladed30 December 2010
I think this sequel was made, because they didn't have anything else to do, so someone said "Hey, let's make a sequel to Open Season, we just need to create the animation, story will come eventually!" And this useless unfunny video is the result.

Open Season 1 had an old cliché story, but it was rather funny, not even near to the top though. Open Season 2 also had its moments, but this one, it absolutely useless. Old unfunny jokes, bad story that has nothing to do even with the name, or the 2 first ones, only characters are the same.

I, as a big animation movie fan, couldn't bare watching any further than 30 minutes.

Well, if this and the first two Open Seasons are the first movies you ever watched you could find it funny. Other than that, it doesn't much worth watching.
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Garbage, Garbage, Garbage...
jgrizzle35817 January 2011
So, i saw Open Season 1 and 2, of course I wouldn't be watching 3 if I didn't. And I actually enjoyed the first one. It was funny, it was cute. It had Martin Lawerence, Ashton Kutcher, and Patrick Warburton. Then cam Open Season 2, a movie in which, the plot was very lacking, but the characters were still fun. There was one character in particular, a cat named Roger, who had this tendency to say the most random, out of the box, unrelated things, and it would always make you chuckle. And it wasn't even what he said so much as how he said it. However, they made the mistake of changing voice actors for the main characters. Although Mike Epps did a good Boog too. Now, Open Season 3... what a disaster... The best part about it was Roger from 2 was in it, and had a few (and I mean VERY FEW) funny random lines, but they made him smarter in this movie... well, sort of. And they managed to kill his character by making him less funny than in Open Season 2, which kind of ruined it for me.. Instead of having a funny line every 10 minutes, he'd spend 5 minutes repeating the same line over and over. By the 5th or 6th time I heard him say "ooooh, meat snacks!" I had facepalmed so hard my neighbor could feel it. Aside from that, the story sucked, the animation was horrible (very cheap and last minute looking) and the whole thing felt like it was thrown together in an hour. It wasn't funny either. It ruined the trilogy for me. Save yourself the torture and don't watch this garbage. Stick with 1 and 2. If you watch this one I promise it will ruin the series for you...

now excuse me while I go wash my eyes out with acid...
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I Made It Through 26 Minutes...
IMDb-NYC5 February 2011
Just finished Open Season 1 and 2, so I felt obligated to watch the third. I will usually watch any movie through to the end, regardless of how bad (...if only to see exactly how bad it will get). But 26 minutes into this one, I stopped the movie to come here and read a few reviews.

Now usually, I feel that many people like to come to IMDb and slam movies just for the sake of being mean. But I must say; in this case, I agree with what most everyone else is saying here about this movie, and I don't feel bad that I won't be watching the rest.

The voices are the first thing that throw you off (they are different than the voice actors in the first two movies), then you notice the animation looks more like Saturday morning cartoons (fewer frames per second than feature length animation, less fluid), just not as funny. Watch for yourself if you feel the reviews here are unfair. After watching 26 minutes worth, I'd say most reviews here are being generous.
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nice movie for kids!
briovaz30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
this is my first review on a movie! so please be kind enough to read this!i wanted more from this movie... compared to the 1st and 2nd parts of the open season movie series! it wasn't that great. but this movie was fun. it had a simple story and all the lovable characters from the open season series were in it. this movie is very good for kids. tells us about the importance of friendship! but the movie is flawed. i know that some people are going to hate this movie. but I'm not going to hate this. this movie goes into my favorite DVD collection. the story is simple boog goes on a guys trip alone and sees a circus where there are two grizzly bears. boog falls in love with the female grizzly. the male grizzly tricks boog and escapes from the circus and goes to the forest where boog lives and resides as the king. the male grizzly whose name is dough gets caught and elliot and the gang goes for the rescue!
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Good Luck With Everything.
dfgremnants26 December 2010
Why does everyone think that kids are stupid or they can't actually spot a poorly made movie. I watched Open Season 1 and 2 before. IMO they were fine children movies. Now, I have seen some weak animations before but this really surprised me.

I tried to laugh in this movie but I think my hand was busy facepalming. In short, I regretted watching this movie. I thought maybe they will end with a bang and I would get some fond memories out of it, but no, they just ruined all the magic and probably made me hate this trilogy.

Unless you're a slow kid or just love these characters, I would recommend you avoid this movie. Watch something else or try watching something from the past.

TL;DR, Life is short, don't waste it on this one.
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Boog finds out he has everything he wants where he is. I didn't like first one, this was funny. Good for whole fam. I say B
cosmo_tiger23 January 2011
After the guys back out of a trip Boog (Voice of Epps) wonders what else is in the world. When Boog finds a traveling circus full of bears he thinks he found the perfect place, until he learns they will be going back to Russia. When his friends find out they go on a rescue mission led be Elliot (Voice of McHale). I was not a big fan of Open Season 1 and never saw Open Season 2, but I really liked this one. It was made for kids, but had enough jokes in it to keep me entertained and laughing with them. Not really a lot to review here as it is a kids movie, but I will say its fun for the whole family. I give it a B. My kids give it a B+.
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Apart from two characters, this one's not worth bothering with
TheLittleSongbird8 September 2011
Although it was less than perfect, I enjoyed the first Open Season. The second was bland but had its moments. Apart from two characters, Roger who I've always liked and is quite fun here and Fifi mainly for Crispin Glover, Open Season 3 is a mess. The animation is mostly sub-par, the background art needed more fluidity and the character designs are blocky. The music has some jaunty moments but overall forgettable. The writing is poor, the jokes are neither clever or witty and the dialogue is a vast majority of the time unfunny. The story is thin, predictable and I think rushed too, and the characters apart from Fifi and Roger are no longer likable and cute. The voice acting is mostly lifeless, with the replacement for Billy Connolly's accent embarrassingly overdone. In conclusion, not recommended at all sadly. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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I thought the movie was wonderful.... a great use of my time!
mimiamarri26 February 2011
I loved this movie..... the plot was funny and my grandson and I enjoyed it.... as it is an animated movie for children! However, I guess I must be a big kid because I was locked on to it until the end! The relationship between the bear and the deer was complicated, however it showed how complex friendships can be. The movie also highlights how friendships change when one of the friends gets married or has a lifestyle change. I think it has a good message for kids. Also, the movie shows a female in a "control-type" role, I liked this quality. The 'mom' took care of everything, and made sure that the family was working correctly... so much like real life. I could see how young kids could relate to this... Now I can't wait to see 1 and 2!
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Fell Down On Distribution
Dansmith1425 July 2017
It's a shame Hollywood is churning out so many films these days; this was a formulaic film that ticked all the right boxes but ended up in the bargain tub.

Lots of good things come up in basements and bargain bins; and I hope someone digs this out and at least gives it an airing on TV.

Many actors do their best work; Stallone, Italian Stallion, Madonna, A Certain Sacrifice; which find their way into video shops, but are too graphic for young people; but not dirty enough for teenagers.

Anyway; one of the great directors said: "they are like orphaned children and you love them a little bit more."
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When even your own daughter says its bad you better believe.
jhpstrydom25 March 2012
I watched OPEN SEASON 3 with a friend of mine and his daughter who was actually a big fan of the first film and the second but this third film I have to say was total and utter crap, I was annoyed as hell with this film for two reasons and at one point my friend's daughter who is eight actually begged us to turn it off.

1. The once likable Boog and Elliot have been reduced to two loud mouth overly obnoxious idiots that are worse than a bunch off two year old boys that throw temper tantrums and the rest of the characters were loud and obnoxious too.

2. The humor in this film was totally inappropriate for a kids movie, it was mostly a bunch of rude jokes I didn't get and I seriously doubt that the initial target audience which I'm assuming are kids under ten will get them either, although some kids have surprised me but its still not right.

Overall, if Sony animation decides to bring out OPEN SEASON 4 and its way worse than this, I would avoid their animated films like the plague.
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Corny, cheesy, predictable and also highly forgettable!
Naylie25 January 2011
It hasn't been too long ago since Open Season lastly got it's own sequel, and that one became a horrible wrenched film I wish to keep out of my mind forever. Now 2 years later, we get a new one and it's more crazier than we can imagine.

Set fully short after Elliot and Giselle became husband and wife, they have children of their own named Gisela, Gesalita and Elvis. Elvis looks a lot like his dad and even loses not one, but two antlers just like him. And the twins, Gisela and Gesalita, resembles their mom expect to tell the difference, one has a black nose and brown eyes and the other one has blue eyes and a pink nose. And this of course makes Boog the uncle cause he has a brotherly relationship with Elliot.

Well as the movie begins, Boog has made a plan just to hang out with the guys, not just with Elliot, but also with Ian, Reilly, McSquizzy and Buddy. But the whole thing becomes a total waste when everyone couldn't make it, especially Elliot who lets his partner down. Heartbroken, Boog sets out on his own for the trip, but it leads him a circus where he befriends a llama named Alistar and a bear named Doug, who looks just like Boog. But that's not the only thing missing; there right away Boog falls crazy in love for Usla, a female Russian bear.

Doug decides it's time he switches places with Boog so he can be the only bear and become king of the forest. But right away when it happens, everyone realizes that their old dear friend grizzly bear, ain't the same guy so they must find a way to save their pal before it's too late and he'll be gone to Russia forever.

Like most direct-to-video sequels, you'll know that they can't make good money, so this one goes out to the same as the other one. Cheap actors, lame story writing, and poor directing. It makes up for the second sequel after being so bad, but that still doesn't make the third sequel any good. So the new characters drop down too! After viewing this, I hope that Sony Pictures can cut down to their ideas. They're not good, and they never will be. So they just leave all of the direct-to-video making to Disney cause that's what they were there for in the first place!
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cheaper animation
SnoopyStyle31 January 2018
Boog finds himself alone as everybody has other personal commitments. He goes into civilization and is tricked into joining a Russian traveling circus. His friends are tricked by the doppelganger.

I'm pretty sure that the animation is much cheaper than the original. It is every bit the straight to video video. Even the designs are uglier. The original's animation is not that good either but this is worst. Boog and his friends are separated for most of the movie which takes away its chemistry advantage. The new characters are not that appealing. This is a B-level sequel of a B-level franchise.
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fs-2749827 April 2018
Apparently, Sony Pictures Animation always becomes incompetent when it comes to making these things. I mean, the first movie was fine, but why there are not one but THREE sequels is beyond me. Open Season 3 is possibly the worst out of all the Open Season films. The entire movie itself was a disaster!

There is barely even a story, but instead, the writers decided to put nearly TEN sub plots, and I can't even tell what the real plot is! As for the animation, how should I put this? It's incredibly lazy, ugly, and unwatchable. They didn't bother to animate that many circus animals, but instead would have just two bears, a llama, and some cats and dogs, (which are just the same ones from the last movie, but are lazily copied and pasted but in a different color) that's it! The textures are awful, some of the designs are horrible, and the color scheme is just as entertaining as looking at puke for 80 minutes.

And just like Ice Age, they add WAY too many characters that are either irritating, stupid, or even annoying. Even the old characters are bland! But let's start with the new characters shall we? First off, for some reason, they gave Elliot three children, in which may not contribute anything to the plot, but at least they didn't annoy, or bother me as much as Elliot, which I will cover later. Then there's this Russian circus bear, Doug who has no reason to be in thee film do to how unfunny and stereotypical he is. The llama was like the one from Emperor's New Groove, but with no wit or charm. And the female bear is just there to be the love interest to Boog.

Aside from that, there's the old characters, INCLUDING Elliot, who is the worst character in the movie! He acts like a child, he doesn't shut up, and he doesn't treat his children like he's their father, in fact his kids are much more tolerable and nicer to him, yet he never keeps an eye on them, nor would he actually listen to them when they agree that rabbit fights are boring without Boog. As for Boog, he's just as bland and pointless as the rest of the characters in this abomination!

Overall, Open Season 3 is just as fun as being shot in the head with a gun, or being stabbed to death. I don't see a single shot of effort from the filmmakers put into this crap! The story is a mess, the characters are annoying, the animation is horrible, and the humor is all over the place!!
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Um... what?
robyn-710-7671674 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So Open Season 1 was great and unique (According to what my review says of Open Season 2) and Open Season 2 was more bleh and an excuse to make money and keep the characters going.

Open Season 3... it started out randomly in the middle of a story, that I actually had to pause the movie, and head to the Internet and look up Open Season 2 to see where the movie ended at. Yep, Open Season 3 really doesn't continue smoothly.

The next thing that surprised me was the bad quality of the animation. I mean, sure nothing will look super realistic, but it looked like a video game at first, and I thought perhaps I had pressed the wrong menu button or something.

What really was sad was when the plot just sort of sank down. There was no real reason to care for the characters, and they almost seemed to be faking their emotions during the majority of the film.

And what is it with the lama or whatever the heck the "best friend" with the accent and his spitting? I mean, are they trying to make him funny by having him spit every two or three words? It's annoying.

And of course the dogs return... and have no real point in returning. The angry leader dog is just annoying and doesn't do much. Even the couple, the wife who talks and never lets her husband say a word, weren't as funny as the past movies. The alien encounter was amusing but nothing exciting. And yes, I saw the sneaky Sony phone advertising in the movie.

Anyway, enough with my rant. I was certain this movie wouldn't meet my expectations, and I was right. Too bad. I rate it 4/10.
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Open season 3
dilipbts29 April 2020
I think this sequel was made, because they didn't have anything else to do, so someone said "Hey, let's make a sequel to Open Season, we just need to create the animation, story will come eventually!" And this useless unfunny video is the result.

Open Season 1 had an old cliché story, but it was rather funny, not even near to the top though. Open Season 2 also had its moments, but this one, it absolutely useless. Old unfunny jokes, bad story that has nothing to do even with the name, or the 2 first ones, only characters are the same.

I, as a big animation movie fan, couldn't bare watching any further than 30 minutes.

Well, if this and the first two Open Seasons are the first movies you ever watched you could find it funny. Other than that, it doesn't much worth watching.
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Sounds like a Renter from the library!
avapj26 January 2011
I haven't seen the movie yet, but it sure doesn't sound like I want to buy it to add to the video collection. I only buy the ones I think my kids (5 of them) will want to watch over and over. If not, I feel like it's a waste of money. If they bug me enough about it, according the reviews here, I'll have to borrow it from the library.

I liked Open Season 1 and we bought that. The kids watched it plenty. I bought OS 2 w/o reading reviews first, and was disappointed that I spent money on it to keep in our collection. It was "ok". Based on the reviews, I won't be doing that with OS 3. Too bad. :( Thanks everyone for the reviews.

Sorry this isn't a real review of the movie, but if you're like me and really liked the first movie and didn't think much of the 2nd, maybe this is something we should stay away from spending our money on.
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Review of Open Season 3
erins-404931 June 2016
We watched Open Season 3 at school. This movie is about a bear who wants to find more friends. So he goes out to the circus. He finds friends but something bad ends up happening.

We liked this movie because... 1. Elliot the deer was silly. 2. It was weird when the bear and the other alpaca were together and they were getting along. 3. I liked how Boog was dancing with the other bear and when he was afraid of heights he went up on the tight rope and did his best. 4. One of our favorite characters is the alpaca because of his accent. 5. It was good, Boog and Elliot got into a fight and then they made up.

We would recommend other classes watch this funny movie.
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A shame when you can't count on your buds.
michaelRokeefe30 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The OPEN SEASON franchise muddles on. The quirky tongue-in-cheek jokes seem a bit forced and the story line appears hurried. This Open Season, Boog, the grizzly, is voiced by Matthew J. Munn and there is hardly any improvement since the last outing. Of course the younger viewers will not judge so harshly. The boisterous Boog is more than ready for the annual guy's trip; but his buddies want to stay home and spend the time with their families. This is not going to get Boog totally down; the jovial brown bear decides to head out alone and see where his whims take him. Boog didn't plan on finding himself working in a traveling circus from Russia. When the circus decides to pack up and head back to Russia, Boog's big-top desires wane. What he doesn't know is that best bud Elliot(Matthew Taylor)and the rest of his friends are on the way to bring their furry pal back home. Other featured voices include: Crispin Glover, Dana Snyder, Ciara Bravo, Karley Scott Collins, Fred Stoler and Jeff Bennett.
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Adults should stop reviewing kids' movies...
bubulac31 May 2021
... and ask their kids instead whether they liked them or not.

My daughters, 7 and 9, loved all three movies in the series.

They couldn't care less for original cast or not, voices and so on.

So yes, it's a kids' movie and kids will probably like it.
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The saddest cash grab I've ever seen
Jaysunsphone30 June 2012
After years on IMDb, I created an account just to warn potential viewers about this movie. I was fortunate enough not to pay money for this garbage (Netflix). My kids watched the first two and I've seen bits and pieces, but I saw enough to know that the animation was high quality - deserving of the big screen. This, on the other hand, is the saddest, most blatant cash grab I've ever seen. With the 2nd movie, they lost their big name voice talent. With the 3rd, they apparently also lost the art talent. The CG in this film would seem dated in a 15 year old video game. Unnatural movement, poor textures and laughable scenery... Those are the things I would say if this movie looked twice as good as it actually does. The term "bait &switch" isn't commonly used in this industry but if any franchise deserves that label, it's this one. You will literally see better writing and animation from just about any Saturday morning cartoon nowadays. These people should be ashamed of themselves. On the bright side (for Sony Pictures), though, even if they only made a couple hundred thousand, they would have quadrupled their budget. I couldn't imagine they paid their staff more than minimum wage for this embarrassment.
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Wait, what was this movie again?
thesterlingweaver26 January 2022
This direct to video sequel is boring, forgettable, and gives me a headache, the characters are stupid, the plot is lazy, and the animation is ugly, and why are the pets from the previous movie in here? They served no purpose. Why does open season 3 exist? Other than like one funny joke, this movie is worthless.
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