Avoidance (TV Series 2022–2024) Poster


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Easy to get this one wrong.
Sleepin_Dragon23 July 2022
Jonathan and Claire's relationship comes to an end, in between is their little boy Spencer, a six part series that shows how everyone tries to adapt to life's new circumstances.

I've read each of the reviews, and I think I can see the ones that watched the first one, or maybe just the first trip, I'd be the first to admit, I almost switched it off. I really didn't get into this at all....

..however, in episode four, something changes, it's almost as if the show finds its place, it doesn't provide rip roaring comedy, but it does become so enjoyable, if you stick with it, you're rewarded with a top notch series finale.

The characters take their time to warm up, I did take to Courtney straight away, and it was interesting to see her relationship with Spencer develop.

It isn't raucously funny, but it's Romesh, so it's humorous, and wonderfully dry, it does get funnier as it progresses.

No word on Series two yet, I hope there's more, as there is definitely potential here.

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No avoidance
marcusdeacon11 June 2022
I'm 4 episodes in. Wasn't sure at first. Definitely a slow burner, but stay will it. All lead characters are great. Humour fantastic. Jessica at her best.
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pdjcart11 June 2022
I love pretty much everything Romesh is in because I love his awkwardness and deadpan style. Could of really good characters in it, not edgy or hard hitting but I did enjoy it.
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Very Funny but at same time quite sad
djpeekay2512 June 2022
I am not a huge fan of comedies in general but I thought I would give this a go and I am really enjoying it. Romesh is down trodden, weak and pitiful member of society, who does everything and anything to protect his son from harsh realities of life. A definite watch.
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Good fun
mrjolly116 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the bit when he was on WhatsApp and they all left the chat. Good old fashioned comedy. Slow burner but well worth watching. I'm sure there will be a second series.
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Repetitive theme, so fizzles out quickly
qui_j10 October 2023
The main character is a "serial avoider", avoiding issues, confrontation and life in general. He bumbles along and every episode shows his incompetence in handling life issues. The theme works for about the first 2 episodes but one soon realizes that that's all there is to the series. Nothing really happens other than the lead character constantly making a hash of his life (and those around him) and getting nowhere, other than just being a source of annoyance to those around him.

The acting is on par with your usual sitcom and the only thing missing is a canned laughter track. Characters are very shallow and there is just not enough substance to hold a viewer's interest. Gave up after episode 4. Hopefully, there will not be a second season.
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Dramedy as it's best
Almost_Soldout12 June 2022
It's quite unusual blue but surprisingly really deep and hilarious show about total misunderstandings we are facing sometimes when we aren't talking on truly important matters in relationship. Show and acted at the best way, not for everyone but if you are indie dramedy, it's 100% must.
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One-Joke Series About Weaponized Incompetence
writetoamy4 August 2022
From the first two episodes I gather the newly separated dad is supposed to be endearingly tragicomic -- a lovable loser.

No love here -- the one-note script is one scenario after another demonstrating the weaponized incompetence that forced his wife to leave and causes him to be a source of embarrassment to his young son.

It isn't all that different in conception from Everybody Loves Raymond but without the razor sharp writing and authentic characters, there is really no reason to stay tuned!

You can't hate watch because Jonathan is as passive as a slug. He doesn't manifest a molecule of passion for anything -- not even the wife he is supposedly desperate to keep. The series title is apt, though: Avoidance is his modis operandi.

It seems a surprisingly retrograde programming choice for 2022, especially for the BBC.

News flash from 1990: Weaponized incompetence and the men who employ it -- expecting their mothers, sisters and wives to trail behind them picking up the slack -- isn't the fun creator Romesh Ranganathan thinks it is.

(Especially for those mothers, sisters and wives).
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Enjoyable viewing
wendyastley7 August 2022
A story of a hopeless 40 something man going through a breakup and dragging his extended family in to the drama. Lots of heartfelt moments and funny parts (I would describe it as amusing rather than laugh out loud). Romesh plays his role well, a shout out to the kid who plays Spencer, his son, he is brilliant and the scenes with just the two of them in are my favourit.
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lstrick-0545122 June 2022
I loved this show, as sad as the premise is. The characters are flawed and real. They show a family rallying to help each other thru a difficult time.
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AVOID! Awful, same boring storyline, same old
dionfeb12 April 2024
I expected something more in this series but t is just the same old. RR is great but this series is dire and I won't watch anymore, I paint to watch dry! Johnathan is boring, unlikeable and does not endear at all. I am concerned there may be another series, kill it off now while you have the chance. Where is the comedy? Writing is incredibly juvenile, the whole show needs to be confined to the bin. Thing is most of BBC shows need confining to the bin, I pay my licence fee for what? A load of drivel most of the time!

Oh well at least it is not yet another show with people selling their antiques!
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Insightful, and quietly engaging with some really funny lines
romanslynne11 July 2022
Not everything has to hit you full in the face straight away. And having loved Romesh's humour which covers a lot of wisdom, I was willing to watch more than one episode and I'm so glad I did. It grows and grows and so do the characters and the storyline. I'd love to see this develop into a second season, though the rounding off of the story is enough closure that it stands alone.
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I really really wanted to like it however..
larryburra18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love Romesh and admittedly don't know much of his co-writer Benjamin green but I felt he was very much out his depth with this project. It didn't really get going. Romesh's comedic sparks were all which kept me watching if I'm being honest. Lisa was fantastic. The chemistry between Rom and Jessica wasn't at all convincing and the outcome was predictable within minutes of the first scene. It was pretty poor but maybe it's the first step to greater scripts in the future?...

I wish Rom all the luck in the world and this is quite literally the only thing of Roms I haven't liked. Onward to glory.
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Worth A Gander!
meghandavies-9727119 June 2022
Wasn't certain at the very beginning, bit of a slow burn but really enjoyed it and after episode 6 I was looking up if there are any further episodes and unfortunately... not at the moment.

The character certainly suits Romesh's deadpan style and I think it is well written for the story itself - and I am not someone who is into drama style shows so the combination of comedy/drama, plus the episodes not being an hour long... works for me!

If you give it a go I definitely suggest watching a few episodes, one episode doesn't seem to sell it for some people according to some reviews but those who seem to continue watching appear to be far more likely to enjoy it, even if they didn't necessarily do so at the very beginning.

Happy watching!

M x.
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This show is brilliant!!!
theoorsonregan14 December 2023
This series just gets better and better from episode to episode (if that's even possible)!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed this show, and episode six (Spencer's birthday) was absolutely amazing!

The spooky hotel was both brilliant and hilarious!

I wish it was me in that hotel; it looks so fun!!!

I would also like to say a huge well done to Kieran Logendra (actor of Spencer) who was only in year six when this was filmed. He did an absolutely amazing job!!!

Also, I have got news recently that there is a series two on its way, arriving on our screens some time next year, and I absolutely cannot wait to see this!

As I say, I would thoroughly recommend watching this TV show!

Well done Romesh!!!
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Love RR but this is dreadful.
katebez-067706 April 2024
Romesh Ranganathan is a great comedian, but his strength lies in his dry and acerbic quick wit. Strip that away and you're left with what you have here - a dull, wet character who weaponises his incompetence and bores the pants off the viewer.

The writing is slow and shallow, the supporting cast are given very little to work with, and RR's Jonathan is frustratingly unlikeable; he really doesn't have any endearing qualities at all. The man is a walking red flag.

The only way that the show could improve is for the main character to realise what a passive aggressive, selfish turnip he is, which would then mean the show ceased to exist...

Seriously disappointing.
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You need to pay attention
kphmas16 April 2024
I watched the first episode and thought this is rubbish as I was on my mobile too.

But then gave it a second chance and actually paid attention and it's absolutely brilliant. So close to home with modern culture - I saw so much of myself and my friend circle in the program.

It's not hilarious but it's a great depiction of where we are at in society with some funny moments.

Romesh can act and I can see his career going in this direction as he's not a great comedian just a very likeable guy.

The kid who plays his son is phenomenal for his age and one to watch out for.

All in all a gay watch if you don't expect a typical sitcom.
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Sitcom, but with one crucial element missing....
andrewwhitehead100016 June 2022
....and that would be the comedy. I think Romesh Ranganathan is a funny comedian, but this is just boring. I made it to episode 2, but when the funny bit is people burping because they've eaten too much chilli, you know the writing is bad.

It's a whimsical sitcom, but without the com bit.

I've given up on it after episode 2.
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Is this supposed to be funny?
CrazyArty15 July 2022
This is a very weak comedy. I was very hopeful when I heard about this Romesh sitcom but it is terrible. It's not funny, it's tragic. The cast is not great, the script is dull. I watched 2 episodes and couldn't get through a third.

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Just terrible
benrussell-3455519 April 2024
This series is sadly really awful, the writing is poor, the pacing is terrible and the casting just feels really off, which is bizarre given the proven comedy talent involved. Can't help but feel Romesh should have stuck to (and drastically improved) the writing and cast a lead actor who could have provided a more three dimensional performance. Even with this change, a performance of staggering brilliance still couldn't saved what is, at it's core, a woeful script.

The storyline is disjointed, depressingly predicable and hard to watch. It feels like any punchy comedy moments have been removed from the script by producers fearful of causing offence, leaving the show vacant, timid and unforgettable. Any moments that had potential to provide a laugh have been neutralised to the point that this program is almost suitable for daytime viewing, its just missing the canned laughs.
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I really wanted to like it because I like Romesh but overall it's dull and awkward
hollybamber18 April 2024
I am a big fan of Romesh when he is playing himself. He has acting potential and his dry delivery of one liners never misses but ultimitely the show feels like something is lacking and it just isn't particularly funny. It's a very boring plot and the dialogue does not make up for it. I find alot of the scenes/ dialogue to be empty, drawn out and often awkward. There are no laugh out loud momements but there are some mildy humorous aspects. I want Romesh to explore all creative outputs but for me he really shines when he isn't as strictly scripted and responding to other actors. Unfortuntely some of the acting is not the best and it doesn't help the with akwardness of the line deliveries and lack of substance of the plot etc.
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... watched... done... move-on
bjarias1 May 2024
... transition from season one to season two required a leap of faith... and season two ends as if the production can-be-over... with little to offer that is not routine, unfunny situations episode upon episode, why it should go on at all is debatable

... cast is adequate for what they've been given to perform... there's lots really annoying at times, and you'll find yourself either sitting waiting for something halfway-meaningful to happen, or fast-forwarding through increasing segments of nondescript-proceedings.. should there be a season three, what more can be accomplished-said.. this really should be over.
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Dull comedy drama with no laughs - avoid
JRB-NorthernSoul11 June 2022
A man with a conflict avoidance condition is rejected by his partner and runs away with their son to stay with his sister and her girlfriend at the seaside.

I'm not sure where they are going with the premise, its billed as a comedy but feels more like a comedy/drama serial. Its a tricky genre and this show doesn't succeed in pulling it off. Its very short on laughs and the dramatic premise isn't convincingly enacted.

The pacing was also poor - the pilot really dragged, it felt like a weak episode of 'Doctors' without a pay-off. Overall the story was dull and the protagonist was passive and boring. A fail for me I'm afraid, if you call something a comedy it needs to be funny.
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Just awful
sjd-7215510 June 2022
No redeeming features. Just awful.

Speechless how poor it is.

No laughs poorly acted poorly written.

I would advise "Avoidance" ( see what I did there?)
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rhiwderinray15 June 2022
I watched the first episode and that was enough. Not funny, not serious, not a lot of great acting. It could have been good, but it wasn't. Maybe I expected more, but I certainly wont be watching the rest......
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