The Hunt for Raoul Moat (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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Intelligent and gripping true crime drama
JRB-NorthernSoul17 April 2023
As a working class Geordie myself this dramatisation felt authentic and realistic with a largely local cast. I'm happy to report that it didn't give a voice to Moat himself. Instead it focused on his toxic masculinity, his violent crimes, their impact and legacy and the race to capture him. Nor did it gloss over the errors made by the police.

I thought it was well written (by Kevin Sampson who also wrote the excellent 'Anne' last year) and produced and the cast was very good led by the always reliable Lee Ingleby.

Overall a strong and successful drama that is sadly timely with so many stories of domestic violence still featuring in our news every day.
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A very well made, well acted series.
Sleepin_Dragon30 April 2023
Raoul Moat is released from Prison, he shoots his ex partner Sam Stobbart, and shoots her new partner Christopher Brown dead, Sam has convinced Moat that her partner was a Policeman, prompting him to target The Police.

A very good three part series, it's a crime that I'm sure lives on for many, back in 2010 this story was huge, Moat was quite literally the moat wanted man in Britain.

The case highlighted several failings in the legal system, and highlighted the depths some journalists will sink to for a story.

Mark Stokoe is terrific as Moat, he looks like him, he adds a degree of menace too, he played the part well, very well supported by Lee Ingleby, Sonya Cassidy, Vineeta Rishi and several others.

Very well produced, they tied some original footage in very nicely, it looks great, the pacing is also a key success.

The one thing that I couldn't help but look at the whole way through, Sim's hair, she could well have stepped in from 1952, they could have toned it down a little.

There was one line that was white significant, people won't forget the name Raoul Moat, how true and incredibly sad is that. Learning the fate of that poor Policeman, that was upsetting to learn.

Very good series, 8/10.
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Good gripping film of true events
wisewebwoman1 October 2023
It featured the continuous abuse of a young woman and the ignorance of police in paying scant attention to so-called "domestic situations" a demeanng term if ever there was one.

So very many women. All the time, every day ,are the victims of what I could call "domestic terrorism" by a toxic violent male.

Sam was only 16 years old when she met this monster who was 20 years older than her. A red flag of course. He behaved as if he owned her and their child and bullied her incessantly and went to prison for abusing their child. Even when he was in prison and a guard overheard him and reported it to the police the only response was *crickets*.

The manhunt itself was really well done, full marks for the tension and the pacing as it all unravels into the inevitable ending.

No holds barred on the police behaviour which was very good.

8 out of 10. Excellent for its calibre and only the British have the skill for this type of series.
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How Cruel Raoul Met His Fate
Lejink8 May 2023
My wife and I possibly made the mistake of watching beforehand the repeated original TV news documentary outlining the actual events depicted here in this new three-part mini-series. In so doing, I obviously learned first hand all that the dramatisation portrayed, thus filling in all the blanks about it in my memory and precluding any sense of surprise at the nonetheless horrific sequence of events surrounding the crazed killer Raoul Moat.

What this also did unfortunately was evidence again the obeisance to diversity which today's television programme-makers feel obliged to follow. Under their usual disclaimers in shows like this of inventing composite fictional characters and imagining situations and dialogue for dramatic purposes, it was just too obvious for me that the prominent interpolation of a black female investigating officer or female senior DCI wasn't based on fact but purely to cater to wokism. I'm fine with this to a large extent but I suppose I'm a bit less tolerant when it so obviously alters real events captured on film less than fifteen years ago.

Anyway, mini-moan over, the three episodes nonetheless sharply conveyed the evil acts of Moat, a convicted felon who on his release from prison sought out his ex-partner's new boyfriend and with the help of two equally deluded accomplices, shot the poor guy down in cold blood before also attempting to kill her too. She had told him that her new man was in the police to try to deter him from coming after her but this tragically backfired with Moat turning his mad rage on the police itself to the extent that he went on to callously shoot in the face an innocent policeman sat in his patrol car, who we learn at the end was blinded by this and who tragically took his own life only a year or two later, making him another belated victim of this evil man.

What I didn't pick up in the real-life documentary was the extent to which Moat apparently garnered a following among some deluded individuals on the internet who somehow saw him as an anti-establishment hero whose actions were justified because the ex-girlfriend he'd abused for years had the temerity to try to move on with her life. Much is made of Moat's climactic suicide denying his victims' relatives justice, but you know, I don't think his self-destruction would have been too upsetting for me if I'd been in their place.

Presented relatively straightforwardly without histrionics, well acted by all the main cast members, this was a compelling retelling of a shocking and almost unbelievable story of coercive behaviour and jealous vindictiveness taken to horrific extremes.
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A well judged drama.
TomFarrell6319 April 2023
This could have been sensationalised to the max, but to the programme makers credit, it wasn't. I found it a well told, factually based drama, which whilst horrifying, was completely absorbing.

It shocked from the start by showing people at the place of Moats death a year on, idolising him, I found that one of the most shocking scenes of the entire mini series. What on earth made these people think he was a hero after what he'd done?

I've seen a few people complain about the accents, but as I'm not from the area, I can't say it bothered me in the slightest, and I found the acting throughout to be of a high standard.

Recently I've seen quite a few dramas that were too long, and that's my only slight criticism of this,but in the opposite direction, could have been longer, it felt a little rushed, I think another episode or two could have seen a bit more character development but overall, a job well done.

If the subject matter put you off watching it, I'd still suggest giving it a go. Recommended.
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Accurately Portrayed
crumpytv21 April 2023
Why is it that true life crime is far more absorbing and watcheable than the contrived drama being turned out these days.

We have given up on three contemporary cop dramas in recent weeks, but this was far more interesting.

Watching the companion documentary that followed the conclusion of the three episodes, it is clear that the drama was very accurate. No creation of additional scenes or stories like The Gold a few weeks ago.

All those involved in the hunt never got the opportunity to find out what was really behind Moat's paranoia. It was probably embedded in his youth, but this never came out.

It was mentioned at the end that the true victims of this crime have been largely forgotten, and this is true. It should never be forgotten that this was an extremely dangerous man who felt he had nothing to lose. He was a cold blooded killer, you can't get away from that.
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chris_rowe-881-16882030 April 2023
I remember following this story, as someone who'd moved to north and been to certain areas it was a gripping story, moat himself was a strange mix of endless sad childhood stories mixed with the typical toxic masculinity from the gym/nightclub bouncer and pub scene, someone who doesn't take no for an answer and someone who very much believes in his own morale code which to most us awful.

I watched this and call I could think was what's the point? Other than lacking ideas and cashing in on a Story that ruined real people's lives. This added nothing that wasn't known, or you couldn't find out by easily googling it. The acting was average at best, very cheaply made cringe tv done for the wrong reasons.

There's nothing here remotely gripping, Rathband doesn't get enough focus and truthfully it's not that well done, it's basic paint by numbers stuff, I'd say there was probably a few tiny details that are new but nothing to warrant making this.

All this does is glamourise a monster and only useful thing was shining the light on the ignorant and stupid people who live online in social media land and comments sections who have very strong opinions based on nothing but rubbish they read online.
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Informative and well done, but tragic
catnapbc20 February 2024
For those of us outside the UK who've never heard of this story, I appreciate that the British seem to be able to convey the essence of this kind of crime without sensationalizing it. The acting was pretty solid and the pace was just right, apart from a few frantic camera shots that didn't add to anything except dizziness. What is clear here is that apart from the many victims (the ones shot and their families and friends), the other 'victim' is the empathy that all these social media/Facebook followers were lacking. However you feel about the police, the fact that psychopath (and he was a very damaged individual who made these choices) killed and maimed people and yet still was viewed by himself and his deluded 'fans' as a victim, is beyond comprehension. But sadly, this is far too commonplace these days and everyone wants to be a 'star' and be recognized, regardless of how or why. One has to despair of humanity that we have 'evolved' to this kind of mindless narcissism. This series at least tries to put some of that humanity back for the victims and show them the respect they deserved. Kudos to the whole production and shame on those who glorify killers of innocent people.
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Worthy of a watch
compjazzca-6811621 April 2023
A well done compelling true story about one of the many abusive situations leading to deaths that occur everywhere. I would not have watched if it were in documentary format. 3 episodes was perfect - not dragged out into a long series of 6 or 8 episodes like so many shows are now.

As for Moat's idolaters they are of what I'm left to call a 'group' that revel in and honour sensationalism and horrific behaviors much of which is egged on by social media, at least IMHO. There was a definite place for them in showing it's not only the perpetrators that are ill or twisted. It's a larger portion of society than many, if not most, aren't aware exists.
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Good show
wickmann-9140913 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
British crime series are my favourite. I feel like so many of them are so underrated. I have watched several series that are based on true events, and I always google the cases afterwards, and I am always so stunned that there is not so much that are made up! I just love it. I love that there is not much drama etc, like in American crime series. When I watched this I was like «They closed down a whole city? That probably didnt happen in real life.» Then I Google it, and it happened! The Brits just stick to what happened, and its just so realistic and amazingly good!

What a tragic story, really good actors. Sam was only 22 when this happened, thats so crazy.
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