River Wild (2023) Poster


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The characters are so dumb at the end
cchadmmitchell2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(a little bit of spoilers) At the end there are two climactic scenes that will decide the fate of the characters. Instead of being on the edge of my seat in anxiousness awaiting the outcome I was actually standing up yelling at the tv. This is because of those two scenes (I'm going to do my best to describe the scenes). In one a hero emerges to help but instead of killing the guy who has three hostages and a dead body in the woods, he decides to cut them loose with his knife while the "villain" sleeps and is on top of the gun. He then dies because he was talking while cutting them loose. The second time is while a free hostage and the villain are fighting over a gun and the other two hostages cut one of them loose and instead of the one helping the other in the fight, all while the gun is five feet away from her and the "villain" is wrestling with other 20 ft away. Now free she decides to cut the other hostage free for a whole minute instead of killing the "villain," which again she has an easy opportunity to because she has a knife and a gun 5 ft away and the villain being subdued. So both previously tied up hostages run away while the other tussles with the "villain" and then they are sad and want to run back and help the other hostage when he looses the fight. If that was hard to follow i'm sorry, it's hard to explain without seeing just how stupid the characters are in this movie just to drive the plot forward more. This movie truly makes white teenage girls in 80s slasher movies look reasonable.
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Good acting doesn't make up for a bad script.
jsteele-23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite quality actors the script has the characters make really dumb choices. Several times someone stands by doing nothing when they could have easily helped the situation.

We know Brody is bad because he has face tattoos but nothing else about him is truly menacing. Not to mention his motivations are non-existent. Why is he doing any of this?

Additionally, the "wild river" rapids are way less intense than an amusement park water ride. In the inevitable raft tips over scene the rapids are slow moving and one of the characters is clawing for her life in still waters.

Watch The River Wild with Streep and Bacon instead.
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Pretty basic but watchable survival thriller
zack_gideon2 August 2023
Pretty standard action/thriller survival movie set in the mountains near Canada.

Things this movie has going for it: location is beautiful (entire film is outdoors), some solid acting and directing on scenes that are logistically challenging (rapids, fights in water, etc)

Things this movie struggles with: plot holes, some really stupid character decisions and other things that just didn't make sense, overall pretty lame plot that doesn't really add up.

In the end it was entertaining enough, with enough tension in act 3 to pull it off and keep me interested. Some of the action shots are pretty dope and leighton meester does a great job as the doctor sister role. 5.7/10.
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You could pilot a raft through the plot holes
screenwriter-972-14961212 August 2023
This is one of those 'why are the captives so stupid?' movies. The kind of film where any six-year-old would have behaved smarter than the three hostages. It's impossible to believe that even 20sometings could be as dumb...make that clueless...as the sort of good guys are in River Wild. Oh, and it's yet another film where an assailant fires a ten round magazine at least 20 times without reloading. And there's no indication of where he got a spare magazine either. But that's the least of the flaws in this thing. These people can't even use rocks! I can sum this mess up in one word: exasperating. Gave it a two for the scenery and overhead shots. This is one stupid movie.
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Decent thrill ride
RebelPanda4 August 2023
River Wild 2023 is a fairly thrilling Netflix movie. There are definitely some parts where it lingers too long on dialogue and stock footage of northern American wilderness but otherwise its fast pace keeps your attention. There's plenty of action, combat, and white water rafting.

The story is fairly standard, an unhinged ex-con gets into trouble on a camping trip and goes on a crime spree trying to avoid jail. You only really care about the two main characters, Gray and Joey, because they're the only ones with character arcs. There are a few plot holes here and there, a couple really dumb decisions that'd give a cheesy slasher a run for its money. So if you're easily frustrated by dumb people in horror movies, best to avoid River Wild. I didn't mind it as a fan of shlocky horror.

All-in-all, the stunts are good, pretty scenic shots, well-choreographed fistfights, thrilling life or death situations. I wish they spent more time white water rafting, but otherwise it's an enjoyable high-stakes thriller netflix original.
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People are dumb and 12 and cliche and dumb
schweze5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They talk like teenagers, act like idiots, and, literally every step of every scene is 100% predictable. It's like all they know how to do is talk trash at one another.

Let's make the worst possible decisions and then get upset about the consequences. And apparently they're the worst-equipped rafting company ever? This isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it's pretty darn awful.

Oh let's push the guy over the cliff. That'll hide the knife would, right? Apparently there's no autopsies in this universe.

I have to add 87 more characters to this, so I'm adding this sentence. Really, there's nothing else to say. I can't believe people invested in making this movie. What a waste.
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ts-00002 August 2023
If you think it's a remake/reboot of The River Wild 1994,well you're basically wrong.. It has a few elements that feel similar a bad guy,rapids,rafting & survival.

This movie wasn't great but could of been worse,typical clichés & plotholes.

Was cast ok & acting was decent,cinematography was average.. The color tones & views of the river,felt lackluster/low-quality.

Spots in the movie dragged,as the storyline became redundant & predictable.

Although not a huge fan of partners working together,as it can usually negatively impact how their acting is.. Adam & Leighton did fine.

Is it worth seeing? Sure! It passes time or if you like,the actors or genre.

Still,best advice.. Watch the 1994 movie!
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It IS a remake. It says it in the credits.
Gregburnscds7 August 2023
The movie is fine, a little overly dramatic, but altogether a fine watch when there's nothing else to watch. I did wonder if the actors and filmmaker were friends because there are a lot of connections between actors.

But the thing I'm taking umbrage with is the number of people on here trying to say this isn't a remake. It IS a remake in the actual sense. The end credits specifically say: Based on the film "The River Wild" written by Denis O'Niell. So, even though it's been rewritten and all, it's factually a remake.

And AS a remake, it's actually quite good in that they took a story and recreated the dynamics but still deliver on the same dread as with the original. Similar to the 2022 Wrong Turn remake.
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Wish version of river wild
rrmcmillen12 August 2023
Just don't watch it. 92 minutes of my life I will never get back. I should have read the reviews, it is not a remake. It has literally no point. Worst movie I have ever seen, not even being dramatic. Beyond stupid. If you want to watch a movie about rapids and a villain just watch the original. Someone should sue them for even using a similar name to the original, it's that bad. This is a million percent the wish version of river wild. Literally watch anything else. Paint dry, concrete harden, the movie Lock (kidding don't watch that either.) Traffic is ok and these people have zero sense of survival.
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Better Than The Reviews Say
quietlioness5 August 2023
WATCH THIS MOVIE !! Do not believe the reviews!!!

There are no spoilers in this review, so feel comfortable reading the little bit that I've written.

What I disliked about this movie, is the overall dark, "gray" or dreary look that it has. There's no real brightness or sunlight, which can give a movie a "dull" and/or "boring" feel.

There's no big "Hollywood effects" with that being said, What makes this movie scary, is knowing that all of this could actually happen to someone in real life.

No matter how long you've been acquainted with someone, do you really know them?

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Take a pass
Otte16 August 2023
On a good note, that acting was actual decent from the main characters, which is rare from a beloew average film.

The problem? The writing, character development and direction. We do not get proper motivations on why the character is acting this way(think season 8 of GOT). So when one of the character 'turns', it feels out of place and throws off the whole movie. Two other characters follow suit in making decisions that are not on par with what we saw previously.

For plot device the director used stupidity. So many scenes where you want to toss something at your TV. Grab that! Run! Tell someone! Grab that again! Somehow my TV made it unscathed from the objects I was throwing at it.
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Worth Watching!
Chandlah14 August 2023
Had zero expectations going into this film and I was hooked the whole way through. Acting was good, plot was thrilling and mostly believable. Main character was likable and I appreciated the use of her medical expertise throughout the journey, without it being too forced. There was some backstory that helped tie in the relationships and provided some character development. My jaw even dropped on a few separate occasions. I'm not usually a fan of action/adventure movies, but this was very enjoyable. The darker thriller elements added a lot to the film beyond rowing a boat on rough waters. Average rating should definitely be closer to 7/10!
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Simple & Easy to Watch. I Had Fun
koltonbrett3 August 2023
This reimagining of the exciting 1994 white water rafting crime/thriller of the same name, seemed to arrive out of nowhere. It's not a movie I think anyone expected to be "remade." It's strange that it released right at the 29th anniversary of the original. It perhaps would have made more sense to release it a year later on the 30th anniversary. Regardless, when I saw it pop up on Netflix, I hardly hesitated to jump in. I'm a big fan of the original, and I knew it would be ridiculous to expect this movie to be as good as that one. I was hopeful for an entertaining enough experience, but was prepared for a complete cheesefest. Turns out, I was pleasantly surprised by how much this movie worked. Everything about it, from the cast to the action sequences to the story itself, is smaller scale than the 1994 film, yet I was put on edge. It'a got great tension!

Sure, there's at least a couple of moments where it's unrealistic and the characters are frustratingly dumb, but if you allow yourself to look past that, it's not hard to get pulled into the current of this story for an entertaining ride. Remakes get a bad rap, and I'm sure there will be those who express their opinion that this remake was unnecessary, but I think it hit the mark it was aiming at. I can't complain about it too much because I literally stated at the end of my review for the original film, that we needed some new white water rafting thrillers made, and here we've got one! I would have preferred an original movie over a remake, but this movie is very different from the other, so it works as its own thing. A matter of fact, don't try to compare the two movies when watching this one. Just enjoy it for what it is. It's a nice and short little thriller that's nothing special, but it's surprisingly easy to watch.
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Better off watching the 1994 "The River Wild"
chaoszan11 August 2023
The characters in this film make some of the dumbest decisions, and the main motivation for the "villain" really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also for a film about rafting it doesn't have very many intense rafting scenes like the 94' film has. The storyline doesn't make a whole lot of sense and isn't written well at all. Plus the movie just ends abruptly.

The River Wild from 1994 is a much better film, and I just recommend watching that instead if you have never seen it. The new film is supposed to be inspired from it and not actually a remake, but it does take certain plot points from it. The original plot though is so much better in every way.
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So bad I can't believe it even has a rating above 5
Beckybelle775 August 2023
This movie is so bad on so many levels. Adam Brody in this role is comical. From the first moment he arrives on screen I was laughing. His fake tattoos and whiny voice just really cracked me up. You could tell right away they wanted him to be "the bad guy" but that added to the comedy.

The fact that the other lead male actor on the film (whose name I don't recall, Matt...??) did not even attempt to overpower such a wimpy excuse for a man was also comical. This other guy was significantly larger and also a much better actor, by the way. Between him and the two other files they easily could've overpowered Adam with his handgun. I can't believe the directors ever thought this casting would work. I guess Adam takes what he can't get since the OC and I thought his performance in Shazam would've helped his career, but I guess his ability is limited likely due to his horrid voice and annoying persona.

Leighton Meester (or whatever her name is) looked worn out, old, and just plain out of place in this film compared to the other women in the film. She had the same look on her face the entire time but barely did nothing to develop any type of character. I'm guessing they cast her because of her "name".

I never wrote reviews on here but felt so offended by this horrid film that I had to add my two sense. If you do decide to watch, please come back to let us know how horrible you thought it was. Because I am certain that's what you'll say. Trash, right up to the very end.
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not a whole lot to show for itself
Special-K885 August 2023
In an attempt to try and relive old times, an estranged sister and brother duo decide to go on a rafting trip, accompanied by a few others which include the latter's unhinged childhood friend which is a dead giveaway that bad things are certain to happen. A supposed remake or more appropriately a standalone sequel to the vastly superior Meryl Streep-Kevin Bacon thriller, but aside from the title and a whitewater setting the two have almost nothing in common; this is one of those movies where you have to constantly question, or rather just yell at the screen while watching clueless characters make one foolish decision after another. It helps a little that the scenery is nice, it hurts a lot that the acting is unimpressive and the outcome pretty obvious. **
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Decent thriller
welhof112 August 2023
My main gripe with this one was how predictable I thought it was. You could almost predict scene by scene what was going to happen even to when the credits started rolling.

The villain was kind of predictable but from the movies tagline you thought it was someone else. I just found him to be kind of annoying and definitely overreacting in all of his decisions. I don't think a person would behave like that in this circumstance. Bad writing?

The scenery was obviously beautiful. It still wasn't enough to make me want to take a float trip in those waters but it was beautiful.

Just an on predictable thriller. You've seen this before.
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It could have been better
Ken5150k92 August 2023
I don't know why people compare this to the 1994 movie. It is completely a different movie. Only thing in common is water.

The script was average. Very predictable. But as someone else explained, you end up yelling at the TV. There are things happen that cause you to wonder why did they film it this way.

Other times it just doesn't make sense to film it that way. I try not to give things away so you can make up your own mind.

I like strong characters, this had too many weak ones.

Not sure why it got a 5.7 but it wasn't a bad put together film.

I do wish the cinematographer used more for what the landscape had to offer.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of River Wild
burlesonjesse513 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"That's not true". Oh but it is my friends. Someone's got a gun with unlimited ammo and you must go with him down those stony rapids.

Anyway 2023's River Wild represents a more indie-like version of the original The River Wild from 29 years back. It doesn't feel like a B-movie, doesn't harbor any commercial remnants, and comes off as riveting even for its non-lean, ninety-one minutes. Hey, I'm okay with that and I didn't think I would being that I don't dig remakes. Directed by Ben Ketal and featuring an almost unrecognizable Leighton Meester in one of the lead roles, River Wild only appears like the previous installment in terms of title, hostage plot, and that whole whitewater rafting thing. "Time to float". Uh, you ain't kidding.

Filmed in Hungary and distributed by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, River Wild is about a trip down a river with two tourists, a brother and sister, and a would-be antagonist bent on ruining said trip. The actors involved (Adam Brody, Meester, Taran Killam) don't feel like paper mache pawns or thriller character stereotypes. They're veridical and you root for them good or bad. Whereas '94's The River Wild featured the bad guys as people the protagonists didn't know from Adam, the new River Wild has the bad dude as someone everyone is already familiar with (like family). A nice divulgence if I do say so myself.

Back and forth buoyant structure pics aside, River Wild has helmer Ketal committing to every shot, using overheads, wide-s, darkened hues, and beautified, Hungarian wildlife scenery (you gotta love the waterfalls). His film is dense and atmospheric, made to provide tension when needed as almost every scene signals a little danger right around the corner. Basically every violent confrontation stings, every rough mano a mano provides a payoff, every unfolding intricacy a slight revelation. Yup, you can get into this "wild".
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So many holes
dhoward-5584210 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone familiar with rafting, camping, firearms or anything related to real life will find this movie maddening. From the very beginning you can tell something's amiss. Creepy business partner is obviously up to no good. The two 'customers' might just have well been wearing Star Trek red shirts. Obvious tension between the sister and creepy business partner tipped off a previous conflict. Park rangers mishandling of his firearm made everyone in the room scream and get snacks/pee.

The ridiculousness snowballed from there. Despite the millions of large rocks in the river, NO ONE attempted to use one as a weapon. Obvious ending with an extended helicopter search/rescue scene.

Watch something else.
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okay. quick, basic weekend watch
kajalvashista10 August 2023
Okay is the best word to describe it. The characters are likeable - just enough to worry for. The cinematography is gorgeous. Still, the underdeveloped script limits the other actors from being able to portray characters with actual unique and engaging personalities. The 1.5 hours are way too short to successfully pull off a riveting story, sad because there was great potential here. By the time the scene was set and context was given, the movie had 20 minutes left.

Meester and Brody, with their central, vitaI roles, save 'River Wild' from being a dull documentary, making it an actual thriller movie.

Leighton Meester portrays her fear so well, even with such a script, a pit grew in my stomach with her emotion. Her wails were so uncomfortable to watch. Great job.

Brody took a character with about a sentence's worth of provided backstory, and gave us a performance that says so much whilst saying so little about the characters history. He was truly psycho. It was great.

The other actors did a good job with what they were given, but sadly their characters were given little attention, so their dialogue was forgettable. It's always a real shame when a movie uses characters purely to progress the plot then just keeps them silent the rest of the film.

Overall, I would watch this film when i'm craving a thriller on a Friday night before I completely dose off. It goes by so quick and lacks substance, so you need to be unfocused to enjoy and ignore its faults. I'm usually overcritical so my review focuses mainly on negatives so it sounds like it would be a 4, but I'd give 'River Wild' a 5-6/10.
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struggleroma10 August 2023
Before watching it, I received mixed reviews which is why I ultimately decided to watch it to formulate my own opinion. This movie is very bad. It has an ample amount of unnecessary "suspense" and its so dramatic for little to no reason. It has various moments that leaves the viewers questioning "why didn't you do this instead?"... you know, LOGICAL THINKING. I'm beyond aware that this is a movie but movies shouldn't still be THIS bad in 2023. The best part was that it's only 90mins instead of 120mins. I'm convinced that the only people who actually enjoy this movie, think like the people in the movie.
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Married Couples Eh
tamarmayp6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILERS* I enjoyed this movie up until the very end. It was suspenseful and had me at the edge of my couch for most of it. In the river rafting scenes they also did a good job of using stunt double. The story line was also interesting. The brother and sister fought so hard, only for her brother to sacrifice himself. I just wish he someone survived.

I also enjoyed how Leighton Meester and Adam Brody acted together in this. I can't imagine your husband trying to kill you could be an easy role to play.

As well, seeing Adam Brody in a more serious role was a nice change to his usual goofy roles.
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swimming against type
SnoopyStyle7 June 2024
Joey Reese (Leighton Meester) is a doctor joining her older recovering addict brother Gray Reese (Taran Killam) on a white river rafting trip. He and longtime troublesome friend Trevor (Adam Brody) are local river guides. The trio grew up on the river but there is history among them. Karissa (Olivia Swann) and Van (Eve Connolly) are their paying customers.

This is not the Meryl Streep movie although there are some similarities. This has real life married couple Meester and Brody. Taran Killam is more known for SNL. This movie does need some upgrade in ruggedness. While Killam may not the woodsman type, I would still switch him and Brody. Brody is swimming hard against type and the current has him. He's not this guy. I get that actors want to stretch, but one can break that way. The movie is simple and it works. There are some good river stunt work in the last act. Most of it can't be CGI. It's old fashion trick editing and it's good work. All in all, this is a solid indie thriller.
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Another dreadful Netflix movie
mark_hensley10 September 2023
Another, what has become typical, crappy unimaginative Netflix movie. Incredibly poorly written. Completely unbelievable scenerios. Looks like someone needed to give a buddy a writing job. So they did a dreadful, lazy remake of The Rivers Wild.

As if 3 adults in a raft, armed with paddles couldn't have easily and swiftly taken the scrawny bad guy out within the first 5 minutes.

This movie isn't suspenseful. It's simply annoying, stupid avs frustrating

Netflix is turning into just another version of Lifetime. Stupid, unoriginal poorly written films.

Really! This is the best you can come up with?
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