Office Invasion (2022) Poster

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This isn't as advertised
prettyclaire-4996510 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, the aliens only come in toward the end of the movie. The laughs are unfunny, it is better watching paint dry than watching this.

The Asylum has better movies than this fyi.
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Middle of the road watchable movie.
dieharddave4413 August 2022
The idea sounded solid, but the execution was lost somewhere. It's not that it didn't keep me moderately entertained for the run time, but overall after the credits ran I didn't know what type of movie it was. It's not a comedy or horror or action. I'm just not sure how to describe it. Watchable but forgettable.
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Missed opportunity
Weary7612 August 2022
"Three best friends band together to defend their valuable mining company from monstrous aliens looking to plunder and exterminate", says the IMDB summary.

The film won't offer you that.

It's like those 1950's scifi-B-movie posters that showed epic images that never actually appeared in the film itself.

Still, since this is a South African film, I went in thinking this film about foreign beings stealing all the goods from an African mine was going to be a layered story in the form of a fun scifi film.

It is not.

Although nothing is brilliant, the cinematography, acting, and CGI is at least adequate enough to make it a waste that the story is boring and flat. The plot doesn't start until after an hour, and the climax is 10 suspenseless minutes. I find it sad to say since people put work into this film, but this is one that is highly likely to be a waste of your time.
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I apologize, what am I missing?
donmega62810 August 2022
I couldn't take it after the first 20 minutes. Is it supposed to be funny or just crazy awkward?

Not one line or scene would ever take place in real life. Which isn't always a problem in movies...if they're funny in any way.

I'm really trying my best to understand how anyone involved in this movie thought a single bit of it was working.
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What has happened to the film industry
kruizer04-268-18670411 August 2022
The movies of recent seem to be plummeting to new depths, bad acting, stupid plots, you know how bad this is going to be in the first 2 minutes.....and then it gets worse. The only reason I can see that this movie was made, was for some kind of tax dodge. Not funny, not engaging just very poor film making from it seems, people who have no clue. Just awful.

Save your time or watch a test pattern instead, you will thank me for this warning.
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This movie has no purpose at all
Otte111 August 2022
Just is not funny, not scary, not dramatic, it absolutely has no redeeming qualities....just skip. This is something middle schoolers would write and produce.
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Unfair reviews?
marniegrant13 August 2022
I think most of the reviews slating this movie are unfair! For what it is, it's pretty funny. I'm quick to turn movies off when they are slow and boring, but this one had a certain charm to it and that's thanks to the actors and actresses chosen to play the characters. Is it perfect? No of course not. But it's better than a lot of movies that somehow get a better rating, I think the cast need a bit more appreciation for the roles they played.
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For the love of god, please watch soEtching else
TheHarbingerOfReason12 August 2022
There aren't enough words to describe how awful this is. I would have rather been violently ill for an hour and fifty two minutes, than having been exposed to this rubbish. I expect this kind of crap to land on streaming services like Stan, but Netflix honestly can't have been awake when they approved this.
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Best kind of bad
rthequeen13 August 2022
If you're looking for funny and easy to watch after a long day this won't do you wrong. It's super dumb but really funny. Lags in the middle a bit but finishes well. Actors are great, writing is witty, storyline is different, effects were surprisingly good.
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motsepealicia13 August 2022
The worst ever! I was cringing after the first 7 mins😖 I tried to watch on but just couldn't bring myself to finish it! What a terrible movie, a complete nightmare!
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This is a fun comedy unlike anything in South Africa!
RobbieMcLean1316 August 2022
All the African content in Netflix these days are political drama/ struggle. It is refreshing to have something ridiculous and witty to laugh at when the day ends! This film is not here to change the world it's here for us to laugh and forget the drama and problems we face today in our country and it does just that! Do yourself a favor and escape into this ridiculous world ! 👏🏻
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Surprisingly funny
fredraphael19 August 2022
I really lobed this film. Love, friendship, aliens and comedy. What's not to love? It was 100% mad from start to finish and I loved every minute of it.
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atiaben-7761613 August 2022
Unfortunately I just finished watching this film and it is one of the worst films i have ever seen. Its a disgrace to film makers. Please go spend your time watching something better which is pretty much anything else!!
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Straight to VHS & the Blockbusters 99p bin
andylev-4091614 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Office invasion. When? Oh! At the very very end after the ever so hilarious antics at AMI. The mining factor where all the old clichés were dug up and made in to a "comedy". Ooh. His jacket got caught in the taxi ha, ha ooh there's a man weeing all over the toilet floor. Omg the bosses are soo mean. And so it drags on and on until the new bosses arrive with their funny accents. They actually are aliens that want the Madeupium or whatever. Who cares.

The film is dumb. Film student dumb. It's maybe 80s funny when funny films weren't funny. Or well made.

Apart from not being funny, it's boring, the overwhelming feeling is "just get a move on". Are the actors bad or is the script terrible? Was there not a budget. Rubber aliens? Really in 2022?

It didn't offend, scare nor entertain. Apparently good enough for Netflix but isn't everything?

From the beautiful country full of beautiful talented actors that gave us District 9, what was Office Invasion?
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Super awkward and terrible acting.
mitxhq13 August 2022
I couldn't even sit through this entire movie... 50 minutes into it and literally nothing has happened? Just super awkward and terrible acting. It's not even funny and has nothing that really grabs your attention.
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Skip and delete after 10 mins
Sappurit12 August 2022
Talkative and stupid movie. This is the first movie that I skip in the middle. After watching 10 mins, It's grade F movie in netflix 2022. Don't watch this movie if you don't want to headache.
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shaun-3523817 August 2022
This might be best viewed after a couple

It's made intentionally bad and they did it quite well

Hardly a cerebral movie, but if you're in the mood for some nonsensical entertainment then it's worth a watch.
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Don't waste your time
michelhatesspam12 August 2022
Movie started with a bang but after 10 minutes became so boring I cried! I made it to 3/4 and just could not continue. Actors are terrible and movie made no sense. Boring dialogues and terrible story line.
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This Isn't a Theatrical Release!
jon-stokes21-539-1787518 September 2022
The amount of people who hold the same standards for movies that are funneled straight to streaming services (in this case Netflix) to the same standards as a movie such as Maverick you've got to drop $15 dollars per ticket to watch with actors who're paid more than this entire movie's total budget and what they want out of a movie completely baffles me, it really does.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for a comedy that keeps a good amount of laughs throughout the entire movie with a cool sci-fi twist. The cast is amazing and everything about this film is done very well. It's not one of those films where people go in thinking it will be great because of all the actors or actress starring in the movie which can sometimes make the film seem far less than what it actually could be. This however kept me interested from start to finish and I left with wanting more.
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If you think the first 15 min. are bad, wait to to end. It gest so much worse!
yow-ris14 August 2022
First time I'm writing a movie review in my life. Why doing this now? Well because of this huge pile of ... that just infected my eyes and wasted my time. Most crazy thing about it, I watched this movie during work hours so I got payed while doing it. Yet still it somehow got me agitated enough to go online, register an account and rant about it. Something I've never done before.

Is it because it's not funny at all, the weak storytelling or the fact that this movie has only 10 min. Of actual science-fiction scenes in it? Yeah all of that, plus the given that it litteraly gets worse by the minute. Don't watch this!
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Not what I was expecting in a low budget scifi
sakusakc28 August 2022
This is the kind of movie in which the director inserts aliens to find a producer.

Any one who has has grinded through the corporate world can immediately relate to the geniusness of the script. Corporate management is shown in a sarcastic caricaturous way and the story is really about the struggles of the workers.

Director flips between subtle dry humour vs outrageously exaggerated scenes in others. Graphics have been kept to minimum and decent. If you expect a full action movie with loads of aliens you will be disappointed. Actors are cast correctly and while they won't win any academy awards, they are funny and emotive and goofy enough.
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at least it's not "The Office"
hansenfamfam14 August 2022
It is truly hard to watch at times, it brain hurting stupid, not funny stupid.

But then again it has its moments. While "The Office" I couldn't watch for 10 minutes, this doesn't pretend to be more than it is.

Imagine its still the 80'ies it helps.
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Office Space, but with aliens!
crazyburn8721 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this on Netflix and gave it a blind watch, and it was a really bland experience.

It starts out with a security guard getting a surprise from the boys which quickly switches out to a nasty surprise for him, and he's turned into the meal of an alien all happening off-screen.

We are then introduced to a Office Space plot for the next one-and-a-half hours before the alien plot even starts again and we are introduced to your three main characters and some side characters who only seems to exist to make our protagonist's lives miserable.

Sam the company geologist who is a father to a girl with a skin condition which is very expensive to treat, so when he get fired from his job he recruits he's two office pals to steal the rare metal only their company mines to sell on the black market.

Junior the spineless security guard and Prince the spoiled rich kid who only works at the company to get his trust fund, who also is even more spineless than Junior (Who needs diversity right). Both have no character development except for maybe Junior if you count asking his long-time crush out on a date as that.

Overall the comedy is mediocre at best, mostly people are just annoying and almost nothing that's set up in this almost 2 hours long film comes to a fulfilling conclusion making it worth your while to set through it.

I'd recommend only watching this if you're have thing for bad writing. Since the visuals are not bad, camera work, effects and music are decent but the writing was not saveable by the acting.

At least people got a paycheck.
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Don't believe anything above a 3
stusaph14 August 2022
I never ever write stuff just to be heard , but honestly.

This really is trash.

Anyone whom has watched more than 5 films in their life who gives this a 9 of 10 is ..,,. Well. Paid. . Please , Trust me it's absolutely a waste of your time.

Full disclosure. I only watched 13 mins. So adjust your trust of my review accordingly.
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Terrible Terrible Movie
18Buddha16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was an alien invasion movie? In the 1st minute you see something lookin like an alien attack but you dont really see the alien or what happens to the person.

1 hour 17 minutes in and I was like wtf? Wheres the aliens lol.

Give up on South African Stuff on Netflix, i tried 4 and they all were trash. I didnt even know this was a south african flick lol, i thought it was british when i heard the weird funny english but halfway through i finally discovered to my horror i could have saved myself alot of time if i had learned this from the start.

I hope i save some of you out there from repeating my mistake lol.
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