We Live in Time (2024) Poster

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Honest Opinion
best-review17 September 2024
Oh, "We Live in Time," you say? Another gem from director John Crowley and writer Nick Payne, eh? Well, let's all have a round of applause for mediocrity, shall we? I mean, it's got Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh - so it must be brilliant, right? Wrong. This one's got everything except, oh, I don't know, a soul.

The plot? Well, it's alright, if you enjoy the cinematic equivalent of beige wallpaper. The narration? Textbook stuff, really. By which I mean the writer clearly ticked off all the rules but forgot the one about making it, you know, feel like real life. And don't get me started on the direction. It's all perfectly polished, perfectly staged, perfectly... fake. The scenes are flatter than a pancake on a Sunday brunch.

Now, let's talk Garfield. Bless him, he's trying his hardest. Really giving it some welly. But Florence Pugh? Ah, she's only gone and trotted out the same old facial expressions she's been flogging in every film since the dawn of time. Overrated, much? There's nothing fresh about her performance; it's like reheated leftovers, isn't it?

As for the rest of the cast, well, they gave it a shot, didn't they? Can't fault 'em for trying. Cinematography? Production design? Fine. Just fine. Music? About as memorable as elevator tunes.

Bottom line? Don't bother. Absolutely not worth the time or the ticket. You're welcome.
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Predictable Romance Story, filled with two strong performances from Garfield and Pugh
chenp-5470818 September 2024
Saw this at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival.

John Crowley crafts a simple and predictable romance story that isn't really anything special, yet, captures a beautifully looking presentation with two strong performances from Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh throughout. Frankly, sometimes, we need to enjoy a simple cheesy romance narrative and We Live in Time checkbooks out of the cheese elements together pretty well. With good music, simple dialogue, and structure, it still holds an emotional connect with it's viewers as the chemistry and banter between the two leads are watchable and good.

Obviously, because of it's predictable style, it does feel a bit long with it's pacing and certain elements may put you to snooze, but as a whole, Crowley's direction and Garfield and Pugh's performance kept it running.
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