JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century (2023) Poster

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Can someone give me my time back?
Old_Movie_Man13 September 2023
I have been intrigued by facts, theories and conspiracies about the assassination of John F. Kennedy for many years. I've viewed several documentaries, docudramas, and a couple of lectures, but this is definitely the biggest crock of steamed theories I have ever seen regarding this topic. I stopped watching after I invested 1:12:35 of my time. If I paid a penny more for the video rental, I would be considering pursuing a refund. However, a couple of the statements regarding the chain of custody of evidence were enlightening up to a point. But after seeing this, I still believe that something more like the conspiracy depicted in "Executive Action" is closer to the truth!
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OK if you look at it as a comedy
itchy-815 November 2023
There's a book theorizing that Aristotle Onassis killed JFK because he wanted his wife. I never thought I'd ever find anything more ridiculous. I was wrong. You have got to be kidding me. Maybe you are kidding me. Maybe it's all a joke. No interviews with the doctors, and I thought there were supposed to be interviews with doctors, emergency room doctors, who actually worked on Kennedy. It's all a bunch of goofy theorizing by some guy, very glib and and perfectly rehearsed, claiming the use of then-unknown technology, and I'm not talking about the technology of assassination. Also, he calls mobster Johnny Rosselli, Johnny Rossalini. In fact, he knows nothing about the mob.
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Laughable theory, but an amusing watch
bk75317 May 2024
This is all pretty absurd... but so is the accepted "truth" that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. He wasn't skilled enough to do what he was accused of doing, and he would've passed up a far easier shot to kill JFK on Houston Street before the turn onto Elm. Straight shot, car moving slower. So yeah, no.

That said, this "documentary" was incredibly poorly produced... like painfully amateurish. The first 45 minutes are a snooze-fest to watch and the last 45 minutes detail something so far-fetched that it almost comes across as a comedy "mockumentary." It would be a MONUMENTAL stretch to believe the filmmaker's contention, and even harder to believe that, if any of this was even remotely true, nobody spilled the beans in the ensuing years.

Watch at your own peril. Likely THE most bizarre JFK killing story of all time. But it's SO "out there" that it's almost worth a peek just to be able to talk about it at parties.
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Stunningly Stupid
jgelling-484108 October 2023
To quote an old farmer I worked for many years ago when I was a teenager, this "documentary" is as full of sh_t as a Christmas goose.

A wild, crazy mess of a theory that is closer to science fiction than a serious analysis of facts, this movie will probably appeal to the nut cases who always seem to think they are the only ones who "get it".

The build-up description of the movie promised new factual findings using modern technology that would finally reveal the truth about what happened on November 22, 1963. Instead, it presented a bizarre, convoluted bag of nonsense that will be rejected by anyone with more than three brain cells.
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coastmedrn5 October 2023
Solved ? Ridiculous. SO many reasons it is just silly. The number of people to "go into hiding" and remain silent. So many outright lies and incredible stretching of facts ... Jackie married Onassis so SOON after JFK death (5 FIVE years after). JFK on Skorpios ... Then 5 years later she married. So many attended his body ... All saw a body double ? JD Tippett was NOT in any ways "identical" to JFK except the both had 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. JD T was in the casket ... Um, what about JDT funeral ... Who was that in his casket ? Oswald killed nobody but JDT ... So Oswald worked in the Texas School Book Depository ... people DID see a white male with a rifle. JFK is shot in front of the TSBD and Oswald leaves work (did not kill JFK) goes home and then out for a stroll decides to shoot Tippett (the supposed body double) who later is in the JFK casket. The silliest and most STUPID claim is Jackie pulling a string so the "Hollywood" fake blood capsule explodes on his right side head.

Just plain NUTS QANON jibberish. Weidner is NOT a celebrated film maker but a typical outlandish "theory est" who made a slick and somewhat professional appearing (appearing if you are ignorant and ignorant of the details of the assassination) video that is just plain embarassingly ridiculous. A total SKIP watching.
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Don't watch!!
samselkim28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just don't! JFK faked his death, he was afraid for his life! WHAT? A "safe room" inside the limo trunk??? JD Tippet was a pawn and was placed in the limo instead. The autopsy photos are really Tippet!! Omg!! Seriously?? Oh, and if you're still watching, JFK's most loved "mistress" fakes HER death to live forever on A. Onassis's private island with the NOT dead, JFK!! Coincidentally, Jackie marries Onassis later and this somehow wraps up their investigation with their "enhanced" Zupruder film playing tidbits throughout the story! Total B. S!! And ridiculous, unbelievable fodder! Waste of money!!
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Biggest load of carp I have seen for quite some time.
gholmesnottingham8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When this began I was initially struck by the poor commentary and nearly turned off because of this - but then the ridiculous conspiracy theorising began and I became morbidly fascinated by just how daft it would get. JFK not assassinated but faking his death, a 'double' who looks nothing like him serving as his body double. A phone call between Jackie and LBJ where she sounded more like Marilyn - surprised Monroe didn't feature faking her death too. Apparently the undead all lived out their days on an island owned by Aristotle Onassis . Yes I watched right to the end, it had no redeeming features.
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rjsledz-5887211 September 2023
This is the worst documentary I've ever seen in my life. It's so convoluted It has absolutely no objective reporting or even investigation. It's about Buck 99 and I don't recommend it even for $0.10. It doesn't have any amount of witnesses or people that would have normally given any kind of contexts for all the different elements that are portrayed in the film itself.. there's one guy that's talking about the zapruder film and he totally doesn't know what he's talking about He's going over the same thing over and over again and without any quantitative sense. I don't see any thing that really clarifies whatever happened to JFK.
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mitchai12 October 2023
Seemingly put together on free editing software, the makers present a laughable theory and have the cheek to end it "maybe we can finally put this all to bed."

For someone who has had to research enough information to put together a 90 minute documentary, I'm absolutely staggered that this is the conclusion he arrived at.

The narration sounds like it was recorded one sentence at a time and lacks a smooth consistency, instead always starting off on the same annoying high tone. Cheesy sample stock footage is cut randomly between 144p resolution images of events at the time. There's a guy stood against a white wall giving us his expertise as an absolute nobody, and has the audacity to question Oliver Stone's years of research that he and a film crew conducted.

Nothing in this feels coherent, plausible or faithful to what actually happened on 11/22/63, and it's highly unlikely that if you've done more than a days worth of research on JFK that this will teach you anything more.

I'm also surprised and concerned by how easy it now seems to be that anyone can spend a weekend slapping together 90 minutes of film and get to show it on Amazon Prime.

Pros: some use of new footage

Cons: narration difficult to listen to, extremely poor quality images and videos, new crackpot theory, everything feels like it was used because it was free - a budget of $0.
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Incredibly Insane
k_schember26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I sat through this um, mocumentary (I suppose) to arrive at the conclusion that the $20,000 budget was probably spent on halucinatory substances in order to dream up such drivel.

Since 2016, this country has seen a tsunami of conspiracy theories (thanks much to one pitiful political source) that would make Flat Earthers seem sane and creationists sober scientists but I must say this movie digs deeper than the Mariana Trench is what turns out to be a theory of a president tired being on the mob's hit list and wishes to retire while he is still able to enjoy life. If you've heard the hairbrained story of Elvis killing his twin brother and substituting his body for Elvis'- well, this movie takes it one step further-- SPOILER ALERT! JFK is alive and well!
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Preposterous Claptrap
kroskybill21 April 2024
The fact that this garbage got 800 positive reviews on Prime is frightening. The absurd premise of this explanation that supposedly solves the JFK mystery is based on a doctored Zapruder film and outlandish theories as to what really happened. A supposed telephone conversation between LBJ and Jackie Kennedy is an insult to both. It's easy to hear that it's clearly two actors that are having this conversation, LBJ sounding like a stereotypical Texan and Jackie Kennedy sounding like Ellen Greene from Little Shop Of Horrors. The only explanation for why this guy Jay Weidner produced and "starred" in this movie is that he followed in moon landing denier Bart Sibrels footsteps in cashing in on the low hanging fruit of the conspiracy theory industry.
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Finally it at makes sense now.
christinalherren9 December 2023
This is why they say Washingto DC is Hollywood for ugly people. It's all fake. That's why they call it the greatest show on Earth. Most people don't believe the theory in the documentary, but I do. 100% The reason is that I've been watching politics closely now since 2015 and have come to the conclusion that all politicians and news media are fake. Intel agents do one thing and is misdirect peoplevand make up stories. It's all a show, one distraction after another. The real govt, if there is one, works in the shadows. I give this the documentar 10 stars at finally solves the puzzle, tells the truth and also explains why they don't want the public to know the truth.
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Nice fake news conspiracy theory.
jopocop23 April 2024
The funniest fake news opinion is JFK scrambled into the continental limo truck through an escape hatch. Then he hid in the truck and was whisked away to a Greek Island incognito to live out his final years because he knew he was going to die early in life. Oswald did have emergency surgery to save his life. The single Ruby shot went through the left lower rib cage, lung, pancreas, kidney, aorta, vena cava, and the bullet settled in the right rib cage. He was given copious blood transfusions but "shock" and blood loss stopped his heart. Then the Zapruder film was spliced and diced to fool investigators.
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angelasenor15 October 2023
This man seems to be partially loaded or high. Either way this is the most ridiculous theory I have ever heard. I am saddened and angry not only that I paid to watch this but also that someone actually wasted the time to make this. Absurdity is the best I can come up with without using foul language. Please do not waste your money or your time on this foolish old man's lame theories. I stand 100% behind the fact he is at the least Delusional, partially drunk or high and simply wanted to find another way to exploit our 35th President and his family in such a demeaning way. I will now put my efforts into locating this imbecile and telling him just that!
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kellyandmaryleffler22 October 2023
The movie kept talking about the 30 caliber bullet from the Italian Carcano rifle that LHO allegedly used to assinate JFK. Well unless someone put a new barrel on the Carcano rifle, it was a 6.5 MM bullet. 30 caliber equals 7.62 MM thus the 6.5 MM bullet is smaller. Not much research went into the making of this film

And for someone to allege that JFK faked his death, that is crazy.

Also to the report that Tippet was dubbed in for the examination at the hospital is wrong. He was taken to the Methodist Hospital whereas JFK was taken to Parkland hospital. Again very poor research on your end

Very big waste of time and you lost my interest when talking about a 30 caliber bullet.
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Stupid and nonsensical
jimniehoff2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I remember well the day that Kennedy was shot and have been interested in the events of that day ever since. To say that this film is lacking in reality would be an understatement. Somehow, Kennedy faked his own death, using movie gimmicks, and hid in a secret compartment in the limo while racing to the hospital. The body of police officer J D Tibbet (a man who had a vague resemblance to Kennedy) was placed in Kennedy's seat during that 2 minute drive. Kennedy apparently was afraid that he would not be remembered as a great president, so he planned out a fake assassination to glorify his legacy. One of his girlfriends also faked her death a few years later, so they could be together. What drivel.
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Absolutely terrible
dlmiley29 November 2023
I have a large collection of documentaries and dramas related to the JFK assassination. So, when I noticed this one on Amazon, I snapped it up without looking at the IMDB rating because I thought it was a new scholarly review of the case and the description mentioned an enhanced view of the Zapruder film. Wow was I wrong. I knew from the beginning of the film that I made a huge mistake. The narrator spoke in a dull monotone that will put you to sleep almost immediately. And he needlessly says, "John Fitzgerald Kennedy, otherwise known as JFK". Oh, as if anyone with more than three brain cells does not know that! The movie is complete amateur effort that could have done better by a child, rather than the buffoons who produced, wrote and directed this mess. Of course, I am feeling like a complete idiot for buying this dreck. Please do NOT follow my example and avoid this "documentary" at all costs!
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Absolutely terrible.
djshields2011225 November 2023
This is either a parody of conspiracy thinking or the people involved were given a pile of money to come up with something new regardless of how silly. It could well be that at the end there is a big reveal but I bailed out after wasting 70 minutes of my life.

I have seen previous documentaries say it was The Mob, the CIA, Cuban exiles, American Communists in support of Cuba, Castro, the Military Industrial complex, accidental shooting by his own security detail and so on but none of those match the sheer silliness of this one.

There is actually a good documentary to be made about conspiracy theories being valuable to nefarious people in power as the noise created by nonsense such as this is excellent cover for their activities.

Avoid this "documentary" like the plague.
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Incoherent Excrement
mike-dickson16 October 2023
As usual, you get to hear from a variety of swivel-eyed loons about what *could* have happened and what they *think* happened and what they *almost certainly know* happened without any coherent thought about *why* any of it was done at all.

Objectivity is thrown aside in favour of the single most bizarre theories that simply don't add up *at all*. (Tippett and JFK were hardly dead ringers enough to fool an autopsy) It makes Oliver Stone's bizarre Frankenstein take on Garrison's theory seem plausible.

Occam's Razor...you know. It usually makes sense. Certainly a lot more sense than this does!
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Stunningly ridiculous
ntcfm119 March 2024
I was interested in the film up until the time the guy said "not one person saw a shot from the 'pergola'" (the rest of us call the Grassy Knoll). There were over fifty witnesses that testified to the Warren Commission that they in fact heard/thought the shots came from there, even though the Commission chose to ignore their testimony. He then started going off spewing utter nonsense about using some Hollywood trick to fake his death, and I was out. It did start out entertaining, but they should have done a more thorough job researching this piece of fiction. Watch the mini-series 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' instead. You'll also see they lifted bits and pieces straight out of that.
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Not Even Worth the Time to Review
captain-075273 March 2024
Please do not wast your precious time on the film.

Literally hundreds of examples of diligent examination to choose from about the subject.

The topic of the JFK tragedy has been discussed and analyzed by hundreds of professional people and qualified personnel.

Most attempts involving this subject are flawed in some way and while others try to provide some reasonable information.

This piece of film does Not.

Not a documentary.

Not entertainment

Not informative.

What is exposed here is pure fantasy and in very poor taste at that.

Absolute waste of effort.

The Producers should be sued.

Enough said.
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andyshenton10 December 2023
Had never considered this angle before. Ignore all the negative reviews; if you have an interest in this subject matter then it's definitely worth a watch. If you're familiar with the events then you could forego the opening 45mins, which just recap the events that we already know about and how they were presented to the world. Evidence presented thereafter is quite compelling. Certainly more convincing than the idea that JFK was shot in the front from behind anyway!! Not the slickest of films that's for sure (far too much use of the words Zapruda and squib), but as I say, it does give some significant pause for thought..... I'm giving this a 10 as if nothing else it resparks the debate about how a lone gunman was identified, tracked down with a full background known and then muredered within 24 hours!
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Complete and utter made up garbage.
bearcole1510 January 2024
There is a great reason that there is only one person listed on the cast. No one else would ever allow their name to be attached to this insane work of fiction made up in one man's mind. I'm convinced he can't actually believe the rubbish he spewed. This has to be a very bad sci-fi/true crime script that he couldn't get made (for good reason), so he decided to make a "mockrumentary". He completely makes up 70% of his "facts", and ignores all of the few facts we know for sure about that day! PLEASE don't waste your time and save the brain cells watching it will destroy. Whether you buy the Oswald acted alone government theory, or are a die hard conspiracy theorist, this pile of stink will only serve to anger you.
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Documentary?!? NOT
mtogliatti9 May 2024
I have always been interested in the JFK conspiracy. Not a conspiracy theorist by nature, it still had a lot of unanswered questions. THIS does not answer any of them.

JFK X is no documentary. I think to enjoy this film one must treat it more as a MOCUMENTARY in the same vein as This Is Spinal Tap. To take this even remotely serious insults the viewers themselves.

Initially the movie whizzes through some theories of the assassination at break neck speed. While trying to tell their tale it answers no real questions nor does it address the obvious holes in their initial thesis.

I enjoyed the Oliver Stone JFK movie MUCH more. Stone through every theory at the audience and finished smartly stating he didn't have the answer but let the viewer's imagination draw the conclusion. This piece of garbage shows no respect to the viewer and takes them on an illogical and asinine journey to Idiotsville!!!
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Probably The Stupidest Documentary Ever Made!
Maxax7772 May 2024
Look - this thing starts off okay. It even lays out some plausible evidence as to those who very much - may want the President and his brother dead - but then it goes WILDLY OFF THE DEEP END!!! It's makes the dumbest claims ever - and doesn't even begin to fill in the massive gaps between its own ridiculous theories!!!' The documentary is nothing short of a wild conspiracy theory in and of itself - and it's probably the dumbest one I've ever heard of in the history of Kennedy conspiracy theories!!! You can't make such incredibly large leaps and not fill in the gaps!!!! Seriously, THE WORST DOCUMENTARY EVER!!!! It's absolutely riddled with holes and it's complete nonsense!!! No one on planet Earth believes this is true in anyway! Honestly, the filmmakers should be ashamed - and completely embarrassed by the mind boggling 100% made up stories they try to present as truths. In the end this is just complete garbage!!!!
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