Star Wars: Rebels (TV Series 2014–2018) Poster


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Surprisingly good
Duraznitot18 April 2019
When I finished Clone Wars I asked if watching Rebels was worth it, and many people replied that no. They said that the show was very childish, with no memorable characters and that the animation was worse than in CW. Anyway, I did it and after finishing it I can say that it's as good as Clone Wars, in my opinion.

It's true that the first season isn't so good, you can even skip some episodes because nothing at all happens (There's a guide online showing which episodes you can skip), but after that the series really does get better. In season 2 many characters from Clone Wars return and there's plenty of references to stories from the previous show. Not only that, but the new characters evolve in a realistic way as the show progresses. It's funny how in the beginning I didn't symphatize with any of the main characters, but later I ended up liking all of them.

In Star Wars Rebels the stories are shorter than in its predecessor, usually of just one episode instead of the 3 or 4 episode arcs of CW. This is both a good and bad thing as the stories aren't so complex as we could expect and even sometimes feel rushed, but they're still pretty good. And since it's in the Imperial Era, it feels more like classic Star Wars movies. The worst part of the show is the animation, it's been downgraded from Clone Wars.

In conclusion, Star Wars Rebels is a very good show. If you like Star Wars you should watch it. The first season isn't good but later it gets really good and you won't regret watching it.
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Great addition to the Star Wars Universe
Jonah_R4 June 2020
I really dont get why so many people gave bad reviews for this show? This is a fantastic show with great characters and amazing plot lins which just get better with every season.

This show is about Ezra Bridger, a young force sensitive boy who joins a rebel cell with cool new characters like Kanan, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper and we see the early beginning of the rebellion between episode 3 and 4. And I love some of the new characters, especially Zeb, Chopper and Ezra and they have such chemistry together and it is lovely to see how they evolve and how they interact with each other.

I must admit, that I dont like the animation style as much as the Clone Wars style, but it is ok and you get used to it. I get when people call it more kid friendly but still, there are cool plotlines and a good laugh arent something bad in my opinion and I think it gets more adult friendly as the show continues. Ok, there are some filler episodes that arent really relevant and of course there are some stupid episodes, but almost every show has moments that you dont enjoy, but the majority of the episodes are really fun to watch and the bring something new to the World of Star Wars and they expand the Canon. That are the only negative things I could think about and I dont believe that they are really bad or are hurting the show.

What else I really like is, that we get a new look on older Characters like Darth Vader, Maul, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, Princess Leia, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bo-Katan, Hondo Ohnaka and others and they do their part in delivering some cool plotlines.

On top of that we also get some more new Characters integrated into the Canon, like Great Admiral Thrawn, Agent Callus, The Bendu or the Inquisitors. And all of them bring something new to the world and it is nice to see how the characters evolve over the seasons.

The only reason why Rebels only gets a 9/10 instead a 10/10 is simply that it isnt integrated as much into the overarching Star Wars Story as for example The Clone Wars and Rebels stands on its own for the most part and even the ending didnt really get a final conclusion and is still left open. But of course that can change in the near future with the second season of the Mandalorian where Bo-Katam and Ahsoka should make their Live-Action debut and maybe we even see other characters returning. And maybe even there will even be some connections to the upcoming Obi-Wan show or the Cassian Andor show. And if that happens and Rebels will have a bigger impact on the entire Franchise, then I am sure I will lift this up to a 10/10.

Still I would recommend it to every Star Wars fan, because it is an amazing addition to the Canon and you should build your own opinion about the show
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A handful of essential arcs, rest is mostly solid Star Wars.
Lost_In_Translation_26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After The Mandalorian reignited my love for the universe, a week later The Rise of Skywalker took it all back. Looking for some good Star Wars I watched The Clone Wars and loved it. Sure, it had it's series of stinker episodes, but it's highs were some of the best Star Wars stories told. The prequels are still AWFUL movies, but The Clone Wars actually made me enjoy the pre-Empire era of Star Wars and see fantastic stories can be told in it. It made me care about Anakin, and Ashoka became my favorite character in the universe. After finishing The Clone Wars, it only seemed apt to continue the story with Rebels.

Rebels is an easy recommendation for any Star Wars fans, but overall I don't think it quite reaches the same quality as The Clone Wars. Honestly the best parts of it were the stories that related to the Clone Wars series, like Ahsoka, Maul, and Commander Rex.

A big part of the reason I never felt as strong a connection like I did to The Clone Wars was because of the main cast of characters. Ezra is essentially the lead character of the series. A continual focus is his journey to becoming a Jedi and finding out who he is supposed to be. As a character I just really never got into him. A big part of his appeal is probably more relatable to younger viewers who dream of becoming a Jedi. He grows, but he is just a cocky teenager the whole series which usually was just annoying.

The rest of the Ghost crew are fun and enjoyable to watch. Sabine and Hera are probably the strongest out of them, but I just never felt as strong about them like I did to the cast of The Clone Wars.

There's just only a handful arcs that I consider essential Star Wars stories here. For sure the Ahsoka/Vader reunion (which includes Maul),the leftover clones, and the Mandalorian arc. The rest of the series is full of fun to watch episodes, with none of them really being essential. Thrawn's inculsion elevates the last two seasons and he is a fantastic villain as Vader is really only in a few episodes. The first two seasons for sure lacking a strong foil as Callus is a weak villain and the Inquisitors are throwaway evil guys with lightsabers.

The only real bad aspect to the series is some artistic choices with the character designs. The art style for sure is just passable, and really lacking compared to the Clone Wars. For some odd reason most human character's skin texture are all covered in freckles. Clone Wars' painterly textures looked great and fit well. Rebel's just doesn't work a lot and the freckled texture just look bad. The art style of some characters just don't look good.

It's a series that's enjoyable to watch. The only real memorable arcs are ones that incorporated Clone Wars story aspects. There are a handful of episodes that are just downright boring and too simplistic with it's story. If you don't have the time to watch the whole series, but are a Clone Wars fan, for sure watch the Clone's, Ahsoka's and Maul's episodes. The rest of the series is good, though with some weaker than others, but most of isn't essential if you don't have the time.
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I love it!.
dayton-w-price2 May 2020
I really love this show, I heard a lot of of other reviewers compare Ezra to Aladdin, but in space with a lightsaber, I find that badass. I found the voice work to be excellent, and the rebel crew very likable, I also really love the characters of Ezra and Kanan, they are an awesome master and apprentice combo. I also love the Sith characters, Darth Vader even appears in several episodes and Darth Maul is sweet in this show, I also really enjoyed Grand Admiral Thrawn, he is a very good edition too the show. A heard a lot of people compare it to TCW, which I agree it isn't as great, It's not against the rules to love both shows is it?. But it's still galaxies better then the $h!tty sequels, episodes 7-9 which is a serious understatement. I give it 10/10.
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It's About Family, the Heart of Any Great Star Wars Story
wisemantonofski5 January 2020
Season One (2014) There's a familial heart to this first season which makes it immediately appealing, centering on building a strong foundation in the relationships of our main cast and giving us an idea how tightly knit they would become over the series. The first season flounders a little when it comes to properly conveying the threat of the Empire, a flaw which is rectified very efficiently by the arrival of Grand Moff Tarkin; and it builds to a bold and satisfying resolution that lets the audience know that, like Clone Wars before it, Rebels is not afraid to push boundaries and embrace the Darker Side of Star Wars stories.

Season Two (2015) Where the first season placed a lot of focus on Kanan and Ezra, the second expands that focus to envelop the entire crew, taking their small weekly victories and allowing the events of the series to greater influence those on a galactic scale. It builds on the familiar and begins to dabble in new and darker ideas, opening the story up to unimaginable levels of potential; and the raw emotion at the heart of the season's climactic finale, an epic confrontation years in the making, gives fans the duel they never knew they wanted and makes them pay for it tenfold in heart-wrenching tension.

Season Three (2016) By far the most stylistic and best looking the series has ever been, the third season deals heavily with the consequences of the previous two, moving the story forward and making our heroes pay for every small victory they have achieved. Though a thorough and calculated slow burn to the finale, we are rewarded with some of the most visually stunning sequences in Star Wars animation; building toward a conclusion so rife in tension and nail-biting action as to be worthy of Grand Admiral Thrawn's inclusion to the series.

Season Four (2017) The fourth and final season is by far the strongest and most coherent of the series, blending the classically episodic nature of previous seasons into one long continuous story that grows and evolves week on week. But even through a season of some of the best action and most revolutionary additions to the mythology, the heart of the show is still its family of central characters and their powerful bond; forcing them to choose between their allegiances to the Rebellion and their relationships with each other as they face their hardest challenges and most tragic losses ever.
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I own an apology
kajc1025 April 2023
Back then around 2014 i gave 4/10 without watching the series, just based on some clips. I was so dissapointed that after my beloved Clone Wars show was cancelled, i got only some downgraded, childish looking replacement series. But i was so wrong... Now in 2023, I finally gave it a real chance and maaan, i got hooked. This show has way less fillers than BadBatch. Characters are built up great, as the show goes forward, you start to connect with them. Similarly as we got to love Ahsoka (I cannot wait for the live action show). This show adds so much to the story of the rebellion. One of the best SW content I recently had, again, my apologies.
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Underrated show
kobemackenzie23 July 2022
Imperial forces occupy a remote planet and are ruling - and ruining - its inhabitants' lives with an iron fist. A clever, disparate crew aboard the starship Ghost takes a stand against the Empire, facing new villains and colourful adversaries as they attempt to ignite a rebellion. The rebels on the Ghost include leader Kanan, ace pilot Hera, feisty heroine Sabine, tough guy Zeb and 14-year-old con artist Ezra.

The series has some great stories too tell introducing some new characters with great backstories and expanding the lore of the Star Wars universe! We also see a lot of characters from past movies and shows! The cast do a good job voicing their characters. Only thing I did not like about the show was the animation. Clone wars had great animation and I thought this show would have the same or better but it looks like they took a step down and there are a lot of episodes that are filler you can skip a lot of episodes and only watch the important ones and still know what is happening in the story.

Overall it's a good show with some great stories to tell but it suffers from all the filler it has.
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"Star Wars Rebels: A Thrilling and Heartfelt Animated Adventure"
ReelAddict4 July 2023
Review: "Star Wars Rebels" is a 2014 TV series that takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through the Star Wars galaxy, exploring the early days of the Rebel Alliance and introducing a compelling cast of characters. With its dynamic animation, engaging storytelling, and nods to the original trilogy, the series offers an exciting and heartfelt addition to the Star Wars universe.

Set between the events of "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope," "Star Wars Rebels" follows a small band of rebels as they fight against the oppressive rule of the Galactic Empire. Led by the charismatic Jedi survivor Kanan Jarrus, the crew of the starship Ghost embarks on daring missions, encounters iconic characters, and lays the foundation for the Rebellion that will eventually challenge the Empire's dominance.

One of the series' greatest strengths lies in its characters. The diverse and endearing ensemble, including the street-smart Ezra Bridger, the skilled Mandalorian warrior Sabine Wren, the loyal and dependable Hera Syndulla, the gruff yet lovable Zeb Orrelios, and the enigmatic droid Chopper, brings a dynamic and relatable energy to the story. Their interactions and personal journeys form the emotional core of the series, making it easy for audiences to invest in their struggles and triumphs.

"Star Wars Rebels" successfully captures the spirit of the original trilogy, blending exciting action sequences with poignant character moments. The animation style, reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn animation with a modern flair, lends a distinct visual identity to the series. The attention to detail in the world-building, from the bustling cityscape of Lothal to the mysterious depths of the Sith temple on Malachor, immerses viewers in a vibrant and lived-in universe.

The series also weaves a compelling narrative that balances episodic adventures with an overarching story arc. As the rebels confront the Empire's agents, encounter Jedi and Sith relics, and cross paths with iconic characters like Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano, the stakes continue to rise. The evolving relationship between the rebels and the Empire, as well as the moral dilemmas faced by each character, create tension and suspense, driving the narrative forward.

"Star Wars Rebels" is not afraid to delve into complex themes, exploring concepts such as loyalty, sacrifice, and the power of hope. It pays homage to the larger Star Wars mythology, incorporating elements that resonate with longtime fans while remaining accessible to newcomers. The series strikes a balance between honoring the past and forging its own path, expanding the lore of the galaxy far, far away.

While the series generally excels in its storytelling and character development, some episodes may feel more episodic or less impactful than others. However, these moments are overshadowed by the overall quality of the series, which consistently delivers exciting adventures and emotional moments that resonate with viewers of all ages.

In conclusion, "Star Wars Rebels" is a thrilling and heartfelt animated series that captures the essence of the Star Wars saga. With its engaging characters, dynamic animation, and compelling narrative, it offers a fresh and enjoyable journey through a galaxy at the brink of rebellion. Whether you're a die-hard Star Wars fan or new to the franchise, this series is a must-watch for anyone seeking an exciting and heartfelt adventure in a galaxy far, far away.
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Before A New Hope, There Was Star Wars Rebels.
buckikris4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the Star Wars Franchise since I was 5 back in 1977, when I Saw Star Wars-ANH. Now in my forties that love grown into the animated series's like The Clone Wars; and Star Wars Rebels. first there was the short lived series The Clone Wars of the early 2000's which I truly enjoyed; but was canceled. It was shocking, because the animated series was so much better than than Pre-quels. I

In 2014 I was excited when I found out the Disney XD channel released Star Wars- Rebels. The series ran from 2014-2018. I was also shocked when season four was the series finale. Just like with the success of The Clone Wars, Rebels gets pulled too soon.

This is a great series, especially for those who are the 1st generation Star Wars fans.I can see why some do not like the series, but this is also for new fans ( Kids)as well.It introduces new characters like Zeb(Steve Blum) who is a Lasat. Lasat' are similar to Wookies. The Inquisitor(Jason Isaccs) is a Pau'an who turned to the dark side. Pau'an's come from the planet Utapain( Revenge of the Sith). If you seen the pre-quels you know what I'm talking about. Also new to the saga is Agent Kallus( David Oyelowo) an Imperial. As the series goes along new characters emerge. It wouldn't be Star Wars if you shelved those classic characters. Those that play a big role are Darth Vader, Obi-Wan, Lando, Tarkin, the Wookies, and those classic droids and Stormtroopers to name a few.

Star Wars- Rebels follows Ezra Bridger( Taylor Gray) who is an orphan from the planet Lothal. Lothal is a planet a lot like Tatoonie. There are a lot of Moisture Farms, Spaceports, and various species from all over the galaxy. Ezra team up with the crew of The Ghost. They are a small band of Rebels fighting The Empire. Ezra gets imvolved with them trying to flee from TIE Fighters, and Kanan (Freedie Prince Jr.) helps him aboard the Ghost. The crew includes Kanan , an experienced Jedi, Sabine( Tia Sircar) a Mandalorian, Jeb( Steve Blum), Hera the owner of the Ghost( Vanessa Marshall) a Twi'lek ; and their trouble making Astro-Mech Droid C1-10P)-(Dave Filoni). All have teamed up together because either their home worlds were destroyed or taken over by the Empire. Now Ezra knows is stay with the crew is a temporary time, but really doesn't have a reason to return to Lothal. While he is aboard he does get involved in a few adventures. At first he doesn't want to, but listens to the advise from Hera, and does whats right. Then he really starts to bond with them when he see Kanan in action with his lightsabre. Kanan knows there is something special with Ezra, but Ezra has to learn patience first. Kanan knows that Ezra has a purpose; and can be a valuable asset to them only if he has the proper training.

When Ezra gets taken Hostage by the Empire, he knows his only chance is to escape. Thinking his temporary friends will not return for him he outsmarts 2 stormtroopers and escapes through interior of the ship taking a trooper helmet. When he hears communication that the crew has come back for him he is shocked. They rescue him, but now it is time to return home.

He know he has bonded with all of them especially after they did rescue him, and does want to leave. Before returning home he devises a scheme and hopefully it will work. When they land on Lothal, as Ezra leaves he swipes Kanan's Lightsabre; and returns to his place. He is unaware the Kanan is right behind him and at his front door. Kanan makes him an offer, he can keep the Lightsabre for a souvenir or come with him and learn more about the force. When Ezra hears this, he accepts Kanan's offer. He is now a Padwan learner and a Jedi he will become. This is a great series with excellent animation and every episode delivers a TKO.
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Mixed bag
theflashrankings5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show doesn't hold a torch to the Clone Wars or the Mandalorian but there are some redeeming qualities. Let's start with the positives. Pre-established characters such as Vader, Obi-Wan, Maul, Ahsoka and Rex shine in this series and there are some teruly poignant moments with them. Also, the series introduces some cool ideas such as the World Between Worlds and canon Thrawn. Some story beats are very well executed such as Obi-Wan vs Maul and Ahsoka vs Vader being standouts. The problem is, these moments rely solely on old characters. Now, for the negatives. The original characters are mostly unlikeable and barely tolerable. Ezra, although he had potential as a naive character tempted by the Dark Side, he is bogged down by childish writing and a mediocre character arc. Zeb is also very irritating, but at least he is a side character. Sabine is a good way to introduce new aspects of Mandalorian culture but as a character, she isn't very compelling. Chopper is funny in a very R2 sort of way but he does feel very unoriginal. Hera and Kanan are character I actually enjoy and wouldn't mind seeing more of. Another negative is the visuals and music. The Clone Wars was absolutely gorgeous in its later years but the animation in Rebels is very poor-quality and boring. And the music, in general, kind of sucks. Especially, in early seasons, it's just a remix of original trilogy tracks without the orchestral feel to it. Overall, the show is a fun ride, especially for younger viewers and it definitely improves over time. But it's held back by lackluster characters, animation and production quality. It's a good watch and almost essential for those looking to completely understand the story of Star Wars.
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I came here with low expectations
ahmedmohamedmostafa7 August 2020
Ignore all the bad's not the clone wars for sure bit it's 10/10 for what it gives...Thanks Dave
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A Great Star Wars TV Show
BadgerStorm43453 May 2020
Star Wars: Rebels is excellent at times when it incorporates characters from The Original Trilogy or The Clone Wars, however usually this show is just good, not great. With Season 3 being the only consistently great season, and Season 1 being terrible at times, I can't say this is anywhere near the Clone Wars, but it does continue some stories from that show which I'm thankful for. Rebels fits nicely in the Star Wars canon but usually doesn't add much to it, with a few major exceptions.
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Just wish it was more mature
Ljc-2460119 January 2021
Very much a kids show, but the show is rather good. I like the ideas and the conclusion of certain clone wars arcs, just wish that it was for people of all ages. Aimed at people in the shonen demographic, except a little younger
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It is a very good and nice show - I don't understand all the hate
leo-budima8 November 2014
I love Star Wars - the basic premise of an epic universe, battle of good vs evil, classic take on characters and their traits and promoting clean and pure values...Most of us love (or have loved) Star Wars for those reasons.

Now, do you think kids and younger teenagers will want to watch 30 year old movies and will be susceptible to the story and its values despite the "prehistoric" graphics and effects? Unfortunately, most of them won't be attracted and will watch it if you make them and look at it through that lens to some extent - and that is reality.

So if you look at "Rebels" as a new branch in that universe, fresh content promoting the same types of characters, similar story lines and the same values - can it not be only positive that it exists? To attract today's kids and to provide content of this kind to them, instead of them watching Game of Thrones, Dexter and alike?

I understand that, as a die-hard Star Wars fan of 30 or 40, you can disprove the lack of originality, the relative crudeness of animation and what not - but, hey - this is Star Wars, just the same as it always has been - if you loved it before, there is no reason to hate it now, in this form.

So I would understand reviews of 6+, but 1? That's just lame.

As a 31 year old, I found it interesting and entertaining and a nice watch. Worth my time and certainly worth your kid's time. Of course, some criticism stands - i.e. recycling Alladin and alike - but we have new SW content for new generations and it's good.
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So good Original Star Wars goose bumps
eventlaunch6 July 2019
For me this was just magic, and to think I accidentally watched episode 2 and just got hooked wow season 3-4 are the best
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Not like The Clone Wars
connorb-903228 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars Rebels is a Star Wars TV show set between Star Wars 3 and Rogue One. It follows the group of rebels and their fight against the empire while building the rebellion as we know it. While the first season is not fantastic the second and third seasons are defiantly a step in the right direction.

We follow the character named Ezra Bridger who is an orphan on the empire controlled planet of Lothal. Ezra ends up joining a small group of rebels in their fight against the rebellion while he is trained in the ways of the Jedi.

If you were disappointed that The Clone Wars ended with a lot of unanswered questions. Then you will be happy to hear that a lot of those questions are answered in this show. While also bringing up some new questions. For anyone that is unsure if they would enjoy Rebels or not I urge you to go give it a try because it is a great show.

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Now this IS Star Wars
skuggvarg-1310 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone that still loves Star Wars I can warmly recomend this series.

Unlike the "sequel" fiasco this show keeps true to the legacy of George Lucas.

The characters are well written and the voice acting is superb, the heroes face adversity that they have to overcome and actually have to WORK for it and not allways it is a sure victory.

Many hillarious and emotional moments.

Thank you Dave Filoni for keeping the Star Wars torch alive.
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What A Pleasant Surprise!
caigyboo-238262 May 2023
As big a Star Wars fan as I am, it can take me quite a bit of time to get around to watching the animated stuff. Especially as The Clone Wars seemed to be so drawn out, with a lot of unnecessary, and pointless filler episodes. Sometimes 3 or 4 on the bounce.

So, naturally, I went into Rebels with a certain degree of scepticism, not really expecting too much from it to be honest. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised!

I instantly took to all the main characters, Ezra, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Zeb and even Chopper. The humour and camaraderie between our hero's was fantastic, with great animation, SFX and story arcs.

The biggest compliment I could probably give it, was that the level of canon over the 4 seasons was perfectly balanced, and took nothing away from the journey of Ezra in particular.

I'll definitely watch it again. Would've made on hell of a trilogy on the big screen also...
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A must-watch for any Star Wars fan
Kysugo1 December 2023
It's amazing to witness how the Rebels got started and how Hera and the Ghost crew were a big part of getting it started. It's so cool seeing how much of an impact and influence they had on the formation of the Rebel Alliance. Really cool seeing how Sabine basically created the symbol they use. Season 4 was an all out banger and by far the best one. I think there was only one episode that was kind of meh, but the rest of it was amazing. I love how each character has their own distinct personality and traits that make them interesting.

The Loth-Wolf's were such a fascinating idea and concept. Hera is such a wonderfully written character. A strong female character that knows how to lead, knows how to kick butt and can also be vulnerable and human as well. Kanan was another wonderful character. So flawed yet so human and willing to become a better person and teach Ezra. Chopper is probably my favorite character throughout the whole series and my favorite droid of all time right next to R2-D2 and Huyang. It's beautiful seeing all these characters go through changes and seeing how they overcome their troubles. You really end up loving the Ghost crew and can't help but grow attached to them. It was definitely bittersweet for me once the show ended knowing that I'm not going to be able to spend time with them anymore. But it was wonderful while it lasted.

The two episodes that took place on Malachor were my favorite of the whole series. It definitely stands out from all the others. It introduces some amazing character exposition and lore that helps expand the Star Wars universe even further. They do some beautiful world, character, lore and story building in this show.

A brilliantly written show that was beautifully put together. It may look like a kids show in the way some characters look cartoony, but it isn't. Whereas Clone Wars jumps around with it's arcs and lacks chronological order, Rebels has a more cohesive story that follows the same characters and doesn't have as many fillers. The only thing is that I prefer the art style of Clone Wars and Bad Batch much more. It was beautiful how they ended it. It's amazing how 'Ahsoka' picks up right where Rebels left off - that's brilliant writing. A fantastic show about hope, justice and family. It cleverly taps into the spiritual side of the force in a beautiful and interesting way while also expanding the Star Wars universe. A must-watch for any Star Wars fan. I'd re-watch Rebels anytime.
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Good, but makes me miss Clone Wars
ianmurtha9 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna level with you I did not want anything to do with this show when I heard it was coming out, I thought that the idea of the show wouldn't be that interesting, given that it's called STAR WARS, and they were only a small team just messing with the empire. The characters themselves are likable but not great (except for Hera). Kanan isn't that compelling, Ezra is a total copy of Luke, Zep is one-dimensional, Chopper is no R2-D2, and Sabine is a Mandalorian artist (an artist, really).

My biggest gripe with this show is the animation, it looks primitive and the characters are oddly shaped. And don't get me started on how the lightsaber blades look, they look like glowsticks in the shape of toothpicks. You can also see some details look like they are drawn in with crayon.

However, everything changed when I heard Ahsoka and Rex were coming to this show. I fell in love with those two characters in the Clone Wars, which is an AMAZING series that not enough people gave a chance. So I instantly caught myself up, and so far the story is just mediocre. When I got to season 2 and seeing Ahsoka there, I had hope, but they are completely underutilizing her and Rex, that may change as the show goes on.

To put it frankly, this show is piggy packing itself from the greatness of the Clone Wars; Kanan was a padawan, Sabine is a mandalorian, Hera is the daughter of a character from the Clone Wars, and they are using story lines first used in the previous show.

Don't get me wrong this is an enjoyable show, but the Clone Wars is better by leaps and bounds. Each episode was different, one could be epic, one could have you at the edge of your seat, one could be boring, and then one could have your jaw dropping to the floor. Rebels is just using the same premise over and over again.

And my final thoughts, Rebels is a good animated series, with some lackluster animation; but to its credit it has a lot to live up to after the amazing series that was the Clone Wars.
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Essential for Star Wars lovers
kyratattoos965 May 2023
There are other reviews that are cutting this quite low, all seem to be from people that only want original cast members like maul, obi-wan and clone wars members, however this show brings in new characters with amazing development of themselves other worlds and deeper aspects of not only the Jedi but the empire as well there is action drama romance and comedy! It's impossible to not get attached to these characters each episode even some view as fillers are written beautifully and will touch your heart. It is an absolute must watch!

Clone wars was an amazing animated series and really this feels like a continuation of clone wars but with a different perspective and some new and much needed characters!
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the good Star Wars
SnoopyStyle23 September 2023
It's years after the fall of the Galactic Republic and the destruction of the Jedi. The Galactic Empire with its Emperor has risen in its place. On the outer planet of Lothal, street kid thief Ezra Bridger comes upon a group of rebels who are stealing some Imperial cargo. The group takes in the young kid and forms his new family.

I heard that this is a good show, but I was never going to watch it. As I started to watch Ahsoka, it becomes obvious that it's a sequel to Rebels and watching that would help getting into Ahsoka. So I quickly binge the whole show. This is a good show. First, it has a good Scooby gang. That is a prerequisite for this type of show. Of all the guest characters, the most compelling has to be Maul. Quite frankly, he deserves his own show. If I have a complaint, this keeps bending over backwards to show the rebels as the good guys. There are small instances but there is the one big instance with Rukh. I could not believe that they would release him. Sometimes, it gets ridiculous. Finally, I do like the return to the mysticism of the Force even when it gets excessive. It doesn't all have to make sense. All in all, this is a fine entry in the Star Wars saga. It rides the divide between adult story telling and childlike fantasy. I can also see the desire to make a sequel.
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Waste of potential
jgareth-6698720 March 2022
I really wanted this to be good. I honestly did.

After watching the clone wars which I adored I was excited to see more from filoni and co, but this was pretty bad.

There are some good episodes here and there for example Ashoka vs Vader. However there are also lots of story arcs that are wasted.

However the main issues are the unlikeable cast members other than a few and my main problem is that the same thing happens in almost every single episode, step 1 steal imperial uniform step 2 plan doesn't go right and step 3 oh somehow it works. It honestly implies the audience is stupid.

This show could've been so good but it's not :(
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Star Wars Rebel Refreshingly BRILLIANT
RyanWinter10021 February 2015
Although I'm tempted to write pages, I'm going to make this short and sweet. Star Wars Rebels replaces the last three Star War films as the continuation of the original vitality and brilliance that brought us New Hope, Empire, and Jedi. If young Anikin were of the age, personality, and vigor of Ezra (the primary character of Rebels) Phantom Menace and the other Star Wars prequel movies might have had a chance. Rebels is scripted wonderfully, the animation is lively and beautifully lighted, the music is gorgeous, and the characters are just about perfect. The whole show is all the more a delight because it was a surprise to me. I expected another silly, weak product with the Star Wars name slapped on it. But this show is just the opposite. It is an excellent addition to the Star Wars legacy. Anyone that truly loves Star Wars will tremendously enjoy Star Wars Rebels.
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Brilliant and so full of promise!
Unlike most fans of the classic franchise, I'm not gonna blast this series out of my sights just because Disney owns and distributes it. I'm also not letting the EU's loss get in the way of my thoughts on the new series. I'd also like to make it clear that Lucasfilm Animation has done the work, not Disney as so many silly fans have come to believe.

Now then, Star Wars Rebels: Spark of the Rebellion has proved itself to be a fantastic beginning to the new series. It's a much better first impression than the terrible 2008 Clone Wars movie. The characters are likable. Ezra is sneaky and charming. Kanan is cool yet mysterious. Hera is kind and motherly. Sabine is crazed and wild. Zeb is bullyish and violent. Chopper doesn't seem to like or care about anyone. Even the main villain of this episode, Agent Kallus, proves to be a badass, hellbent on capturing our heroes. Not only are these characters so entertaining to watch interact with each other but the story is loads of good fun. It never becomes too childish for adult viewers or too graphic for very young viewers. It's as well balanced as the Original Trilogy that first started back in 1977. It's funny, clever, actiony, and intense at certain moments. It all feels like Star Wars. More so than any other Star Wars show that's ever been on TV. The interesting characters, fun story, and balanced tone make this totally worth you're time for future episodes. If you wanted to feel like a kid watching the original Star Wars again, then look no further. The Force is strong with Rebels.
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