Guy's Grocery Games (TV Series 2013– ) Poster

(2013– )

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What's with all these, brand new, 1-star, 1 line reviews? This is a fun, lighthearted cooking show that is fun to watch
xwash-1924617 August 2020
Let me start by saying that in recent years, I'd given up on cooking shows due to being burned out. Hell's Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Masterchef, etc all disappointed me, Chopped was fine but still too serious for my taste, and I felt like there was no cooking show worth spending time on anymore. I had heard about this show over the years, but never got around to watching it. That is, until a few months ago, simply on a whim.

It was on TV, nothing else I cared about was on, so I gave it a shot. Guess what? I loved it. I love the unique dishes that the contestants make. I love the fact that the judges aren't snobs like on most cooking shows. Surprisingly enough, I liked Guy Fieri, who I didn't think much of beforehand.

This is an easy show to watch and enjoy. The contestants are easy to root for most of the time, the judges are quality and the whole show has a somewhat care-free, easy going vibe to it. The episodes fly by, but you still get to enjoy them while they're going on. It's a perfect mix. There's a reason why this show is popular, and I hate that it took me so long to get on board to give it a shot.

The fact that there are so many brand new one-line reviews trashing it seems like a clear effort by trolls to brigade it. Never, and I mean never take a short review with an extremely high or low grade seriously. If I had done that, then maybe I never give this show a chance, and that would've been a loss for me. It's undoubtedly my favorite cooking show now, and while I'm never going to get around to watching every, or even half of the episodes, it's nice to know that I've finally found a cooking show I can enjoy while knowing that I won't get tired from it anytime soon.
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1 2 3 go
akisala20 October 2020
Fun hour, I love the spicy shows and the cheesy jokes
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Taking off my series recordings
brettpod31 January 2022
Hunter seems like a nice kid but he is not cut out for Tv. Daddy hooked him up with a nice gig that he is way in over his head. Ruins the show. They need to go back to the old format.
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Fun with food
agapeslj19 January 2020
If you like watching chefs create food using stuff of the supermarket shelf, then you will like this show. With a host like Guy, it can get silly, funny, and crazy quickly. Good for the whole family. Only complaint I have is that my supermarket does not stock a quarter of the things found here!
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A fun and light hearted show
jonathondenesi4 September 2021
To the reviewers complaining about the host, Guy Fieri, don't watch it if you don't like the host. And to those complaining about the prize money, they have aired almost 500 episodes within the past decade, giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars, there's almost 20 episodes a season, and two seasons a year basically. It adds up. Their resources are not infinite. They have to pay a cast, and production crew of over 50 people, and fully stock a set that is basically a miniature grocery store. Stop whining about the prize money. This isn't primetime 'Who wants to be a millionaire', get a grip, and to compete and get the exposure and 20k, could help any chef in the industry. In addition, during the pandemic, Guy helped start a fund to provide food industry workers with payments if they lost work due to the pandemic. There's alot of good that comes from Guy and his show, the complaints aren't truly warranted.

Either way, the show itself is light hearted and fun. The competitions are filled with enjoyable challenges and games that keeps it interesting. A great show to put on, kick back, and relax to. Additionally, it's always fun to see the judges compete, the show is like a small family. Definitely a favourite, well recommended.
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Go back to how it used to be.
jeffthain20 January 2022
C'mon Guy,

Go back to how you used to do the show. Let the contestants show thier skills. We don't need to watch Hunter tag along on Daddy's shirt tail and we know you can cook Guy. Guy host the show and Hunter move on and find your own specialty.
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Chopped Possible: Like it for lightness and fun, hate it for Guy's sons
dkmovieman21 January 2022
I really like this show as compared to Chopped, it's a light hearted show with Chefs nonetheless but with almost everyone able to produce something almost 99% times without missing an ingredient.

It's like Chopped Possible if you could say because people are able to cook things which can cook in 20 minutes but... it's staged. Like you have 20 minutes and have to shop for ingredients and then have to cook them in 15 minutes and you have chicken, shrimp and lobster and yet no one is really in a hurry at anytime to cook these 3 in 15 minutes. I know they are chefs but man if they don't hurry all of these won't cook by themselves in 15 minutes.

Yet at the end of the round, and I have seen countless episodes most of them have overcooked food and not undercooked chicken or anything. It's a marvel

That said I don't like this show for cooking ability or realilty, I like it for showing some recipes and techniques that are showcased well.

Also, Guy's sons should get a job unless they are producers of the show.
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Love this show
cmachelle26 February 2020
The mindset and creativity of these chefs is amazing!!
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Get someone else
bcarp612 September 2020
Grown very tired of Guy Fieri Food Network needs new faces
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GGG better without Hunter
islandzena27 February 2023
This is a fun program to watch, but Hunter is so not ready for this much camera time. He lacks maturity and camera presence, and it appears he isn't comfortable. I'm sure there are many experienced chefs with extensive TV skills that would enjoy assisting Guy, and I'm always happy to see them when Guy invites them to co-host or take a major role. Unfortunately, Hunter doesn't seem to have this experience. Maybe in 10 years when he's been out there earning a reputation as a highly regarded chef, he might be able to do it. He should try to audition for Chopped or any of the other cooking competitions available. If he does well there, he might be value added to GGG.
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I love this show but I hate the host
youngkaren-253307 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love the show I love the judges but I hate the host guy fieri
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Love show
jtorrescontreras30 August 2023
Fun show!! Guy is a great host and down to earth person. Love how much some of them miss their friend The Cuban by celebrating his life every year. I really like when professional chef play for a charity and sometimes Guy add more money for the cause. Some of the most favorite shows are the thanksgiving and Christmas. Is a show that all family members can watch and you can learn how to incorporate day ( common) ingredients into an outstanding dish. I personally have learn so much about ingredients. This is so worth to watch.. Hunter is on his way to be a great host like his dad. Kuddos to them.
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"Anti-resolution" on the menu
evening119 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of Guy's Triple D series, and a dedicated home cook, I thought I'd give his supermarket-based series a look, and I enjoyed it.

The 2013 episode I caught had one man and two women converging on the Flavortown store for a chance to cook in the aisles and win a cool $10,000.

Taped around New Year's, but eschewing goals like losing weight, this segment was fun to watch, as the contestants, brimming with can-do creativity, grappled with assigned categories of cooking (i.e. Pickled or fried), chose from among mandatory or banned ingredients, and raced the clock to create entrées that tantalized on a plate.

I liked that Guy got the contestants' back stories. The day-job salesman had personally visited dozens of Triple D stops, while one of the ladies wished to evolve from food blogger to professional chef. The viewer roots for such intrepid souls. (Eventually the guy won, with a snazzy version of a pork-belly banh mi, and I definitely wanted a bite.)

Who says that pushing a shopping cart has to be a bore? This show could inspire anyone who's gotta eat!
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It's a wholesome challenge show
canavannj18 September 2020
Everyone one is just very laid back and there to have fun. The challenges are extremely difficult and original. I really do like this show
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some fun
braquecubism13 July 2020
Guy makes it challenging, surprised there aren't more reviews/

again people make lots of food i don't eat. and tired of hearing how great bacon is. burnt strips of pig flesh. "everyone loves bacon". NO they don't. there's lots of brea, gluten, poached funny eggs (I hate it) lots of calories. OK it's only 30% who are gluten free, vegetarian or vegan. still....

they like people to say what they will do with the money, and tend to repeat it too many times. one guy needs a car to grocery shop/ I found this particularly annoying. the Producers & director kept repeating it, so it was their choice.

There are many reasons to need or want a car. to carry groceries isn't a good one. I guess they liked the food link. 1st this is a big strong young guy. he should be able to carry a lot. Is he feeding an army? 2nd He says when he buys a gallon of milk, (repeated 2 X ) he can't carry much more. since when does an adult male need a gallon of milk. can't buy a quart. How much milk does he drink. 3rd and most important, In NYC, Manhattan - everyone walks to the store- Most have a "shopping cart", folding, wire with wheels. Last years- there is a folding wagon, very popular, People use it at flea markets- I use it to take things to & from the car. He doesn't Need a car to shop. 4th- many people don't, can't drive to the store. and they feed families or are elderly. So a big strong young guy carrying from the store is hardly a problem. Some cities, no one drives. Others can't afford it. or just don't drive. or have to take buses. this was stupid and annoying.

money to open a restaurant- from what I see - that's $150K (very low) to 500K) so $250K might be a low average. Even a pizza place, or fast food. $20K isn't going to do it- maybe a Food Truck. it could be a down, & borrow from the bank. the $20K (or what they get) would help with start p overhead, once open. one woman wants to quit job to work with husband in food catering. $20K max (could be less) is hardly enough. but OK. most chefs aren't making big money.

some want to donate to a food bank and MANY charities, or travel to study food, or take their family on a big trip, or go to cooking school, or just pay off debt. One needed surgery on his hand. all fine - Not compelling. what becomes annoying is when they edit by repeating it frequently. because somehow they think this IS compelling.

when they do "celebrity" chefs for charity at $49K, they give the "losers" $1K for their charity - this seems stingy. do the chefs get paid in addition. contestants, I assume don't get paid. Everyone is very cheery when they lose, When they lose; hope to get asked back.
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If Chopped and Supermarket Sweep had a baby
Teen_LaQueefa9 April 2023
I really love the concept of this show, combining the culinary creativity of Chopped with the frantic mayhem of Supermarket Sweep to create a fun entertaining cooking show that showcases the chefs' resourcefulness in themed or limited scenarios. Guy's chubby golden retriever personality is a perfect fit for a tv show like this and should easily entertain anyone who likes cooking and/or game shows.

For anyone who's unfamiliar with Chopped or Supermarket Sweep, I'll lay out the concepts for both.

Chopped: A cooking show where chefs compete to see who's the best chef ever made. They're given a basket of ingredients, which almost always include something very obscure, and have to prepare a dish in each round using those ingredients and anything else in the kitchen before time runs out to wow the judges. If they don't make the cut, they get chopped.

Supermarket Sweep: A trivia game show from the 60s that involves contestants who win a trivia round having to race around a supermarket and fill their cart with as many items as possible within a given time limit.
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Guys grocery emotion games
shadowyoptimism4 November 2021
I was enjoying watching all these until an episode with a young man in a flower shirt lost the contest by cutting the chicken wrong, and then picking the other chef as the winner out of favoritism because of the intimidation factor, this is what emotionally immature people do is go out on limbs to control other people's behavior I did not like the backstabbing remark as well from the lady judge either your show is just a money spurt it will never have anything more because food is art and just because it's not cut a certain way to your standard shouldn't derive it from its creativity.
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Mayor fan
jgracepalmer29 June 2022
I'm 76 yes old and I'm abig fan of all Guys shows. BUT there it is the BUT word I watched an afternoon of superstar games and their was one of your chefs that in this time when things are so hard for everyone I felt the way he presented himself by filling his cart and taking and cooking way to much. Like how many halibut steaks do four judges need for a taste test. I always enjoy the shows . It took me half an hour to type so you know it is important to me.
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Ridiculous waste
GNickL20 July 2022
Maintaining an entire grocery store just for a silly, rather dull cooking competition is obscene. The cooking competition show concept has been beaten to death and it needs to be put to rest. Guy's DDD is more interesting because it features real cooks and chefs, doing their real thing, in real locales.
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pretty awesome
akgonen6118 May 2019
I like the different types of stuff he tries and places he goes and the people he meets plus the food network let u have a chance on making crazy stuff like these people make so thats kinda coo love the show give it a 10/10
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GGG is rigged!!!
justinburt-601397 May 2024
I'm a huge supporter of all the cooking competition shows on food Network, but the more I watch it the more it's evident that they decide the winner before the cooking even starts. There are multiple episodes where they disqualified someone for not using a key ingredient, and then an episode pops up where they applaud someone for substituting a key ingredient and they win. MANY episodes where someone BARELY cooks, throwing together ketchup and hotdogs and spaghetti, and they are CELEBRATED for how innovative they are. Just stop lying to us and announce the winner in the intro from now on so it's less disappointing.
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I have a challenge I want to see!
viktoriafrench30 January 2023
I love this show. I love watching the challenges Guy comes up with. I have a really good one. My life in the kitchen is torture. I feel like it would be a good one and then to add autistic twists to the meal, it's torture!

I have two kids who are "life free" in the allergy department. My son is severely autistic and does not do sauces like my daughter. He has texture issues, so no sauces, meat juices should be seen when stabbing meat but not ooze all over anything. I cook three meals most nights following the same allergies for two. Most nights I do a meat, a fruit or veggie, and noodles. Noodles are a go to most nights, meals revolve around noodles. Meat has to be spiced but should not be in a puddle of anything when served, spices should also not be in your face there, they have to be sightly subtle, autism. My son also only eats cucumbers, bananas, and watermelon, maybe an apple in a blue moon, if I cube and season potatoes just right, he sometimes eats more than one taste.

Our house is: Nut free Dairy free Gluten free Sea life free all sea life Egg free Soy free

I would love to see what people can come up with completely following these guidelines.

I went from frying with butter and making sauces with real flour and baking with real flour. Making fantastic balanced yet feeling spoiled meals.

Now I have to cook with rice flour gluten free mixes which as much as they say "measure for measure" on the package, it's a lie! You ALWAYS have to use more.

All dairy free butters that match my kids diets are pure oil and they don't really mix the same as butter!

Egg free is a great one. You have no clue how many things contain eggs until you start reading!

Dairy free is horrible. The cheese doesn't melt right, it holds shape. Dairy free cheese sauces on their own are a challenge, add in gluten free.

Gluten free noodles. Not all of them are true to the package. Cook to time they're moosh, boil too high they moosh. Noodles are a go to but it took over a year to find a good brand.

I want to see one episode of normal chefs making magic happen like I have done. I know this challenge and I really want to see real chefs make this happen. It's not an easy challenge and you have to throw some rules out the window.

This would be the best episode if they use regular chefs and throw them into a very strict diet.

I'd love to see some balanced but feeling like you're spoiled meals. I don't like my kids to feel like their allergies make them miss out. I like them to feel full and satisfied. I like to get nutrients in, sometimes by sneak attacks.

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Chef Irving a total poor sport.
kristasangels10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just got done watching Guys Grocery Games season 11 episide 13. A chef named Irving was in their show and his attitude was horrible. The last competition Guy had the 2 contestants switch shopping carts and Irving got angry and acted like a 2 year old that couldn't have his way. He was angry and was slamming his pots and pans down thru the competition. He won, but I think he should have lost just for his poor sportsmanship and attitude. Then, when he raced for the groceries at the end, he should never have won with the last 2 items he grabbed. He abandoned his cart to grab the last 2 items and the timer would have gone off before he had the items in his cart but Guy and Irving cheated in my mind. Guy ran and brought the cart to Irving just barely letting the last 2 items the cart while the buzzer rang. Irving should not have won at all. What a horrible sport. Guy should never have brought the cart to him. Good thing I'll never have the chance to eat at Irving's restaurant because I'd avoid it like the plague. Spoiled little baby.
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anneschiller29 June 2021
I really think the judges can be a little rude and Guy needs to talk to them about this! I am sure the contestants are not allowed feedback to judges which makes them open for ridicule! This needs to be addressed!
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What happened????!!!!!
tracypdp13 July 2023
Guys Grocery Games has been my favorite show for many years. What happened to having home chefs etc? I immediately turn it off now the minute I see all these famous chefs ( ICAG, Aarti, Amanda Freitag ) etc competing because let's face it THEYRE PROFESSIONAL CHEFS! That's not what this show was about originally. There is no creativity and quite frankly watching this evening I was excited until again the " pros" had to come out to help. I love seeing everyday cooks/chefs competing not professionals. It's boring and immediately turns me off. Please get back to them being judges and just that. It's old.

Sincerely, A dedicated fan.
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