Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Poster

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fancy visual effet as usual, horrible ridiculous pilot, fragment shot
toddcha20 February 2018
Like all the other sequence, the visual effect is good, which is of course expected. However, the splendid visual effect cannot save an unreasonable screenplay with particularly fragmental shots and scenes.

There are countless flaws in the plots and poorly actings: 1. the self-righteous scientists, their smug parts have 0 contributions to the movie. 2. Cade, what's wrong with Mark Wahlberg? First time acting? Especially his tone is NOT convincing at all. He really needs to work on his facial expressions and tones. (or perhaps his shots are so fragmental? ) 3. the car chasing part in London city is to make audience excited or dizzy/faint? ...

After 30 minutes, all i want is to skip to the end.

The last straw that makes the whole movie doomed is Optimus' line: earth is my home. There is no need spending 150 mins on this movie.
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All spectacle
Leofwine_draca31 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE LAST KNIGHT is to date the most recent of the TRANSFORMERS franchise, excluding the BUMBLEBEE spin-off. It manages to be better than the original trilogy thanks to a shift away from lame comedy and juvenile hijinks towards a greater focus on epic-scale action a la the Marvel Universe. This time around, there's some half-hearted back story which seeks to tie the Arthurian legend into the Transformers universe (it never really works), which leads to the usual globetrotting and interplanetary adventures. Mark Wahlberg is on autopilot and supported by an unenthusiastic cast, with the exception of Anthony Hopkins, whose character seems to be exhibiting symptoms of early onset dementia. The voice cast (Buscemi, Goodman, Watanabe, etc.) is more interesting than the human cast. As usual, the saving grace are the special effects, which are exemplary and deliver CGI action which is all epic spectacle with barely time to draw breath.
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Honestly not that bad, fun lazy afternoon movie
thejasvi2 July 2018
I'm not a huge transformers fan, but I don't dislike the series either, they have there moments, and the first was a genuinely fun comedy more than anything. I did however give up on the series midway during Age of Extinction, there was a point where it felt like everyone except for the brilliant technicians just gave up. It just became really silly. Cut to today where I wanted to turn my brain off and watch something pretty to look at, and having seemingly run out of films to see, and noticing a 4K version of the film was available on demand, and decided to just see what happened.

Maybe because I had such low expectations, but I went away satisfied. The film started real lazy, you could almost sense Michael Bay sleeping in his director's chair, as the rest of the team just took care of things. It did get better about a good half hour in though. My biggest complaint is scenes don't transition well, and the constantly changing aspect ratio, I get why Nolan does it, but I have never liked it, in fact I hate it. The reasoning is so that the viewer gets the full resolution, nothing is compromised, but to me so much is compromised, it is jarring and just reminds you that you are watching something technical and man made, rather than allowing the viewer to truly escape. Nolan's films dont' have the brisk editing pace of Bay's films however, so it's not as jarring, and usually the ratio will change for a whole scene, rather than keep cutting back and forth, but in Transformers, it feels like 5 different formats are used within one quick scene or montage, it's really too much. I'd much rather have just seen the film on TV, where they would have been one consistent ratio and sacrifice the picture quality.

Besides this, the film was fun, Laura Haddock had a good rapport with Wahlberg, helping the 2nd half of the film keep some momentum. And it's the 2nd half I personally enjoyed the most, the story kicks in, and it's just fun, big and loud, and not overly silly or ridiculous. I was able to throw myself in for the ride and not be taken out by some idiotic dialogue or over the top illogical action scene. I was able to be a 10 year old kid again and just have fun. It's not a 1/10 film, it's not even a 3/10. It's just a solid film, I was most surprised with how big budget it was considering it's the 5th in the series, but it's turned a good profit worldwide, becuase it knows it's audience. They want to have some laughs, and see robots explode the crap out of stuff.
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Michael Bay's checklist to make bad movies
chris-j-chuba24 June 2023
1. Every movie must be 3hrs long, keep adding secondary characters until you get there.

2. Have a pointless love interest with no chemistry.

3. Have fight scenes pop up out of nowhere just to show off special effects.

4. Pay a famous actor to do what amounts to an extended cameo, no matter how forced.

5. Introduce stereotypical, secondary characters that were popular in the 80's, the cute kid and the comedic relief, black guy

6. Have heroic deaths, where each hero gets to give a speech as they die in the arms of their best friend. Play epic music just in case we don't understand the moment.

7. Even after 3hrs, leave the audience confused about the plot and behavior of main characters. What was up w/Optimus Prime was he a redeemed bad guy or a restored good guy, why the mood swings?

8. Have the main villain who was indestructible at the start of the movie, badly lose the last fight of the movie.

I felt bad for Laura Haddock, she could have served a purpose other then 'love interest' had they combined her role with Hopkins, and dropped Hopkins. This would have shortened the movie by 30 minutes (oh yeah, rule #1). But instead they gave her a trite role, 'the scholar who was the ONLY one who could FIND the artifact only to hand it over to Wahlberg the ONLY one who could USE it)
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Not impressed
0U23 February 2020
The best part of this movie is the action, the story was very lack luster. I think it had potential with a good cast including Anthony Hopkins, but the writting always falls short in these movies. You can watch it over and over for the action, you just might scratch your head at certain spots.
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My First Ever Review
sulimcool127 September 2017
I actually liked this movie it's far far better than the previous one , i don't know why it's getting bad reviews, i liked the movie , the story line was good , camera work awesome , 3d very impressive , even though it's a lengthy movie i did not get bored , i would love to see more transformers movies like this , do give it a watch
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Michael Bay toppes himself
alansabljakovic-3904429 December 2019
This is unwatchable and so bizarre. I mean Merlin and king Arthur in Transformers movie????
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Interesting Pacing...
MikeOzen26 July 2018
This has all the ingredients of a good film, but it's composition is certainly not as recognisable as most Sci-Fi Action films recently released.

The pacing is oddly fast with some intriguing storylines swiftly being washed to the side for more CGI spectacles.

One thing I will say in this film is that elements of the script are really very good. We enjoyed the 'butler' robot very much with his sarcastic remarks bringing humour to the film and tied nicely with his master's equally dry sense of humour.

I really wish I could rate it higher because we were left saying 'that wasn't bad' when the credits rolled but honestly I can barely remember the storyline it was shifting so rapidly.

Hopefully the next Transformers instalment will carry a little more weight in terms of storyline and pacing to support it's awesome CGI elements and give the film a better shape overall.
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Only this franchise could take something as inherently exciting as giant robots fighting and make it utterly dull.
Pjtaylor-96-1380448 May 2018
Despite all its spectacle, 'Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)' is simply completely mind-and-arse-numbingly boring. It's an utter chore to sit through from beginning to long-awaited end. It's also the kind of self-indulgent trite that goes in one ear and straight out of the other. Honestly, I felt as though I'd been sat in the cinema for years, never mind the already far too long two-and-a-half hours I actually had to endure this for. Not a single frame provided even a morsel of entertainment - which is weird because, for all intents and purposes, the admittedly impressive visual effects should've at least granted me some brief form of passive enjoyment during one of the over-blown action set-pieces. Yet, the takeaway I have from the picture is this: only Michael Bay (and his team, of course) could make something as inherently exciting as giant robots battling one another so painfully and utterly dull. 3/10.
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*A Confusing Mess of Incoherent Plot and Overblown Spectacle*
chiragrathod1922 July 2024
Transformers: The Last Knight is a baffling addition to the franchise, marked by a convoluted narrative and an overindulgence in visual effects that ultimately detracts from the experience. Directed by Michael Bay, the film attempts to weave together multiple storylines, jumping through time periods and mixing historical events with the fictional lore of Transformers. The result is a chaotic jumble that leaves viewers more confused than entertained.

The plot revolves around a secret history of Transformers on Earth, but instead of offering engaging storytelling, it bombards the audience with heavy-handed exposition and jarring transitions. This overcomplicated narrative fails to provide any emotional resonance or coherent motivation for the characters, making it difficult for viewers to invest in their journeys. Mark Wahlberg returns as Cade Yeager, but even his attempts to ground the film feel overshadowed by the clutter surrounding him.

The film's reliance on CGI and action sequences leads to sensory overload. While the visual effects are undoubtedly impressive, the continuous barrage of explosions, robot fights, and rapid-fire editing make it hard to follow what's happening on screen. Instead of captivating action, it feels like a relentless assault on the senses.

Character development also takes a backseat in The Last Knight. Many characters, including returning favorites, are given minimal screen time or arcs that feel disconnected and shallow. The introduction of new characters does little to alleviate this issue, as they are often forgettable and underutilized, leaving audiences with a cast that lacks depth.

In the end, Transformers: The Last Knight is a disappointing installment that fails to capture the charm of its predecessors. With a muddled plot, excessive reliance on special effects, and underdeveloped characters, it seems that the franchise has lost its way. Fans of the series may find some enjoyment in the spectacle, but for those seeking a coherent and engaging film, this entry falls flat.
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Pray let this be the last
TheLittleSongbird1 July 2017
Just for the record, before those defending the film jump down my throat and start accusing me of all kinds of unfounded things like they have done with their tiresome, uncalled for and disgustingly condescending critic bashing, this review is not coming from a 'Transformers' detractor. Far from it actually oddly enough.

Most of the animated show are really entertaining and well made, and the animated film likewise in a guilty pleasure sort of way. Of the live-action films, the first was enjoyable, 'Revenge of the Fallen' (often considered the worst) for me wasn't that terrible but had a lot wrong with it while 'Dark of the Moon' and 'Age of Extinction' were mediocre. This is coming from somebody with a diverse taste in film and television (and a huge fan of classical music and opera), loving films of all genres old and new.

Am honestly of the opinion that Michael Bay's 'Transformers' franchise got worse with each instalment, and having seen some describe 'The Last Knight' as the worst of the five having seen for myself with an open mind but with a little knowledge of its reception personally am in agreement. By all means, 'The Last Knight' is not irredeemably bad, none of the 'Transformers' films are. As usual the special effects are mostly of an awesome standard and the Transformers themselves are very well voiced, particularly a note-perfect Peter Cullen and Frank Welker.

Bringing some welcome gravitas and fun to the film is Anthony Hopkins in one of the better performances of all five films put together. The best character is the refreshingly witty Cogman, performed with sleek enthusiasm by Jim Carter.

However, Bay's direction is smug and self-indulgent and while there is some audacious stylishness to some of the cinematography too much of the editing is enough to make one get a headache. The Transformers don't have enough to do and while well voiced their personalities have been better defined before and their scenes lack tension, fun, excitement or any kind of intrigue. While the action sequences worked in the first three films, they didn't here and 'Age of Extinction', especially here, being chaotic and dull in rhythm. Aside from them being so poorly edited that it was confusing making out what was going on and to the point it was seizure-inducing, they got increasingly repetitive and dull. So instead of feeling thrilled the only feeling I got was boredom, and that was true of a lot of the audience in the cinema.

None of the human characters are interesting, some are wasted and some are pointless (such as Izabella and Sqweeks). Others are annoying, of all the characters in the entire film faring worst in this regard is the complete failure of a comic relief character in Jimmy, annoyingly played by Jerrod Carmichael. Once again the script is very poor, which has the subtlety of a sledgehammer (even for a live-action 'Transformers' film where subtlety was never a strong suit and wasn't expected, but this was nauseating overkill too often) and is laden with tiresome clichés and cheap lowbrow humour that is on 'Age of Extinction' level and makes that of 'Revenge of the Fallen' comparatively tame.

'The Last Knight' is again overlong by an hour, with the basic story being very thin on the ground and both rushed and slow moving. To make up for this, or disguise it more like, a lot of subplots are added, far too many and many of them are unsatisfyingly resolved or explored or serve no point at all, all giving an over-stuffed feel. Hopkins aside, the acting for the human characters is really not good, with Mark Whalberg being wooden and unconvincing at being tough and Laura Haddock is completely out of her depth. The two generate zero chemistry throughout. Even John Tuturro, Stanley Tucci and Mitch Pileggi are lacklustre.

In conclusion, weak film and gives the sense that the 'Transformers' franchise has run its course. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Absolutely terrible but also fantastic.
sammas-nz30 October 2017
We've got to the point where no one expects anything good from any of these Transformer movies, and this one is no different. It has a confusing, pointless plot with heaps of holes, shocking acting, and unlikable characters.

However, I didn't watch this movie with the intention of being a critic; I watched this movie one afternoon when I felt like watching a crappy action movie with robots, explosions, and the occasional fart joke. And in that sense, the movie nails it. I had no idea what was going on the whole way through but I'd be damned if I didn't love every minute of it. Mark Wahlberg's acting is disappointingly terrible and that's awesome, and the editing is absolute chaos. It was perfect.
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Not as good as the first, but still a must-see compared to Age of Extinction.
EatThatPie20 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You would think, considering the previous Transformers films, that this movie would be a repeat of Age of Extinction and just have nothing but swearing and explosions every 10 seconds, then you are about 50% correct. This film actually had a STORY, a good story. They introduced a lot of new characters and was actually more exciting to watch then the previous garbage film.

Out of the the entire transformers franchise, this one is definitely up there, at least behind the original, and Dark of the Moon. Sure, it had the classics, a ton of explosions and mostly nonstop fighting throughout the entire movie, but the story made up for it. They actually attempted to connect everything together, but we'll see if any of it pays off.

I recommend this film to anyone who likes the Transformers film franchise.
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andrewjoy-758787 March 2020
Boring pointless rubbish, just don't bother it's bad
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"Transformers: The Last Knight" Is Worse Than "Age Of Extinction!"
TheJediWay922 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Transformers: The Last Knight," the dreaded fifth movie in the Transformers series is supposedly the last to be directed by Michael Bay and the last to star Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg plays his character Cade from the previous one. The "attempt" at a plot for this movie goes something like this: Cade comes into possession of an ancient Transformers artifact called the Talisman and he is the "chosen one" to carry out a "quest" for the transformers, while this chick named Vivian has to acquire Merlin's "staff" because for some reason she is the "only one who can wield it" and Optimus Prime heads to Cybertron to find out "where he and the transformers came from and what they're doing on earth." THAT'S this movie's plot. Lol this movie thinks it has a plot. This movie is completely incapable of telling a cohesive story. There is no beginning, middle, or end. It throws plot threads at you and expects you to roll with them. The most illogical plot devices occur in this movie. NOTHING makes any sense. It is so convoluted that the movie thinks the audience are idiots. How many times was I reminded of what the plot was throughout the entirety of this atrocity? I counted at least 32. Nothing of importance happens. Nothing is interesting, nothing is entertaining. The characters are so thinly written and poorly developed I didn't care who lived and who died. At this point in the series, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE DAMN HUMANS! Just give us a movie about Transformers, not about humans. None of them are likable AT ALL. Everything involving the military, the government, Anthony Hopkins, it's all pointless! The movie spends so much time and energy on all the stuff everyone complains about with these movies that none of it comes across as not appealing, but rather annoying. It's an insult to our intelligence. The action scenes are the same lazy action scenes the other four Transformers movies feature. It's stuff that appeals only to teenagers who do not know how a movie is crafted. Teenagers like action and explosions and no talking, story, characters, or emotion. This movie appeals to those teenagers. There I said it again. Watching stuff just blow up and blow up and blow up and blow up and blow up and blow up continuously for two and half hours is extremely boring, especially since it's the only thing that has happened for five Transformers movies in a row. There is no entertainment value to be had just watching stuff blow up for a bloated and overlong runtime. And yes, the runtime is too long, YET AGAIN. Luckily, it is shorter than the fourth one which was a very drab and dreary two hours and forty-five minutes. This is about fifteen minutes shorter, but it easily could have been an hour shorter. Nothing content wise justifies the runtime of this monstrosity. It's still overstuffed, overlong, dreary, boring, and exhausting, just like the previous three. I'll give the first one a pass since I actually enjoy the first one. This has all the Bay-isms in it. The typical stereotypes, the typical humor, and the typical dialogue, all of which is stupid, offensive, and insulting. S many characters are made fun of in this movie for being different or having different accents you thoroughly understand why NOBDOY LIKES MICHAEL BAY. He is racist, sexist, and doesn't care about the audience. He cares only about himself and no one else. It shows. The two girls in this movie, in typical Michael Bay fashion, are all hotted out. The young girl is like 14. In what world is this right? Her tits just hang out the entire movie. The other chick just looks like a porn star. That's what this series has come down to folks, strippers and porn stars! Optimus Prime is literally in the movie for ten minutes to just say his name three times so that we don't forget about him and who he is and completely forget that this movie gives him the most sudden shift in character motivation I have ever seen, more sudden than Batman in Batman V Superman. If you came to see him wreck house, he is a total waste in this movie. Quite frankly, none of the Transformers really don anything in this movie. They all just kind of hang out and chill and insult each other with stereotypes. This is one of the worst of the year. I felt like I lost IQ points watching this movie. It is a loud, dumb, idiotic, incoherent, chaotic, soulless mess that appeals only to teenagers who like nothing but action and explosions and die hard fans of the series. It is worse than Age of Extinction. I'm just gonna give "Transformers: The Last Knight" an F-. Yes that is now officially a grade.
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It's the fifth film, you know what you're getting by now.
briangcb25 June 2017
I rarely write reviews, but I'm actually surprised about how harshly this is getting bashed. Well, I'm not *that* surprised. All the Transformer films get eviscerated by critics. So I don't put much stock in reviews. All I'll say is; it's more of the same. If you like the previous 4 films, you'll like this one. I enjoy them all for what they are; cheesy popcorn movies. I personally think this film improves on Age of Extinction. Both Mark Wahlberg and Laura Haddock's characters had equally important roles. Unlike the first three films where Sam was always "The Chosen One" and his girlfriend's job was to just run in slow motion yelling "SAAAAAM!". The main group of Decepticons were actually given personalities and unique identities. Though completely under- utilized. They make a big deal of giving them Suicide Squad-like introductions and their screen time amounts to maybe 45 seconds each. I was actually surprised how much screen time Anthony Hopkins had. I figured he'd slum it for two or three scenes, of exposition, grab his paycheck then disappear. But he's actually a prominent character and he seemed to have a lot of fun in the role.

I really don't have much else to say. As stated above, it's the fifth film, you've already made up your mind whether you want to see it or not. If the negative reviews have put you on the fence or dissuaded you, think about whether or not you enjoyed the last four films. If yes, then ignore the critics and enjoy yourself.
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I liked this one. For what it was it was entertaining.
subxerogravity21 June 2017
Not bad at all.

What is it about the odd numbered ones in this franchise that are my favorite? The first Transformers movie was OK. The Third one was my favorite (Which is not saying much). This fifth and last one is up there with the third one.

Like the third one, it was an excellent use of CGI to do the action scenes. Transformers was one of the first movies that I've seen in which they did CGI scenes in the day time, and it looked really good. You can see that director Michael Bay has hit his peak in really making the CGI action interact well with the live action footage.

Like the original movie, The Last Knight is an ensemble cast that revolves around the main character. It's not the best ensemble cast I've seen. Josh Duhamel, who had been in the series longer than Wahlberg felt like a strange insert done for pure nostalgia, but if you are into the Franchise or Transformers in general the ensemble cast gives you that fandom.

Speaking of Wahlberg, his Cade Yeager is a much better character than Shia LaBeouf's, Sam Witwicky. I like the way Cade gets into the action more than Sam trying to get away from it. It makes for better interaction between the live action and CGI. Bay treats Wahlberg like a walking action figure.

It is weird how little action is actually in this movie. You have a few giant battles leading up to the epic one at the end, and in-between it's Micheal Bay pretending to be the filmmaker he's not with funny scenes that are not really funny and his attempts to poke fun at Romance scenes in films only made his film stupid. Stick to the slick action and crap blowing up Bay.

Overall, I enjoyed the film. Not one of my favorite franchises but I did like this one. It's like watching a live action cartoon, but that's all the Transformers movies isn't it? Thought this one seems to be the best cartoon out of them all.

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If only Age of Extinction ended with extinction so no one had to suffer this mess!
pixiekatten6 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I do not rip on this movie because I dislike this franchise. I actually have a major soft spot for the Transformers movies. I love the cool visuals and the CGI. The first time I saw an autobot transform I was gobsmacked and in awe over how good the graphics were. These flicks are fast paced and action packed. And who does not fall head over heals for BumbleBee!? Transformers are good films for when you need to switch off from the outside world, and be seriously entertained for a couple of hours. Yes, even Age of Extinction has a few moments of goodness. The same unfortunately, cannot be said about this scrapheap of a film!

To start of with, the opening scenes featuring Merlin the drunk 'wizard' were just incredibly futile (and over acted). Don't get me started on the magic staff/Excalibur as well as the talisman as the foundations for the plot... say what!? Suddenly Mark Wahlberg is 'the chosen one' as the world is about to end! But his lady friend is also the chosen one as she is the only one who can wield the staff..! So I guess there are two chosen ones... because why not... that makes sense.

Yup, it is a Armageddon vs Matrix vs Terminator rip off - mixed with a big spoon of Arthurian Middle-Age spice. The unholy mixture leaves a bad taste in your mouth, as one is unable to grasp the incoherent and unconvincing storyline that does not make any sense at any point. Transformers 1-4 do not boast any amazing scripts, but this is beyond lazy and infantile.

The film is incredibly messy, and spirals from bad to worse to unwatchable. It goes from dumb, to dumber, to 'I can't believe I'm still watching this'! The Last Knight is overflowing with drab one liners and punchlines so feeble that they make you cringe in your seat. It is 2 hours of everyone going out of their ways to be rude and moronic. It is painful to watch adults constantly throw loud tantrums. I like many of the actors in other movie roles, but in this film not a single one of them bring a likable character to the round table. I actually quite hated them all...

How could Anthony Hopkins of all actors sink this low!? When he walks through the submarine museum, pushing people and abruptly shouting to them to 'move their fat arses and get out' he sadly reached a very undignified low. Hannibal seems eons away - Hopkins must be out of his mind to take a role like this one! It is not funny in anyway, just terribly annoying. Wahlberg's Cade needs a punch in the face. And the only female character (as always) happens to be a pouty Megan Fox lookalike. No surprise there. So old and boring.

Do not trust the 10 star ratings. The Last Knight really is a flop beyond flops. With 30minutes left of the film, my brain could not handle more torture. I walked out.
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Pardon The Interruption: A Bayhem Apologysts
octagonproplex24 June 2017
Look, let's all agree from the outset that Transformers -- as a concept -- is absolutely asinine. It's a race of advanced alien super machines disturbingly taking on traits of human behavior and cultural affectation whilst mostly rolling around in the guise of various performance vehicles fawned over by philistines. There's no rationale where this isn't a mind-numbing conceit born from a toy line aimed at the aggressive fantasy synapses of immature brains. And that's a perfect sandbox for Michael Bay to build his arena and wallow with gluttonous abandon.

So now that that's established, let me declare the main thesis point for advocacy here: He's a genius! That's right -- Michael Bay is a genius!

Because Bay is one of the few commonly known filmmakers in the zeitgeist, certain glib hipster constituencies lazily feign credibility in cinematic knowledge by dropping his name in loathing as a pathetic synonym shortcut for superiority though snark. In deed, any faint praise toward Bay is often immediately shot down with hyperbolic aghast and equated to justifying Hitler by his work as a painter, or musing on the songwriting merit of Charles Manson. Now I won't dispute that Bay has an inclination for silly sophomoric humor and vapid glamorization of excess. Nor will I gloss over his propensity to indulge in stereotypes and cliché. One may not be simpatico to his fetishizations, but it's sort of pointless to criticize the very essence of the art form, especially when it's done with such gusto. At lest Bay seems to have a knowing wryness that can take a joke at expense of his brash reputation. As an artist working in the medium of moving visuals, Michael Bay is nothing short of brilliant. If he plays to the lowest common denominator, that denominator in nonetheless true to a passionate perspective set by him. These raucous boyhood reveries aren't just mercenary exploits, but expressions of what Bay truly loves and wants to revisit. Intimately personal to a singular psyche, these are massive experimental art films that happen to align with commerce as their principled dogma. If nothing else, being cognizant that what you're getting is being given with a verisimilitude that absolutely attends to the authentic aura of its own axiom, ought to eek some appreciation -- however begrudging. Just because Bay makes movies with the sensibilities of a thirteen-year-old boy, doesn't mean he ought to be demonized as though guilty of atrocities.

It's fairly true that Bay's spectacular extravaganzas cater to simpletons, but the dense amount of information breathlessly presented through pure cinematic terms within them is anything but simple. The fact that most of the breakneck exposition being blasted at an audience actually sticks, is proof that Bay is profoundly competent beyond eye-popping exhilarations. It should be noted that before his feature debut with "Bad Boys", Michael Bay was already one of the most sought after and acclaimed commercial directors of all time, having amassed an astounding amount of advertising awards for his ability to pack viscerally entertaining stories into thirty-second to a minute-and-a-half short form films.

Unlike the majority of filmmakers credited on complicated productions of vast proportion, Bay (quite uniquely) doesn't shirk responsibilities off to 2nd-Unit crews and department heads to autonomously realize aspects or sequences, but rather personally micromanages all divisions to his specified fruition. With a wicked efficiency in speed and breadth, Bay generals hugely intricate on- set sequences involving simultaneous camera setups of stunning aesthetic composition involving impressive precision in kinetics, frame- rates, lighting, lens augmentations, stunt work and practical effects rigging -- with actors performing in frame – and orchestrates all this "Bayhem" safely. Then without missing a beat carries that energy over to lording over every minute aspect of post-production; from the incredibly layered complexities of editing, effects, sound design, music, and even marketing. Bay is no gun-for-hire hack, he is a specific visionary of immense skill set. Although some may be bewildered by the styled nature of its non-stop sensory bombardment -- and regardless as to its vulgar pronouncement, no one can claim it's not often astonishingly beautiful and does somehow express a cohesive whole. That's an extraordinary exhaustive task that only a handful of the most adept and composed directors in the world could even dare attempt, which Bay confidently mounts on a frequent basis, to a degree perhaps unequaled.

There is a reason why the often emulated, never replication, bigger than life spectacle that Bay routinely accomplishes has garnered proper recognition, accolade, and defense over the years from peers such as Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, Oliver Stone, Edgar Wright, Paul Thomas Anderson, and Quentin Tarantino; Because they know that action and montage is the purest form of cinema and Michael Bay is a master of that discipline -- and the fact that it seems so undisciplined is maybe even a testament too. Also they understand the overwhelming workload required to definitively command such gargantuan ventures, and the fact that Bay does it time and again with virtuoso vision of auteur aesthetic is a totally impressive feat -- even if you don't care for it.

Opposing the consensus dismissal that Bay is an unsophisticated abomination that merely makes incoherent populace bombasts that lack any semblance of subtly or nuance in pensive development -- I would counter that perhaps the purveyors of that notion simply lack capacity in comprehending communication through super sophisticated rapid sensorial stimulation. Bay may be stuck in arrested development in his childish proclivities, but that child is nonetheless a supreme savant in cinematic verse.

As for "Transformers: The Last Knight", it has the same expected virtues I've detailed as well as those defects of being excessively loud and shallow. Sure, I'd prefer Bay tone down the bro banter, silly stoicism, and frenetic editing – but such criticisms can only go so deep when what is presented is so staggeringly authentic to its aspiration. Anyway, Anthony Hopkins seems to be having a helluva time!
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Don't waste your time
alppein1 August 2017
The worst piece of dirt this year so far. No logic, no plot, no story, but with Anthony Hopkins. Why did Anthony participated in this dirt ball mind crap, I don't know but it is not enough. This movie is empty, it is a 2 hours long advertisement of various car manufacturers and American military. Worst Transformers ever, please let this garbage just die and don't bother us with actors who just can not save this movie. It was just awful to watch, I couldn't believe the low quality dialogues and just the waste of money for junk CGI no one really cares about. But why did Mr. Hopkins lower himself to participate in this charade of a movie is beyond me.

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How to Enjoy Transformers
seawolfvii24 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I rated it a 7 because 6.5 wasn't available. I admit the movie doesn't have a lot of depth but that's not why I enjoy these types of films. If you're looking for character depth, amazing acting and a brilliant story-line...first you'll have to go back to the 50s for movies. The vast majority of good acting has long since been eaten (Spoiler? like the cruiser) by CGI, graphics, lack-luster editing, etc... Even the Academy Awards struggle to find worthy recipients, imo. This movie had all the things I watch such a movie for, cars and trucks, robots, machines, military machines, cool weapons, and this one even more with battle-axe wielding robots. All for some good ole bashing, fighting, CRASH, BAM and KABLOEE with the bass turned up nice and loud! I didn't enter the theater expecting "Last of the Mohicans" (one of my all time favs) so I got what I wanted...and a little more. I've never been a fan of all the sarcastic, "hip" robots they put in the films, ruined the second one for me with those stupid robots. But I loved Extinction...loved the dinobots! No, it's not an 10 out of 10, or even an 8 out of 10...but it's the smashumup stuff I really like to watch sometimes. Thanks Michael Bay, I'll pay to watch you're movies (when I'm in the mood) every time.
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A movie out of even common sense
omegafleons1229 September 2017
The movie is made by a teenage writer who cannot even write conversations natural, read part of DaVinci Code, part of Arthur, and watched a Star War movie. Putting everything together without logic, this is what the movie is. Oh, by the way, his knowledge about physics never go beyond what his parents told him in kindergarten.

There are more than enough critics on plot and poorly told stories; I'm not going to repeat. But I have to point one character: the Old Man. Who cares what his name is (I didn't get it AT ALL) I don't know what kind of personality Michael Bay want to create. What I saw was a rude, uneducated, changing man with a lot of money. It was so awkward while he dump the famous names into my ears and declared that all those people tried to keep that stupid secret. I don't know what he said "I can't go with you" because he eventually was there, and...just died there.

After 10 min, the only though I had was to see how bad the movie can be. YKW, it's just worse than I thought.
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i hate myself for not seeing this movie before
buntysudhirsaha8924 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I did not see this movie for long because of the negative reviews it got from critics and most other people. Now i hate myself for being so judgmental.

This is a really good movie. The CGI effects and cinematography is top notch. The story has been developed really well, only the build-up of story of Vivian could have been better. The movie is a tad bit long for an action movie. I really liked how all different stories came together in the end and gave a sense of satisfaction by completing the picture. Michael Bay has done a fabulous job as a director. I got a feeling of suicide squad when a montage of Decepticons that were negotiated by the TRF and Megatron was shown.

I had a surge in emotion towards the end when Optimus took responsibility of his actions, accepted his misdeeds and rose above all the hate to save everyone's home.

This movie does appeal to the HERO inside everyone of us, those who do not feel so might never had a chance that challenged their mettle.
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Excellent,Exciting Movie
dorazioandrew27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
By the 5th installment you have already decided whether you enjoy the transformers films or not. If you were one of the millions of people that pay money to see the first 4, then you will love this one too. Action-packed as usual, top notch visual effects, amazing performance from the human cast (especially Anthony Hopkins), an OK story/plot could've been a little better put together but nobody goes to transformers for an extremely complex narrative. Lots of transformer screen time surprisingly, a definite upgrade from the 4th movie. No more pixelated transformations like the 4th movie. The auto bots are given more personality which I personally enjoy. Brand new Decepticon characters again with interesting personalities. And an action packed boss battle at the end with a slew of exciting explosions, fights, and twists to the movie which make this film easily the second best of the franchise.
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explosive muddle
SnoopyStyle4 July 2017
King Arthur's wizard Merlin allied with Transformers to bring a powerful staff. In the present, an international force has been formed to battle the Transformers. In a devastated Chicago, Izabella and her fellow street kids work to save the newly arriving Transformers. They are joined by Bumblebee and Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) who has been hiding his Transformers in his junk yard. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime finds the Transformer homeworld Cybertron in ruins. Quintessa rules Cybertron and takes control of Optimus Prime on the way to Earth to retrieve her staff. Yeager and his group is recruited by Sir Edmund Burton (Anthony Hopkins) who reveals the secret history of the Transformers and that professor Viviane Wembly is a descendant of Merlin.

So... that happened. It is everything Michael Bay. It has plenty of explosions, slow-motion action, hot babe, and big CGI set pieces. I'm willing to live with all that. It could be mind-numbing popcorn fun. There's nothing wrong with that. There is simply too much with the plot for this type of movie. Then there is the overall Michael Bay directions. His noisy muddled messy style is getting annoying. The historical Transformers leave me scratching my head. It is chaos in action and in story execution.
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