The Lego Batman Movie (2017) Poster

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Quite enjoyable....whether you are a Batmaniac or not.
planktonrules22 November 2017
My daughter has read a lot of Batman comics and she loved the film...and much of it was because she saw all sorts of inside jokes that the rest of us might miss. Fortunately, you do NOT need to be a Batmaniac in order to enjoy the movie, as a dopey old man like myself still got a lot out of the film. As for me, I was thrilled to see a Batman Lego movie, as in "The Lego Movie" this character was my favorite. Here, he's broody and aloof as ever.

The plot is pretty simple. The Joker is angry that Batman doesn't care about him nor does he see him as his personal nemesis. So, the Joker is out to hurt Batman by unleashing all sorts of wicked creatures on Gotham City. As for Batman, the self-centered jerk superhero learns to rely on others...starting with Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon and Alfred.

This is pretty much what you'd expect from the that kids will no doubt enjoy and adults will enjoy or at least tolerate. To me, the best kids films are the ones with wide appeal....and it's hard to imagine anyone not liking this cute film.
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A Funny Take on the Batman Story
Hitchcoc21 October 2018
I wasn't prepared to like this. Still, all the sight gags, the references to past super-hero characters, grow on you. There are lots of funny lines and Batman is a total, self serving jerk. The business about Robin being adopted is a bit much. But the world created with the popular plastic toys is remarkable. It's almost overkill. I think I may watch it again where I can stop and check out some of what they were doing. I think this franchise is doing much better than I imagined it would.
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This Lego movie is even better than the original and leaves me anxious for what's next.
dave-mcclain12 February 2017
In 2014, we became acquainted with an ignorant but arrogant billionaire with orange hair who wanted to rule the world. Call him President Business. Well, that's what they called him in "The Lego Movie". (What? Who did you think I was talking about?) The process of defeating that cartoonish villain involved joining together a vast array of different characters who had to learn to put aside their differences and work together to wrest power from that evil businessman-turned-politician. (Yes, of course I'm still talking about the first Lego movie.) All this may sound scary, but the animated feature film that I've been describing since the very beginning of this paragraph had some important lessons to teach about teamwork and the specialness of all people – whether they're made out of plastic or just look and act plastic on screen. Ignorant arrogance like this can also be very funny (as long as it's fictional) and "The Lego Movie" delivered on that promise. Doubling down on that kind of humor is that movie's 2017 spin-off "The Lego Batman Movie" (PG, 1:44), an inspired mashup of Danish toys and American comic books.

To simply say that Lego Batman is a loner is like referring to the Unabomber as anti-social. Batman / Bruce Wayne (voiced by Will Arnett) lives in Wayne Manor with his devoted butler and father figure Alfred (Ralph Fiennes), but still chooses to spend all his time alone, watching movies or staring wistfully at a photo of him with his long-dead parents. Even when he's in public (whether as Batman or as Bruce Wayne), he treats the citizens of Gotham as his subjects and only wants their adulation. Batman gives himself full credit for keeping Gotham crime-free and is convinced that he's the only one who can do it – and that he doesn't need help or advice from anyone. This Batman probably thinks that the first film's Oscar-nominated original song "Everything is Awesome" was written for and about him and his life. (The character could have also written the film's tagline: "Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman.") A high-class gala thrown to honor the retiring Commissioner Gordon turns out to be an extremely consequential gathering. As Bruce Wayne struts through the crowd, the original Commissioner Gordon's daughter, Barbara (Rosario Dawson), who is taking over for her father, begins making a speech in which she calls for the police to work more closely with Batman – as a team (an idea which makes him spit out his drink) – and to limit Batman's autonomy (think, the setup for "Captain America: Civil War"). Just then, the Joker (Zach Galifianakis) shows up. The day before, as Batman was foiling the Joker's latest plan to take over the city, the two argued about how important they are in each other's lives. When Batman refused to admit that the Joker is his main nemesis (saying, "I fight with a lot of people. I like to fight around."), the Joker's feelings were hurt. Now, at the gala, Joker suddenly switches tactics. He surrenders to the new Commissioner Gordon, confesses to his crimes and asks to be sent to prison. Oh, and earlier at this same gala, Wayne accidentally adopts young orphan Dick Grayson (Michael Cera).

Batman decides that the Joker is up to something, but he's not sure what it is, so he comes up with a plan to get rid of him for good. Batman includes his new ward Dick Grayson (now called Robin) because he considers Dick expendable. The two of them go to Superman's Fortress of Solitude where they see Superman throwing a party for the rest of the Justice League's super angular superheroes. Nevertheless, Batman takes advantage of his fellow heroes being distracted by the party to steal Superman's Phantom Zone projector so he can send the Joker into the Phantom Zone. The problem with that plan is that it would put the Joker in the company of some of the world's greatest villains, a situation which could end up unleashing untold evil on the world, and forcing Batman to enlist the help of his fellow members of the Justice League (and others) as he confronts his biggest challenge ever. Just don't expect Batman's ego to go quietly into the sunset (or the Bat Signal) – or for the Joker to be so easily defeated.

"The Lego Batman" movie is an inspired and extremely enjoyable crossover between Lego's growing animation efforts and established DC Comics characters… plus a long and diverse list of others. The plot makes full use of the potential inherent in combining such diverse and storied properties – and effectively builds upon what made the first Lego movie so popular. The script (which combines the efforts of five different writers), along with Chris McKay's direction is both funny and just plain fun, a lot of that due to the juxtaposition of Batman's self-centered intensity with Robin's innocent earnestness. All of the voice work is top-notch, but Will Arnett's ignorant arrogance as Batman is really what makes the movie. He's as humorous as any of Will Farrell's similarly pompous live action characters (e.g., as Ron Burgundy in the "Anchorman" movies or as race car driver Ricky Bobby in "Talladega Nights") and –whether intentionally or not – reminds us of the attitudes, words and conduct of some American politicians. This Lego movie is even better than the original and leaves me anxious for what's next. "A-"
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An Enjoyable Ride Thrusting Us Back Into The Lego Universe
CalRhys6 February 2017
Growing up, Lego meant everything to me, my aspirations of becoming an architect, and even the result of me studying design engineering in university, were all due to my fascination with Lego as a child and the complex structures you could craft and create. In 2014, upon the announcement of 'The Lego Movie', despite my love for the toy, I was kinda doubting the general premise. How could you make a movie out of Lego? Well, that question was soon answered as I gawped in awe at the screen, the movie was fantastic. Now, the character from 'The Lego Movie'' that garnered the most love was Batman, a cocky, sarcastic, childish take on the superhero we know and love... well it was only going to be a matter of time before he got his own motion picture.

'The Lego Batman Movie' was definitely an enjoyable ride, and whilst I think it lacks in comparison to its predecessor, it stills thrusts us back into the universe that we came to revere in 2014. With an admirable cast of voice talent, and stunning animated visuals, 'The Lego Batman Movie' boasts undeniable creative talent, but does at times seem to be trying a little too hard to be funny, building off the reputation the initial film garnered.

Is this film worth viewing? Most definitely, it's a hilarious feel- good animated comedy, and definitely perfect for the younger audience. I actually saw this film prior to its full release during a preview a few days early, however I believe it may have been aimed more as a kids matinée... I was literally the only adult there, shameful I know, but heck, I didn't care. The kids in the audience continually laughed with glee, so its definitely something suited for that kind of audience, but don't skip over the older adults who are still children at heart, it's an alluring comedy that piles on the laughs, definitely worth a watch.
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A funny and entertaining movie
Mcduff360130 August 2023
I hope I don't get sick of these lego movies cuz they are so far really fun to watch. There was a lot going on in this movie.

First off the graphics are amazing so I ended up getting a little distracted by checking out details here and there instead of focusing on the action.

The characters are funny and in a lot of cases self deprecating. The humor is pretty good, there might be some of it that goes over younger viewers heads but it doesn't matter since there is so much happening all the time that even if a joke doesn't land it's onto the next scene anyway.

I would recommend this one to anyone who likes lego movies or even Batman fans.
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Just go
jasonthomas-934239 February 2017
I'm not sure how anyone can criticize this movie for anything. Its 2 movies in one. The kids see Lego's with colors, action and subtle lines they understand, but children are more focused on the action and not dialogue. For adults, it is full of Innuendos that keep you laughing non stop. I literally cried from laughing so hard.

So if a movie for a family is entertaining for the kids and makes adults laugh and not look at watch to see "when this is over", then that's a 10. No kids here. And my fiancée was like omg, what! When you leave a movie still laughing and repeating lines....10.

Kid tested, parents will hoot!
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A Fun First Act That Falters Towards the End
SquigglyCrunch21 April 2017
The LEGO Batman Movie follows Batman as he accidentally adopts a child, meanwhile the Joker plots to take over Gotham City...again.

The movie starts out really good. The humor is spot on, the directing is solid, it was setting up to be a lot of fun, at the very least. And while it was fun, the plot wavers as it reaches it's climax.

It switches from the goofy, fun, and over-the-top tone that it'd been building up for it's entirety into an awfully serious, almost depressing movie. And while that isn't exactly a problem, the movie did a good enough job developing the characters through comedy and the like, it still had an atmosphere of seriousness, so a lot of the comedy was lost in that. I found it hard to laugh at a joke when the tone was constantly conflicting.

Furthermore, the movie is, like I said, fun, but also reasonably original. Or at least, it's not horribly formulaic. It follows a character with actual problems that people have, and it manages to have this all encompassing tone that is, while realistic, hilarious in how over-the-top it can be at the same time. But by the end it divulges into a formula-driven kids' movie. Characters make decisions that may not always make the most sense, and events take place that are just way out there. It becomes hard to enjoy towards the end, and even though there are a few tear-jerking moments, it still feels just a little off.

Probably the biggest disappointment was the animation. Yes, it's still LEGO, and yes it still looks great. But part of what made 'The LEGO Movie' so charming was the fact that it was made to look like stop motion (the frame rate was lowered). With this one that isn't the case. Everything is so smoothly animated that it almost doesn't matter that everything's made from LEGO bricks. I have no idea why this change was made, but it wasn't a welcome one.

Overall The LEGO Batman Movie is, while a lot of fun particularly at the beginning, it falters towards the end when it comes to conflicting tones and formulaic events. It wasn't a bad time at the movies, but the last act was a lot of flip-flopping. Sometimes it was really good, while other times it was hard to sit through. In the end I'd still recommend this movie, but by the standard that 'The LEGO Movie' set, it's not nearly as good as it could have been.
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A Celebration of everything Batman!
hjalsayegh14 February 2017
It's odd that this would be the movie that takes a look back at 78 years of batman and says... yeah it's silly, LET'S CELEBRATE IT ALL!!!

I actually thought some of the characters in this movie were just a joke but nope, there really was a condiment king in the batman comics that walked around with a ketchup and mustard guns, there was a character called "the Eraser" that looked like a pencil!

Best of all was the most iconic villain from batman, the Joker! Just replace the word "hate" with "love" and it's a rom-com between the two with batman refusing to commit and Joker feeling like his "hate" was only one sided and he deserves better, Hilarious!!!

They actually reference all of batman from the silly TV show of the 60's, the bam and kapow that pop up in the comics when he hits someone, his dark night trilogy, you name it it's there... and sometimes they'd even play some footage!

If you know anything, really anything at all about batman then I'd recommend you watch this movie. age doesn't matter. The one flaw I could think of was how fast this was going with the jokes, at times I wish it would slow down because another one comes in before I was even done laughing at the previous joke.

10/10 and yay for parody not being dead!
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I'd watch a sequel.
Brad_G352 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It might not be the best movie ever but it's not bad by any means. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was... AND IT HAS DALEKS(Very briefly)!

It managed to use a bunch of heroes and villains in a better team-up than any Suicide Squad or Justice League movie ever could. I do hate that the Joker was the main villain as usual with any Batman movie. Give us more from the other villains. Joker isn't the only villain to choose from.

It was a neat twist to include the entire city in the resolution of this film. Laughs will be had. Just give this movie a shot.
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You complete me.
nogodnomasters30 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it, even if your kid didn't get the Dr. Who joke. Batman (Wiil Arnett) who talks a little like the Michael Keaton Batman, battles against all the super villains of all time including the Eye of Sauron, Lord Voldemort, Wicked Witch of the West, Gremlins, Matrix guy, the Kracken, Dracula, King Kong, Godzilla, and Daleks. Batman must also deal with his loneliness, feelings, and being honest with himself. Ralph Fiennes voices Alfred and not bad was that for a miscast.

I loved how the film satirizes the many aspects of Batman and superhero movies in general. Great script.
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The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)
rockman18219 May 2017
Disclosure. I didn't love The LEGO Movie, everyone else in the world may have though. That being said, I didn't really care to see this film. I like Batman and all the films associated with the Caped Crusader but this LEGO take on him didn't really interest me. I watch everything though so I did check this out with low expectations. While its not as bad as I thought it was, I'm not really sold on the LEGO franchise films and don't really anticipate to enjoy whatever future installments that may be planned for this series.

The film is a comedic take on Batman. He fights crime but is actually very lonely. He has no one to really share his life with despite being popular and having a cool mansion and cool gadgets. He adopts Robin (who is actually quite greatly voiced by Michael Cera), falls for Barbara Gordon, and has to face his arch-nemesis, The Joker. You get a bevy of other Batman characters and villains, and oddly enough you also get villains from other franchises like Voldemort and Sauron. If you are a fan of LEGO and the first film, you may feel like you're in heaven watching this.

The film is similarly animated to The LEGO Movie and carries on being gag heavy. While I appreciated some of the jokes, there is just too many and they come at you too fast. You have to keep up with everything. I appreciated some of the witty references though. It's a light hearted take on a franchise that is notoriously dark (apart from whatever Schumacher was going for with his films). I did think the relationship and interactions between the Joker and Batman were pretty great.

The film runs out of steam about halfway through and its hard to keep reacting to what is going on in the film. Its not a bad film really but I just can't see myself coming back to this film again or being optimistic about any other LEGO based movies (I just know there are many more to come; the LEGO cinematic universe is upon us). I think the film offers a really good voice cast who all shine through in their voice performances. Its just that this wasn't a memorable experience for me.

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It's not just a great kids movie, it's a great Batman movie!!!
Thekeybaldemasterrises10 February 2017
This is the best theatrical film based on DC property that WB has put out in years. Sorry fans but this blew all 3 of the cinematic universe movies out of the freaking water. Just like the movie before it, the LEGO Batman movie surprises yet again with a fun piece of imaginative work. It has the humor, the action, the animation, and surprisingly again the heart. We thought to ourselves a Lego movie would never work, it sounds like the ultimate marketing sham Hollywood could ever put out to sell toys, but it became one my favorite animated films of all time why? The first movie blew me away because it not only worked as a story, but it encompassed everything a fan of Lego remembers. In a similar fashion, this movie encompassed everything you know about Batman, and I mean everything. I swear there was almost a reference to everything you remember about him, from Detective Comics all the way to Batfleck. It sounds like I'm talking about fan service because yes, it is most of the time. They use it to their advantage here, they praise and mock everything great, and everything terrible Batman has gone through over the years. You almost miss too much because they cram so many funny nod ons and jokes you wish they had spread em out a little bit. But In other words, the script is a hilarious tribute to arguably one of the greatest superheroes of all time, and surprisingly the most emotional. The focus of the film actually deals with to me a critical factor of Batman. His isolation and loneliness, his fear of becoming part of a family again. The special relationship Batman has with the Joker. It hits all the emotional beats just right with all of its themes. It utilizes it's imagination of Legos to it's potential. And it produces a fantastic message for kids, as well as a touching tribute to fans of Batman. Seriously this movie had a smile on my face except for the parts when it really hit home for me. It also makes me mad, because the film proves that WB is just sitting on a character's pile of good material to work with, and they don't know what to do with them in their real films. This movie has such a stronger emotional impact than anything the DC cinematic universe has done with its last three films. It doesn't mean DC has to sell to Disney, it doesn't mean critics are biased against DC. It just means when you get people who know the material well, they're gonna make it a great film if they know what to do with it. That's what's happening here, if WB can take notes and study why this movie really works, maybe the Justice League and Ben Affleck's Batman film will actually make a better impact? Regardless, this is the standard animated movies need to have outside of Disney, and WB really needs to bring the heart this movie has into their live action films. If you love Legos and Batman what are you waiting for?? Go now!! You don't even have to take a kid, it's a total blast for all ages, and I will definitely be seeing it again real soon.
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The best Batman has been since Christian Bale.
Fedoics10 February 2017
The Lego Batman Movie brings something different to the table, providing a fun, witty, smart, and hilarious time for kids and adults alike.

Lets start with the positives.

From the moment you sit down to the moment you get up, the film has you laughing. The humor in this movie is great. It's for both children and adults, providing smart and sarcastic humor that my prominently child free theater enjoyed.

This film is gorgeous, each shot looking beautiful. The style that The Lego Movie brought onto the big screen is enhanced in this film. The scale of everything and the lighting created a world that these characters could interact and live in. The animation style is what I adore most, each shot looking as if it was animated using stop motion.

The voice acting is amazing in this film as well, Will Arnett coming back to play the caped crusader and Michael Cera playing Robin. The two had a lot of chemistry thanks to the voice acting, bringing these characters to life. Zach Galifianakis was a surprisingly great Joker, adding an interpretation of the clown prince of crime that we haven't seen before.

The story in this movie is very interesting, following Batman and his struggle to be a part of a family ever since the murder of his parents. The film really humanizes Batman, something we don't see a lot of in other Batman movies, while at the same time spoofing the character itself. The story between Batman and the Joker is very interesting and funny, creating great moments between the two.

There are very few negatives I have with this movie. Going back to what I said earlier, this movie keeps you laughing throughout, which got a bit tiring at times. When the movie has you laughing at one thing then says another joke 2 seconds later, this can be annoying at times. Let the joke sink in, let a character react, everything doesn't have to be a joke all the time. Some of the jokes fell flat some of the times, but that's expected considering everyone has their own taste in comedy.

Overall, the Lego Batman Movie is a great time for everyone, proving an entertaining experience throughout. The film has many surprises that I think everyone will love. The story is interesting and full of heart while creating a beautiful and vast world. While some of the jokes may fall flat, it is still a very fun time. Maybe Zack Snyder can take a few notes from this movie.
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Thought it would be fun
itspax14 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
the first trailer back then was funny as hell, so were the first 20 minutes.

there were a lot of references to DC and batman, but its really lame after 20-30 minutes...

usually i like batman and Lego movies... so i thought that's a win-win situation... but i was really disappointed.

the second half was a real pain to watch.
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Loved it
Gordon-1110 February 2017
This film tells the story of Batman who is challenged by the Joker to save Gotham City from massive destruction. In addition, he has to take responsibility for an orphan that he adopted by mistake.

"The LEGO Batman Movie" exceeds my expectations! It is really a lot of fun, as it keeps making fun of Batman, and to a lesser extent, Superman. The music is uplifting and contemporary, connecting it to adult audiences. The vibrant colours and elaborate Lego set designs are very pleasing to the eyes too. I really like the fact that the final showdown looks like one giant party, which makes the film a very happy film. Furthermore, the appearances of unexpected villains such as Gremlins and even a character from another hugely successful wizarding book enhance the fun factor. I loved it.
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6.5/10 We built this city out of LEGO
Padreviews22 February 2017
Saw this by pure accident due to lack of time , had hoped to see Hidden Figures but needed to see a shorter film , yes I know that sounds mad but bare with me !

Fortunately I saw this in an almost empty cinema only 3 other people in there , so not hundreds of kids , thank god half term is over !

It was actually quite fun , great humour throughout with the simpson's trick of appealing to children and adults alike as well as the inner child within .

It's hard to see how this cost $80m to make as the animation is fairly basic in comparison to other blockbuster animated films , albeit this is due to the lego pieces but gives you the impression it's stop/go physical animation as opposed to truly digital .

Great emotional script , a journey of a solo creature trying to fight his inner desire for love and hate with great use of the Michael Jackson 'Man in the mirror' classic

It's great family entertainment , go see it
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A Whole lot of fun!
zomboyproductionz12 February 2017
This movie is an abs-olute (you'll get that joke after you see the movie)! It does everything a movie should do: let you escape from reality and just enjoy yourself

The movie has jokes, action sequences, jabs at the live-action Batman movies and shows phenomenal voice-acting, beautiful animation (like its predecessor 'The Lego Movie' (qv), epic cameos, and most importantly a heartfelt message!

This movie is certainly fun for the entire family-containing jokes and entertainment that will apply to all ages at once!

What are you waiting for? See this movie!!!!!!
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Great pool of characters and witty screenplay, but not my thing.
nicolechan91612 March 2017
While I would consider myself a fan of superhero shows and some of the comics, I am not a fan of these Lego movies. Perhaps it is the fact that they are Lego- something that is associated with my childhood, that I feel like I have grown out of. Plus, I find it hard to relate with Lego characters on screen as they have jerky movements, and very unreal expressions. Mostly over the top and exaggerated. It might also be the fact that Lego movies are made with a certain type of humor in mind, one that comments on material outside of the narrative, and which make me feel disconnected from the narrative. Essentially, this movie was a parody of everything Batman.

I appreciate that the animations are not easy to do, and admit that the visuals are very detailed and precise. The colors are vibrant and sharp, making the Lego pieces stand out. As it is an animated film, every little detail had to be designed, and so I give props to the editing theme. The unique movements of Lego pieces are also captured nicely.

This type of film is done just for fun, and to, literally, entertain. There is not much substance to the narrative, and the plots are pretty straight forward. The movie is basically a big joke, in a good way. But also, can be in a bad way, if you're not one for, some would call it, 'stupid-comedy'. I enjoy some stupid comedy - mostly the ones with Melissa McCarthy in them; but, stupid-comedy in animation isn't my cup of tea. I admit, some scenes are funny and did make me laugh, but overall, I was a little bored and got tired of watching. I even actually, slept for a few minutes while a fighting scene was going on. It just seemed very childish to me.

Also, since all the characters in the movie are well established, the movie doesn't spend time introducing them, or going into their background etc. Which is fine, but then, there isn't any depth to the movie. At least a focus on a few characters might have helped to give some substance. But then again, that's not the purpose of the movie.

Moving on, Arnett does a tremendous job as the voice of Batman. He really captured that throaty voice and delivered his lines perfectly. His persona is basically the one who sets the comedic mood of the movie. A serious looking, but also not so serious, Batman. Other voice actors and actresses did their parts well, and their voices matched nicely with their respective characters.

Overall, just a fun movie for those who like cartoons and the DC comics.
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bloody sick movie.
adamrice-1881115 February 2017
loved this film. i never normally laugh in the movie but did to this (maybe because of the joint i smoked 5 minutes before but unconfirmed). Id rate this better than the Lego movie.

I expected the story to be about Lego batman in the Lego universe but i was pleasantly surprised to see that it was basically all DC universe characters and settings, apart from a few villains which worked well anyway. Master building was only mentioned once, which was nice.

Strangely enough, this movie had better character development that the last batman film we saw. This needs to be rated AT LEAST an 8 because i loved it.

highly, highly recommend. try and get later times to avoid the annoying children narrating the entire thing
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It definitely has hilarious jokes and a good message but there are some complaints I have
nickscheetz10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While I did definitely have a great time watching this there are 2 major things about this film that really bother me, with that said let's talk about the awesome stuff. This is obviously made by the creators of The Lego Movie therefore we have really cool animation, creative designs for all the beloved characters of the DC universe as well as the unknowns, and a very clever childish tone. The voice acting really works to, consisting of Rosario Dawson as Batgirl, Zach Galifianakis as the Joker, Ralph Fiennes as Alfred, Michael Cera as Robin, and of course the best casting choice of them all, Will Arnett as Batman (I'll talk about him more in a moment), there are even tones of cameos from other celebrities and it's impossible to name them all. The hate-relationship between Batman and the Joker is a very unique and clever concept that's never been done before in a Batman movie alluding to the self-awareness that the film loves to poke fun at which can result in a lot of funny break-up and get-back-together moments. Robin's adorable innocence is always a welcoming highlight whenever he's onscreen making it very obvious that he's a child who can do literally anything you tell him, even in reverse. The film is also filled with lots of references to other DC properties, such examples include Alfred discussing the different phases Batman went through for the past 50 decades while shots from different movies that came each decade made with Legos appear (as shown in the trailer) which is talked about again by Batgirl showing the other famous shots from the previous media Batman has been in, the collection of Batmobiles Batman has in the Batcave, Billy Dee Williams voicing Two-Face after only being able to play Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's Batman, mentioning the Suicide Squad, and of course Batman having the famous Shark-Repellent Spray. Batman's portrayal in this film is one of my all-time favorite portrayals of him thus far, the writers are basically making fun of him by having him as a greedy, egotistical, narcissist who can't handle anybody but himself winning in everything which is exactly how I see him, I dare say he's making all other famous and beloved franchises out there look bad because it doesn't seem like anybody cares about anything other than him, and this film almost perfectly represents that. But if I were to say what the best part of the film is, it has got to be none other than the opening, the film opens up with Batman narrating and addressing lots of cliches we get in all movies such as company logos appearing, dramatic music, and films opening with a black screen, then it builds up a scheme all Batman's villains are plotting, while quoting and mentioning scenes from The Dark Knight and Tim Burton's Batman, Batman arrives in a disguise and as soon as he reveals himself he ends up defeating every single one of his villains all at the exact same time while singing a song he wrote that talks about how awesome he is, this scene is a perfect way to represent how much you love a certain property or character, sometimes I imagine watching this but with Spider-Man beating up his villains, I dare say that this scene almost as good as the opening title sequence of X-Men: The Animated Series. Although now it's time for me to address what ruins the movie for me which are 2 different things, 1. Batgirl, she's so unlikable and such a Debbie-Downer in this, constantly getting after Batman for every little thing he does, talking about being supervised and following the law, and complaining, this is the exact same reason why I hate Lois Griffin and Donna Tubbs. 2. The constant insults thrown at Superman in this, Superman is my favorite DC superhero and I even say he's the best superhero in the world and yet hardly anybody else in the world seems to agree with me, people seem to have forgotten that Superman was the first superhero ever created in history thus he pioneered the trend of superheroes, and yet in this film he's constantly made to look bad in this, aside from Batman making jokes about how he can beat Superman, saying he's better than him, and blowing a raspberry at him when he sees him on the news, what happens is Batman breaks into the Fortress of Solitude and destroys the crystals containing memories of Superman's family on Krypton as a means to steal the Phantom Zone Projector to prove to Batgirl he can put his villains away for good, and when he learns his lesson in the end, he doesn't bother returning it to him, it gets destroyed and he doesn't even care, WHAT A JERK! He destroyed the only remaining memories of Superman's beloved parents Jor-El and Lara, stole a dangerous device Superman couldn't allow to get into the wrong hands and got away with it, that is one of the coldest thing I've ever seen Batman do. So overall this film does a fantastic job parodying some of many of our fond memories of what we grew up with, is able to reference stuff we love to talk about in a very clever and enjoyable way, have very cool visuals and animation, great voice acting, hilarious jokes, and one of the best openings to a film ever, but Batgirl's constant nagging and buzzkilling and the insults toward Superman make it impossible for me to say this is a "great film" or anywhere near as good as The Lego Movie.
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Batman celebrated in Lego
TheLittleSongbird8 October 2017
Was very pleasantly surprised by 'The LEGO Movie'. Initially wasn't sure as to whether a film based on a popular (and timeless) children's toy merchandise would work, but it ended up being one of the best animated films that year and one of the year's most entertaining.

'The LEGO Batman Movie' was seen with higher expectations, knowing what to expect and being somebody who likes Batman very much, and was every bit as good if not better. Its only stumbling block is the last half hour or so, which tonally (with things taking a more dramatic and darker tone) felt too far removed from the rest of the film and not only did it lose momentum it also felt somewhat overblown. With that being said, 'The LEGO Batman Movie' was a sheer delight for Batman and superhero fans, anybody who loved 'The LEGO Movie' and wants to see a fresh take on Batman and superheroes will not be disappointed.

Like with 'The LEGO Movie', the animation is really first rate, the vibrant yet dynamic colours are remarkably vivid to the extent that it makes the eyes pop, the backgrounds are immaculately designed, the characters look remarkably good in Lego form and a lot of the visuals especially in the action are very inventive. There is a bright and breezy soundtrack that compliments The Lego Movie beautifully, a lot of it is very catchy with a touch of humour while also giving room for a more understated touch.

Again, the script bursts with imaginative verbal and visual gags, while there is a sharp wit, snappy dialogue and thick and fast jokes that all hit their mark. A lot of it is hilarious and makes the film one of 2017's most entertaining, but it's more than just comedy. There is a lot of poignant heart, block-busting action and some inspirational messaging. What makes 'The LEGO Batman Movie' especially good is how it feels like a celebration of Batman while mocking previous incarnations and his origins with glee.

Story is fast-paced and energetic, with lots of humour and heart. There are a lot of characters here but not too many, the characters (heroes and villains) have their entertaining quirks and personalities yet the film really allows you to properly care for them as well. The voice work is exemplary, with note perfect turns from Will Arnett and Ralph Fiennes and actors who on paper sounded completely wrong for their roles actually nailing them (Zach Galifianakis could easily have been a disaster as Joker but was both entertaining and menacing, Michael Cera is also the most likable he has been in a long time).

In summary, wonderful, perfect for kids and adults alike and a delight for Batman/superhero fans. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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KeremUlucay24 January 2019
It's amazing to see like that the Batman character who is so serious and not humorous. He is making jokes every time, he is breaking 4th wall, his normal acts are so funny, he is so egotistic and alone but his relationship with other characters is just great anyway. He is making references to anywhere, especially to other Batman movies. And everywhere is made by Lego. But places still looks so beautiful and realistic. Movie goes crazy and messing up in somewhere but it finishes with a great, original and dramatic final. I liked that.
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Lego Batman is as fun, funny, inventive and touching as you'd want it to be
ryanjmorris6 February 2017
Let's be honest for a second and agree that The Lego Movie should never have worked. On paper, it's a horrible idea. Yet, Phil Lord and Chris Miller did what they always do - take a strange and unwieldy idea and turn it into something great. Including Batman in The Lego Movie seemed a bizarre choice, but the Will Arnett voiced character was a highlight for pretty much everyone who watched it and it didn't take long until a spin off was announced. With Lord and Miller only serving as producers this time, the satisfaction of The Lego Movie wore off and we were all sceptical about whether the spin off was a good idea. It turns out that, just like last time, we never needed to worry at all.

When he isn't fighting crime as masked vigilante Batman, Bruce Wayne (Arnett) lives in recluse in his mansion with his butler Alfred (Ralph Fiennes). His arch nemesis, the Joker (Zach Galifianakis), rallies together an endless group of villains to attempt to rid Gotham City of the Batman, all while new Police Chief Barbara Gordon (Rosario Dawson) proposes that Batman abandon his solo nature and work alongside the law enforcement. After a misunderstanding, Wayne also accidentally adopts local orphan Dick Grayson (Michael Cera), who he reluctantly takes on as a protégé. Eventually, it is down to Batman, Grayson, Gordon and Alfred to battle the Joker and save Gotham City.

If it sounds kind of mental, it's because it is. If you thought The Lego Movie was high octane and relied on energy, it pales in comparison to The Lego Batman Movie. But, once again, here we have a film that is not only zany and energetic but also consistently funny, mindbogglingly inventive, nimbly structured and genuinely touching. While it loses the surprise effect that made The Lego Movie such a treat and its conclusion doesn't rival the sudden foray into live action that made its parent film so poignant, Lego Batman remains a highly enjoyable film that puts a smile on your face from beginning to end.

I would comfortably say that this is a funnier film than The Lego Movie. The jokes come thick and fast, a large percentage of the film is more than prepared to drop at least three jokes per minute and they all land. There are digs at other recent Batman stories - most notably Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman, obviously - and multiple other references to other films, but Lego Batman even finds room for more adult humour (how the number plate on Bruce Wayne's car made it into the final cut is hilariously baffling to me) and countless sight gags. The faux stop motion animation style carves the way for some brilliant little visual flourishes that add depth to the film's comedy - it isn't just content to run one joke into the ground, rather it consistently finds new comedic territory and makes every joke its own.

The way Lego Batman even lands on something genuinely moving in its finale is even more impressive. You could make a case for the film's central theme being a bit obvious when it comes to Batman - the whole film is pegged around isolation and loneliness and how you combat that to form a human relationship of any kind - but it handles it excellently. It's written smartly enough to simultaneously act as a life lesson for small kids as well as a powerful sentiment to older viewers. The fact that it has a better grasp of Batman as a character than Batman v Superman did isn't exactly surprising, but what is surprising is just how committed to this theme the film really is.

It doesn't just form it around Batman. Young Dick Grayson feels the same emotional distance, Barbara Gordon only wants to do well in her first challenge as the new Police Chief, Alfred wants to help his adoptive son refocus his life and even the Joker just wants to comfortably know that he really is Batman's arch nemesis. It all sounds silly, and of course it is, but Lego Batman excels whenever it combines the silly and the thoughtful. Thankfully, that's most of its run time. The voice acting is faultless all round, too. Arnett remains the obvious highlight for too many reasons than can be explained, but Michael Cera, Ralph Fiennes, Rosario Dawson, Jenny Slate, and Channing Tatum are all delightful as well.

Lego Batman's biggest triumph, though? It perfectly reminds us that the concept of a Lego Movie shouldn't put us off anymore. There have been weirder franchises in cinematic history, and while this sounded like one big cash grab from the word go, everything we have seen in this Universe so far has been terrific. Lego Batman loses that surprise element because about ten minutes into the film you stop worrying, you just know you're going to have a blast. I mean, how could you not? The less said about a plethora of other characters who appear in the film's second half, the better - but it's hilarious and unique and wonderful all at once. If just one film drops in 2017 that's more fun than this, what a year it will be.

TO SUMMARISE: Dazzlingly inventive and unrelentingly funny, The Lego Batman Movie adds another enjoyable and surprisingly moving entry to the ever impressive Lego Movie franchise.
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A really great first act but lost momentum
amgmchana24 May 2020
This definitely started out really brilliantly with comedy to build up the characters in the first act. There were plenty of jokes and innuendos, meaning that this was more than just a movie for kids. However I must say as the movie went on, I felt the momentum was lost and it slowly became a very serious film and then continued to the last act where it was a bunch of LEGO flying about. It missed the very thing that I felt made the first half an hour so good. However that being said, the animations were impressive and the story itself was meaningful.
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Like Playing Batman With Your Un-Cool Mom
michaeltong-291801 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If the first Lego movie was about a son messing around with his father's Lego and the two eventually finding common ground, then Lego Batman is what it's like to play Batman with your annoying nagging mother in the form of Bat Girl.

The film opens with a similar energy as The Lego Movie, but it falls apart very quickly and the story becomes mired in the very clichés it's attempting to poke fun at.

Batman isn't good at working with others. It's a theme that has been explored countless times. Yet despite the self-awareness of Lego Batman it still manages to drag on and get annoying as hell. It's the same theme that made Batman & Robin so obnoxious.

Pretty much every time Bat Girl opens her mouth it's like listening to a lecture from your mother about playing well with others and obeying the rules. Here you are just trying to role-play as The Dark Knight and you have to listen to someone talk about the virtues of teamwork. Many if not most animated kids films tend to incorporate some kind of moral or message (which I don't have a problem with), but this is way too in your face and heavy handed it sucks the fun right out of the film.

Another problem is that Lego Batman doesn't give you much reason to care. The Lego Movie succeeds in this by having an average Joe character as well as the sub-plot of the son and his father, and you can clearly distinguish the dramatic and comedic moments. In Lego Batman the tone is incredibly muddled, shifting from manic to dramatic in an instant while it tries to shoehorn in character development.

For Lego Batman they took what was basically a good gag in the Lego Movie and tried to stretch it out for an hour and forty minutes. It doesn't work unless you think Big Bang Theory is funny and that references to nerdy things are jokes in and of themselves. Granted there are some pretty funny moments scattered throughout the film, mainly in the first two thirds. By the last third of the film they've exhausted pretty much all the jokes.

On the technical side it looks just as good as the first film and the realism of the Lego textures is something to admire. However, I did notice a lot more cheating this time around. In The Lego Movie everything was made out of Lego, even smoke and water. Here, smoke is just obvious CGI and so is the water. The characters also stretch and extend in ways that Lego pieces can't, which was done in Lego Movie but concealed much better.

After being blown away by the brilliance of Lego Movie I was very disappointed by Lego Batman which couldn't live up to the very high bar its predecessor set. Lego Movie was full of heart whereas Lego Batman felt like an attempt by DC to damage control a lot of the negative attention they've received for their handling of Justice League. Lego Batman relies entirely on references and fails to create a unique or compelling story, as such I can only give it 5/10.
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