"Mr. Robot" eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Rewatch, 9.35/10
dcdude-269885 July 2023
This was a very very good episode. Elliot's storyline in this entire episode was sooo entertaining. My favorite characters in this episode were Elliot, Mr Robot, and Ray. My favorite things about this episode were the Protagonist, the Antagonist, and the Storyline. Overall, this was a very long but underrated episode. I honestly think it deserves its 8.5/10 star rating back on this app, or maybe even higher. My mom still thinks that this is the comedy season, so that tells me that I can't wait for her to see episode 5 with Elliot's reaction, but I still wonder what her reaction will be with seasons 3 and 4.
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Really Good [8/10]
panagiotis199315 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My Reaction / Review for Mr. Robot Season 2 Episode 3: The 2nd episode was great and I gave it a rating of 8/10. I like how the episode starts which is basically how fsociety started. Romero is dead? What?! Who is Ray talking to? Does he even have a wife? How much Adderall did Elliot take? Yeah this cant be real, it has to be Elliot's imagination. They put cement inside his mouth? Yeah no it was the Adderall. Does Elliot really think that he needs no sleep? I get it he is doing it to avoid Mr. Robot and he needs some sleep.

Now he experiences hallucinations, poor Elliot always in trouble. Lol did Angela think this was a date with the boss of E Corp, she is losing it. It's sad that in this episode they have Elliot promoting anti religion messages. Im sure they thought it is super cool and edgy but it is just ignorant. Angela has the chance to put in prison the guys responsible for the coverup, but will she do it? Romero's mom is so funny. Nice cliffhanger with Dominique finding the Fsociety building. Overall a really good episode. My rating is 8/10.
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He's Not A Good Enough Scapegoat For Me.
wandernn1-81-68327410 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Romero's rant at the beginning was pretty good.

More Rants. Good one by Eliot about religion. +1 Star

Price invites Angela to a dinner at a fancy joint. Semifreddo? Never heard of it.

'Control is about as real as a onelegged unicorn taking a leak at the end of a double rainbow. ' Okay I can't resist. +1 Star for a Great Line.

Eliot is talking to Ray, who for some reason has become Eliots counsellor or something.

And I guess this is a reporter now closing in on the HQ at Coney Island.

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Completely, totally, unabashedly insane... and I loved every minute of it!
I'll admit, I was lukewarm on the two-part premiere. It had some great stuff, but it also a little clunky at times. In a way, it feels like that was a prologue and this is the real premiere. Everything in this episode was top-notch, but I give particular props to the directing. The episode juxtaposed smooth, cinematic sequences with scenes straight out of a David Lynch film. Much of it is disturbing in a way that makes you laugh nervously. I'm curious to see if the out-there nature of this episode is going to alienate people. Some of the people disappointed with the last episode called it "bland". That's one thing this episode could certainly never be accused of being.

The episode opens with a flashback to Romero showing Mobly the arcade for the first time. This re-introduces the arcade, re-introduces Romero, adds some poignant backstory, and creates a parallel with the end of the episode. Then there are some stunning New York helicopter shots.

The real standout of the episode is the scenes with Elliot. Rami Malek's performance is, as always, a highlight. He goes completely off the rails in this one, providing some really disturbing Lynchian imagery. His scenes left me uncomfortable yet exhilarated. There is a torture scene, an Adderol montage, a deranged rant in the church, and a striking conversation with Ray. His relationship with Ray is increasingly mysterious. There is a scene in this episode involving Ray that I do not understand at all.

Some interesting events play out around Romero, getting all the F Society characters involved. When I initially saw it, I thought it was a twist on a scene in the first season, but then I realized why it couldn't be that. Whatever the case, it seems as though it will be at the centre of the driving action of the story this season.

I thought DiPierro's introduction in the last episode was really awkward and confusing. I did not understand what was going on between her and the man at the counter of the store. This episode does a much better job of providing insight into her character. We learn that she is abrasive, anti-social, and lonely. She also gets a significant purpose in the story (something which was notably absent from last episode).

Even when scenes didn't involve crazy Lynchian imagery, the directing was still totally on point. For example, there is a scene in Pryce's office with Angela. The long pauses and constant wide angle made it wonderfully uncomfortable. In a later scene, Pryce makes Angela an interesting offer.

Going back over it in my mind, I can't believe how much they crammed into this one episode. It really is incredible, in a wonderfully mad fashion.
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Can i tell you a Secret?
matiasbockerman11 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favourite episodes in any tv shows at any time. Elliot on speed is so well acted or hes speech in churchgroup: that is one of the greatest speeches ever. Third time to watch this and I never get enough of this.
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Best Episode Of A TV Show This Year
mad_man_moon21 July 2016
Sam Esmail has written and directed the perfect television episode, which is an unrelenting, beautiful, intense, masterpiece.

From the outset (which had elements of Tarantino) to the framing and movement he brings from Tod Campbell, to the final act. There is not a single dropped frame that doesn't hold emotional, metaphorical, and literal meaning in eps2.1.

Everyone does extremely well in this, but I had to pull out Michael Cristofer for what he does here. Reminding me a little of his character in Rubicon (they have very different make ups, of course) in just how much depth is built in to what is going on with every word he says. Doubleday also for similar reasons.

This is just a ridiculously fantastic piece of film making. It's worth watching the whole series just to get to this point.
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The most underrated episode of the series
thegraydude22 March 2023
This episode is phenomenal. I remember not enjoying it that much on my first viewing, but on rewatch, this episode is SO GOOD. It involves a storyline with Elliot that, admittedly doesn't add much to the overall plot, but really gives us some entertaining fighting for control with Mr. Robot and some great trippy sequences. I also LOVE the opening scene with Romero, it's one of the series' best. The opening titlecard is also one of the best, with the amazing shots of New York that, in Mr. Robot fashion, are unconventional. Fsociety's plotline is fine, Angela's is pretty great. I love the scene with her and Price in this episode, once you know what happens later on, this scene makes a lot more sense. This episode also fully introduces Dom, and she's great. I just overall love everything this episode does.
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Disrespectful Handling of the Holy Quran Raises Concerns
youneshabbal13 August 2024
A scene that depicted the Holy Quran being handled in a careless manner. For Muslims, the Quran is a sacred text, not just a book, and the way it was casually treated in the show came off as deeply disrespectful.

This portrayal has understandably sparked outrage among viewers, who feel their beliefs were disregarded. It highlights a serious issue in media: the need for cultural sensitivity, especially when dealing with religious symbols. While creative expression is important, it should never come at the expense of respecting what others hold sacred. This episode serves as a reminder that media creators must be mindful of the impact their work can have on diverse audiences.
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