Cagefighter (2020) Poster


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Entertainingly Unrealistic
tyreeceb25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's fun to watch the fight but it would have been better if Reiss Gibbons didn't get his ass kicked for three rounds straight. Obviously as the protagonist he was going to win the rematch, that's not the problem. It's the fact that he showed little to no offense in the rematch and STILL won with a guillotine turned rear naked choke that's the problem. In the real world, the refree would have stopped the fight in the second round, if not first.

Speaking of the real world, I am confused on the decision to have Jonathan Good play a fictional movie pro wrestler named Randy Stone instead of his real life pro wrestling ring name Jon Moxley. It doesn't make sense especially with you have other pro wrestlers in the movie using their real name and real life pro wrestling promotion All Elite Wrestling going by it's initials AEW, and using footage from their own program. IMO, the entire cast should have just used either their real names or the entire cast should have used fake ones.

I also think Jonathan Good should have been the protagonist and the movie be about him going from pro wrestler to MMA fighter. It would have been more entertaining to watch it from his characters' perspective not to mention more shocking if he would have lost the belt in the rematch against Alex Montagnani. Although I do think Alex should beat him in a fight, whether it be the rematch or a random trilogy match.
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stephenramkissoon9 October 2020
This move is a boring. the fights are a joke, i have seen boring mma fights that was way more exciting than the fights in this movie
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Reviews as silly as the movie!
blackthirteen2 December 2020
This movie was just laughably bad. The only thing less realistic are the reviews giving it 10 stars. In fact, the three stars I gave it were generous. It is boring. It is a poor man's Rocky. The acting of Chuck and Luke was better than everybody but Gina. Well, actually Moxley played a good pro wrestler. Go figure. Absolutely nothing original.
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Warning! Extremely boring movie.
tim-957379 October 2020
I guess this movie might be OK to watch if you're friends with any of the actors and you watch it as a "Fun thing" whilst getting hammered on beer and weed.

It was truly a rather boring and predictable movie, and the animations used in the fight scenes were just straight awful, like wtf.

Thank you for reading this banger of a review.
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Uhhhhh MMA Champ? How?!?!
krisPH111 October 2020
I dont see how this guy was supposed to represent an MMA fighter. He didnt do anything worthy the whole movie. Might as well have been some backyard fighting movie.

These other reviews saying its a great MMA movie have to be fake. Its a joke.
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Extremely boring movie
walrasheed-6380810 October 2020
This move is a boring. The fights are a joke. The animations used in the fight scenes were just straight unpleasant.
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Poor man's Rocky
markandrews-4322918 October 2020
Basically a poor man's Rocky but with UFC.

Poor acting, predictable story line. Avoid
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Another worst action film! Full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! The action scene also quite abysmal! Not recommended!
kwenchow4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a MMA fighter "Reiss" defeat his opponent, and he been interviewed scene! As turnout, this film is about a five times MMA champion "Reiss" after defeat by a wrestler "Randy", he want to reclaim his victory by rematch with Randy! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the interview scene, overuse of the watching video footage scene, overuse of the crying scene, overuse of the staring scene, and overuse of the aerial view of London city scene! Make the film unwatchable! All the fighting scene also quite messy, shaky, with slow motion, and portray by long angle! Make the film frustrated to watch! At the end, Reiss defeat Randy and reclaim his title! Still have a post credit scene! An interview of Max talking about Reiss, and Randy! That's it! Another disappointed film!
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Ok MMA/pro wrestling Movie
dibakash2 December 2020
Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose) cuts some hilarious promos in-movie. Movie is a bit predictable and acting is not highest quality but Jon Moxley's acting was better than everyone else ( It was an easy role for him as he is a pro wrestler in real).
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Had Potential
PtrAKay23 October 2020
Decent story. Could of been great. I think writers need to know about title reigns. 5x champ means lost and won five times not 5 wins. Would of better off having more wrestlers. Least they can act. Love chuck Liddell but that was painful. Wasn't believable. But had potential if had right actors
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Great movie!!
so_fia18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great movie and story. I really enjoyed Mox as Randy Stone. He had the best one liners and the press conference was so entertaining and fun. Loved it. He slayed this role. Alex had the emotional connection that you want a lead to have. You felt bad when he lost everything and you really wanted him to get everything back. Gina Gershon stole her scenes as Max Black. Congrats to the cast and crew on a job well done. Would love to see a sequel.
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A breath of fresh air!
Ragnarloveroffilms16 May 2020
Cagefighter: Worlds Collide directed by Jesse Quinones and starring newcomer Alex Montagnani as Reiss Gibbons, is a breath of fresh air in the world of combat sports movies!

Jesse has a good style of directing with the pace feeling very well balanced throughout yet not rushed which can be difficult to pull off with fight movies & Alex is very likeable as Reiss, he's got a good heart and you want to see him win!

The movie also has Legendary Combat Sports talents such as Chuck Liddell, Luke Rockhold, Jonathan Good aka Jon Moxley and Jay Reso aka Christian, who all churn out solid performances in their very fitting roles!

Liddell is perfect in his role as Reiss's trainer Marcus and exhibits dramatic chops which will surprise people. Rockhold plays his role well as the pushy glory hunting trainer, Moxley is electric, crushing it as the larger than life smack talking superstar wrestling protagonist who demands respect and is happy to prove he belongs in the cage & Reso is brilliant as this worlds Joe Rogan/ Ariel Helwani type character!

Elijah Baker and Georgia Bradner offer great performances as Reiss 's quick witted manager and Reiss's loving partner & Gina Gershon totally owns her role as the tough as old boots Max Black, owner of Legends which feels like this worlds equivalent of the UFC!

This movie offers realistic fight scenes, good drama and a true insight into the world of MMA that we rarely get to see depicted on screen!

I'd happily see a sequel as this exciting world they've created with intriguing characters is certainly worth further exploring and delving deeper into!

Roll on a sequel, I wanna see that 3rd fight!
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Predictable and simply bad mma
choueiri10110 October 2020
The movie was predictable from the beginning and the fight scenes were poorly choreographed.

The acting was good but it couldn't distract you enough from the movie failing to draw you in.
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Worst fighting film ever
pj_essex6 November 2020
Think all the good reviews are out of respect to Liddell. Appallingly bad film with no redeeming qualities.
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Very Boring Film.
elvylanda16 December 2020
How can an MMA film be so boring? Nothing is going on here. Main actor is not very good or believable. No emotion. The only guys trying are Chuck Liddle and Jon Moxley. Should have given Jon Moxley the main role so that at least you have someone do the physicality since he is a wrestler for the second rate promotion known as AEW.

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Brain cells killer
calmirio10 December 2020
Some said "Great sports film" or "This is our generation's 'Rocky' ", well your time will be better spend watching all the Rocky movies. Cagefighter is just boring, useless, brain cells killer.
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Abdulxoxo10 January 2021
Movie starts with a bit tacky fight and the commentators calling it 'one of the greats' but if commentators are known for one thing, that is to exaggerate or over-amplify situations or events. We are introduced to the protagonist Reiss Gibbons, he's a successful MMA wrestler and has a undefeated streaks with 5 championships. When Company promoter Max Black pits him against a pro wrestling superstar Randy Orton.... ohh Stone in the company's first ever cross-promotional event, he's reluctant at first but after seeing how confident and 'a clown' Randy is, he decided to fight him since it's going to make him easy money. Much to his surprise, when he's beaten black and blue by Randy and lose the championship. The media ridicule him and turn him to a 'meme'. Seeing that, he insisted on a rematch so that he could regain his championship and dignity back but is denied. Heartbroken, he ditches his team and flies to LA. After training there, he returns and fight Nightmare but his head isnn't in the game and is beaten again. He altogether quit wrestling. He goes brooding, and sulking until he finally gets an opportunity to fight Randy again, well from there the ending is pretty clear.

This movie is an ultimate underdog story that we've already seen in plenty other movies. The execution is not given any special treatment here but it's quite straightforward and entertaining. I think the highlight of the movie is the build-up to the first match, what I like about it, is that they make it seems as if it's a real-life match with interviews and video call form various legends across both WWE ohhh AEW and MMA. The match itself is tense and quite thrilling. Sadly, after the first match everything slows down and the plot goes the predicable zone. I enjoyed the performances most especially Jonathan Good as Randy Stone, he's over-the-top and overconfident and is somewhat hilarious in the way that he behaves. Alex montagnani as the titular character is Ok, but not memorable. Gina Gersam is a scene stealer, I loved every scene that she's featured in. The rest of the supporting casts provide good support. The camera work is slick, I particularly like the POV shots that shows how Reiss is feeling during the fights. The soundtrack is good and adds more energy to the scenes.

On the whole, Cagefigher is an enjoyable flick, it may not be original in terms story but it's overly entertaining, and that's what matters usually in these type of flicks.
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A very conventional film.
pixelherobrine18 May 2020
The movie follows the path of the usual underdog story. The green screen effects seem very off often. The movie does not not make any new innovations in "the underdog plot" causing it to become very stale and predictable. The only person in this movie who is entertaining is Jonathan Good who acts with a lot of conviction. The fight scenes however are also a big plus as they are very well choreographed. Overall, an inoffensive film with a pro-wrestler as it's best actor (no wonder).
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Give it a chance
AleksandrBelenko17 April 2022
Maybe cinematography is not the best. But it is as good as should be in MMA movie. The characters are believable. The fights are good too. I felt the struggle. A decent movie that is worth a watch.
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Great story!
thamires_caroline1018 May 2020
All the characters are very charismatics and the story is very well told!
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I've trained MMA and cornered MMA fights and this is faithful depiction
kirby_the_great17 May 2020
I've trained MMA and cornered MMA fights and this is faithful depiction.

I really enjoyed the movie it was fun and faithful to the struggles of an MMA fighter and the business behind it.

Must watch for fans of sports movies and boxing movies also.

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Great story, captivating cast
tallbirches17 May 2020
This is an exciting and engaging movie with a cast and story that draws you in to the human element, and great fight sequences!
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In The Top 5 MMA Movies Of All Time!
I really love movies and action. This movie I really related to for a few reasons, one being that I'm a wresting fan, a ufc fan and a fan of rivalries. This movie was really put together well and had a good story line. The actors did a great job and you can really tell that they're passionate about what they do. This is very rare these days with movies, because of ego and actors letting it go to their head. The quality usually goes down but I found with this film it was consistent all the way through. The fight scenes were very realistic and I felt like I was in the cage with them. Everybody Loves A Good Story About A Underdog. The Comeback Is Always Greater Than The Set Back.
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Its not bad...worth a watch
Mainflooder11 October 2020
Of course the good guy aways wins, why shiuld thismovie be any different.

Overall a very watchable film, Mox being the standout actor. Alex m did a very admirable job as well.

Music and Visual effects where all note worthy. Standout out track being Octogons.

Will Watch again again next time, when the boys are over.
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Great acting and good story line.
neildup-6322312 October 2020
This was by far the best mma movie ever. The story line plus The way Chuck Liddell coached and how he interacted with everything it made it look real and a good movie. I know it's not a 4.5 rating so that's wrong and need a to be changed. The fighters in the movie are great and make it to where your licked in and can't wait to see them fight. This is a must see movie.
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