Intrusion (2021) Poster

(II) (2021)

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Predictable but watchable
Draysan-Jennings23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I got the creeper vibe instantly from the husband. You could tell something was sketchy about him right off the bat. Good actor. I remember him from The Invitation. The story was fairly predictable but I definitely didn't expect him to have the girl tied up in a hidden basement. I can understand why some people don't like this film. But a 1 star rating? Lol come on, it wasn't that bad.
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Watchable, but predictable
Dal_Cyrus22 September 2021
Well filmed and produced, but was just so obvious from the first act, if you're like my partner and enjoy jump scares that others can see coming a mile off you might like it.

It's under 90 minutes so not bad to put on if you want something that doesn't need concentrating on before bed, or maybe after a few drinks.
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Not as bad as the reviews say
EversonMovies3 October 2021
Just watched this on a Saturday night and for what it is, it's ok. It is not an Oscar winning film but it is a good watch with popcorn and a few jump scares. Seems to be harshly reviewed and although the acting isn't perfect, there are a lot worse films out there. Just give it a go.
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Potentially good premise, but total lack of realism and logic.
johannes2000-130 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's not so much wrong with the premise, which could have made for a reasonably entertaining thriller. But as to realism and logic, there's really a whole lot amiss!

Why should a couple want to live in a newly built house in the middle of a totally barren and isolated nowhere, apparently at first without even the remotest safety-precautions? Why this complicated healed-from-cancer background, that doesn't add anything to the story? How come this highly intelligent wife (a psychologist no less) doesn't have any idea of their financial situation or the way they financed this house? And then letting her drive alone to a trailer-park that apparently is notorious for its criminality, and there break into a home and steal mail out-of a mailbox, committing one felony after another?! Or letting her impulsively follow a hunch (one that I personally failed to grasp, but that's probably my simple brain), and go look for hidden rooms in the middle of a housewarming party and right under the nose of the one person that she suspects?! (I mean, why not wait till the next day when he's gone out?). I could go on like this, it's one stupid decision after another!

After the final showdown we get a totally superfluous epilogue scene, making the movie go out with a puff. Well, it suits the whole project.
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Can see them/it coming
kosmasp23 September 2021
Yes if you have seen a thriller (or two or more), you probably will get where this movie is heading. So there won't be too many surprises story wise, but I like the actors (doing a great job). And even when I knew what this was going to be about, it was well told. Especially with another almost twist before the third act.

So yeah this is quite flawed and predictable for many, but it is well made and edited. It lives off the actors and their charisma mostly - which is at least something I'd argue.
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It was trash!!!!!
mkay9322 September 2021
Movie lacked so much, it had potential but it seemed to disappoint. I don't get why it's the same content over and over again.. no different than other movies in same category. Not much explainations throughout movie, it was bogus!!
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Not a masterpiece and nothing new but entertaining
rita9023 September 2021
I've seen some bad reviews that were gonna stop from watching this movie. But because i didn't wanna spend another 20 minutes looking for another one, i decided to watch it. And god, people are harsh on this one. It's definitely nothing new, predictable and we've watched a lot of movies like this. And yes, Pinta isn't the greatest actress. But it isn't that bad, I've seen much, much worse movies. I feel like reviewers are not fair and they lack argument. It did it's job by entertainning me and that's all i ask from this type of movies.
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Premise was good, but the script was very bad
pirzadaj21 January 2023
If I give a score below 5, it means the movie is a bad B movie. I gave this a 5 because it wasn't a B movie. It was a movie that had a good premise/idea, but didn't execute it very well. I lay most of the blame on script. The main guy in it is a good actor but one can only do so much with a script like that. First, they made his wife a dumb dumb. She was suspicious in the beginning when the guy was being the perfect husband and then when there were shady things, she suspicion went away until it was just too obvious something was going on. She found clues WAY to easily and found the secret room WAY too easily. She read the house blue prints as if she were a master architect. She broke into a car and found a an exact key she needed to open a mailbox later and broke into a house and found an envelope she needed. It was just done in a lazy way. This is what happens when streamers need content badly and they'll take anything. If you skip it, you won't miss anything.
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What's with the bad reviews??
Just-A-Girl-1423 September 2021
Why are people always looking for something fresh and original? Ok, so it's not an Oscar winner but it's a decent thriller. So what if it's predictable? So what if it's been done before? Not every movie can be the next big thing. With the amount of crapy movies out there (and I mean real crap) it's just not that bad! Definitely doesn't deserve such low ratings! I enjoyed it. It was fine. Decent acting, good pace and an interesting (even if predictable) storyline. Yes, it's been done before but so what? If you're looking for the next big thing, don't watch it but if you want to kill an hour and a half and watch a decent thriller, give it a try.
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Mehki_Girl26 September 2021
This is one of those movies where people make stupid mistakes/decisions and you find yourself screaming at the TV - stab him until his dead, pick up the knife, don't drop the gun, close/lock the door, wait until he's not home, take the damned bat, hurry up!

You get the picture.

We've all been there.

Oh, and the house was ugly AF.
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Dont believe the negative reviews, Its predictable but a overall a good ride.
gargsharsh23 September 2021
I dont know why the fuss about it being predictable its a thriller not a mystery.. and thrill is always in the ride not the destination and this movies gives your a very good fast paced ride with its quick story telling.. All the cast performed their best Logan was as usual doing his best like his past performance in "The Invitation"..
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It worked for me
TdSmth51 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A couple moves into their recently built mansion out nowhere in New Mexico. The husband who is an architect designed and built it. One day they go on date night and leave their phones at home. The wife is a child psychologist who went through and recovered from breast cancer. She recently felt another lump. After they return they realize someone had broken in, made a mess, and stolen just the phones and a computer. So now the guy realizes he should install some type of security system. There is something wrong with the pipes too that keep making a noise occasionally.

Another night, again someone breaks in while our couple is at home. The guy pulls out a gun hidden in a plant much to the outrage of the wife. While she tries to escape the guy ends up shooting all the 3 intruders. Police tell them the 3 were a family of known criminals, one of them survived and is in the hospital and also this family had a daughter go missing. One night when the husband goes to buy something in a store, forgets his wallet so the wife drives after him to try and catch up and notices he makes a turn away from the city...toward the hospital. She later is involved in a minor crash. So now, driving his car she notices an unknown address in the car's GPS and drives there. It's the trailer park where one the intruders lived. She finds an envelope with the logo of the husband's architectural firm as well as an envelope with a digital camera addressed to the police which she takes with her. On the damaged camera she sees the guy talking about someone staring at his daughter.

She starts going through the husbands stuff in his office room and finds pictures during construction and it turns out the intruder guy worked on their house. The couple has been debating having a party for a while and eventually goes ahead with the housewarming party. At some point again she goes to the office and finds a hidden button that opens a hidden door and leads downstairs to a room. Eventually she has to confront the husband about what she finds there.

Intrusion is a fairly minimalist movie about this couple and the secrets they harbor and their attempts to make the relationship work despite things that happened in the past, but then there are intrusions in the house that change everything. A movie like this could have been botched easily. I thought it might go the way of Trespass or the standard movie that takes place in one night and of course with the lights gone. But this movie is different. The setting in New Mexico is great, the mansion looks fantastic, I wish we would have gotten to see more if it, the cinematography is nice, and most of the movie takes place in daylight. Freida is of course easy on then eyes and that helps. Missing is a sense of dread and more involvement by the police. At the end the explanation of it all doesn't satisfy all that much. For everything to work out the script wants to, the characters have to take a lot of odd decisions. But overall, it's a short movie worth watching.
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It was an intrusion, all right
blanche-21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did not realize this was a Netflix production, although God knows some of their movies have been dreadful. I actually thought it was one of those independent films that went straight to video.

Intrusion had the look - I wish I could describe it - kind of antiseptic, where you suspect the house on the hill was placed there by a computer.

A married couple, Meera and Henry Parsons (Frieda Pinto. Logan Marshall-Green, have moved from Boston to a small community I think in New Mexico, where they have built a large, beautiful home. It is in the middle of absolutely nowhere - we're talking desert. They have no alarm system. They have a generator outside that anyone can get to.

After a break-in while the couple is out, the cops are called. The burglars didn't take much. Henry then gets an alarm and tracking devices for their phones. The next time the burglars enter the house, it's in the middle of the night when Henry and Meera are home asleep. Meera then finds out that Henry is hiding a gun in a plant, and he shoots all three people. Two die right away, one later.

The police are concerned because the criminals have the last name of Cobb, and their sister has been missing for some time. They think the brothers are somehow involved.

Meera starts snooping around, using the GPS in her husband's car, which leads her surprisingly to the Cobb's residence. There she breaks into their house and looks at their mail before she's caught and escorted out. It really takes some nerve to wander into someone's home, open their mailbox, and look around like you have all the time in the world.

I won't go into the rest of the movie - it was a joke.

I have seen maybe 6,000 movies in my life - maybe more. I've never seen anything as stupid as this. Maybe I have, but I blocked it out.

Awful acting, awful dialogue, slow-moving. Flat atmosphere, awkward pauses. A mess.

I was told that screenwriters, producers, etc., can't get an appointment to see anyone at Netflix even if they have a relative in an executive office. I also read it took ten years to get Queen's Gambit on the air.

It's obvious Netflix has a need for product. It's a popular streaming service and they are behind many great shows. It would seem to me Netflix would seek out originality and excellence, whether it came from someone who knew the secret handshake or not.

This film is an appalling insult.
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Bottom shelf trash
MugShotBlues22 September 2021
There's so many things that are wrong with it that the smartest advice is to redirect your movie time towards anything other than this!
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Completely caught me off guard
nathanmanson29 September 2021
As my header says it did completely catch me off guard. I was expecting just a standard home invasion thriller that you see a lot of, but it wasn't that at all. When the the home invasion happened so soon into the film it confused me how the film was going to go. I'm seeing a lot of bad reviews and people saying it was too predictable but that is complete lies. Unless they can see into the future there's no way they predicted how the film would go. In my opinion it's a really good thriller where you're on the edge of your seat and with quite a lot of jump scares, if that's your thing you will love it. Don't believe the bad reviews and give it a chance.
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How many times have I seen this movie?
aarpcats8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood producers only know how to make two kinds of romance movies. The first is the romcom where a stunningly attractive couple hate each other until they kiss, and live happily ever after in one of the most beautiful places in the United States. The second is where a stunningly attractive couple live in wedded bliss in one of the most beautiful places in the United States, but the wife discovers her beloved husband is a serial killer.

You can guess where this movie belongs.

Meera survives cancer, but it costs her the ability to bear children. Henry builds her a dream house in the middle of the New Mexico desert. The house stands out, not only because it looks like a combination of a concrete bunker and an office building, but because it's was built in a town where the homes are either mansions or double wide trailers.

The disparity in wealth between the locals creates an immediate tension in the film that might have been interesting to explore, but the screenwriter drops that thread almost immediately. Also dropped is a potentially interesting thread about how Henry and Meera got to NM from Boston, and whether or not their cosmopolitan marriage is as isolated as their house is. Nope, the characters are completely two dimensional, and what you see in this film is what you get. There is no meaning, no subtext, etc. Nope, Netflix has become the new Lifetime when it comes to terrible housewife mysteries.

The two lead actors do their best to save a tired premise, but you know who the bad guy is the minute you hear about a missing girl. The only mystery in this film is how the writer expects the viewer to believe that a nee house has a "secret" room the size of a basketball court without anyone knowing about it.

I watched this stinker on a drizzly day as the rain turned to sleet. I might have turned it off, but a cat shaped heating pad decided to snuggle with me in front of the tv. And i didn't want to move the cat because my feet were cold.

The 5 is solely because I liked Pinto and Marshall-Green,
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Don't go by all reviews ever.
rago-5221922 September 2021
Like music, every note that exists has been played million times over just moved or mixed around.

Movies fall into that also.. can always connect a link or similarity to something else.. doesn't mean it;s bad.. have seen worse with big budgets.. critics here want to be the 1st brainiac to spoil or micro manage every thing in a movie. Almost like it's the're job to chase u away from the movie with the're brilliant synopsis of been there/done that.. the worst review I can give a movie is I would not watch it again down the road.. once is enough but i will watch something i never saw regardless of the brilliant R. Eberts here.
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Freida Pinto can't act in this
scorpiogemini22 September 2021
I'm not sure if its the actresses fault (I have only seen her in Slumdog millionare) or if its the director who could not work out the best of Pinto but the result is, Pinto can't act at all, the other female character acted waay better then Pinto. Oh yes also, the story is trash. Its like a B-movie but with nice aesthetics. I watched it only for Logan but even he could not save this movie.
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Mark my words: Logan Marshall-Green is going to be A-list!
jonasmarkussen22 September 2021
Yes Netflix finally a well done entertaining thriller from you! After I couldn't sit through Sweet Girl from earlier this year I was happy to see that they kind of redeemed themselves with this production.

I saw it without knowing nothing about it or reading any reviews. Therefore I thought it was a straight up home invasion thriller which I like, but I quickly discovered it was more of a standard thriller. And it's good fun.

There are not a lot of reviews at the current moment, but I've seen two just calling this movie trash, one without presenting any arguments to why he or she found it to be that bad, and the other because it was 'predictable'.. Does that necessarily make a movie bad? Because I don't think so. Yes, it maybe is a little predictable but not AS predictable as some make it out to be. And I really don't think this movie set out to be groundbreaking in the thriller genre. I'd rather see a well produced and well acted thriller, that's not trying to break new grounds in the genre but is just a good and suspenseful ride, that a pretentious thriller that wants to be something that it is not with a complete confusing story line and bad actors. Intrusion maybe does not add anything new to the genre, but that seems to be the case of a lot of movies, and still it is just a fine thriller, and I didn't expect anything else.

This is not a masterpiece, but it is perfect as Sunday night entertainment. Freida Pinto is great as Meera, our protagonist but Logan Marshall-Green steals the show as Henry. It's kind of a cliché but by doing a little he's doing a lot. I really liked him in this one! He is far from a-list material yet, but having delivered so many solid performances in movies like The Invitation and Upgrade and now this one I believe he will get a lot more roles in way bigger productions made for the big screen in a few years!

The rest of the cast unfortunately isn't that great, and especially Detective Morse, portrayed by Robert John Burke is bland and really doesn't add anything to the story. But again the movie really centers mainly around the married couple so I was okay with that. Then there was a really forced scene that was there only to drive the plot forward, where Meera is watching the news at home while hosting a party that I found quite unbelievable. It's a little thing I know, but who turns on the news when they are having a big house party, when there's no particular reason for it? It was to obvious that the writers needed that. At last I didn't find the ending to be as exciting as I hoped for. It's not a big disappointment and there wasn't a lot of ways it could've ended, but it could've been done a little better.

So not a masterpiece but very entertaining and it ranks high amongst the recent Netflix Originals, although that's not saying a lot. If you are in it for a well done thriller to spend an hour and a half, I think you will find it fitting for just that. Either way, I think giving this movie a 1-star rating is just ridiculous..

I use to comment on the bad tendencies among a lot of reviewers here where they give 1 star to ok movies. It's very misleading and I think IMDb should have a bigger filter for taking out reviews that are not presenting any arguments besides "it's trash". When people go to the site for guidance towards good movies and the first they see is for a movie like this are three reviews giving this a 1-star rating without arguments they might miss out and thats a shame.

Intrusion is probably around 6.5 if you ask me. I recommend watching it without seeing the trailer. Enjoy.

Please rate fairly.
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Ridiculously stupid plot, horrible amateur acting, unbearably dry.
derekrsim6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you are planning to watch, please watch something else and save some time. Watch paint dry or count ants.

The acting was atrocious and totally unbelievable. So many things make no sense or unnecessarily made to appear helpless.

To think that the writers think they can pull this off without insulting the audience's intellect is beyond me. She drives to a trailer park. Conveniently finds a car with the window down. Finds the key. Breaks a photo frame. Bends down to clean the mess and finds more clues. BRILLIANT!

So many things wrong with this insult of a movie that I could point out but I refuse to waste more time thinking about it than the minutes I can never get back.

When a movie is so bad that the mere sight of the actors' expression becomes aggravating, it's best to steer clear.
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Atmospheric and entertaining
jacquieavis24 September 2021
These low ratings, seriously, ignore. For something to be rated 1 to 3 stars, it would be barely watchable, and this was so muzzy better than that. This was a VERY good film. Maybe not the most original, maybe at times a little predictable, but really atmospheric and gripping.
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Very predictable
drpainters10 October 2021
Very predictable but still kind of entertaining. If you've got nothing to watch and want a few scares without much blood, give it a try. Not something you'd watch more then once.
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roobypie22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had potential. But failed miserably. Could see the plot coming a mile off. As soon as they were told about the missing girl you knew where the movie was going.

Passed the time and is watchable. But if you're looking for something new, innovative and ground breaking. Then this isn't for you.
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Baseball bat
chrisrz20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why did one of them not pick up the baseball bat???? Then she was in the kitchen with knives but still never picked anything up, I nearly turned it off at that point.
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I liked it...
bjcramer-9295425 September 2021
Albeit somewhat predictable, I enjoyed watching this film. Could have been a bit edgier and sinister to deepen the plot line... but overall a decent watch!
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