The Deleted (TV Series 2016) Poster


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Short Attention Span Theater
dlepel-853-16944718 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say this contains spoilers, because there is so little of substance to say about it.

If you like looking at young, beautiful 20-something bodies (both male and female, straight and gay), these 15 minute mini episodes might be worth your time. For someone who enjoys binge watching ground- breaking, hour-long episodes, this one comes as a disappointment. I would like to think the target demographic (19-30 y.o.) isn't as shallow as this creation.

Starting with a somewhat interesting premise, the plot line gets completely lost in the frequent sex scenes, which introduce us to a slew of characters whose most memorable personality traits are limited to the level of paranoia they feel. Most of the dialog sifts down to talking about having sex or the whereabouts of members of the group who can't be located. "Where is Logan?" If they are so concerned about being found, why have a fully nude 3-way in a living room with glass walls. They even provide a shot from outside house that highlights this.

The episode length of 15 minutes is no where near long enough to develop story nor characters, especially when they feel the need to include a review of the last episode and preview of the next, which consumes 139 seconds. They have to finish each episode with the credits running or the run time would be even less.

This short run time leaves the viewer with little time to become engaged with. The amount of story/plot presented in this season is what I would expect in a single 42 minute episode. Maybe the producers want to create a show that people can watch in the time it takes to get to work on their phones...but this will never evolve into something better unless they rethink the format.

If this were an academic project, as the teacher I'd suggest they go back, develop more plot and character depth, and produce some hour long episodes.
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basically porn and nonsense
widyasst23 February 2017
When i start watch this show, it was because Amanda, i knew her from Vine and her instagram videos so i thought this show gonna be cool or funny or whatever. the actors and actress i think really handsome and pretty but the point of the show is not clear yet and the scene basically 98% porn lol. There are too many sexy wearing and adult scene which i think make the point or the idea of the story gone. this show could do better in my opinion if they just change the scene, like seriously, you already got the good actors and actress, the story is thriller, mystery, and it sad if you just added porn scene to it instead of focusing on the main idea of the story.
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typical new age nonsense
epictetus11119 December 2016
If you have a jar a Vaseline and an addiction to soft core porn, enjoy it. As for a show with actors, writers, and a script....try something else because this is an empty sack of nonsense. If you maturity is over the age of 18 you will gag at the hollowness. As a show, there is nothing here but bad, terrible, and worse. To this day I still am amazed of how bad some shows can be, but this one even surprised me at the level of bad.It's either written by sexually frustrated 30 year old's or hormone challenged teens who just figured out about human body parts who's only experience in life is an app on their iphone to some bad teen porn site.

Do yourself a favor, spare yourself from this spectacle of bad. This is beyond awful, not bad, just really really awful.
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The Acting And Story Should Be Deleted.
ntana6 February 2017
This series is more superficial than the serial killer protagonist from American Psycho. Bret Easton Ellis has unfortunately failed to redeem himself after The Canyons. The acting is poor, and the story line beyond the premise simply uninteresting. The series does have some decent production value. The problem is that it was not executed effectively. I doubt audiences from a younger generation who have come to see the bar raised with Game of Thrones would subscribe to something this poorly developed. I think that unless you are easily satisfied with pretty faces, sexy bodies, and gratuitous romance, I wouldn't waste your time.
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Soft core porn disguised as a story
andismyth11 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this show is intriguing, former cult members escape and try to return to normal life. Add in to the mix members of the cult trying to track them down and bring them back into the fold.

The reality is that the synopsis is FAR better than the actual show.

Sadly instead of exploring what its like for the former members not only escaping but trying to readjust to normal life, the writers decided to make it into soft core porn. The main cult member trying to get them back is not sinister or creepy but very bland and personality light. The show is that bad i cant even remember one of the characters names. This show isn't even So Bad Its Good its just plain sh@te. I agree with one of the previous reviews(which i wished id read before i watched this show!) this must have been written by either a sexually frustrated teen or mid thirties male.

Save yourself some time and don't bother watching this dross.
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Complete nonsense, bad acting and terrible show
kerstiannok6 March 2019
This show is a complete nonsense. I know that there are bad shows, but I'm still surprised of how bad this is. So 10-16 year olds favorite social media stars are in a 18+ series, acting SO BADLY and well, I don't even have words anymore. This is pretty much just soft core porn. Tho even porn has better actors that this show. Anyways, I really recommend you to not waste your time for this .. really awful soft core porn that's definitely not a normal TV-show.
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The frustrations of a 50+ white male about a group of Teutonic neo-nazi-ish boy toys.
The Deleted, ostensibly, a series about escaped members of a cult, and how they get tracked down by the loyal members of that same cult, is actually just a vehicle upon which Easton Ellis can project his sexual frustrations. That the writer-director is gay, is immediately made clear by the endless parade of nude white male supermodels , all of them super WASPs, despite one actor hailing from Costa Rica: its the whitest country in Latin America. w This is not a movie for hetero sexuals, the sole nude girl Agatha (Madeline Brewer) is not all that pretty, and the pretty girl Breedy (Amanda Czerny) is, how to put this politely.... "overly voluptuous", and not nude. The one girl who is both pretty and has a good body, Kylie (Alissa Violet), or Logan Conrads cousin, is sexy in a bikini. And frankly, the whole atmosphere of the series spurs one to believe the two cousins are about to have sex at any moment, but she is not nude. The story is a bit confusing in the beginning, because there are so many characters and they all look alike A LOT, just like in a Japanese manga. They all look like they came from some Bruce Weber catalog.
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The Deleted
LongLiveTheNewFlesh2719 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was really, really excited for The Deleted.

I know, I know that sounds strange. It's a web-series!! I only have three words to explain it: Bret Easton Ellis.

After basically quitting being an author after 2010's Imperial Bedrooms, Ellis has gone off to have an interesting, if a bit bumpy, career as both a movie critic (if you've ever listened to his great podcast you know what I'm talking about) and a filmmaker (The Canyons, a couple short films and now this), a career which I have enjoyed following.

So you can see why I would be interested to see how The Deleted actually turns out,, and after watching all eight episodes I'm kind of, well, mixed.

It doesn't start out very well. The first episode has excellent, smooth camera-work and some pretty beautiful people, but it features some of the worst acting I've seen in a while. Like his 2013 flop The Canyons, Bret Easton Ellis' dialogue feels awkward transitioning from page to screen, and although his visual style is lovely, it seems as if he doesn't really know how to direct actors.

Don't worry though, it gets better.

Once the characters begin to meet up with each other and the cult they escaped from closes in, the show takes on a mesmerizingly soapy vibe, which fits it well. There's a lot of sex and some violence, and this is where Bret Easton Ellis finds himself at home. And then, suddenly, when you think the show has found it's groove...

It loses it.

The last two episodes are incredibly unsatisfying, and one contains one of the worst blunt-as-a- sledgehammer exposition scenes I think I have ever witnessed.

So, in conclusion, it's pretty much a mixed bag, albeit an (mostly) entertaining one.
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The Deleted is like Canyons the TV series, and that's not as bad as it sounds
prokopis262 January 2017
I like Bret Easton Ellis. Big fan of Less than Zero, Rules of Attraction, Glamorama and American Psycho. Didn't really like Lunar Park.

The deleted is a strange fruit. A group of hot young men and women like to be naked all day, have sex and take drugs. But hey they were made this way by an evil organization called "the institute". They escaped but the bad guys try to take them back. It takes a while to understand who is Ryder, who is Parker, who is Logan. Then there's Breeda and Agatha. Basically that's all you need to know.

There's much nudity (sadly only one female main character show nudity) and no much sex. Its experimental. Episodes are only 12 minutes. Don't think there will be a second season but i want one. You can't really watch TV series on iPhone. Make the episodes at least 30 minutes. It's nonsense crap but i wouldn't mind more of it.
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Hey different isn't bad.
inkedanomaly7 January 2017
I was taken back at first by the soft core porn vibe the sexuality of the show has but I am not closed minded. I find nothing awful about it. The people in the show are attractive young people in LA and it makes sense that they'd be half naked. The characters have a sexually hyperactive and at times deviant lifestyle. It is what it is. I appreciate the frank nature of an American series that doesn't hide behind America's ridiculous fear of nudity and sexuality. That said I like the odd, horror, thriller series but I haven't gotten past episode 5 yet so I can't give a fully developed review in that regard to the series as a whole.
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