Above Suspicion (2019) Poster

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Emilia = $$
RJBrez17 May 2021
I'll keep this short and sweet. Emilia is stunningly beautiful and talented and I believe she is worth the price of admission on any project.

Above Suspicion is based on a true story and it's the story you've heard a million times, but it's always happening somewhere. A man gets himself into deep sh-t because of a woman, temptation, etc and spirals out of control trying to keep it all in line.

I enjoyed this movie for what it was. It's far from perfect, but it's definitely entertaining and worth your time. And like I said previously, Emilia is incredible.
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Much better than the current 5.6 rating
Vindelander3 December 2020
Based on a true story it's a good film with the two main stars carrying the story well. Exciting and leads up to the surprise ending which was a little rushed imo.

Some of the reviews have been quite harsh saying that it doesn't represent the facts accurately but I haven't researched this at all so happily accept it for what it is
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An American Tragedy
lavatch11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is all-too-familiar. In a depressed small American town, the mines have been closed, and the chief business of the community is drugs. Based on a true story, "Above Suspicion" recounts how a diligent FBI agent with poor personal boundaries compromised his moral code, which eventually ruined lives.

In many ways, the protagonist of the film is Pikeville, Kentucky. The filmmakers frequently pan to the beautiful forested area that is in stark contrast to the dilapidated buildings and sordid details of lives frittered away by small-time drug trafficking and almost comical attempts at bank robberies.

Desperate to get out of town, the drug addict Susan Smith breaks the local code of silence and snitches to FBI agent Mark Putnam. Her goal is to get into rehab, relocate, and have enough money to start a new life. She never succeeds in any of those objectives. Even worse, she decides to use all of her powers and charms to become Mrs. Mark Putnam.

The acting was first-rate, as the doomed Susan presses her luck with FBI agent Putnam, who squanders his career and his family for his short-lived romance with Susan. Slowly, the hour glass was running out on the ill-starred relationship, with Mark's wife Kathie as the saddest victim of all in a genuine American tragedy.
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Sexy Strong Emotional. ⭐ 7 (silent ⭐8 because if Emilias contribution)
princedlungwane14 July 2020
Definitely captured the lure with this actress, very seductive and attractive. Sad that it's a true story. I love true stories, this really delivered the feelings of all that happened as best it could for sure concerning the victim. The FBI agent not so much but yes. Don't miss out. Watch it.
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Some stories just don't translate to the big screen.
jakesimpson14 April 2023
First off the acting in this film is pretty damn good. Clarke really tricks you into believing she's from the hollers of east Kentucky. As a Kentuckian myself I give her a 10/10. It just drags in the middle to a speed that a great cast and character drama just can't pull it out of. I think the filmmakers tried to stay faithful to the actual events, which is respectable to the ones involved, but ultimately it could be told in 30 minutes. Would watch again in a few years for maybe a better perspective on a slow night. Go into it just to watch Clarke and Knoxville play hillbilly pill heads and you shouldn't be disappointed.
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Emilia Clarke has proved she really got talent in a versatile way
AntiFakeReviews18 March 2020
For the movie itself, it's just okay. The only shine in it is Emilia Clarke, who has miraculously changed her British accent to a Kentucky lowlife woman's twirling accent. It's not an easy to change the British accent to an American southern one, at least James Stewart or Matthew McConaughey could never did it. Her transformation in this movie is not just her accent, but her whole image has also completely adapted into a souther dame. It proved that she was a serious actor who could really put her heart into whatever the role she played.

But sadly, this movie is not good enough, the screenplay was lame, all the other supporting actors, some were wrong cast, some of them were not given the chance to do well since the screenplay was so lame and poorly crafted. This is not an interesting or inspiring enough movie. The plot and scenario of the story were all too one-directional predictable and boring.

But besides all the naysay here, I am very glad that Emilia Clarke has proved herself as a very talented actor.
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The title is solid ⭐7
princedlungwane14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A Sexy Stong Emotional ride. Really a story about her, the victim as she points out right on the outset, the FBI agent not so much. Sad that this story is true. Respect for the FBI agent though, sad none the less the avoidable consequences. Clear how easy it was for it to happen, according to the movie one really can not help but desire (Emilia) who does a very good job with all those emotions, also putting you in the agents shoes compassionately even for a minute. Watch it, experience it.
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Sometimes true stories don't make good movies!
roxmewild22 March 2020
Cons - true stories don't make for good movies a lot of the time and this is a prime example!

Yes it is a sad story but not enough substance to make a good movie I in fact I found it boring .

Pros- Emilia Clarke I was amazed by her command of a Kentucky accent she put in a superb performance in what was a very mediocre film and if not for her performance I would not have bothered to watch the film to the end as the content was not worthy.

So 5stars is for her and 0 for the film.
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"Welcome to Pikeville, Kentucky, the town that never lets go."
classicsoncall8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Does anyone else have an issue with the narrator of a picture dying before the story ends? Besides being impossible, it detracts from the credibility of the movie. Just a little quirk of mine.

Other than that though, I thought this was an effectively told story of flawed characters trying to achieve beyond their present circumstances and failing miserably. You fully realize that FBI Agent Mark Putnam (Jack Huston) had to know better than to get involved with white trash informant Susan Smith (Emilia Clarke), but he got sucked in anyway over a pretty face and a hot body. When it became apparent that his job was more important than any relationship, including his own marriage, things quickly spiraled out of control when Ms. Smith decided to go the blackmail route to get what she wanted. Her brazenness even went so far as to inform Putnam's wife (Sophie Lowe) that she was cheating with her husband!

Supposedly based on a true story, I had my doubts right up till the end, but as the credits rolled, an archival clip of the real Mark Putnam appeared to lend a degree of credibility to the story. It was stated that he served ten years of a fourteen-year sentence for his murder of Susan Smith. His conscience got the best of him, and he confessed his involvement ten months after events in the movie.
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it's not what it seems to be
Anna_Korol15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't like the way this movie distorted the reality and true personalities of Mark Putnam (who wasn't that honest at all) and poor Susan. I searched some information about this story after i watched this movie (because it didn't reveal the background as much as it could have done) and was pretty shocked about the real events. This movie made me think that he was just an honest man who made a mistake and failed to fix it (and had a courage to make a confession) and she wasn't a reliable person who most likely lied about her pregnancy and would be killed anyway (if not by Mark then by anybody else). But it is quite the opposte in fact, so it would be better to search for facts than to watch this movie.
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Above Suspicion - classic 90's style thriller helmed by master
Phil_M_A_Kerr21 October 2020
Let's get the pun out of the way - this film is not above suspicion: small(relatively) budget, no huge action sequences, no special fx, no CGI dragons. OK, that's the pun out of the way. In my hazy recollection, this type of thriller was popular in the 90's. The fact that this is a true story is frightening and it adds to the film's impact. Emilia Clarke is really good. I've only seen her in Solo, Last Christmas, and Terminator Genisys. Sorry, haven't seen GoT yet. She's researched her character disturbingly well. Phillip Noyce is a master wizard who chooses the right lenses and framing. He only amplifies the natural lighting. He understands how to pace a story. He knows the best ways to make a smaller film seem 'cinematic'. The supporting cast are very good and cover a 'delightful' range of characters. Johnny Knoxville won't be nominated for an Oscar but he has an undeniable screen presence. It's not a cinema classic, but there's plenty good in this modest production. IF you can keep your expectations in check, you'll be rewarded.
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Clarke does well
SnoopyStyle6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's 1988 Pikeville, Kentucky. The town is dying as its mines close down. Susan Smith (Emilia Clarke) survive by welfare fraud and selling drugs with her husband Cash (Johnny Knoxville). When the cops catch them, she turns into a confidential informant for FBI agent Mark Putnam (Jack Huston). She starts having an affair with him despite his wife Kathy (Sophie Lowe) and kids.

This is supposedly a true story. Emilia Clarke is doing her best southern white trash work. This is really a character study of her dealing with a disintegrating obsessive sexual relationship. I would like a different person playing Mark Putnam. The movie plays into the buttoned up FBI agent ideals of the man. I want someone with more edge. I want Knoxville if he could start with a clean-cut look. That pairing would be more interesting. Jack Huston is doing straight-laced too well. He should do more disintegration. The obsessive relationship loses some of its power. This movie is shooting for a crime drama but it misses an opportunity for something more.
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bombersflyup10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Above Suspicion is about druggy deadbeats and a soulless FBI agent, it's not very interesting.

Emilia Clarke's character the only one with any value whatsoever, but her character makes poor choices as well. She could have kept the money and took the kids elsewhere. Clarke's too good for this role, she's pleading for something more within the confines of the story. The dialogue's okay, given the dull events.
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FBI guidebook: Never sleep with an informant.
TxMike29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the dramatization of a true story for the late 1980s in Kentucky. It isn't a pretty story, it is about a new FBI agent from Connecticut being assigned in rural, small town, backwoods Kentucky. He is out to get a local bank robber who has gotten away with one too many.

The most interesting thing is British actress Emilia Clarke's performance as the drug addict informant who seems to like to play both sides of the case. Even though I don't live in Kentucky I've encountered enough of those types over my years and she is remarkably good in the role. In fact I'd say her performance is the main reason to see the movie.

At home on DVD from my public library. My wife skipped.
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true story of a bad agent
ksf-29 May 2023
The true story of an fbi agent who goes too far. Jack huston is mark putnam, new to the field. When he convinces the wife (emilia clarke) of a known bank robber to be an informant, things go smoothly. At first. Then agent putnam breaks the rules. Just the dumb common sense rules at first. It all goes haywire when he breaks bigger and bigger rules. The informant starts bragging about being an informant. And she won't leave him alone. Pretty serious roles for johnny knoxville and karl glusman. It's done very well! A lot of it is filmed in a very dark atmostphere, to give the feel of the serious mood. There's an entry in wikipedia describing the details of the actual events from the 1980s. Directed by phillip noyce. He had also done graham greene's quiet american, back in 2002. Story based on joe sharkey's novel.
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Solely watched it for Emilia Clarke
lisafordeay12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Above Suspicion is a factual 2019 drama starring The Longest Ride actor Jack Huston and Me Before You star Emilia Clarke (sporting a southern accent). The story is based on a true story about Mark Putman a former FBI agent whom is married with kids and Susan Smith a southern married woman and drug addict who start a infidelity affair leading to tragedy with one of the charcthers(if you read the story then you probably know who it is).

Emilia Clarke played a different role that is the opposite of the charcthers she plays mostly.

If your a fan of Emila Clarke and you are looking for a different side like I mentioned previous then check it out.
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Cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
omendata22 March 2020
Why do they make these god awful "true" movies? The story is minimal, mundane and holds zero interest. Some of the male reviewers are giving this overly high marks just because Emilia Clarke is in it - Really? Is that how we review movies these days? Emilia Clarke does well but the rest of the cast are forgettable as is the movie!
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Lacks some more reality
rosefappani4 November 2020
I haven't finished to watch it but there is something consistent in the story that won't change even at the end, yes you got the little southern American town, prefabricated trailer park houses, the bit up trucks, parties with lowlife red neck cocaine sniffer and the obligatory kids you feel bad about because of "such parents", the good looking smart girl who asks herself "why was I born in such a hell hole I am beautiful and smart I deserve everything or at least more", they all work, but, that trailer really should be much messier and dirtier, considering there are 4 adults and 2 kids living in there, parties with dozens of people and no one that ever cleans it , is quite a big trailer but still, so it's a bit to polished and put up, Emilia does a good job but those beautiful straight white teeth when she smiles are a bit like that trailer, wants to sell you something is not there,
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Over done cliche junk.
Zatexdp4 July 2021
I wondered why this was so bad, formulaic crap. Then I saw the Bruckheimer name in the end credits...that explains it all.

British lead playing with a bad southern accent...again. Predictable characters and storyline. Wow. It's bad.
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lifelinespublishing17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I watched this movie because of Ms. Clarke and she did not disappoint in this film, fooled me with that accent also,

about the story, I do admire Mr. Putnam for doing what he did inspite of everything and the cast really was awesome in this movie., this maybe the time you will watch Johnny and not laugh at him.

gave it a 6 because the pace was really slow but it had a good ending.

worth a watch
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Leofwine_draca31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
ABOVE SUSPICION is the usual cheap, greyed out, digitally shot FBI movie based on a true historical story which didn't really need to be told. It has a tame, TV movie of the week feel to it and is really only of interest to see GAME OF THRONES starlet Emilia Clarke playing against type with a southern accent. She's pretty effective and very different from Daenerys, which is the obvious intention, but the film surrounding that character is frankly dull. Jack Huston struggles with an underwritten lead role, director Phillip Noyce shows none of the talent for suspense he brought to the likes of DEAD CALM, and the whole thing just feels more than a little aimless.
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Emilia Clarke was great
Away from the story of the whole movie, Emilia Clarke's performance was great, her accent was amazing and made me feel she wasn't British and she had born in Kentucky.
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A true story worth watching and will make for thoughtful thinking
etainerric-122 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I liked Above Suspicion!

I read some of the reviews and I don't agree with analysis. I'm not sure what movie they were watching but they were highly critical and it didn't really match what I saw and experienced!

I thought Amelia Clark did an amazing job from Queen to somewhat of a white trash abused woman that was stuck in the life that she was trying to get out of!

Obviously the FBI agent was some kind of narcissist who had mental problems that not only lead to getting involved sexually with a female informant but also lead to tragic results because of his involvement with her. There is something definitely psychologically wrong with that person: I've seen him on interviews.

Overall: it was a very sad movie of a sad situation for many parts of this country where people have been left out: out of jobs and left with no alternative but to turn to drugs for money and other criminal activity just to survive!

Susan Smith was one of these real life people that wanted to escape and thought her FBI agent was her Knight in Shining Armor but she had chosen somebody even worse than the abusive husband that she was married to.

You can take this story and multiply it by thousands of people and their friends and family that are stuck living in poor economically depressed areas with people uneducated and untrained and desperate that has led to opioid drug addiction and not to be able to leave their rural areas!

Watch the movie for the true story and quit making comparisons of other movies and roles people have done and just take In the whole impact of the story and then I think you'll feel the way I do.
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A Mixed Bag
bsimpson-2139513 February 2023
Much of the true history of the story was changed, which I do not understand because the true story is fascinating. What the book does very well that the movie does not is to make Pikeville and its cast of characters come to life. The setting does not play a great part in the movie, though. And the Kentucky accents and colloquialisms are not great, to be sure.

Emilia Clarke did a very good job with the material she was given, but the script does not quite capture the true Susan Smith very well. Nevertheless, Clarke worked superbly with the material given to bring the troubled, tragic Susan Smith to life. Johnny Knoxville is surprisingly good in his role as Cash. Other important characters, most notably FBI agent Singer, were barely relevant in the movie. Jack Huston was passable as Mark Putnam, and the script and acting actually did a good job presenting Mark's side of the story at the end. However, for much of the movie, Putnam's character is dull, lacking personality. That is more the script's fault than it is Huston's.

All in all, this is a movie worth watching if you're familiar with the story, but it's far from perfect.
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Misleading title
Gordon-1112 July 2020
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I keep waiting for action or thrill, but it just never came. The film is about a man who happens to be an agent, rather than a story about the agency. The title is misleading too. There's nothing to suspect in the story.
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