Daddy Issues (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

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Oddly entertaining film
RothmanMax21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The subject of the movie has more depth than I originally assumed. The main characters are fun, not much acting chops, but likeable. The third act is predictable since the creators didn't want to treat the subject too seriously and much rather end it on an uplifting note.
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Boring decadance
yavoyavo29 September 2019
Entitled pink haired princess and her father engage in a love triangle of degeneracy. Nothing is learned, its not self aware enough to be satire, its just a weird pandering film of millennial entitlement and excess.
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ops-1467819 June 2019
This movie was the most vapid portrayal of human devolution that I've ever seen. Maya was a giant pity party, not wanting to take any responsibility for herself or her circumstance. Jasmine was nothing more than a leech, out for a free lunch. I want the hour and twenty minutes of my life back.
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taylorkgore2 March 2022
About the sixth cry in for the main character I was about to turn it off. Because honestly her temper tamtrums and entitlement just made me want to punch her in the face. Nothing made sense, can't see how anyone left a 10 star unless they're 12. Don't ever do this again.
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Odd...but I kinda like it...
MNYElonger7 December 2022
This movie is definitely something, I enjoyed myself most of this film, but some of the scenes are very uncomfortable with Jasmine and the father of Maya. Leaving this movie feels like there's more to be said, This story deserved more than just that little hour, There was no character development with Jasmine, No lesson was learned, But they still managed to capture so many emotional and physical moments just right enough for me not to be bored out of my mind, The sexual tension in the beginning of this movie was just perfect, it captures what queer attraction really is, It's beautiful, I just wish the story wasn't so empty and bare, its like a blank wall, The movie was creative, but not enough. Slap some paint on that canvas! Should get a follow up, I'd be more interested.
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I am just not "woke" enough apparently.
efreed0921 April 2019
I watched this just to see how extreme of a direction this new "woke" philosophy is taking the world, and I was not disappointed.

If you into self-harm, and figured this might work as an outlet for that after reading the synopsis, then you, my friend, are correct. Watch if any of these criteria apply to you:

  • Hate heterosexuals (what an outdated philosophy!)
  • Especially hate male heterosexuals
  • Enjoy leftie agendas being forced upon you
  • Read the summary and said "Wow, this sounds like great movie!"
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mister_primus24 October 2019
This movie is like a taste concrete. is so much predictable
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Its so sad this movie ranked so low.
arbens-9019615 July 2020
Enjoyed this movie so much and never expected to be so beautiful. Such a shame for those who gave low rating.
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Expected little - Got a lot
windowsdan42163 January 2020
I have had to give this movie a 10 even though I would say it's not quite worth that rating, mainly because is definitely doesn't deserve the 4 it currently has.

Ended up being quite a well acted and the story was interesting and captivating. I can only imagine people without open minds, religious types or homophobics have given this fillm 1 star in order to not allow it to been seen by a wider audience.

If you want a recommendation to see it or not then I would say definitely worth watching and do not listen to 1 star reviews. In my opinion no film that has been written, directed, acted, produced and had the time, money and effort spent on telling a story should be rated with only one star out of 10. I could probably list 100 films that I disliked more that have a much higher rating.

Just watch it decide for yourself please ... Normally I am someone who judges movies quite a bit on their IMDB rating but I'm so glad I watched this before looked on here and seeing its completely undeserved 4 stars!
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Was not expecting this to be this great!!!
taraelizi23 April 2019
This movie blew my mind. It was so raw and real and the actors did such an amazing job. The weird quirkiness is what really made me love this film. I highly recommend this to anyone who came to read reviews before watching this. 10/10
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Touchingly funny
rosalieammieramsden13 August 2020
Loved this sweet and poignant comedy. Some genuine belly laughs and a fantastic performance from the lead actress. Watch it!
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LOVED THIS Movie Truely Unique!
justincampo22 April 2019
I normally dont do reviews for movies but for this one I decided to because it's a shame it got a low score on here. Should be at the least 8 out of 10. This movie was well done kept me entertained the entire time and I felt that the actors portrayed their characters very well!
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Boy Daddy does have issues!
shagee797720 May 2019
Writer/director Amara Cash brings us Daddy Issues. The movie focuses on Maya (Madison Lawlor) a very talented 19 year old that dreams of going overseas to Florence and enroll in a Art School. Maya lives at home in Orange County with her negative mom (Kamala Jones) and her moms new husband. Her dad just left when she was young and she is a lesbian which doesn't seem to be going well with her family. Her mother continually puts her down making fun of everything including her sexual orientation, her artist skills and her unique look.

She becomes fixated with a girl on Instagram, a Los Angeles social media diva and fashion designer Jasmine (Montana Manning). Her glamorous life she portrays has Maya mesmerized by her! What Maya does not know through her cyberstalking is that Jasmine is being supported by a drug and sex addict who is her sugar daddy, Simon (Andrew Pifko). He pays Jasmine to for fill all types of sexual fantasies and pays her well.

Maya decides to head to La and search for her idol. She happens upon her in a club and they hit off well. Drinking and drugging and having a great time leads to them spending a sex fueled night together! Maya seems to be in love and thinks the same from Jasmine. But Jasmine loves her financial situation and does not want to give that up. Simon is a surgeon who is a junky and is seen numerous times injecting himself and really has issues. Jasmine's apartment is paid for by him and a generous allowance besides. She needs him because it has been a dry spell and she had not sold any of her designs for awhile.

So all she has to do is partake in his weird sexual fantasy's and she gets to live the life she portrays online. She explains to Maya that she is not going to give that up. So now poor Maya is trapped in a love triangle.

The world's collide when all paths are crossed and one thing is sure these 2 girls have Daddy Issues!

This is a really well made movie that is equal if not better than the big Hollywood movies of this genre. A well casted and really well written script (Amara Cash and Alex Bloom) makes this a real fun watch. The characters are so real you really fee for them and get to know them. The three leads Madison Lawlor, Montana Manning, Andrew Pifko real feed off each other and emotionally capture the demanding roles they act out. This could of been an exploitive goofy teen comedy but shows a true lifestyle accurately portrayed.

I don't think anyone else could of pulled this off so well as Amara Cash. Her direction was beautiful. Her Portrayal of Maya gave her so much life you fell in love with her and only wished her the best. The amount of disfunction and rejection Maya endures makes her a stronger person in the end. Madison Lawlor was amazing.

Montana Manning beauty and talent sparkled here. Not once did I dislike her character but really felt for her and felt sorrow. She seemed to really like Maya but think she may just like her spoiled life better! That lifestyle gives her no time to think and just party like a rock star with no ties or responsibilities!

One more kudo, the freaking nut Simon. Yeah he is a sick pup. But he has issues. He is lost from a past event and seems like he gets lost in the drugs and his sexcapades. But the actor portraying him is amazing. He is funny and nuts at the same time. Great job Andrew Pifko.

This is a feel good movie with a wonderful soundtrack and very bright and cheery look. Cinematography by Nico Aguilar was amazing.
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Everything Ladybird should have been
wrmees8 June 2019
How in the world this film has such a low rating (a 3.8 as of writing this) is inconceivable. The only explanation I can come up with is that someone involved pissed off the wrong people and those people ensured that this film would a) be unseen by the general population and b) be given zero positive credit in the online review sites.

It is possible that this film isn't relatable to just anyone. This isn't a film about being a lost and confused hormonal teen. It is much deeper than that. It is about being an adult who has only ever felt completely unlikable, has genuinely never been understood or wanted, and who craves to find and be wanted by at least one person. The general mass may not understand where the characters are coming from but they should still be able to appreciate the idea and have sympathy for their struggle.

Daddy Issues is the film we needed - more than another indie dramedy about a supposedly dysfunctional (yet totally functional and normal in reality) family and another woebegone teen. We needed to see the side of the world where families exist side-by-side, not seeing or loving each other. Terrible and awkward situations happen and aren't just laughed about ten minutes later, but are left to rot and fester and be foul the rest of life. Terrible secrets are kept or even happen in front of each other and are never discussed and rear their ugly head years or decades later.

This is a film that addresses that side of reality. It also recognizes the masks and disguises we use to hide our human experiences - sometimes, the more glossy and bright the costume, the more broken and dark the inside.

But when we start being honest with ourselves and others, we can start to heal those wounds - and, sometimes, starting over alone is what that takes.
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Marvelous sexy movie
uthusantuhan23 April 2019
The visual of this movie is exactlly my type. Fresh and new.

The story line is somewhat similar to telenovelic of a Latin origin.

Overall, this movie is enjoyable. with a very cute package!
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Went in scoffing, came out cheering!
RoboCat200022 April 2019
I will admit after reading the synopsis I rolled my eyes and expected to laugh at it like a bad horror movie (which I watch quite a few of) but the glitter-caked exterior was a facade that dared me to try to hate it but I'll tell you that there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. I was pulled into this deep, wild, and charming story that actually made me appreciate and maybe even adore that glitter-caked exterior that made me scoff at this film originally. It was such a pleasant surprise, a refreshing take on romance as well as thrilling, heart-pounding drama with a fantastic soundtrack and gorgeous art/cinematography to accompany it. I hope this review can convince at least one person to give this film a fair shake so that they can enjoy it just as much as I did!
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A truly unique vision
bjz9099-16 May 2019
Saw Daddy Issues at Outfest in LA where it won Best First Feature, and it was easy to see why. A great twisty script, beautifully shot with amazing performances. Can't wait to see Amara Cash's next movie!
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It's everything and more.
arifayanifedolapo14 April 2021
Literally shed a tear while watching this movie. It's really cool and the storyline is overall entertaining, would recommend it to anyone.
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Future classic
nightoftheworld28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A Gravitas Ventures future classic-I think the filmmakers captured the fractures/features of the virtual age pretty beautifully. 8/10 stars because sublimation and breaking the chain are expressed here with artistic skill but I think they could've gone further and hit us in the end with more of a crack in the image of her art school fantasy. Perhaps the movement of the carousel in the final shot is signaling toward her embracing that feature of the dream, but another cut from the knife would have been magic.
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Passionate, endearing film with an ending far less heartbreaking than I expected
seakitten-639334 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this movie on a whim after looking to hear for more music from Maxton Waller. Didn't go in expecting much, (4/10 on IMDb?) but the trailer sold me. The movie felt like a real story, the characters are so well-written and I appreciate how flawed-but-human the characters were portrayed.

Based on the initial set-up and premise of the movie, I was holding my breath expecting the rug to be pulled out from under me once the sugar daddy situation got revealed. I can see how some negative reviewers would think badly of the film, because initially it feels like they're setting up for some sort of horror plot that would result in a really disturbing ending. While things DO get intense near the end of the movie, and there's plenty of heartbreak and pain after the fallout, we get a reasonably happy and satisfying ending. I think some of these filmbros were expecting something akin to a slasher ending or similar.

Instead, seeing the plot resolve the way it did felt like having the rug pulled out from underneath - in a good way! It was a really pleasant surprise getting to see Maya happy at the end, and the father genuinely trying to be a better person.

I'm very impressed with the way they balanced tone while keeping suspense. We feel Maya, but we also feel Jasmine and Maya's father. Even when the characters are at odds with each other the film makes you *care* about everyone involved, even the dad, and that's a difficult thing to pull off.

Side note: this movie felt *heavily* inspired by Life Is Strange! Really felt like an alternate-universe version of Rachel and Chloe. I'm so curious whether the writers were influenced by the game at all because Jasmine is SO much like Rachel, as Maya is to (pre-LiS) Chloe.
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One of the best short stories you'll ever watch
johnanthonymazzei22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best short stories you'll ever watch. I say this because the story told in 81 minutes would run close to three hours it it were fleshed out. They were able to lightly touch on significant points and tell a coherent story in a limited time. The climactic ending was a shocker. Nice touch was the epilogue. More than just b-roll used to show the credits. It wordlessly rounded out the story with some beautiful visuals of Italy.
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good premise but i wish it was more fleshed out
noneunbecoming25 March 2023
Maya is a lesbian neet artist who's sexually inexperienced and obsessing over an instagram influencer (jasmine) who she goes to a party to meet. Jasmine saves her from a creepy guy and maya falls even more in love. Jasmine has a sugar daddy who she has an ABDL relationship with, who turns out to be maya's long lost dad. Things get weird because feelings aren't mutual, and, because jasmine has sexual relationships with 2 related people.

I like watching movies about queer sexuality and the camera work and editing for this was beautiful but styling and character development felt simplistic and flat. Maya clearly wears things inspired by pastel jfashion, fairy kei, etc, but her outfits look like they were bought in a 20 minute mall trip. All the characters felt like they could've had more complexity and depth, as it stands, they all felt one dimensional. Maya and jasmine's relationship is questionable the entire time- common in queer relationships especially with inexperienced partners- but i wish the negative and mismatched-emotions of their relationship had more story, background, intensity, and grit.

This is the director's first film so i'm hoping future movies from her feel more fully developed and with more than superficial style.
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