Fate/Apocrypha (TV Series 2017) Poster

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It's a good watch for fate fans
zmkxnmjf23 July 2023
I really want to like it but I hate the main character he's so boring he's not like shirou buts that's ok the side characters are great but that's about the only positive the story is ok but stay night and zero are just better storyline wise not awful...they are some good aspects of the show like astfolo and Jeanne and saber of red they all seem to outshine the masters which is fine. But I wish it was more balanced out like it is with stay night with the masters. It's not awful but could be better I have seen worse anime's so I'm not mad i did like the backstories of the servants and seig is bearable at times.
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Last episode made me cry.
PakistanFilmUpdates25 August 2018
A powerful ending. And Shakespeare claim max as a hero spirt brilliant! But the true, true ending is sooooooooo betiuful, that is paradise....
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It passed the time
H0kv53 June 2022
Where's emiya when you need the story line is just to corrupt, my way of ending it was with a Grinch on my face any hoo another adaptation to the fate storyline.
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Great and different from stay night and zero
Rhaoulos20 December 2019
This is the fifth fate series I watched. After watching grand order last order and extra last encore which were really bad, this one feels like a masterpiece.

The world and rules differ from zero and stay night and the story takes a whole episode just to introduce the characters then the action begins. I thought the storyline would be bland, but to my surprise, it kept me on my toes until the end. Some of the characters are really lovable and the English dub is great (light years away from the horrible dub in extra last encore). I loved it all the way to the end and the ending was more satisfying than any other fate series.
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I don't know what you don't see in this
jameshoffberg11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am new to the fate franchise overall, but I thought I would try this because it was on Netflix. At first, I thought it was fine, but then, when I was talking to myself about it, I noticed how the somewhat complicated story unraveled. And I realized stuff like the lesson about how seemingly good intentions can turn to a terrible fate (no pun intended), Or the messages about the importance of loyalty. I thought that all of the characters where really well put together and thought out. And I found the story arcs about the backgrounds of the servants, the hanging gates of Babylon, and the path to triumph for our hero. The fight scenes where brilliantly choreographed and all had emotional backing to them. And the music through and through was just perfect. I thought the world-building was supreme and the way we learned about the previous Holy Grail Wars and the history of the servants, rulers, and overall villain of the story. The villain is intimidating and powerful, and is the personification of the path to hell being paved with good intentions. The protagonist has a stunning arc where he is saved and given free will, but chooses to fight for those he cares about anyways. And I especially love characters like Astolfo and Siegfried who may be on the original bad gust team, but they have hearts of gold and help Sieg on his journey to freedom. Overall love this show and will definitely be watching it again as I literally just finished watching it the same day I am writing this. Finally, I just want to say that some people are right about it getting a little confusing at times, but that is why it is important to reflect after every session, really think about what it is that happened like I did, and you will end up with a story worthy of telling your friends about. It is great action, it is great music, it is great romance, it is great drama, and t is the best Frankenstein spin-off in a while. It is Fate/Apocrypha. 9/10.
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Is it really that bad?
WeAreLive9 February 2021
In an alternate universe the theft of the Holy Grail 50 years previously ushers in a new conflict between the Mages Association and the rebellious Ygdillemna Family. With the activation of the Greater Grail, 15 Servants are summoned for an unprecedented battle royale in a new Holy Grail War.

I am honestly quite surprised to see some of these review not appreciating series. In my opinion this series is kinda of a breath of fresh air from the current fate shows. And yes the dub is pretty good well most Fate dubs are anyways.

Not to mention I kinda thought Sieg, Astolfo, Ruler and Murdered were all well written characters.
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Great Action but Rough Second Half
alexjmurphy-4063226 February 2018
This is the third Fate series show I've watched. Fate: Zero and Fate: Infinity Blade Works were both very good shows that had interesting characters and solid english dub voice acting. They also got better as the show progressed and the story built upon itself. Fate: Apocrypha unfortunately falls short in this way. The characters initially seem very interesting in the first half of the show. The fights are beautifully animated and there's a sense of mystery that kept me watching. However, in the second half of the show things seem to fall apart. After a big reveal at the end of the first season the mystery is gone and the characters seem flat and boring. There's hardly any character development and the voice acting falls of a cliff for whatever reason. The action kept me watching but I couldn't find myself less interested in the story or characters (other than the Saber and her master who get far too little screen time in the second half).
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The best Fate's anime I have seen ever
Students_SimoneVeil10 January 2019
Fate/Apocrypha talks about a war between two factions of 7 mages and their servants for win the Holy grail, who can realize a wish. I really like the anime because the Fate's univers is very interesting, with so many historic and good characters. I think that the character of Jeanne d'Arc is the most important character of this anime, her chara design is very nice, her voice is very sweet too. Maya Sakamoto did a good job ! The worst character is surely Sieg: he is so simpleton ! He is the typical hero who wants to save everybody of this war ! By the way, Achilles is my favorite character, he is so charismatic. The Frankenstein's monster is very cute, I love her chara design, she looks like a bride. The animation is so beautiful, A-1 has done such a really good job, the battle between Karna and Siegfried was so epic ! The special effects were so wonderful ! The soundtrack is good too, but it is not the most important thing I think. The 2 openings are nice. So if you like fantasy anime, with historic characters and a wonderful animation, Fate/Apocrypha is the anime to see.
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Pretty Terrible, but some good ideas
solancedarkmow22 March 2018
Fate/Apocrypha is all around pretty terrible. from beginning to end, the story is confused, the dialogue is pretty bad and drags on forever in some episodes, there's very little consistency within the series or without the series and the directing is largely flat and boring and squanders the otherwise good animation and music. If you know the Fate franchise well, this series is going to be tough to sit through because there is little consistency to Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, etc, so figuring out what is and is not carried over from those shows is going to be a pain. If you don't know Fate very well, I still can't recommend this series because a lot of information goes completely unexplained, assuming that you know the source material. The characters are generally pretty interesting, but all but 3-4 of them have incredibly weak executions and second halves. A lot of the character designs are cool, but nonsensical, the best characters get the least screen-time and the power creep is through the roof. There are a lot of competent ideas in this show, but for the most part, they never make the best of them and i can't really give the show credit for how good it could have been. With the sole exception of Episode 22, one of the greatest episodes of anything i have ever watched which single handedly raises this show from a 1/10 to a 2/10, the show averages a 2.5/10 for each episode. The only thing that i can recommend about this show is the action, but only about 75% of it is any good and there's so much stupid and boring in between fights that i can hardly see anybody in it for the action bothering to sit through it. If you're just looking for something to distract you while you wait for something better, i guess it does the job, but if you like to engage with and think about the things you watch, this show is going to drive you insane. The only reason i'd recommend watching this whole show is so that you can have all of the context to appreciate Episode 22, otherwise take a pass and save yourself the headache.
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Astolfo >>>
cemozor11 January 2024
Not enough Astolfo Screen time. 👎 no one can possibly bare to watch this when it is like this!!! WHERE IS ASTOLFO?!?! There is so little screen time about him it makes me sad I REQUIRE MORE ASTOLFO SCREENTIME I AM ANGRY MORE ASTOLFO MORE ASTOLFO I want our pink haired king!! The author was clearly too blind to see Astolfo's greatness!!! How dare they make him this dirty!! ASTOLFO CLUB LET'S GO ASTOLFO HYPE ASTOLFO HYPE I am really mad about this They absolutely did not give the screen time Astolfo deserved unless they fix their mistake I shall never forgive them also Yea great anime 10/10 the animation is nice.
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A sad fate for a once wonderful anime
joejasso-70-3992615 February 2020
A once brilliant series continues to plummet into utter trash. This installment is boring, lazy, and basically fanboy porn. It reuses characters that were once layered and relatable and makes them into silly one dimensional caricatures. While the animation is at times high quality, everything else is pure rubbish. Avoid!
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Emotions defeat effort?
lodesor19 October 2022
I was very interested in the characters at first and the idea of the holy grail war wasn't really bad , The animation The voice acting and characters all good except for that silly ruler and her lovely homunculus they were really built just with emotions and out of logic like sieg didn't even know how to eat at first but in only few days he learnt how to fight how to use magic how to be a master and became able to fight servants with the power of black saver who was barely strong enough to stay alive for 2 episodes so it just don't make sense to get a strong power from these weak guys power of hope? Of friendship ? Of freedom ? Is that how you win ? By having more emotions than your enemy has? Even though they had a perfect plan and they were strong enough to win this is none sense this anime is a disgrace for Fate series Ruler , Astolfo , Sieg really ruin the entertainment of that great war.
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I like episodes 20-22
thomashjensen25 August 2018
This show is pretty terrible. The story is confusing AND boring. The characters are bland. The animation is basic and uninspired. Then episode 21 came along and everything changed. Not really. Honestly, the episode is still pretty bad, but short bursts of awesome animation and bad ass fight scenes won me over. It's like they brought in completely different people to do 15 second bits interspersed through the regular bad stuff. In fact, I'm positive that's what they did. Episode 22 too. Watch episode 20 for context.
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Not worth the time
mayank0987626 December 2017
I am new to the fate series; it took me 2-3 episodes just to get a hang of what was happening. Simply it's a war between two factions, red and black, each having 7 mages who summon a hero each from legends/history to a battle royal, the winning pair gets granted there wish. The concept sounded interesting but what it meant was keeping track of 28 people!!! Luckily the anime does not throw them all at ones on you. Still, the ones introduced are hard to keep track off and everyone's role felt rushed considering there are only 12 episodes. Would have enjoyed the plot if they had concentrated on the heroic figures past and the reason they agreed to be summoned as in what was that wish they wanted to be granted for which they would agree to be reborn as a weapon of war. Instead, we are left with only battle scenes and lots of fan service, the way they go about destroying a legends characterization is horrendous. There is a hint of a backstory, the reason why this is happening which we get to know only at the end of the season and it's not worth sitting through the 12 episodes for. The animation itself is decent, not bad, not good, just decent.
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This series has always made me scratch my head due to the gender swapping.
frankblack-7996125 March 2021
While I like the base story and the action in good, the gender issues in this series especially is bizarre. While the creators say its fan service, i cant really understand that. To have males be women in every respect but the organs they possess is just creepy. There some deep psychological problems inherent in suchba display. My rating reflects this because other than that its a good series.
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Boring and lazy storytelling like the whole franchise
peter_dueren17 February 2023
As I wrote in the headline: Boring and lazy storytelling like the whole franchise. I don't know why I always try to come back and try to give it a chance, but it happens every few years and it always ends up the same. First lots and lots of rules are established. Then after about half the episodes are over suddenly some of these rules are broken and the reason is always 'just because' and that that 'just because' (which is always totally random stuff) can be done to break such a rule is never explained or even teased in any explanation before UNTIL it happens and then they explain 'yeah! That is possible because the moon in the second day of a month is a full moon and when that happens you only have to bury the sword of the samurai to use ot to seal the soul of a little child and with that you can break this specific rule' (totally made up by me, but these explanations are always exactly like that).

And by that everything suddenly makes no sense anymore and gets confusing and boring. I also always end up skipping through the last 10 or so episodes and don't feel if I miss anything out and am happy that it's over after that.

So as always, by that I meam like the other Fate animes, it's a very, very bad anime which isn't worth your time.
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Will Never watch the fate series again
tthelegend-6413718 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Probably time to stop watching this series. It just keeps getting worse. Fate: Zero was done amazing and was pretty good for me. But after that We got just absolute trash, overly righteous heroes who feel they have to save everyone and unnecessary romance. In stay night, I didn't even understand why Saber fell for that boy, just because he made her let go of her past. Then the same nonsense was reused in Aporcrypha, these two girls feel such an unnecessary devotion to a person, they don't even know. After episode 13 of Aporcrypha I just stopped.

Don't waste your time with this. Watch something else. You'll be disappointed.
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