Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made (2020) Poster

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A Different Kind Of Family Comedy That Different Kids Will Relate To
bobbyd6107410 February 2020
This movie is no failure. But I'm not sure it's a complete success either. I laughed more than my nine year old son did. Additionally, I found myself pausing the movie frequently to explain how much of what was being seen on screen was in the young boys head. And that he was the only one playing along with his imagination/fantasy. The rest of the cast were his foils...not really in on his schemes.

For no other reason, it's worth seeing for the imaginative script. The lead actor kind of wore on me. The monotone thing was only cute for so long. He needed a little bit more range. May not be the youngsters fault rather the director's box that he was put in. Either way prepare for a mini Joe Friday..."Just the Facts Mam" from credits to credits.

This is an odd one. Funny while tip toeing in the pediatric learning disability/mental illness waters. This is a good thing. My son actually asked me to pause the movie during a scene where the protagonist found himself in trouble in school due to his wild imagination. My son proceeds to share how difficult concentrating in class is for him. This was so interesting because lately I've noticed some things that made me wonder about ADHD. I'm not going to diagnose him but I will now look into this. The fact that he initiated this conversation came across like he was asking for help so help it will be. I love him! This wasn't my favorite movie but it may have helped my family and possibly help others too. Well done!
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Timmy Average
questl-1859210 February 2020
Timmy Failure is a fun, creative little movie with a few surprisingly good moments that somehow doesn't add up to a great flick. There's an awkwardness here that seems partly intentional and yet its still awkward. There's also a polar bear that's funny at times but also complete nonsense.

This is a kids movie though so maybe kids would get more out of it. It's not bad, it's just not amazing either.
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Average family comedy
muamba_eats_toast9 April 2020
It has its moments and genuinely made me laugh out loud a few times it was just a little to basic and very repetitive in its humour. By the end I was certainly wavering but certainly a lot worse in terms of family comedies for adults to sit through and kids are likely to enjoy it.
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Brilliant window into high functioning ASD
madsy00529 November 2020
I have been really surprised about the comments I have read for this movie so far as they suggest many people may have been mistaken about what it is about. The movie is not specifically for children which is where some of the confusion potentially comes from (given it is based on children's books) because a lot of the heavy dialogue (and little action) may go over their heads.

Timmy is a little boy who is rather disruptive & oblivious of most. His behaviour most likely however represents someone with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (unfortunately most comments so far suggest many people are unfamiliar with what this is). Timmy struggles with understanding what is going on around him & in order to deal with his life, has created a world that makes sense to him.

The characters of Mr Jenkins, Crispin & Patty are brilliant because they take Timmy seriously & recognise that he is not meaning to be rude; quite to the contrary, he is trying his best to do what is right. What is fantastic about these characters is that they model strategies to help him be successful, without destroying his identity. The movie also highlights the importance of differentiated learning so that all individuals are able to engage (as opposed to Mr Crocus' antiquated methods when dealing with atypical learners).

This movie is quietly affirming for those of us in close contact with children on the spectrum. It is a brilliant window into how the world might seem to them (& be different to ours) and is a reminder that we need to have patience and that eventually, with persistence it will all make sense. The movie is refreshing because it Is realistic; it is confusing and awkward at times, just like life is for any child that is feeling uncertain.
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Nice one. Cute, quirky kid and his bear on the case!
dwright-399 February 2020
Nice film. This little guy(the actor) is really talented. Haven't seen him before but I'm sure I will again. lol

Have to say though, from a movie perspective, I found this little guy to be sooo cute! lol I mean really, man. lmao What a clever little rascal. The pace of the movie was pretty decent and the writing was on point in my opinion. overall a good film and enjoyable for kids and adults alike. BUUT! I gotta say, I couldn't help getting annoyed and agitated at how the mother was parenting and how the general adults treated his cute but disrespectul disposition and lack of discipline. Though this is a movie, this IS, unfortunately, how too many ppl raise their kids. They want to be friends instead of disciplinarians. I have no problem with nurturing their skills, encouraging those lil quirks and unique characteristics(which is absolutely the way to go in my opinion, because that is how we let them become who they truly are and reach their full potential). But the problem is usually parents forget to also maintain the parent/child dynamic. So sure, the child grows up all clever and sharp but what happens when these clever, smart people are confronted with adversity? You know when life does it's life thing. When they don't get their way? When they get outsmarted or cheated or disrespected or heartbroken? What lessons of self discipline, self constraint and taking the high road and being the bigger person and understanding that you, as the song says, can't always get what you want will come into play? THIS is why we have so many cold, self-centered in the world. Adults have no idea how to deal because they were neglected the simple basic lessons of life that help us all live together on this one rock as big/small as it is. Sure, it may seem like I'm making a big deal out of a non-issue, but that kind of thinking too, is why the world is like it is. Start teaching children EARLY about discipline. Not to mention I lost count how many times this little boy could have been in danger. Children need to know that they are not grown. The world is too dangerous and THAT is not cute. But anyway, like I said, as a movie? Nice one. I would definitely recommend but, ppl, DISCIPLINE your children and stop trying to be BFF's. You're parents. You don't need to be BFF's. They can't change who u are. You will be their parents forever. TEACHING! That is your number one job! They and the world will thank you for it. We have enough driven, smart, successful, morally bankrupt ppl in the world.
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timmy failure mistakes were made
marmar-697809 February 2020
Timmy failure mistakes were made will be a great time for younger kids to watch it and their mind will be occupied for some time with this film,this movie has a nice told story with messages that will effect some children in best way and make them to use their imigination and to not to forget that they are still children,so they should enjoy that lifetime while they can,actor who played timmy did a good job and he was good shown and he sold best moments of film to us,only scenes with polar bear were unrealistic and effects on him werent so clean or good,but this film will make happy a lot of children and it will give parents something to relate on
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Worth watching if only for the great CGI Polar Bear!
rexkatwa-131 December 2021
I was very impressed by the animation of the polar bear. Very realistic (if a bear could actually do such acting). The movie itself was basically ok -- didn't particularly like the title character, but I guess that's the way he was written in the books, so presumably it's a good translation to the screen. Sufficiently entertaining for adults, and I'm sure kids would love it.
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Who is this even aimed at??
astephanie-chamberlain27 February 2020
I usually enjoy most Disney movies, even as an adult, but I really disliked this movie. I don't think the main character is a very good example for children, and for adults, the character development I was expecting isn't there (a lot more could have been done given the scenario), so you will basically waste an hour and a half waiting for something to happen to make the movie a bit more worthwhile and be very disappointed in the end.
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Fantastically imaginative, creative and quirky kid detective adventure!
markcaron-825249 February 2020
Watched this with my kids (8 & 10) and we loved it. Between the great casting and acting from everyone (especially Flo) to the main character's (Timmy Failure's) hard boiled and dry delivery of almost every line, this movie is spot on. Settle in for a fun detective adventure that weaves the quirkiness of Portland with the absurdities of an unsupervised, intelligent kid's imagination as he tries to solve his next case involving the class hamster, the "Russians", and a Segway.
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nice films
shashrvacai16 May 2021
Nice films, do recommend for children. Unique and new perspective.
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Unlikeable characters. Boring. Awful
kellienews-4090730 March 2020
The main character of Timmy is so awful that the whole movie is uncomfortable. Boring. Flat dialogue. Just a terrible waste of time.
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A one-joke movie
cjwilkinson-818089 February 2020
But it's a very good joke - laugh out loud funny at times. And there's a lot more to it than that - this movie is well worth a watch.
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Not Your Normal Disney Fodder
neiljones198114 August 2020
Timmy Failure:Mistakes Were Made was the first thing that was waved at me on Disney+ when I took advantage of an offer for the first year at a discounted rate.

Compared to a lot of films aimed at this target audience, this is relatively more intelligent, the tale of a boy the "head" of a detective agency and his companion, a massive polar bear.

An interesting script and a relatively breezy pace makes it worth a watch. A few laughs here and there but there were a few occasions where I wasn't quite sure whether what was going on was Timmy's reality or in his head, so this may be an issue. That aside, not a bad little effort.
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Odd, imperfect, but cute family film
aidanratesmovies3 April 2020
Although its wild premise is still mildly enjoyable, Timmy Failure suffers most from being too similar to other films of its kind, and not having much to show for itself. Winslow Fegley plays Timmy and throughout the film is surprisingly pretty good. The standout for me was Craig Robinson as the school counselor, who not only provided a much more down to earth emotional balance, but provided the strongest performance in my opinion as well. The film can be pretty funny from time to time, but the jokes really do seem to be all in one thing. The script can be quite average, and the story doesn't seem to know what to do with itself. Various plot points are expanded on within the film, but none truly seem to be that interesting to follow, or seem to hit their mark. The film can have a bit of a problem with pacing at times, and several eye-roll like moments throughout, but it does have its moments. In the end, Timmy Failure seems like a bit of a missed opportunity, but for those willing to give it a watch, its a cute film with a good message, and certainly isn't a total waste of time. My Rating: 6.25/10
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Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made (2020) - 4.4
Bonnell718 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 4.1

Act 2 - 4.1

Act 3 - 5.1

11 year old named Timmy Failure is a detective in Portland and has a partner who is an imaginary polar bear

Bear came into his life when his father walked out on him and his mother

Timmy acts like he is a real detective, doesn't seem to fit in with other kids

Has to find a backpack for a kid in his class, obviously Timmy isn't a good detective as he saw the knife the kid had in his bag was with his brother and his bag was in his brothers room too, annoying

Kid has lofty dreams but is a weirdo, lonely kid

Timmy acts like an adult when he's just an annoying child

Childlike imagination

Timmy escapes to his own world of detectives and his polar bear as a coping mechanism with his outward struggles

Just an annoying character as it's always agitating seeing a child act super serious

New case with class hamster death and someone stole his Segway

Can't stand him saying that's a demerit every time the fake bear does something and affirmative and negative

Timmy wants to feel important

Timmy has a fantastical vision of the world and a misunderstanding of most things as he is a child

Whole film is Timmy working through his problems

Very unenjoyable film

Only see this film connecting with very young children as it truest grates on your patience

Mom finally snaps and tells Timmy he has to grow up and fit in which is supposed to be mean but in this case is necessary because the kid lives in his own ridiculous reality with no consequences

Timmy tried to adept to normal life and lets his imaginary friend go

After a talk with his counselor he goes back to his childlike wonderment and being a detective again and gets his bear back

Timmy goes back to being himself but knows life will change around him and he will have to adapt

Wouldn't recommend to anyone

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Disney's getting a little fuzzy on it's social curriculum.
rushknight15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, I enjoyed this movie. Young Timmy's insistence on his fantasy reminded me a little of Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes), and his imaginative misconceptions were entertaining. He was a one-trick pony to be sure, completely obsessed with the caricature of a noir style private eye, even to the point of delving into some more James Bond-ian interpretations. Winslow Fegley was a perfect casting for the part. His constant scowl and cool reaction mixed well with his childlike misinterpretation of events.

What intrigued me most was what I would call an unexpected ending. Anyone who has been paying attention lately would know that Disney sure loves to lecture people with social justice messages. Whatever the latest politically correct, feel-good fad is, you can bet Disney is making movies to preach it. We've been served a fair portion of feminist-communist androids (L3-37), misandric sorceresses (Maleficent), stereotype breaking princesses (Elsa and Anna), and transgender princesses (Alexis from Alex Is). But the most common lecture from our benevolent Disney Overlords is the "accept yourself because you're special" message, which is probably the oldest Disney message, and which comes into play here.

Our little hero is clearly misguided and is in need of some help. On the verge of middle school, little Timmy is not going to be a child much longer. At this point in his life he should be old enough to leave behind reality-distorting fantasies and imaginary father-replacing friends. For a time it seemed that this was the direction he was traveling, towards reality. He finally makes a break-through, coming to grips with the cold truth of the world and, granted, he found it a little boring and was unhappy with it. But then, with a little support from a father-figure school counselor and an ingratiating, friendly adult, he plunges straight back into his obsession with renewed vigor. And there the story ends.

Frankly, I don't think this is healthy ending at all, although it was entertaining. But if Disney is hoping to make yet another, "you should accept everyone who is different for any reason" message with this film, I feel that they overstepped hugely. In reality, a kid like little Timmy would need therapy, immediately, and support from people who want him to grasp reality. I hope we all see that.
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Thought it would be much better, but here "Mistakes were made" especially comedy wise. Actually, it's more drama than comedy.
akcenat29 July 2020
Based on a series of books by cartoonist/author Stephen Pastis, this quirky movie follows the (mis)adventures of a young boy called 'Timmy Failure'. Basically, this is a emotional drama that is trying to be cute while dealing with loss (a parent leaves by choice) and fear of future, but this entire fictional bizarre story is a bit slow and not that funny as you might think. Even if the intent of this original film is noble, a lot of its charm is lost in translation to the big screen. Besides the lack of a clear storytelling, the CGI work on the polar bear was great but that character didn't really do much. It is just OK entertainment from Disney+, no matter the film isn't your usual Disney kids movie being odd and different and just slightly entertaining. I think children aged 5 - 10 might enjoy the book more than this movie. Me personally, I thought this would be much better than it was.

Rating: 6
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Not bad one inappropriate scene
shadowmiland9 February 2020
Was a decent movie . Postive reinforcement for values . Alot of imagination and playful action. One scene during one of his imagination scenes reffering of things that he wouldn't want to be around including a naked bike scenario no nudity but revealing underwear is shown on males and females while people ride their bikes. Last about 5-10 seconds.
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jasemoore7414 March 2020
Was looking forward to watching this with my girls 8 and 5. They lost interest and I lost interest not long after. This movie was so boring can't believe Disney came up with it.
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mandokal16 February 2020
This kid's inner narrative, as well as his laser focus on the imaginary while remaining oblivious to the obvious, will be reminiscent a lot of our own childhoods if we grew up with undiagnosed autism.
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Mistakes WERE made
doppleganger196928 May 2022
Overall I thought this movie was good fun, something for a single viewing but not to put on a "Favorites" list for repeated viewing. In a nod to the title, it does feel like "Mistakes Were Made" in production; the movie feels incomplete. Like a car missing a seat, rear view mirror, a radio, and a tire. Whether some key scenes were left out, or cut for time, there is a sense that with appropriate tweaking this movie could have been much better. Additional background into what prompted this child to create the fantasy world he put himself in; why a polar bear?; what is the obsession with Russian spies?; what's up with the scarf? There are many things hinted at or teased, but we are not shown the reason for them. The potential is there, and other movies have used similar plot devices successfully, but like my car analogy there are parts missing.
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Disney's rear end.
maximovlE4 April 2020
I'm a huge Disney 'fan'. Disney now have at their hands some of the most amazing franchises in the world, and the ability to create masterpieces. They regularly hit the mark.

Sometimes, however, they miss the mark. Thankfully the result is usually still watchable.

On this occasion, they didn't even seem to aim in the right direction. This is nowhere near worthy of becoming a movie and sitting on the shelf with the countless classics Disney have created.

Nothing about this movie is good. Except recognising the voice of Rex from Toy Story. But then we wished we were watching Toy Story and not this steaming pile of rotting... Cabbage.

Horrible little child with no redeeming features running around with severe behavioural issues, and very likely mental issues. Not to mention the one and only miserable look on his face.

Do yourself a favour and skip this.
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Loved It
funbntampa19 February 2020
Maybe not for very impressionable young, but if you get that its a spoof; its is hiliarious ! I laughed and laughed. it came at a good time, I needed an ALL OUT laughfest and this movie provided it. I'll watch it 3 or 4 times, I was laughing so hard, I'm sure I missed things !
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If You're Strange, Move to Portland
view_and_review1 January 2021
Timmy Failure (Winslow Fegley) is a peculiar kid with a name setting him up for so much teasing. He's a deadpan, Joe Friday type boy who runs his own detective agency out of a closet in his house. His partner is a polar bear which is more than likely imaginary. His detective skills are less than stellar and his people skills are nil. He pretty much roams the streets of Portland, Oregon at will as his mother works two jobs and there is no father to speak of. Things just go from bad to worse with him and he plays a large hand in creating his own problems.

It's a movie about not being normal. It has been told before in various ways. Usually the main character is an oddball that no one likes except a couple of people. He will cause all kinds of problems for himself and others. Then, after being at his lowest and loneliest, and deciding to shun his awkwardness his awkwardness will be needed to save the day and people will realize they should embrace differences.

"Timmy Failure" pretty much follows the aforementioned formula. He was quirky and funny at first, then he became more of a troublemaker and a nuisance. It seemed like there were some deeper issues at the core of Timmy's behavior, but it was never explored or even hinted at. Everyone in Portland, with the exception of his burnt out teacher Mr. Crocus (Wallace Shaw), knew how to handle a kid as odd as Timmy. It was as if Portland was a uniquely suited place to handle strangeness. But what do you glean from that? Everyone who doesn't belong should move to Portland?
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Boring and disjointed
heatherknightson8 February 2020
I get this is a children's movie, but there was very little to entertain kids age 2, 6, 10, 11, and 13. After about 10 minutes I was done a but at I kept thinking surely it gets better. I can't believe how much money they spent on such a boring plot. Disney's Togo and Lady and the Tramp was far better. I hope future Disney+ is better than this.
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