Unikitty! (TV Series 2017–2020) Poster


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I'll watch this show only for Richard
kayrcolgan25 February 2019
Ok, ok, ok. I think Unkitty is a little juvenile for me but the only reason why I like Unkitty is because I always feel sorry for Richard because everyone acts so stupid except for Him because he's the only that has common sense.
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An Average Experience
robinsonaustin-074906 January 2018
For the time being, Unikitty! is actually an okay show for Cartoon Network. It's not bad, not good, just okay. The series, to my knowledge, has no relations with The Lego Movie despite the titular Unikitty being a prominent character in that movie. Here, the show is two dimensionally animated unlike the Lego Movie. As such, it's almost easy to forget that the characters are supposed to be Lego pieces. However, I can see some reasons behind this change namely that CGI would've been more expensive, and the characters are more visually expressive.

As for the characters, they're fine, albeit one note. Unikitty herself is a mixed bag for me. Imagine that you had Pinkie Pie from Friendship is Magic, and Star Butterfly from Star vs. the Forces of Evil, and you blend them together, and you'd get Unikitty. Princess Unikitty is always upbeat with trying to find the best in every situation, but she also has the tendency to get enraged. You wouldn't like her when she's angry. Now, there are some things about Princess Unikitty that are good, but I can also see how she would be easily annoying for anyone to genuinely like. Not featured in the movie, there's Puppycorn, her younger brother (even though Unikitty's a cat-unicorn-hybrid), Dr. Fox a scientist, Hawkodile the hawk-crocodile bodyguard of Unikitty, and Richard a grey Lego block who functions as Unikitty's royal advisor. Oh, there is also Master Frown the main antagonist of the show who serves as an antithesis of sorts to Unikitty in which he revels in the suffering of others. Other than that, he is a one note bad guy.

The show itself is fast paced much like the movie, which can be a bit of an issue because it seems that the show never shuts up and gives the audience the time to rest and digest everything going on. The animation is also very fluid, which helps with the upbeat tone of the show. I may watch the show every now and then, because there really isn't anything deep about the show other than generic morals here and there. You really wouldn't miss much if you missed an episode. It acknowledges that it's stupid, so it doesn't have the need to feel that it should be anything other than a lighthearted comedy. As I only watched small parts of The Lego Movie, I can't definitively say you'd love it if you were a fan of the movie, but I would suggest giving it a try and if you don't like it, you could drop it and maybe watch the other Lego cartoon series.
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Good, but not one of the greats
zander-131865 January 2018
This show, despite being created by a majority of the Teen Titans Go crew, is a surprisingly decent comedy series based on an existing property. It has it's own established rules, the characters are not complete simpletons, and the animation is fairly well done despite the use of flash animation. It shows how well the TTG crew can be when they are not mocking the critics of the series.

It does, however, bug me that they're using Tara so many times in their other series at this point. It feels like they're stretching her thin with her already being in MLP, Ben 10, TTG, Fairly Odd Parents, AND this show. I just hope she's not being pushed too far.
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emihled6 January 2021
Unikitty, Unikitty, Unikitty.What can I say about you. You're not enjoyable. During the Lego movie I liked the idea a two-faced,unicorn\kitty that gets angry easily.She was probably my favorite character after emmet in the movie but I wasn't expecting her own show.The raging in the show feels forced and just not the same as how it was in the movie.I guess if you have a girl under the age of ten they would enjoy it but for adult men like me it's okay.
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Not really the best thing to come out of cartoon network tbh
WeAreLive7 October 2018
Well most of these reviews have already what is needed to be said about this show and why it is not good.

To be honest Cartoon Network has been doing very well with their new additions of brand new cartoons which include OK KO Lets be heroes, Apple and onion, Craig of the creak and hopefully Infinity train and Victor Valentino when those come out.

Case in point:

As for this show well I am afraid that this one is the weakest out of them. Flashy colours, loud noises and obnoxious humour doesn't really make this show any better.

But the only good thing to come out of it is possible the fact that Roger Craig Smith (the voice of Captain America from Avengers Assemble and Thomas from Regular show) is the voice for Hawkadiole and Richard.

Other then that there is not really anything I like about this show.

Look if you are going to watch this show and like it more power to you but I honestly. I would not recommend it.
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Started off Ok. But it gets better from there
seanbsampson26 December 2018
Before the Series came out. People were predicting that this was going to be another Teen Titans Go!, because of how the art style looks and because they didn't represent cloud coo coo land in the show (even though they have very little material to work with. and i don't know if the creators even knew what the entirety of cloud coo coo land looks like, so they decided to create this World. So I'm just going to say that this is supposed to take place before the movie). So I'll give them a pass for that, considering the fact that they had very little material to work with

But I'll say that besides the ideas that were brought up on paper. i had to say that i really like this Series (granted i don't find it O.K K.O.! Let's be Heroes level of Good). But they represented unikitty better than Teen Titans Go! and Ben 10 (2016) represented their original source material, since this was worked from the ground up from where unikitty lives before The Lego Movie, and was thought up without the past source material to make each episode

The Animation is like the animation in Teen Titans Go. But more interesting to look at, and I'm pretty sure that there's more work put into each Episode

To be honest, the show started off as meh in my opinion. Just a show that i could watch and get through without feeling bored, frustrated, Happy or excited. But then the later episodes came and the show's episodes started to get more interesting. To the point where i would find each Episode in the level of enjoyable, hilarious or even relatable and sad

Like for example: The Zone, Too Many Unikitties, Kickflip Puppycorn, Tasty Geist, Tragic Magic, Dancer Danger, Float On, Space Mission: Danger and Top of the Naughty List
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charliethetuna-5136711 April 2020
Boring jokes and stories as riddiculous as the tenn titans go! Episodes make this show a real dissaster.
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Super Fun!
evergreendiamond17 October 2018
The show is very cheesy but the characters are great and it is hilarious when they poke fun at movie tropes sometimes!

WARNING: This is almost nothing like the Lego Movie.
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Mildly entertaining
dfu-746414 June 2018
Once you look at the opening of Unikitty- wha'bam, there you go. There's your first taste of the show. If you want to adapt a character to it's own standalone cartoon, this is how you do it!

Starting off, in the episode "R & Arr", Princess Unikitty and Prince Puppycorn are participating in "Lazy Sunday". Richard, a 1x3 Lego brick, comes in to tell them that it's "chore day". This is a good balance of "random" and "reassuring", if you could call it that. Richard and Unikitty are like two sides of a coin regarding personality. Richard, appears boring, and reflects that in his appearance, a gray Lego brick. Princess Unikitty is a sporadic, presumably young Unikitty, like she is.

As long as you let your inner child listen and react to the show, you'll find that it's
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Yeah whatever
dragbehindskunkfu20 November 2018
First there was a film called Lego Movie. Because the Unikitty character in the film somehow gained a considerable amount of attention, a studio decided to make a spin-off TV series centering on her. As to what I could I say about the show, I find it fairly funny, brightly colored, and cool use of lego design for some of the characters. But if there's anything that brings the show down, it's Puppykorn's synthetic voice.
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Started of great. now good
ABigFatOrange1226 October 2018
I am not gonna lie, i actually really enjoyed the jokes, some even made me laugh! Hawkodile is my fav. character because he has so much character development (unlike princess sugar brains) and looks pretty cool aswell

However, the more later episodes are good but when it just started it was amazing Episodes i do not recommend: Kaiju kitty, Fice and nice, Hide N Seek, R & Arr and Kickflip McPuppycorn.
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Just ok for me
gigennagulto21 April 2019
I think Unikitty is good but not the best one just a mediocre. The episodes are entertaining and fun to watch (even I'm a teen) and the characters are great. Sometimes it feels kind of dumb to me but I just think it's funny. I recommend this show to young audiences and even it's better than TTG,
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I'm 12 and think this is a little childish.
asamoahg24 February 2019
It's a little too much for me, and would prefer watching Billy and Mandy. I'm very sorry if you like this show, and didn't mean to offend you, just my opinion.

I don't recommend watching this show if you havent watched it yet.
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That Blue Horse/Dog Thing
The show looks okay but Puppycorn's fake voice brings everything down.
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Puppycorn is a travesty
lansimmons1129 June 2019
Unikitty is an animated TV series about the titular character Unikitty who is a unicorn, cat, or whatever thing that runs a monarchy. As ruler, she makes sure everyone is in a pleasant mood. Her companions include her brother and some doctor. Her foil is Mr. Frown who does the opposite of what she does.

As for the series itself, the graphics are well-colored, the music is okay, and the humor is adequate I guess. But if there's anything that puts me totally off, it's that unicorn/pooch fella Puppycorn. Yeah he's sorta cute but his speaking ain't genuine. Instead of picking a wannabee guy, I wish they pick a boy.
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Feels like a discount my little pony.
uqailmahari18 November 2018
I mean it's a good show. But I have way more than just some my little pony vibes. It's decent but just doesnt have the good show vibe.
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Yeah, this animated show looks somewhat decent. But if there's anything that really puts me off, it's that Puppycorn sounds so unauthentic. Geez, why must old tomboys have to steal boys' jobs?
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Look at all these residents from Frown Town!
kittenfluffies9 February 2019
Don't let all these reviews by Master Frown's multiple accounts get you down, Unikitty. He needs to get a hobby!

Personally, Unikitty is the best cartoon since Adventure Time. Unikitty's dual-personality from the Lego Movie was captured perfectly by the writers of this show. I loved Unikitty so much in Lego Movie, so having MOAR Unikitty to watch is fantastic.

The new characters are all lovable- even Master Frown. Dr. Fox is adorably sciencey, Hawkadile took some getting used to but he's cool in my book now, Richard is Richard, and Puppycorn....is a dog!!!

Big kudos to the writers and animators, you've done a fantastic job. The addition of Puppycorn really brings it all together though...his dense-but-adorbs character personality is exactly what the show needed. The humor is silly enough for kids but clever enough to entertain adults like me. A good example of this dynamic is in the episode "Kitty Court", an obvious play on those TV court shows, but with a Unikitty twist.

The episodes are short and sweet but pack the lulz in very, very tightly. My son's 1st favorite movie was Lego Movie, and the first movie he actually sat through and laughed at. He was 1 1/2 then, is 5 now, and LOVES this show. I can do a pretty good "HI-YEEE!" too, which he also loves.

It's colorful and bright, light-hearted and gives me happy warm fuzzies. It's something I can watch with my kid and not want to pull my hair out (i.e. Barney). For crying out loud- the opening song is by BABYMETAL. Come. On. People.

This is why we can't have nice things!!!!

I hope the series continues, as it seems the popular thing right now is bashing this show on the internet. Master Frown will find something else to hate and move on. UNIKITTY MUST PREVAIL! It's like, a prophecy or something.
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Nothing special
camiacono-5311718 January 2018
When I heard the promo's directly state it was made by the crew involved with Teen Titans Go I really had my doubts. The other Lego Cartoons are 3D animated and are more action packed, and have a world to expanded and build. While this one does have it's own world inspirations from TTG are very apparent. The art and flash art style is near identical as well as the pacing and humor. The Characters are a mix for me I like Puppycorn as the upbeat lovable loser kid and DR.Fox is pretty funny. Crocdile is basically Copy and Paste Cyborg from TTG and Unikitty herself is copy and Paste Pinkie Pie from MLP which true that was intentional for her in the Lego Movie but she now has the quirk of bursting out into a fiery Tantrum every time she gets angry and that get's old very quick. I know She is voiced By Tara Strong but honestly I can only see why they chose her is because she has a lot of fans from her other many voice roles and I find that pretty manipulative from a marking stand point. The art is cute but the bright colors should be toned down. Fast paced, hi-jinks filled antics style of humor is funny for the most part but after a few episodes it get's same old a few episodes in. Over all if you like that's fine it's just that Warner Bro's animation has been pushing a show with clear inspiration form TTG and I really don't think a good Version of TTG or just a show that does the formula well is something that the animation industry should learn considering the success and drama Teen Titans go brought.
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why is there so much hate towards this cute and innocent idea?
rikufatality23 September 2018
This entire show is a play on your childhood creativity. its funny because it wants to be funny and it has the material visuals to capitalize on it. the jokes stay on topic and give kids a better sense of remarkable sarcasm than other shows that use blunt obviousness in long chunks.

in tone, this is bright, happy, exciting, cheery, and totally aware of being ignorant.

the writing staff and the directors all come from the same places of darker adult media, and thus have a new and interesting way to express their thoughts to the kids,

its a bridge to be built. not one to be torn down.... well.... actually.... go ahead. keep blowing it up. because you know? its all just fun and games with unikitty. and that is the lesson.

~Horsenwelles, Dan
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unikitty is a crackhead
chesversace21 August 2018
Yeah. enough animated movie spinoffs. it's always a bad idea, especially if you choose the most annoying and least interesting character from a certain franchise and put them in a tv show with equally annoying characters.
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Dear god....
connorasivill17 August 2018
I don't know what to say. This show sucks. Take all of the charm from The Lego Movie, throw that in a paper shredder, burn it, take all the "Random, LOLs" from Teen Titans Go and throw all that into a blender and you get Unikitty. A loud, annoying and painful show. If you like loud and annoying shows, this is the cartoon is for you! That's all I can really say.
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A show made by a not so smart team
elusivedom3 December 2018
If something like a book, film, or anything sells very well, some TV studio is likely to be encourage to make a show out of it. And that's the case with Unikitty which is based on the Lego Movie.

Although I don't hate them, I can't say that I'm a fan of those lego-themed movies. And if I was, I'm not sure if I would like this show which I don't.

With regards to the show, I can sense that it was created by a not so smart team. As to whoever picked the cast, I wonder if he/she knows that the dog/unicorn thing is actually a guy? Whoever made that pick is perhaps the least intelligent of the not so smart team.
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Cute But Could Have Been Made More Properly.
For a while, I started to develop interest in unicorns after seeing a show like Noddy: Toyland Detective. And then we have this show. Unlike the unicorns in the aforementioned show, the ones here are a half-unicorn/half-cat, and another one which is half-unicorn/half-dog but I guess that's okay. As with the new cartoons of today. the colors are bright, and the slapstick comedy is fair. However, who's the simpleton who selected an old trollop to do the dialog of that horse-dog thing? Bright colors and fair slapstick does add a bit but using an old trollop to be the protagonist's little bro brings everything down. I you want a well-made CN show, choose another one over this abomination.
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This series started off strong and well
cross-468663 February 2018
Let me start off by talking about the flash, it's very nice with extra details put into it making this already better than most flash TV shows. The reason why this show turned out to be good is because Unikitty is its own thing, nothing too exciting and nothing too boring. Unikitty is there to be a fun lovable show with many jokes. I know they didnt want to mess up on this one so they thought it through and really made this show great. Nothing too stupid and no plot holes followed by the good characters gives this a 8/10 so far in my opinion.
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