Minecraft: Story Mode - Season 2 (Video Game 2017) Poster

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It still hurts but less
Critical_Beater21 May 2021
The voice acting is pretty good.

The music is fantastic.

The choices are still useless but still better than the first one.

The story is less painful than the first one.

The graphic is good The gameplay is okay-ish.

The cringe is still creeping

Conclusion: Fuck the first one and I didn't kill myself good job, 6/10.
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Sadly underrated - and better than the first season
randomality7728 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Now I really like Season 1, but I adore Season 2. The acting is still good, the music is fantastic (better than in Season 1), I find the characters more interesting, character development is great, Jesse didn't really have an arc in the first season, but he (she) does in the second season, learning that he doesn't always have to be the leader of everything*.

Speaking of character development - these new characters in Season 2 have more arc than the characters in Season 1 did - all the main supporting characters (except Petra and Ivor) only had development in the first half of the season. Granted, two of them weren't in the second half much, but Lukas was.

Now there's Season 2. There's what I said about Jesse earlier, I like how Jack changed as a character (honestly Jack is an underrated character imo), Radar had good arc, I really appreciate how Stella becoming a better person is only determinant depending on how you treat her, and of course there's Petra. (Alright, I'm just gonna say it. Petra's the most well developed character in the game.)

Not to mention the villain, the Admin aka Romeo. Unpopular opinion: he's better than the Witherstorm. The Witherstorm was very intimidating but had no personality, which Romeo had heaps of.

Plus: there's no bad language in the game. Sure, they say "freaking" a couple of times, but that's it.

So yeah, that's why I think Season 2 is better than Season 1. The characters are more interesting, the writing is better, the protagonist is better, the villain is cooler, it's more kid-friendly, and it's overall more fun to play. This game gets a 9.5/10 for being a MASSIVE improvement.

*Depending in which ending you choose.
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The adventure continues
maxigin15 September 2018
Well, briefly without spoilers I will say what it is: IT IS A DAMN AND INCREDIBLE GAME! Telltale Games continues with that quality, where the sequel to the hit game is filled with characters and feelings not seen before, like jealousy and romance ... good!
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They honestly need to bring this game back because it's been 6 years
themsquad-7400526 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I first got the games in 2017 when I got my Xbox OneS so when I first played Minecraft I heard story mode I instantly wanted to play

I like season one's story but it really is 2 seasons in season 1 if you think about it because the first part takes place during the wither storm fight

But my personal favorite for season 1 is part 2

Season 2:

I feel that everything is better honestly my only complaint if the cliff hanger we were left with.

I'm damn sure they started working on season 3 but the went out of business and their rights from mojang expired.

But hopefully they Renew the rights at one point in time so they can program the game

But they would have to remember the story because after all this time, I'm almost positive they forgot the story.

But story gets: 10/10 Game gets: 7/10

Some how 6 years later the graphics hold up (probably because it's Minecraft and yk blocky and stuff)
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zacx994 May 2020
I thought the first season was bad but this one is worst. There is nothing captivating about this game. The story is plain boring. The only reason i didn't give a one is because the voice actor are the only thing good about this game
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