Dicks: The Musical (2023) Poster

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A Would Be Rocky Horror Picture Show For A New Generation
dtswpod9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whether you'll enjoy this movie depends on how much you enjoy way, way over the top musicals with very adult themes. Pretty clearly the creators behind this story of 'identical twins' who are complete dicks that seek to get their estranged parents together are not aiming for mainstream success. This film is very much meant to be a cult classic along the lines of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Personally, I found this film to be a lot funnier than RHPS. Its music though, is not near as good. Megan The Stallion's contribution not withstanding there is no number here that is as memorable as Time Warp.

Also, how funny you find the picture truly depends on how seriously you take it. I was not especially shocked by the situation the films heroes find themselves in at the pictures end but then I never bought they were ever brothers so wasn't troubled by their behavior. Others might not be able to let that plot twist off the hook.

In any case, I laughed more than I did not laugh which makes this flick enough of a success in my book.
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stevencassady-9871628 January 2024
I love both you, Nathan and Megan but WTF were you thinking. I'm only a half hour into the movie and I'm like, did Nathan do a ton of mushrooms during Covid lockdown. How did this happen? Campy? Check. Bizarre? Check. But this is like John waters decided he wanted a gay coming out movie premiere. In still going to finish it. And I'm not disliking the movie just not what I was expecting and not really sure what to think, how to feel, or if I should really watch this. And I'm a 53 yr old gay man with a theater background from NY city Broadway. Seriously? This long without an original and this is what you come up with? Other than what I've just said I'm speechless and will never speak of this again.
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Cinematic Crime
jmhoweth23 October 2023
I had such high hopes for this movie walking into the theater; I was really rooting for this to be a success. I couldn't have been more predisposed to seeing all its best qualities. An hour and 26 minutes later, I regretted every one of my decisions to see this pure piece of garbage. What adds to the heartbreak is the inclusion of such exceptional performers like Megan Mullaly and Nathan Lane. Not even their talented genius could flog this DOA dumpster fire back to life. The writing lacked originality and wit, and saw fit to instead substitute tortured jokes that begged for a pity laugh. Each song became more and more forgettable. You could feel all six people in the auditorium begging for a swift ending to put us out of our misery. When the writing and the music aren't competing for the Gold Medal in the Film Failure Olympics, the bizarre, shoe-horned gags are hard at work making you cringe. A disjointed plot line about sewer monsters and a detached vagina pile onto this crime against cinema, which should be tried in The Hague. It would be less painful to watch the movie musical Cats.
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Worst garbage ive seen in along time
geek-3752024 October 2023
If i could give this trash less then 1 star i would waste of time i can never get back unfunny i give it one star because bowen yang and megan thee stallion are in it otherwise horrendous. I kept wanting to leave but i kept staying to see if it would get any better but it never did i would not recommend this movie for anyone to see i work at a theater and have seen many movies in my lifetime but this is one of the absolute worst movies i ever watched i went into this movie thinking maybe it would be funny id give it a chance but it disappointed me on many levels i like larry charles but this is a miss.
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Random, offensive and hilarious!
matt-2763431 December 2023
'Dicks: The Musical' is a film based on an off Broadway play by Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson. Here, the story tells of Craig (Sharp) and Trevor (Jackson) who meet at work and realize they are identical twins. After they make sense of the situation, they realize that their parents separated right after they were born and each took a child to raise on their own (If you hadn't guessed, the film borrows a lot of its earlier storyline from 'The Parent Trap' film). This then prompts the twins to come up with a plan to get their parents back together so they can be one big happy family. The problem is that their father is now gay, their mother is agoraphobic, oh and more importantly, their father has two sewer monsters captive, and their mother has no vagina (Yes, you heard that right!). To top it off, the film is also a musical.

This film is hilarious and so random. I laughed out loud several times and clutched my metaphorical pearls even more. Its a very unexpected, offensive and controversial film, but i really enjoyed it.

Sharp and Jackson are great as Craig and Trevor, and you can tell that they've worked together as a comedy duo for some time now. They are able to bounce off each other quite well. Megan Thee Stallion plays their boss Gloria, however whilst she may be a current power player in the music industry, she isn't going to be winning any acting awards any time soon.

Whilst the leads are very funny, Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally are absolute scene stealers as their parents Harris and Evelyn. The chemistry between them is great, and every scene they share looked extremely fun for them to be a part of. Lane is brilliant and flamboyant as usual, but it was Mullally who really surprised me. I had no idea she was so talented. She's always been a great character actor, but her voice is also incredible, and to be able to sing with a strong lisp too shows how much of a talent she really is.

The songs are funny too and make sense storyline wise. A lot of the songs are the type I would listen to again and again (and since watching, have). The best song is 'Lonely' by Mullally and Lane, followed closely by 'Out Alpha the Alpha' by Megan Thee Stallion. 'All Love is Love' gets an honorable mention, and whilst its catchy, it's probably one of the most offensive songs I've ever heard.

The costuming is another highlight, capturing the essence of each character and showing how eccentric they are. Set design is another strength too, especially the scenes in the sewer, and in Harris and Evelyn's homes.

The ending takes a wild turn, and it's certainly one that I did not expect, but given how random the film was overall, I adapted quickly.

During the credits, the audience gets to see behind the scenes footage of the cast during filming, and this made me like the film even more. Seeing Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally struggle to deliver such offensive and inappropriate lines given their age and reputation as actors/performers showed how professional they were and I liked that they were such good sports about it all. I also liked seeing original footage of Sharp and Jackson from the off Broadway play, because it showed how far the idea has come since then.

For a musical film that centers around incest, sewer boys and a detached yet flying vagina, I absolutely loved it!
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what a lot of .....
derekpreston-128 October 2023
This was possibly the worst thing i have ever seen. What on earth were the actors thinking, it wasn't even so bad its funny it was beyond that, it so wanted to be a new rocky horror picture show but failed miserably. If you find the humor in being obscene for no reason singing about cocks and vaginas,well then go ahead, why the talented cast agreed to be in this is beyond belief, if it reminded me of anything it would be a child trying to be shocking saying cock and vagina and how tedious that quickly becomes, how or why this is getting good reviews the only redeeming quality was it ended, but sadly not fast enough.
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Brilliantly absurd and obscene
theimershinako14 February 2024
I don't normally like musicals, but this was so fun to watch. If you come into this looking too deep, it'll ruin it. Expect absurdity. It's so over the top, but it has become an instant favorite for me. I feel like this movie requires a bit of appreciation for the eccentric. I don't feel like there was ever a moment where I could anticipate what they were going to say or do next, but each scene was cleverly executed. Like I said, don't approach this with any seriousness, and if you can appreciate queer culture and raunchiness then you're in for a lot of fun. I can't believe this story was ever created, but I'm not mad haha.
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The biggest crime for a musical comedy: being unfunny
Azrathiel3 October 2023
Nothing about this worked. It's a "musical" with only a handful of songs, none of which really worked out to even be decent. The huge winks towards parent trap, which this was directly stealing from, was just a reminder that this was done better and was actually funny in another movie.

That is a huge point because this movie was painfully unfunny. It wasn't the fault of any one that I'm familiar with like Nathan Lane, Megan Mullally, Bowen Yang, Megan Thee Stallion because they worked with what they had but woof what they had was DEEPLY flawed. My three friends went and we all immediately agreed that we wanted our time back because it was NOT worth it.

Honestly I feel bad for Megan Thee Stallion because it was her first film, it was THIS bad, and her part was incredibly small to begin with.
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WTF 2.0
Who backed this crap?

How did this movie even get thru the pitch?

Think about it. They had to pitch this baby, get approval in an environment where movies never get approved and scripts linger for decades.

Then they had to write the script, the music, the lyrics. They had to get actors and rehearse them, Get a director to put this down on film. And hopefully make some money.

Only it didn't. Some dummy plinked down around fourteen million to net less than two so there were no profits.

And of course there were no profits. This is an epic disaster that should never have gotten a green light.
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Comedy act to unfunny musical
MB-reviewer18522 November 2023
All I knew was the premise, that this is a musical comedy, and that it is based off something to make this the studio A24's first musical; this movie that has a very weird title is based on a Broadway musical called F*cking Identical Twins by Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson, and having a movie with this title based on a Broadway musical with a title like that, I was not having any faith in it. After watching the movie, I will say that Dicks: The Musical (2023) is one of the worst musicals I have seen this year; this movie was annoying and unfunny from beginning to end, and despite the one hour and twenty-six-minute-long runtime, it felt longer than it should as I was watching it.

Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson, as Craig and Trevor who find out they are identical twins, were not good in the movie with their performances being annoying and over the top in a terrible way, along with them being hard to watch where you want to cringe because of the many things they do in the movie that is not funny. I like Nathan Lane, but as the dad in the movie, he was too over the top doing unexplained dumb things and a weird way of getting across a certain thing about himself; the mom played by Megan Mullally, who is a good actor, was weird and had me cringe at many lines of dialogue and scenes with her and Nathan Lane's character that was hard to watch. Plus, we have the appearance of Megan Thee Stallion as the boss of the main characters job, and she had a painful and annoying performance that was hard to watch with the scenes and song numbers she is in.

All the songs in the movie are not good, though the singing is ok, the lip syncing did not look like it matched what is supposed to be said, and the songs were annoying to listen to along with the look of the song numbers being cringe worthy; I will also add that for a musical comedy it was not funny throughout the whole movie, and instead I cringed, was weirded about what was happening, and was wondering what was going on. This movie has a lot of weird and disturbing things involving sewer creatures, a flying talking vagina, and terrible scenes with this movie's version of God played by Bowen Yang; throughout the movie I was wondering when it was going to end because I did not care about anything going on, along with them completing the main plot of the movie and then doing something else entirely by the third act.

The entire third act/third act climax was so weird and random with it trying to force a bad message by the end, along with a song they played at the end that had terrible lyrics that I hated listening to; the ending was weird and good to look at, and when the credits rolled, I was relived it was over. I highly suggest that you should not watch this unfunny and annoying musical comedy, when you can watch better musicals that have better songs, a better plot, better performances, likable characters, and a better experience so you can enjoy it more.
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Utterly ridiculous fun
movies4fun-0316826 January 2024
I loved this movie because it doesn't take it's self seriously. It is utterly ridiculous. It takes shots at everyone and everything. Which is so refreshing when compared to other movies being released in 2023 that walk on egg shells to not offend anybody and to represent everyone.

If you go into this just looking to have a good time while eating some popcorn, you'll love it. If you are easily offended, a member of the alphabet community, or a person who only laughs when told to do so, you'll probably hate this.

Not every film has to be a fine piece of artistic cinema that is award worthy. This movie is just pure entertainment... I laughed, I said "WTF?!", I smiled and then went on with my day. Movies today often forget that they can just be a fun escape and Dicks: The Musical is exactly that...
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Life's too short to waste watching this crap
richardscook-642-70651612 February 2024
I've sat through all kinds of movies over the years, some great, some poor. Some bizarre, some more mainstream. I can handle weird, I actually enjoy it. I can handle crass, it doesn't bother me. But THIS???? I just can't fathom how anybody actually wrote, sold, cast, acted, directed and produced this mess. It's absolute diarrhea. There's no point to it whatsoever. Any of it. It's desperate to be funny and shocking, but it just fails 100%. I gave it one star because IMDb won't let me give it zero. Seriously, go outside and watch the grass grow instead. It'll be a much better use of your time. And it would be way funnier too.
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Absolutely Bonkers
filmguyci-2280411 November 2023
Very funny and raunchy film held together by the committed performances of the two leads, Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson, as well as terrific turns by Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally as their eccentric parents.

The film also has some well sung catchy songs, two hysterical creatures that have to be seen to be believed, and an amusing performance by Bowen Yang as God.

The Premise: Two identical twins meet each other for the first time. Both men having been raised by a single biological parent, they set off on a mission to meet the parent they never knew and reunite them so they can be a family again. It's like The Parent Trap on crack.

There are a couple of things that didn't work for me. Megan thee Stallion is poorly cast and unfunny as the men's boss. The crude lyrics can sometimes undermine a well written song with the final number especially questionable.

But if you get camp and/or are gay you will probably love this film as I did. If you are neither of those and are easily offended, you may want to pass this by.
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ABSOLUTE garbage!
simon-5268411 November 2023
Why this was even made into a film is mind-boggling... the schools, hospitals and other services and charities that could use the money... shame!!!

Megan Mullally and Nathan Lane could only have been doing this for the money considering who they are to stoop so low to perform in such trite nonsense.

The music is derivative, the lyrics are banal, have no idea what most of the boss was yelling because she couldn't enunciate anything through the ridiculous "rap" craptalk.

If you've had too many margaritas and looking for mindnumbing, brainless drivel Off-off-off-Broadway, then this is the show for you. Otherwise, avoid.

One of the WORST movies I've ever seen.
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Contender for worst movie ever
rwall-151476 February 2024
There is silly, and then there is just stupid. There's edgy, and there is just stupid. There is stupid, and then there's Dicks the Musical.

If you're trying to make a comedy, you should at least make an effort to be funny. I suppose if I tried to rewatch this trash I might be able to find one or two funny items unfortunately, like the rest of the movie, it's drowning in nonsense.

Nathan Lane why would you want to be part of this mess?

Definitely one of the worst movies I've seen in while. Maybe that's what they were going after, they wanted to make a top 100 list, and figured it'd be easiest to make the top 100 worst movies of all-time... well congratulations - you made it.
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butch-931-93822022 December 2023
Some human being had to greenlight this movie and give people the money to make it. WTF?

Nathan Lane and Megan Mullaly had to sign on and do this and their agents had to let them. WTF?

Somebody wrote songs and hired an orchestra or band and recorded music to act to and dance to. WTF?

Somebody had to think the premise of two un identical identical twins trying to reunite their parents would work as a gay tale when it barely worked for Haley Mills. WTF??

Someone had to dress Bowen Yang in glitter and glam and make him God. Well that I can get behind.

As for the rest... WTF? WTF? WTF?

And full disclosure, I got exactly halfway through before I gave up and had to watch some designed for adults and not prepubescent Wayne's world aficionados. WTF?

For me this joins the ranks of Its Pat and Cecil B Demented as the worst movies ever made.
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A musical romp of The Parent Trap
chong_an17 September 2023
This is a reboot of The Parent Trap as a musical. Identical twins separated at birth, each brought up by a single parent, both become top salesman at the same company. When they are brought together, they realize their relationship. Hankering for a "normal" 2-parent family, they hatch a plot to get their parents together and re-marry.

Switching identities, they each visit the other parent's apartments, and work on getting their reclusive parents to go out to dinner, where they would then meet. However, rather than detail the parents' eccentricities to each other in advance, they both jump in uninformed, and are shocked at what they find.

Originating as a 2-person play, most scenes are 2-person scenes, except for the extravagant musical numbers. Bowen Yang does an amusing turn as God, leading the ensemble in the song "Love is Love". Megan Thee Stallion plays the business founder, and her song is about a power woman dominating men. Nathan Lane is the father who has come out as gay, and is reasonably (but not overly) flamboyant. Having worked together for years, the main characters are very comfortable with each other.

I saw this at the world premiere weekend at the Toronto International Film Festival, where the directors were present, even though as the main actors they would be on strike. This was presented as part of the Midnight Madness program, and they were awed at seeing their "little" project on really big screens (my presentation was on an IMAX screen, and that was not the biggest screen the film played on). In response to a question, they said that they had no trouble getting their "dream team" to work on the film, as the various big-name actors had a positive reaction to the script.

I did find some parts overwhelming - the mother's apartment decor, and the father's pets. Also, the twins did not make any attempt to look alike, despite everyone around them keeping confusing them for each other. This suspension of disbelief is common in live theater, but seems iffy on film.

This film won the TIFF People's Choice Award in the Midnight Madness category.
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Tried so hard to be Rocky Horror, but failed miserably
ibshafer-187-32926312 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I remember hearing that Rocky Horror Picture Show was panned when it first came out and that the midnight shows revived it, but as absurd as Rocky Horror is, it's made up of great music and great performances and it deserves to be as beloved as it is. This movie, on the other hand, had me fast forwarding through songs, just to find out how it all ended. (And I wasn't pleased when I got there.) What kind of story ends with brothers getting married to each other? What a waste of Bowen Yang, Nathan Lane, and Megan Mulllaly. And what a waste of 2 hours that I will never get back. Seriously, how did this get greenlit?
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Unhinged, absurd, perfect
manads8 February 2024
I told my partner, "This looks terrible. I'm pressing play." I am so glad I did. Sometimes you just need unhinged comedy in your life and that's exactly what I needed tonight. It's seriously the most ridiculous movie I've ever enjoyed. I kept laughing unexpectedly to the point of choking. It kept getting more and absurd with every passing moment and just when I thought it couldn't get more ludicrous, it found a way to take it to the next level.

Would I recommend this movie?

Not to most people, but if you're having a really bad day and you want something to take your mind off your problems and are willing to disregard any sense of decency, this might be the film for you. Worked for me.
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Awful - don't waste your time
craigbuchek7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We kept waiting for it to get funny, but it just got stupider and grosser. Even Nathan Lane and Megan Mullaly couldn't make it redeemable. Megan Thee Stallion was one of the few high points, but her lip syncing was awful. Mullally's character was annoying -- using a different weird annoying voice than her normal. Lane's was obsessed with some weird small humanoid monsters from the sewer. We waited for it to get better. We were even OK with the flying vagina attacking someone. Then it got much worse. The identical twin brothers were making out in bed, clearly heading to incest. We turned it off at that point, and regretted the hour plus that we had spent watching it. I don't understand how any movie executive would have allowed this to be made and distributed.
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Utter rubbish
tm-sheehan5 January 2024
My Review - Dicks The Musical - My Rating - 1 /10

I admire the work of Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally who are both great comedy performers and both very musical however even their talents couldn't convince me that this insult to the word musical comedy was worth this one hour and 26 minutes of embarrassment.

In the out takes at the blessed conclusion of Dicks the musical Nathan Lane states a little too tongue in cheek that he has had many low points in his career but Dicks the Musical could be the lowest .

So why did he do it ?

Perhaps when Nathan Lanes's agent called him about taking a role in arthouse darling A24's musical, he jumped at the chance to make movie history.

Even those unfamiliar with Dicks the musical could probably guess that the phrase "Sewer Boys" goes hand-in-hand with humiliation.

This movie adaptation of an off and I emphasise OFF Broadway play by Marius De Vries and Karl Saint Lucy and directed by Seinfeld legend and Borat director Larry Charles is an insult to the term musical Comedy and a career low for both Megan Mullally and Nathan Lane.

Nathan Lane Lane describes Dicks: The Musical as "a deeply silly, satirical, absurdist, R-rated queer musical based on The Parent Trap," Lane's character Harris, is an elegant homosexual patriarch of two boys whom he and his ex-wife separated at birth unbeknownst to their twin sons.

Megan Mullally remember her brilliant acerbic bitchy character Karen in Will and Grace plays Evelyn an elderly demented mother who's pussy drops off and I don't mean her lap . Grace is the mother of the twin boys trying to reunite their odd mismatched parents back again.

The twins Craig and Trevor are played by Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson who are billed as two gay men playing the difficult role of playing two straight men I suppose that's meant to be a satirical social comment on straight men playing gay characters?

The most offensive characters in this trash are the grotesque pets of Nathan Lane kept in a cage he calls the Sewer Boys .

He explains "I take them into my home, and they're like rescue dogs. I keep them in a cage in my living room," Lane said of his relationship to the Sewer Boys in the film. "And I feed them sort of like a mother bird. They like deli meat, so I chew up ham and I spit it into their mouths. You know, like their mother." Enough said all I can say about this $12 million USD waste of celluloid is I'm glad it's only grossed $1.5 million USD worldwide but I'm sad I've contributed my $14 towards its profits.

Cole Porter , Stephen Sondheim, George Gershwin .Irving Berlin , Jerry Herman would turn in their graves to see what passes as musical comedy today.
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Can I give it lower than 1?
joannejerome10 February 2024
What have we come to? This is the most disgusting piece of x rated garbage we have ever seen. F word in singing every few seconds? Pussy, v.....and offensiveness is throughout. NOW IN SONG? It never ends!

Nothing redeeming. Have our expectations of good movies moved to trashville? Why would Lane do this to himself as an experienced actor? Has the mentality of today's world sunk so low that this is so accepted - apparently ... I see some gave this a 10!

Extremely sad. The more I watched the more it worsened. Surely this is not something that would debut on Broadway. There is nothing redeemable about this film.
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(Un)fortunately it's a love it or leave it.
ensinodeportugues27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One thing you can say about this movie is that it will not leave you indifferent. You will remember it for a long time. It is so weird on so many levels that makes it so perfectly right. It plays on the absurd and offensive in a way that might make you question "What kind of person likes this?" (especially when you do). My advice is don't take it too seriously (it is a comedy) and just enjoy it. Music wise it has great performances. Megan Mullally and Nathan Lane just knocked it out of the park for those who like the traditional musical performance but for those who like the more modern take on it, there is the Queen Megan There Stalion performance that brings everyone to their knees. However despite the fact that I loved it but most people won't.
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"Dicks: The Musical" will change your life.
Sofie-1287 October 2023
Pure genius. You don't get time to recover from the first joke when the next one rolls around. The music is so well written and the cast is phenomenal. Of course Megan Mullally and Nathan Lane were simply brilliant. They are so easy to love and enjoy on the screen doing what they were made for. When the jokes settle, Nathan and Megan's duet: "Lonely" is all you need to see to remember that they are some of the best in the business. The choices that were made are honestly Oscar nominee (at the very least) worthy. Kudos to the boys, Aaron Jackson and Josh Sharp for keeping up with them and creating such a wonderful piece of art. Bowen Yang is so funny and adorable, I wish he had more screen time. And of course Megan Thee Stallion's song was so powerful, she killed it. "Dicks: The Musical" is the cure for all of the world's problems.
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The comedic musical I didn't know I needed
rayannec30 October 2023
What prompted this team to write and produce this? No clue! But I'm so happy they did. I have to say this is either a love or hate situation. Either you are pissing your pants at this ridiculous humor or it's not and you are immediately offended and disgusted. There is no in between. I have to say I went to see this to support Meg thee Stallion in her breakout role, so I did not know what the overall theme of this is, I was shocked out the gate. I don't think I picked my jaw up off the floor but can say I did laugh until I cried on so many parts. The end was really over the top for me, but regardless I loved every minute of it.
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