Roswell, New Mexico (TV Series 2019–2022) Poster


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I had hopes but...
lucretiaholcomb18 August 2021
I have enjoyed this show however Liz is just awful! The actress can not act well. Season 3 I had thought Liz was out of the picture but no... her acting just makes it hard to watch every single time she is on screen.
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Don't compare it and maybe they'll pull it off.
J8888v16 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched the original series through maybe 5 or 6 times since it finished in 2002. The pure emotion you felt between Max and Liz on the pilot just wasn't there this time round and it's gonna be hard to beat that early 2000's soundtrack. I'm still gonna give this version a chance just by no means am I going to compare it and say it's bad because it's different. I'm sure plenty of people who have not seen this original show will enjoy it. At best I will appreciate the subtle references and homage's they will no doubt trickle throughout the show for old fans. The scene where Max heals Liz was such an iconic memory and sadly the CW's version was a little less impactful. I hope I end up enjoying the show overall though. Good luck to the Czechoslovakian sympathisers. Oh and CW, please don't mess this up.
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I'm liking it
orioles118 January 2019
So far Roswell shows promise. My favorite show is the old Roswell and I'm hoping this won't disappoint!
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These characters show the worst of humanity
keithhaugen3 August 2022
The characters in this show a recall self-absorbed and all have the worst traits of humanity. Their priorities are all messed up and their lives, and this the plots, are all surface and nothing below. They are the most shallow and some of the worst characters and people you could know. The aliens are no better, except for the ones trying to save their own species. If they have to get rid of this strain of humans, I am ok with it. I am also going to note the shows writers so that i can avoid watching other shows they work on. If you write what you know, thesecwriters know nothing that is useful or entertaining. Judt whiny surface level garbage.

If I could give fewer than 0 stars I would.
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Don't Compare Past with Present
FLYINGGADGET201416 January 2019
Don't compare past with present.... I really hope you don't compare this to Star-crossed the failed alien/girl love drama show... Comparing reboots to the past is not fair that's where all the crazy dislikes come from they stick to a firm belief that no show will ever be better than the original that love and grew up with... That's why charmed is taking a big hit because the fans that grew up with the original will NEVER in a million years be okay with a reboot. I have never seen nor will I ever see the original charmed or Roswell. The Effects and CGI Sucked in the past.... Some science fiction Classics don't click and some do. The Flash Series 1990's Never Clicked Smallville (2001-2011) Clicked, Still a fan The Flash 2014 Clicked, Still a Fan I could go on what clicked but most every science fiction show I like is in the 21st Century... Also Keep in mind 1 episode does not define an entire series. The First Episode was okay in my book... All we can hope for is each episode to get better as the season goes on... That's all we can hope with a tv show.
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Love The Original and The New Roswell
courtneypedersen27 January 2019
Let me start off by saying that I absolutely loved the original Roswell series. I remember watching it every week and then bought all three seasons of it on DVD. When I saw they were remaking it, I was very hesitant to watch it because I didn't think they could do it justice but in the end, decided to give it a chance. I like that some of the elements are the same but I love that the new series has more to it. It's not just about the aliens or Max and Liz, it has more meat to the story. I love that Liz is a strong female character, she's intelligent and she stands up for herself. I also love that Max isn't inherently good. You see sides of him that make him kind of scary but not in a creepy way. It lends another dimension to the whole alien storyline that was missing from the original. I also really like what they did with the Michael character. I'm sure a lot of people were not happy to see the direction they took him in but I honestly think it fits well. So far I'm not very impressed with the Isobel character and what they did with her. Honestly, at this point, she could be taken out of the series completely and it wouldn't really make much of a difference. All in all, I've watched the first two episodes and can not wait to see what happens next.
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What the?
Calimarina19 January 2019
Not bad. Worth the watch. Don't mind all the conservative snowflakes posting here complaing about the shows politics. Pretty much every CW show contains politics.
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Lost Almost All The Charm Of The Original
djs-2914631 October 2022
Additionally the show is very heavy handed on focusing on stuff like racism, political issues, sexual orientation, drugs, etc. Which isn't something I personally look for to be a huge focal point in a show about aliens.

The show feels like it has too many characters in it making many of the scenes feel sloppy and a forced way to keep a character involved yet many of those plots go no where and end up pointless.

It also seemed pointless to let many of the characters keep the same names. Many of their personalities are so significantly changed as well as their friendships and relationships with each other that they are completely different characters.
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Unconditional love mixed together with a twisty plot about aliens.
Imme-van-Gorp18 January 2023
Season One: 9/10

Season Two: 7/10

Season Three: 6.5/10

Themes: Sci-Fi, Romance, Aliens, Family, Supernatural Abilities, Second-Chance Love, Lgbtq+, Drama, Murder, Government Concpiracies, Love Triangle, Secrets, Latina, Racism, Mystery, Scientists, Small Town & Grief.

Review after season 1: Is this show over-the-top and extremely dramatic? Yes. Did that bother me even a little bit? Nope. I definitely knew what I was getting myself into with this series and I enjoyed every second of the ride. The plot kept me intrigued throughout and the mysteries genuinely kept me guessing. So much was happening here and the rapid pacing made this show super entertaining. And I mean, yes, the characters can be a little simple but the intensity of their love for each other had me hooked anyway. Whether it was romantic love or familial love; this show had both in an unconditional type of way, and I'm a big sucker for that.

Review after season 2: I feel like the show definitely went downhill a little bit. The plot simply wasn't as engaging or entertaining this time around, and it was even slightly boring at certain points. The pacing was slower and it all felt kind of repetitive. It didn't have me fully intrigued anymore and it seemed to be missing some of its previous charm. I also wasn't a big fan of the romance this season. Even still, I did still really like the characters: most of them are very nice and easy to root for.

Review after season 3: Although some of the plot was vaguely interesting and certain mysteries did intrigue me a bit, I still wasn't very entertained by this. The emotions and relationships are definitely missing depth and it's hard to feel very invested in any of it. Everything is all rather superficial and simple. The romance especially has been severely underwhelming and underdeveloped. The main couple simply does not interest me in the least, while the couples that I do like hardly get any screentime. It's disappointing. Oh, and last but not least; I am so sick and tired of everything that has to do with Max Evans. Every single season has been about saving this guy (to the point where it is getting extremely repetitive), but I literally couldn't care any less about him. He's as bland as can possibly be, and whenever he does show a hint of emotion, it is usually in an annoying way. So, when every plotline in this show is somehow about this dude's potential survival, it is hard to stay engaged, since he could literally die for all I care.

Top five characters: 1) Isobel Evans, 2) Michael Guerin, 3) Kyle Valenti, 4) Alex Manes and 5) Liz Ortecho.

Least favourite character: Max Evans.
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I loved it.
tiffanylynch18 January 2019
I feel like I'm the only one who actually liked the first episode. It was interesting and I love the actors. I've never seen the original so I have nothing to compare it to but I enjoyed it.
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frostkatelyn28 February 2019
It's hard to live up to the original Roswell, let alone surpass it, but as long as this new Isobel is being played by the current actress it'll never come close. I'm a diehard Roswell fan, and I ended up turning the show off completely.
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Better than I expected.
stolenpolicebox16 January 2019
So....people watching CW shows really need to realize something. The CW is largely a liberal network. They like to tie their shows in with modern day politics and they like to keep their cast diverse. Roswell New Mexico is definitely a CW show. The casting is strong, Liz Ortecho is a very strong, intelligent woman. No, she isn't Liz Parker, because as much as I adored the original, this is more relatable to me.

Max as a cop is far more interesting to me than Max as a high schooler. How does he resist healing injured people all the time?

I'm fascinated by the change in Michael's character. I remember when Michael and Maria was everyone's favorite couple. I'm interested to see what changes it will have on Maria's story. Can't wait for more.
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Hmmm not sure yet
swacky10123 January 2019
One episode released so far and I will probably continue watching. Not as interesting as the original so far but I was a really big fan of the original so it has a lot to live up to for me. Yes there are some political issues presented in the show -but it is relevant to the current political landscape and it is relevant to the main character of the show. I don't take too much annoyance with this- I find it admirable that they made an effort to incorporate some of the not so pleasant aspects of the American day to day. I think the ratings are sqewed unfairly in the 1's direction as backlash for the political speech (and or as backlash for doing a remake of a well liked show). My advice would be ignore the reviews (because they are overly harsh) and watch the show if you have the inclination. Don't let the haters be the deciding influence.
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Liz is a xenophobic hypocrite!
peterman502110 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with this show is that the main heroine, Liz, is a raging hypocrite. The CW went and rewrote the character of Liz from the original show Roswell to be a Latina. Okay, that's not an issue. Nothing wrong with diversity. However, her father is an illegal immigrant and she has no qualms complaining and worrying about whether or not he will be deported. This isn't much of an issue until she finds out about Max and his siblings being aliens. Then Liz' behavior towards them becomes suspicious, fearful, and borderline hateful. She even starts working on a way to suppress them and their powers. For a woman who worries about her own family facing prejudice for being illegal aliens, she sure is quick to subject others to similar fears and hatred.
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Doesn't deserve a ten... but I wanted to balance some who are voting with an agenda
icymi-3790627 January 2019
I watched this show because I have been a fan of Jeanine Mason since she won SYTYCD several years ago. It's not the greatest show, but I think she does a good job carrying her first lead role and they do a decent job pulling off the fantasy romance genre.

I'm a liberal and I agree that the politics are a little bit too in your face (think they would have been better off with a more subtle, nuanced approach) However, if you take away that aspect, I'm glad at least they are trying to address some important issues rather than having a show completely divorced from current events.

It's better than Twilight so far... and has potential to improve so what I would do is I'd ignore the 10 ratings and the 1 ratings... and look at the scores in between to get a better idea of what the score should really be.
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Not too bad. I'll watch a few episodes.
davefalcon16 January 2019
Before I watched the first episode, I read the reviews. Based on the reviews I should have watched the show, but I thought I'd give it a chance.

The writing was good, as was the acting. Could have been a a bit better, but good first effort. I can understand how the writers, would want to develop the characters, which can make the show a little slow. The same could be said about The Arrow, L-o-T, The Flash, Supergirl, and a host of other shows. They all got better after the first shows.

When reading the reviews, I realized that most of the negative comments were about "the wall". One mention of this and that's all the reviewers could comment on. And the LGBQT haters were out in full force. I know where their "POLITICS" lie. I guess based on these comments that all women should not make any political comments and should stay home, have babies and cook.
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The Right Mix of Nostalgia and Something New
pauljacques-4562017 January 2019
I really enjoyed it. It was the perfect mix of nostalgia and something new. It took a bit to get used to the new cast, but I like them. As far as reboots go, this is a good one. No, it's not like the original. But that doesn't mean it's bad. Check it out. It's worth a watch.
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Not good, but not terrible
breemartell16 January 2019
As a fan of the original I watched the first episode of the remake. Needless to say they took a few liberties with the storyline like changing almost all of liz's background story. Its not clear if they intended to be a continuation of the story or remake with the same character names, either way it's not bad or that great either. I had high hopes after the end of the original felt rushed, but this first episode comes off confused as to what it wants to be. Again, it's not terrible, most of the acting is good including characters from vampire diaries and the originals. It's a typical CW young adult tv show so if you've seen any other CW show you get what you came for. So now I have high hopes the second episode will redeem itself.
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Don't waste your time.
johannarippey16 January 2019
This new version doesn't compare to the original (1999). The original was kitschy, quirky and fun, but also suspenseful. The story is silly, but the original version managed to make it compelling. The acting was good, and the characters were cool. In the original, the writers and actors understood the value of subtle humor in a show about teenage aliens, while still making the audience care about the characters and their journey. This new version is just garbage. The actors and the acting is generic. The production value is horrible. The background music is relentlessly annoying and artificial. The writing is, again, generic. It is not suspenseful, but actually pretty boring and predictable. Don't waste your time. Watch the original (1999) show instead.
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I really Loved this!
teddilgermon17 January 2019
As a massive fan of the original, I LOVED THIS.

The chemistry between the characters is awesome. BIG FAN! Can't wait for more.
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Marieingrid_Kelly17 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of the original series. As a fan of the original series? I came to this show with certain expectations. I mean after all why redo something to make it worse? The original series had aspects that drew me in which included the chemistry and the love story between Michael and Maria (M&M). After watching this, I'm unsure where this is going, I'm a little doubtful I'll get my M&M. I wanted to love this show but the acting was subpar. The storyline was boring and it just dragged on. I'm willing to give it one more episode but if the pilot was any example of what the show is going to be moving forward, I sadly won't be a fan. Signed very disappointed viewer,
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Objective Review
frost-6476814 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The original is among my favorite TV shows. After 17 years, we get a revival in the form of a remake. I was very excited for the show. The trailer looked great. Unfortunately, I gave up after two and a half episodes. The plot moves at glacial speed. Too much focus on a muder mystery from ten years ago, and too much soap opera drama. Everyone's mad, sad, and has secrets. People are too quick to make out and have sex. I thought this was Roswell, with adults? Why do they act like teenagers? Seriously, the high schoolers in the original had greater maturity and were more respectful of each other. The casting is all wrong too. This isn't fun to watch. I kept checking the runtime to see how much longer til it was over, hoping for better next episode.

Try comparing the first three episodes of the original to the first three episodes of the remake. Pay attention to the acting, writing, pacing, and plot versus interpersonal drama.

It's not that the new show is bad, because it's different. It's just badly written. 🤤
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Give it a chance
cmsc17 January 2019
Firstly I loved the original series and it still rates as my fav all time tv show. Sure the New Pilot lacked in comparison to 1999 but I really liked it and can see so much potential with a different slant on the original story. I'm sad that many original fans have given it so much hate with 1/10 ratings. Its really better than that.. Those are emotional votes and I kind of get the loyalty to the original, but lets give it a chance.. I see Shiri Appleby is directing an episode.. If its good enough for Shiri to give her time and support, I hope original Roswell fans will as well.
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Second season is meh
aimeemcaleese15 April 2020
I was in to the first season, but 5 eps in the second season and nothing has really happened. Everyone is just moping around, i get why, but it's boring to watch. The episodes feel like they have a lot of filler and not much substance so far.
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So bad it's painful
mluinstra8 September 2022
I was skeptical at the start with this reboot, especially because it's from the CW. It didn't take very long to be proven right. This show is an absolute dumpster fire just like the new Charmed reboot.

Both reboots push the political agena hard. They focus so much on ticking boxes that they forgot to make a good script, which is the MOST important thing!

Even though I hate when they use shows to set up their soapbox and preach to us on how we should think about various topics and people, I could get past it (if not too preachy) if the show was written & acted well. However, this show (as well as theCharmed reboot) only seem to care about trying to brainwash you and tell you how you should think about various woke topics.

I completely agree that every person should be treated the same, and everyone deserves to live their life however they wish and not fear reprisal from ignorant people. However, when I watch a show, I want to be entertained not educated. I don't want others (who feel their views on life are correct) telling me how to think, even if their views are correct.

The original Roswell was an excellent science fiction story and this piece of trash (the new Charmed included) is a disgrace. The writers (if they call themselves that) should be ashamed of themselves for creating some of the worst crap on television.

If you are a fan of the original then avoid this show like the plague. It's nothing more than a political agenda wrapped in a science fiction bow.
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