Birds of Prey (2020) Poster


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Entertaining at times, but is all over the place
kaneeddy6 February 2020
Birds of Prey: and the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn, is a movie I had high hopes for but it fell flat. I will start off this review with the positive aspects first such as: Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn was a great casting and continues to be where I think she gives a better performance then her one in Suicide Squad, and Ewan Mcgregor plays a decent version of Black Mask. The use of colours and costumes I thought were great and I found some moments of entertainment through some of its action sequences.

However, This film has a lot of problems, most of the performances in this film are very shoddy, especially from Rosie Perez who is a walking cliche' as Renee Montoya (and I know that's what they were going for but it just doesn't work}, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Huntress who gives us some very cringey at times acting, and I think some of this has something to do with the screenplay which I also think is average at best. The humour that they're going for doesn't work at all I chuckled maybe once, and it was the same for my theatre. They also butchered Victor Zsasz which I found extremely disappointing as I was looking forward to his inclusion in the DCEU, the way he was portrayed was nothing like how he is in the comics and it seems like he is just trying to be some knock off version of the Joker. Also why is the film titled Birds of Prey? This is a Harley Quinn Movie, just like the trailers the Birds of Prey are barely in it and when they were they had small glimpses of being cool characters but for the most part they were some of the most cliched early 2000's era superhero characters I have seen since that era.

Overall, I found Birds of Prey to be a disappointment I came into this film very optimistic but got let down, due to the fact that this films writing was just plain bad. If Margot Robbie's and Ewan Mcgregor's performances weren't as great as what they were with the nice compliments of the characters costumes it would have been completely boring and cliched garbage.
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Entertaining but a bit messy.
jgreg-379818 February 2020
Birds of prey shows that DC has finally righted the ship after several early stumbles in this franchise. By focusing on smaller, more personal stories with more personal stakes. Birds of prey is a very entertaining movie, albeit one with some irritating flaws.

Firstly, Cathy Yan directed the hell out of this movie. She really knows how to frame an exciting action scene with nice wide, full body shots to show off the great stunt work. The movies style and colour pallet are very eye catching and visually interesting. Margot Robbie continues to be excellent as this franchises version of Harley Quinn, and Ewen McGregor looks like he's having the time of his life as a sleazy but intimidating villain.

Most of the movies problems for me come from the script. The first half is very messy as the movie bounces around and moves back and forth in a Rashomon attempt that really didn't work and kind of annoyed me. Once an action scene in a police evidence locker takes place though, the movie calmed down considerably and is a lot more watchable. Also, while the other members of the cast and the villain are entertaining to watch, they only have only surface level characterisation, seemingly interesting on the surface, but not really much underneath. Some ardent birds of prey fans may be disappointed in the lack of actual birds of prey, given about 85% of this is a Harley Quinn movie, which leads me to wonder if they side the birds of prey name for brand recognition only.

In conclusion, birds of prey is a fun, colourful time at the movies, But some serious screenplay flaws prevent it soaring to the heights of the DCEU, but it comfortably pitches high above the trainwreck that was suicide squad.
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This is not a "man hating" movie...
melodie_bouchard10 March 2020
Is this a good movie? Not really. Is it a bad movie? Not at all. This is not a 10, but certainly nowhere near a 1. Don't get distracted by everyone saying that's it's a bad film. Go form your own opinion! Like someone in these comment said, too bad some reviewers have a political agenda to push on this film accusing it of "man hating". It's a comic book movie based around a female. In comics, most of the villains are men... so, yeah, I don't know what people were expecting, but she has to beat man!

Anyways, personally I think the movie is bizarre, funny and quirky. Just like Harley Quinn. Also, Margot Robbie is perfect for the role.
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What is people's problem with this one?
tweety_jenny6 November 2020
Overall it's an ok movie. Not the best, not the worst and waaaaay better than suicide squad. It feels like people are hating on this movie just because the main cast is female. There are hundreds of movies just like this with a male cast that people love e.g the Fast and Furious franchise, Olympus has fallen, Taken series etc.

Just enjoy the movie or not for what it is, but don't hate it because it's a female cast.
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Robbie and McGregor are brilliant even if the film suffers a tad at times
iamkeysersoze-132285 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Birds of Prey is another great addition to the DCEU and whilst it certainly has its flaws, I absolutely had a blast with the film

Margot Robbit is perfect and she kills it. As for the supporting characters, they range genuinely are all good especially Mary Elizabeth Winstead who is awesome. As great as Ewan McGregor Is, he feels generic and kinda of a stupid villain although his over the topness does work well. The bad guys are great even if they aren't revolutionary. The story feels fresh and unique in style but if you look at the skeleton of a story, it really isn't anything special. I do love the cinematography and colours, it looks awesome. There are some really terrific scenes here. The action is great and done extremely well (thanks to having Chad Stahleski help), it looks great, shot great and well choreographed mostly. The slow motion doesn't work. Some of it feels brutal and I I that. My favourite action scenes were probably the one in the evidence room and the alley fight. But I do like the funhouse fight cause it's kinda original.

The reason why I like the DCEU is because all their films have different tones unlike the MCU which feel very samey despite being in different having different genres. As far as Marvel Humour Syndrome goes, it does suffer not massively though. It just is a tad cringe at times (only a few), the light heartedness does work a lot of the time, but sometimes it could have done without Overall as great as the film is, It could really use some more depth in the story, other than it is decent. But that being said it still is a win for the DCEU.
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andrewchristianjr12 February 2020
Funny, non stop action, kinda all over the place. Margot Robbie absolutely steals the show.
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Boring and forgettable
Ndetzzz6 February 2020
While Margot Robbie is a good Harley Quinn, the character was not given enough arc. The plot was predictable and mainstream, especially due to lack of a strong antagonist. The main antagonist, played by Ewan McGregor, was not developed and hence did not add significant value to the plot story. Although some of the fight scenes were entertaining, the film as a whole was truly forgettable.
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I don't understand the hate at all
JamesM552130 March 2021
I would like to preface this review by saying I am a massive DC Comics nerd and also a man, so all these guys saying that "only feminist women who don't understand the comics like this movie" are completely wrong.

The hate this movie gets makes no sense to me at all. This is a stylish, superhero comedy with excellent directing, acting and action. The cinematography during fight scenes was just beautiful and the fact that they are allowed to show graphic violence makes them so brutal.

Also, the comedy lands so well. It's so strange to me to see the same people who give Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy high ratings give this such a low one, in my opinion it tops Deadpool in the comedy department.

I would say the only weakness in this movie (for me) was the portrayal of Black Mask, only simply because I prefer his comic counterpart. That being said, I don't mind most of the changes to these characters in comparison to the comics, I thought Margot Robbie's performance as Harley was absolutely fantastic, it really shows of her version of Harley without that awful script that was Suicide Squad. Jurnee Smollett gives such a strong performance as Canary, while I know she is very different in the comics, I liked the different approach to the character. Mary Elizabeth Winstead did a great job, I just wish they had fleshed her out a bit more, but still she was very good and had an intriguing backstory. Ella Jay Basco gives one of the most convincing child performances I've seen in a while, it would be really cool to see her as batgirl one day. Lastly, Rosie Perez was great as Montoya, who I was happy to see finally get a big role in a movie since she plays a big part in many comic stories and the animated series. Comic book movies change characters all the time, I don't know why everyone cares so much with this movie specially.

I seriously do not understand the hate, here we have a movie that doesn't give a crap and is willing to show us some graphic fight scenes with great choreography and comedy which lands and isn't cringy, like in previous DCEU films, and some great performances, and every hates it. I'm 99% sure that this movie is just hated because men have to hate movies dominated by females for some reason. I'm not trying to say this movie is The Dark Knight but it's strong in a lot of aspects and succeeds in what it's trying to be. For Christ sake guys, it's not trying to be the Godfather, why are your reviews so harsh.
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Fun movie!
seanfett13 February 2020
Margot Robbie is the perfect Harley Quinn. Over all BOP was super fun. Great action and great music. Rosie Perez is meh at best. Ewan kills it per usual. I love that they made an R rated comic book film. DC has the balls to do it knowing it won't make as much $$$ which is probably why this is one of the better comic movies to come out in a while. 7/10🖤
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It made me sleepy.
Sleepin_Dragon13 February 2020
I'm glad I had my phone, the first half of the film was so boring, the second part was less boring, but still not great. Margot Robbie is good in the role, and she has some great fight scenes, the trouble is that the remainder of the film is so tedious. Good visuals, the trouble is the core of the film simply isn't there to make anything meaningful.

Ewan McGregor was wasted, isn't there a better role for him out there somewhere??? Surely???? He was a dreadful antagonist, not his capabilities, but the character, did they intentionally make him lifeless?

I can't help but compare it to The Joker, it doesn't compare favourably. It looked good in the trailers, but they literally showed all of the action scenes.

I was expecting to be entertained, but in truth I was bored, and judging by others sat next to me yawning, so were others. 3/10
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I liked it
danielmanson14 February 2020
I liked it. It was entertaining and that's what I wanted for a film. I do get why people are whining about the "men are bad" agenda, but meh. Just didn't bother me in all honesty. Plot: little loose here and there. But it was interesting and kept me entertained. Didn't particularly like the detective character, but the others were great. Overall I liked it.
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A -Completely- Fun, Big " Antiheroine " Romp For { Adults }.. This Film's -Completely- Bonkers💥💣 BUT ..I'm { Still } Not -Completely- Certain What To Quite Make Of It😶😶...
  • Harley Quinn { to Cassandra Cain at the supermarket } : " There's two ways we're getting that diamond out of you ; this.... "
  • ( ..Shows her laxative ) .
  • Harley Quinn : " ...or this... "
  • ( ..Shows her a carving knife ) .
{ Cassandra very " Wisely " chooses the laxative } .

OK, so first , a couple of the ->- { ' Plusses ' } ->- in Random Order . Let me start by saying that this film has an Absolute " Killer 😉❕" Soundtrack . By the time the " Super Phatt " beats of rapper Jucee Froot's ' Danger ' -{ Absolutely }- " Exploded💥💣 " into the already 'frenzied' cinema that I happened to be in ....heralding the funky credits at the end... I was entirely cognizant of having thoroughly {❕} enjoyed the final act of " Birds Of Prey " . Suffice to say that the satisfyingly lengthy & Totally Mad { " Carnival Of Death + Funhouse Mirrors + Ghouls ( Goons ) " } 'Finale' fight sequences, rife with the 4 - { Yes "Four", in that ( -even- ) Cassandra Cain.. the young girl (❕) in the story ...partook in the action } - other female principal actors led by Harley Quinn, in the 'fight of their lives' in Both ' serious & dramatic ' - As Well As - ' meretriciously & lavishly Comedic fashion ' . . . . { More Than } elicited its required response from me. Not to mention the fact that I was able to { -Joyously- } observe ...yet again... that even a ( Seriously 😜 ) 'Wacky-As-Bats' film like this can come packaged with a few Good & Uplifting Ideals mixed in there... 'somewhere' ....{ Eg. Sisterhood, Second Chances, Taking the higher ground -( Even )- if it means risking one's life towards that end .....etc. } .

It became strikingly self-evident... ( to me atleast ) ..Very Early on in the picture that Ewan McGregor's Wildly, Colourfully, Despotically Evil " Black Mask ->- a.k.a Roman Sionis " might just as well have been an amalgam of -{ Both }- 'Harvey Two-Face' -{ And }- 'The Riddler' from Joel Schumacher's " Batman Forever " . Which would put " Birds Of Prey " , by way of a broad, loose aggregate, at a - { Sort Of } - weird cross between -( say )- a 'Batman Forever' ( 1995 ) & a 'Moulin Rouge' ( 2001 ) ; with a generous handful of some of the more Nefarious aspects of -( say )- something like the Iconic 1990 Mafia Classic 'Goodfellas' - { or, for that matter, literally... just about ->- ( Any ) ->- other " Gloriously Profane ⛔ " & - Very - Violent big budget Adults-Only film out there } - thrown into the mix, as well. Now, ' In - And - Of - Itself ' . . . that wouldn't " Necessarily " be a bad thing. But once all those " Rampant { 💥❗} Mf-s and F-s and B-s " - and a whole lot more - start flying around as freely as ever , you { - Seriously - } find yourself being rudely 'Ripped' out of the otherwise 'nice and cozy' comic-book movie " Suspension Of Disbelief " that you might have been experiencing previously . . . . & thrust into what could easily be "Just another huge, messy - { and yes . . Adult } - high stakes action Crime Drama " .

And that brings us squarely to my ->- { Absolute } ->- No.1 Gripe about Birds Of Prey. Let me put it this way. Would it's upcoming ( and very -Obviously- talented ) Director have ' Willingly ' allowed a young daughter of her { -- Own -- } , ( Hypothetically Speaking, Of Course ), to play the part of the aforementioned 'Hopelessly Compulsive' pickpocket ( & product of a 'Horribly' broken home ) Cassandra . . . . Get This . . . . that -- { ⭐⭐ 13 ½ ⭐⭐ } -- year old Ella Jay Basco 👩 plays in the picture. Now to those of you who { -Have Already- } seen the movie ( & pretty much - know - where I'm going with this )... do hear me out. I { - Entirely- } understand that Ella is a 'Professional' Actor just taking a given Character off a page, & bringing her to Life. But I ask atleast the - { Parents Of Young Children } - among you . . . . . . . given - ( All ) - that Ella has to witness & partake in over the course of progression of the whole story : from the Profound Glorification of theft, to the often Profound levels of Outright Bloodletting & Gore, to the - { Very } - " disturbingly " liberal🎈use of Profanity . . . right the way thru said picture . . . ' And All Points Inbetween ' . I mean... could the scriptwriters - Seriously - not have written the part for say an 17-19 year old teenage girl instead { At the very least (❗) } ....with more or less the - { Very Same } - desired effect❔❕. ⭐⭐ Just Saying ⭐⭐ .

Summation : Well, The Film ->- { Most Certainly } ->- Succeeds In Its Attempts To Be A " Non-Stop And Splendidly Chaotic , Almost Psychedelic Kaleidoscope Of { - Vivid 🍭 - } , Vibrant And Mercilessly Unrelenting Mayhem , Colour And Carnage " . . . . . All At Once Reminiscent Of Films Like ' Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ' ( Video - 1999 ) , { - In The ' Purely ' Visual & Stylistic Sense , That Is To Say - } . Yes , That - Is 🌠 - This Troubled Picture's ' Saving Grace ' . . . . . So I'm Giving It A Conflicted Yet Ultimately Decisive 👊🔥 7.50 Marks Out Of 10 .
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A messy movie with some moments of fun
gcarpiceci5 February 2020
If you are not driven by the imperative need of understanding precisely what is happening in your movie, you might enjoy this psychedelic mix of disjointed cool visuals, great music, firecrackers, fragments of good acting... Birds Of Prey is a mess presented in a messy way, it hardly holds together as a story but it offers moments of fun.
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A great all-girls group film, Birds of Prey eases itself up in the sky though meeting some obstacles to finding its worthy predators.
iamianiman5 February 2020
Admittedly speaking, remember there was a time when DC Universe was bashed because most of their movies were directed by Zack Snyder who decided that style-over-substance was more pivotal to making superhero films? Then, came David Ayer with a set of the best movie trailers ever created but the outcome for the anti-hero film, Suicide Squad was at best, a mediocre motion picture.

Now after Shazam!, Aquaman & the masterpiece Joker, DC presents us with Birds of Prey, the fourth entry movie that proves that their tables have pretty much turned around by finding suitable directors for their movies and that they are catching up to compete with the Marvel Universe. No feud here please.

Here's my thoughts on Birds of Prey:

The movie features slick action scenes which complete with very acrobatic-like choreography that constantly pleases the eyes of everyone who are looking forward for femme fatales kicking ass. There are plenty of them to keep you amazed.

Birds of Prey also delivers a vigorous energy throughout, it feels like you are high on drugs. The close-ups feel very intimate yet feel very caricature in a positive way. The quality of cameras & the colour palette capture a reality of life, giving a sense of how rough it actually is, very dark and gritty but... also sometimes sprinkles the dour tone with graciously boisterous and delicate tinted colours. The occasional slo-mo ampes up the already intense energy.

Some of you might have asked regarding the feminist movement. Birds of Prey is a done right feminist film. A key successful factor to driving a feminist film is to create an innate story on women without being pushy on the political agenda. Birds of Prey does that. Another thing is this is not a guy-turn-girl remakes (Yes, I'm watching you Ghostbusters & Ocean's 8). And BOP does not or rarely knocks down the men genes as weak or indecisive. Kudos Birds of Prey!

Now, let's talk about Margot Robbie & Mary Elizabeth Winstead. These two really go beyond the next level to dive into their character as uniquely as possible. Margot Robbie as always should be receiving a standing ovation as Harley Quinn again, after the meh Suicide Squad. She restrains from letting anyone steals her spotlight. If her and Joaquin Phoenix's Joker are caught together in a love story, it will be the best romance movie of the decade. The complexity and different types of deranged personalities they uphold. Wow! Winstead as Huntress is the runner up here, she gives out a hot breeze of aura that it is hard to back away from. Her charismatic sexual energy captures the attention like a bullseye 🎯. Bell as Black Canary is cool, but not as great as the other two. Bella as Cain shows to be mischievous but her character only pretty much follows where the major characters take her.

It also offers decent humour overall. Harley Quinn is consciously great in this, her facial movements contribute a lot! Some are fresh from the oven, others are a bit obsolete but those humours though feel old keep us glued to the screen.

Final battle, the best thing is the lack of unrealistic weaponry that they occupy which makes it all feels so real. It is entertaining and fun too as there are certain scenes that feature a low amount of quick cuts.

Now, the most detectable problem with this movie is it spends so much time on character development of the all-girls group that it forgets that they can excite the audience with the combo pack. An hour later and they are still focusing on so many character devs!

Because of this, the relationship between members of Birds of Prey is very shadowy and leaves an unsatisfied feeling by the end. Like somehow they have been forced exponentially to know and work with one another.

So many developments but they forget Roman's character, the main antagonist which feels quite underdeveloped. When a scene of him pops up especially after 40% of the film, it really wants to tell something meaningful about him, but eventually moves on with it, providing us with a lack of knowledge of what his wholesome embodies.

Hyena & police cop. With a lack of screen time, we do not really see Hyena attacking people at all which some of you might have anticipated. Renee as the cop is one that is really bad at acting, it needs fixing. It is like watching a brick talks with try-hard emotions.

While this centres on supervillains, Birds of Prey fails on the costume design. Not a single character clothes himself/herself as a good superhero model portrayal of a costume. It feels very lazy thus, this however tones down the great energy the movie has possessed. It is so bad that varsity students can design them better.

Verdict: Imaginative & darkly flamboyant, Birds of Prey proves that the comeback of DC is possible, adapting many characters into the big screen as a beacon of call to level itself with the colossal Marvel.
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bankofmarquis12 February 2020
Did you catch the 2016 DCEU disappointment SUICIDE SQUAD with Will Smith as Deadshot and Jared Leto as the Joker? Many people (myself included) thought that that film was "just fine, nothing special" but were impressed with the way Margot Robbie handled the Harley Quinn character and wished for a standalone film that featured the Harley Quinn character.

Be careful what you wish for.

BIRDS OF PREY (AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN) is the answer to that wish and while it is slightly better than SUICIDE SQUAD, it still isn't all that....well...Fantabulous... of a film.

BIRDS OF PREY (which I hear is now being relabeled HARLEY QUINN: BIRDS OF PREY) is produced by Margot Robbie's production company and features an all female lead cast (the villain is a male) and a female Writer and a female Director. Consequently, this is a "female empowerment" film where the self-described "tough chicks" band together to defeat the male villain.

I applaud the effort and the idea behind the movie, but as a film, this one didn't quite work for me.

I start with the main focus of this film - Harley Quinn. This is just not a character, I discovered, that I want to spend an entire film with. She is, at it turns out, a very good SUPPORTING character, but not one that is interesting enough (at least for me) to carry a whole movie. I will give Margot Robbie credit...her interpretation of the character is interesting and that performance kept me focused throughout.

The other Birds of Prey are just as interesting. For the first time in I can't tell you, Rosie Perez did not annoy me in her role. She played earnest, frustrated Police Officer Renee Montoya and I found myself rooting for her when she was on the screen. Same goes for Jurnee Smollett-Bell's interpretation of Black Canary a character I knew very little about and was intrigued (though her "Super Power" was suddenly sprung on the audience with very little foreshadowing - foreshadowing that could have helped). And, finally, Mary Elizabeth Winstead almost steals the film as the revenge-seeking Huntress, a character I really enjoyed and hope I see again (though, I'm learning my lesson - let it be as a supporting character in another film and not her own, standalone film).

So, this film has 4 interesting characters at the top, but the issue is that they don't come together as a team until VERY late in the film (in a finale showdown that was the highlight of the film for me), so I really couldn't tell if there was any chemistry between these characters/actresses. I think there MIGHT have been, but no real sample size to tell.

Fairing less well as a character was Ewan McGregor's one-note take on super-narcissistic Roman Sionis/Black Mask. The character was pretty much in front of you at the start of the film and was still the same one-note character at the end. Also not "doing it for me" was Ella Jay Basco as Cassandra Cain, the street kid that becomes the focal point of the bad guys in the film (and the character the Birds of Prey must band together to save). I didn't much care for this character - or the performance - so I had no real emotional investment in whether or not the Birds of Prey could save her.

The Direction by Cathy Yan is professional and competent and the final showdown does show signs of originality and brilliance. I'll give her credit, she caught my attention with the last 1/2 hour of this film - much more so than she did with the first 79 minutes.

A better effort at this type of anti-hero comic book adventure (certainly better than SUICIDE SQUAD) but the DCEU still has not stuck the landing on this.

I encourage them to keep trying.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
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Silly and Entertaining
claudio_carvalho27 April 2020
In Gotham City, the Joker breaks up with Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) and without his protection, several criminals that have a beef with her hunt her down. When the teenager Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco) pickpockets a diamond that has the account numbers of a fortune from the gangster Victor Zsasz (Chris Messina), who is the right-hand of the powerful criminal Roman Sionis (Ewan McGregor), he put a contract on her. Harley Quinn, Police Detective Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez), Helena "The Huntress" Bertinelli (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Dinah "Black Canary" Lance (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) team up to protect Cassandra.

"Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn" is a silly and entertaining adventure of the anarchic psychiatrist Harley Quinn. The plot is a mess with many silly scenes trying to be funny, but the conclusion is full of action and entertains. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Aves de Rapina: Arlequina e sua Emancipação Fantabulosa" ("Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn")
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Really enjoyed this
steveb6912 February 2020
I've been a fan of Harley since BTAS & thought she was the only decent thing in Suicide Squad.

Think the film shouldn't have really bothered with the Birds Of Prey theme, Just having the film focus around Harley would have worked just as well.

Such a shame that it doesn't seem to have set the box office alight but hopefully the fact that is was filmed on a low budget which it will recouperate will lead to a 3rd one. Harley is DCs deadpool character & that's defo not a bad thing...
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Funny, sexy, and psycho.
Ray310013 February 2020
Have you ever watched a game where the team that won didn't play very well but they won due to one player being outstanding and pretty much just putting his teammates on his back and carrying them to victory?

That's what this movie is like. Everything is pretty average.

Except for Margo Robbie. She was fantastic. She saves the movie. She's worth the price of admission.
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A real disappointment... Incoherent & muddled
atlfitzgerald-163595 February 2020
A dud from Warner Bros. The best thing about suicide squad was Robbie's performance but this vehicle is a disservice to the potential that was there. Robbie does her best but the direction, script and editing are not at the requisite level. An interesting character poorly treated by a very lacklustre script. Disappointing.
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It is a fun action flick calm down
dylanmay_0126 August 2021
This movie is a great time and Margo Robbie is a great lead, the fight choreography is great and there isn't really a boring part. I'm honestly giving it ten stars cause people need to stop hating so much.
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Wild funny and faced paced
noahbetancourt7 February 2020
Good movie. Not the best in the dceu, but not bad. DC has been on the right track since Aquaman. I loved the very cartoonish feel the movie had. Never took itself too seriously. Lots of humor and a decent plot. Fun action scenes and the movie was very fast paced. The way the story is told is definitely inspired by Deadpool, which works in some cases, and doesn't in others. Liked the villains, especially Victor. Cool to seem him on the big screen. Liked how it left Joker out (though I'm a huge fan of him). Hate pop music but the pop heavy soundtrack was actually very good. Cool to see a movie with all those badass woman, but without the overly feminist feel. Overall a good movie but not amazing. The hyena could have been in the movie a bit more.
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jadepietro23 August 2020


IN BRIEF: A disappointing superhero movie that is big, loud, and garish but no fun, despite Margot Robbie's valiant efforts.

JIM'S REVIEW: Most superhero movies either take themselves too seriously or are so tongue-firmly-in-cheek that they lose sight of the plot as they distract with the violent action. Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), a long title for an even longer film, falls into the latter category. The film is a spin-off to the successful Suicide Squad (2016), only this time it focuses on its most enduring character, that crazed kewpie doll killer babe, Harley Quinn, who has been ceremoniously dumped by her beau, Joker. That she is again played by the talented Margot Robbie is the movie's greatest asset.

It sure isn't its disjointed screenplay by Christina Hodson. While the film is directed with assurance by Cathy Yan, the story is a mess, as it volleys back and forth with enough confusing flashbacks, flash-forwards, and freeze frames that one becomes quite giddy from all of the weak storytelling and fancy editing. The narrative structure is comprised of an overabundance of voiceovers and non-stop exposition and so little character development. Their backstories literally stop much of the action and pop up unexpectedly to fill in some bio details, but those personal dramas come off as big chunks of information that upend the logical flow of the plot and interfere with the many random combat sequences. (At times, I began to think that some scenes in the film were missing as Harley is captured one moment and totally free to do mayhem in the very next scene.) A film does not need to be this chaotic to show its own chaos, but Birds of Prey is at least true to itself.

The plot involves a battle over a rare diamond as the MacGuffin, but it is more of a showcase for women empowerment as the female class continually beats the crap outta the male gender. The movie is loaded with highly choreographed fights that are so cartoonish that the movie become unintentionally laughable. One expects Wily E. Coyote to join in the fun. Of course, that never happens...although we do get to see Bruce the Hyena. In all this ruckus, one never feels any semblance of real danger. It's all manufactured violence and exaggerated dance moves. The director seems obsessed with slo-mo techniques and moments of enhanced speed which only serve to show the foolishness of this whole venture. Dare I say the pacing is indeed off.

The actors do persevere. Ms. Robbie is again fine in her signature role, although she has no moments to show any vulnerability as she did in the original source. Here, it's all fists of blood and slapstick comedy. She is joined by her all-girls club which includes the Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), Detective Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez), and Ella Jay Basco as Cassandra Cain, a teenage pickpocket whose fast slight of hand causes an unfortunate chain of events. The primary villains, Ewan McGregor as Gotham City's latest megalomaniac Roman Sionis aka Black Mask and an unrecognizable Chris Messina as his henchman, Victor Zsasz, try to whip up some evil, but they are undone by the contrived and silly script.

Still the movie has a nice look to it. Ms. Yan does know how to create a dysfunctional world, even if the inhabitants are one dimensional figures lost in this DC universe. Kudos go out to Matthew Libatique' atmospheric photography and K.K. Barrett's set design. (I particularly like the funhouse fight sequence.)

Birds of Prey is a failed attempt to mix action or comedy. Just as the mixed-up movie haphazardly stitches together its fragmented set pieces into a frenzied patchwork of ineptitude, it only seems befitting that I conclude this review in the same manner with my final words: may wanna Girls fun have. ain't it (freeze) This.
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Overall an enjoyable film
teja-4937212 February 2020
So I love Harley Quinn and was so excited to see this film and went it to it with high hopes. It did not disappoint. The cast was incredible, each portrayed their character so well, with a great deliverance on lines. Margot Robbie was absolutely hilarious, a truly entertaining Harley. Whoever played the villain did a fantastic job. The actress who played Dinah though is the one who really stood out to me well watching, Full House fans may recognize her as she appeared on the show as a child. The movie was a joy to watch and full of laugh, from the jokes, to the awesome fight scene the movie was overall enjoyable. What Keeps it from being great though is the fact that it's all over the place, which may be intentional since it's Harley who's telling the story, along with the fact that it's not exactly true to the comics but then again how often do comic adaptations stay true? Despite the movie being all over the place it was still quite easy to follow. If you're looking for a funny, girl power sort of movie I'd check it out.
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Pushing the "agenda" the right way
jack_pearson7 February 2020
I don't get the negative reviews at all ! great movie with really beautiful john wick type action sequences but not as over the top as john wick. i'm a guy and i LOVED this film. my only complaint is that there isn't a lot of black mask in the film but it's not a dealbreaker. Lately, we've gotten the "agenda" pushed heavily onto us, in some cases (captain marvel) it's been forced and BOP is obviously in the same lane but it is done so tastefully and masterfully. margot robbie is a phenomenal actress, she absolutely nails the part and so do all the other beautiful women in this film. do yourself a favor and watch it, it's got great humor that isn't forced and really top notch action sequences.
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Honestly entertained
bushidoblazex19 August 2020
I went into this movie not expecting much since suicide squad was such a mess but, I heard the action was good an I've always been a fan of Harley (comics and otherwise) so I gave it a shot. Honestly not a bad movie. I didnt get a sense of 'men are bad' the men in this movie happen to be The villains in most movies are men whats the problem? I know people are going to complain about the "men taking credit for womans work" story line but, really you can think of it as a coworker or boss getting credit for something you do which we all can relate to. So, no I don't think this "feminist" aspect was beaten into your skull but yea it is there.

The action scenes were some of the best choreographed in these types of movies.

Only complaint really is the story can get alil messy but it was trying to do alot in a short period of time and its never messy to the point where you cant follow it or the decisions characters make. I definitely recommend this movie.
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