Curfew (TV Series 2019) Poster


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a bit of Dead Race, a Bit of zombies,a bit of England,a bit of 1984.
surfisfun3 March 2019
At second episodes ,the big question is, when and will Sean Bean die this season ha ha. bit cheesy. bit interesting. I didn't use fast forward button which is a good sign ! probably more of a Guy show. I don't see the point of criticizing Sean wt a young GF , reflect what is going on in real life too.
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Bad reviews unjustified
millsy-6168817 March 2019
The show certainly isnt going to win any Golden Globes but its entertaining to watch and the acting is decent enough. Its worth a watch in my opinion.
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Disturbing and weird - Potential Cult Classic
gringott2 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It seems there are not many parts 60 yo Sean Bean will take a pass on - don't think it is the money so he must love working, period. More power to him. It was a bit disturbing seeing him rub the belly of his "teevee" 14 yo looking preggers girlfriend, but funny after I thought about it. Many other familiar actors here that are quite enjoyable seeing out of their usual typical story-line. So far I have only seen the first episode, but I enjoyed this one so far. Keep it bizarre and I'll be back for more! Gave it a 6 so far but room to move up if it gets crazier.
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If Carmageddon Was A TV Series
azzir_graf7 February 2023
I'm not sure what's up with the negative reviews for this thrilling television series. The combination of zombies, conspiracies, and insane races is nothing short of brilliant entertainment.

There are likable characters who we predicted would win and unexpected characters who are killed off in an instant. The usual twists and unexpected turns in each episode keep you interested. Some viewers may find the occasional flashback scene annoying, but it is necessary for understanding the plot.

Curfew has flaws, and it could have been better with a larger budget for special effects and more time spent on writing. Overall, it's worth your time, and I'd recommend watching it on a weekend night.
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Switched off after 1 minute
iain_green4 March 2019
The first scene tells you all you need to know. Without a doubt the worst car chase scene in TV history. Will not be wasting any more of my life on Curfew
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Unconventional TV
kristianjphiorns13 April 2019
Season one of Curfew was one of the most unpredictable shows I have watched. Yes some of the comedy in the show is over egged (Sean Bean) but in general a half decent program. I will definitely carry on watching season 2 when released.
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Decent if you stick it out
mike-pugh198314 April 2019
I was expecting death race. It's not that though. It's somehow deeper than that but less interesting. I like billy zanes character their whole crew is pretty funny. I don't really understand the hate. My guess is you have just watched a few episodes and not given it a chance. It's biggest problem is it's bit what you think it is, but what it is is ok.
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Complete drivel!
Charland-Reviews24 February 2019
Yet another show on TV that seems to have very little plot and is full of rather warped ideas in order to shock the audience. It has little to no believability or at least no clear sense of rational decision making (sadly reminiscent of the majority of modern day shows put out). The creators and director seem ignorant to the fact that the viewer may just have a certain level of intelligence. Throw in a bizarre and disconnected retro-80s theme, set in 2010s London, and you end up with yet another piece of filmography that is all style and no substance. What makes this even harder to watch is the rather obscure characters with no likeable traits or moral sense of decency, that you just don't care what happens to them. Poor Sean Bean, your talents deserve better than this.

I am like so many other people out there at the moment, hoping to find a decent and well written series to fill the TV void. Well, my readers, once again, this most certainly is not it.
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Totally changed my mind about this.
morrells18 March 2019
It makes zero sense. The storyline is bonkers. The acting is up and down, as is the script. But if you judge this series against so called "serious" sci-fi drama like the Walking Dead then you're doing it all wrong. This takes us all back to the classic sci-fi of the 70s and 80s. Movies like the original Dawn of the Dead, Escape from New York, and oddities like RepoMan and A Boy And His Dog It even has an excellent John Carpenter-esque theme tune.

Tune in, unplug brain, and let the wonderful madness wash over you.
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Easy watching
chrisf-137276 April 2019
Thought this was entertaining and gets better as the series goes on
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Didn't live up to expectations
authentic-277718 April 2019
The trailer looked promising but the series never really lived up to my expectations. Visually, it was pretty good, but poor dialogue combined with unimpressive, sometimes poor, acting let's it down a lot (though the actors were never given much to work with by way of script there were still opportunities to make the best of it and shine but these were never taken). The story and background was poorly fleshed out and never seemed to me to be real. It was never terrible, but I was always conscious that I was watching a fictional drama in which actors were acting and so I could never get lost in the events and never really felt any emotional connection to them or the characters. I was just left feeling nothing, which is not good for an action-horror series. It could have been a lot more. Perhaps it can be with better writers.

I thought towards the end things were improving. One episode I quite enjoyed above the others and thought maybe it just needed some time to get up to speed (pardon the driving pun). Some said give it a chance. I did. Perhaps it did improve a little in that one episode but the ending/final episode itself was the worst of them all. It was a very anticlimactic finish. The script, acting and dialogue became so unrealistic to the point of ridiculous. The writers had a good, but poorly fleshed out, idea for a show (perhaps after watching an episode of Top Gear) but had no idea how to finish it and lacked the skill to write a good ending.
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Vastly Underrated
the_nephilim7111 March 2019
I don't get all the negative reviews, this show is a ton of FUN! I think people are being too uptight and taking the show too seriously. It's meant to be fun not some award-winning, intellectual show. Watch it and have fun with it.
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Utter, utter bobbins!
gb90122 February 2019
It makes absolutely zero sense and I don't know what was more scary: the walking dead rip off zombies or sean beans pregnant girlfriend who was young enough to be his grand daughter?
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Fast and Furious meets Zombies in a Blade Runner setting
jameslafleur-220672 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well that was a wash! Costumes from any 80s dystopian movie, a Zombie virus, a totalitarian state, a way to escape through a life-or-death battle/race, with the cliche-gun set on rapid fire. Protagonists climb out of car crashes not only unharmed but also perfectly styled, the stormtroopers of the evil government do not hit anybody with their spray of bullets but the mom with the cute child. Nerd dad with bright kid, rebellious daughter and sceptical worried wife want to escape it all by joining the death race. Nerd dad wins mexican stand off with the only fixer-gangster in town - on the gangsters own turf! Good hearted female paramedic takes care of Zombie mom at home. Evil Stormtrooper is really evil. The list goes on. The plot does not settle for a theme, a Leitmotiv if you will, instead it just fumbles with this nonsensical mix of a HungergamesZombieTotalitarianStateRaceForTheGreenZone BS while neglecting any character development, depth of character or even likeability of anybody. And why on earth does the 60 year old fixer have a teenage looking pregnant girlfriend? It's not even funny in a trashy, sarcastic, over the top kind of a way, just cheap reheated mush of cliches and faceless single track minded characters. Having said that, a few people seem to be entertained. The Fast and Furious franchise was a success, too, so what do I know, right?
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Don't write it off
lejones-3386410 March 2019
This series is like nothing on TV, yes the first couple of episodes are slow and there is some dodgy special effects and acting but if you want some care free gripping TV this is the programme for you. It's nice to have something excentric characters on TV for a change and the music is great. Could definitely become a cult classic!
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Boreilly117 March 2019
Liked the idea and wanted it to be good but unfortunately another sky show that fails to deliver. Poor character development and parionising story telling at times .. Shocking poor sound as usual from sky. always struggling to hear what characters as saying during show then adverts after the show are clear and too loud. Very disappointing!
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Look on the bright side of dystopia
pjohnson-0662318 March 2019
Update: Having now seen the whole series I have to say it just gets better and better. If you have an ironic and dark sense of humour and can watch an edge of your seat serious dystopian drama that doesn't take itself seriously at all the right moments then you'll love it (you may even join in with the dancing!)

--- original review 4 episodes in ---

C'mon! A zombie inducing pandemic that has its origins in an alt-London, covered up by a totalitarian murder inducing British government, where the only escape appears to be an illegal motor race across the country? Really?

Yep and now we've all agreed it's bonkers - sit back and enjoy the ride. I'm only up to the fourth episode and it's pretty obvious it's marmite - most are either going to love it or hate it. And I absolutely love it.

It's ace in a laugh out loud, gruesome, zombie killing, cameo splattering, human scumbag type of way. The real monsters are, as always, us. Greedy, empathetic, abusive, cowardly - throw in the clichés, they all fit. And put those clichés into several turbo charged machines (plus an old VW camper, an ambulance, a tow truck etc.) and it becomes a dystopian Wacky Races meets Mad Max (with some special effects that could fit into either) rated 18 (R) for a tinsy winsy bit of violence and afters, which made me laugh, wince, jump and become invested in some of the oddballs and the possible fate of humanunkind - and most definitely the dog!

I'm showing my age but the music and low-key effects just add to it for me. We're taking bets (forfeits really - who makes the next cup of tea etc.) on who survives each week. I don't think I can convince anybody who hates it to change their minds but for those with a certain 'joie de mort', who feel we're already hurtling towards the abyss... you might just enjoy the ride.

Go team Awesome!
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mickyhall2 March 2019
A live action Wacky Races without the interesting misfits.
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Could have been good
darrenhunter10 April 2019
Started well with an interesting premise. The start was quite good and led me to believe it would be a light hearted action romp with "zombies" but the later episodes focussed on needless and quite boring flashbacks. Not great
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Reds1233213 March 2019
Not sure what's all the bad reviews are about!😳 ok it's not something the audiences haven't seen before I.e zombies,high speed race.The acting is not bad at all,good actors but I think from the previous reviews,judging a show on two episodes is a bit ridiculous.Give it a chance and then make a judgement.
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Irritating and unlikable
matjackson-0432424 March 2019
Found myself getting hacked off at the constant stupidity of the characters. Forced myself to episide 5 before taking off series link.
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Awesome, simple as that!
oetandstad15 May 2019
This show is extremely underrated. I saw all 8 episodes of the first season in one sitting. Sean Bean as a Psycopath with no social antenna and Billy Zane and his hippie team of Psychologists made the day for for me. Some twists and turns that you might not see coming and while there are also serious elements to the show (mostly in backflash), there is still a lot of action, absurd situations and a lot of laughs. As many have commented on before though, don't take it all too seriously. I hope we get to see more of it! Shiir
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What on Earthis this drivel?
stephenwild-289233 March 2019
I am not going to waste much breath on this review. It is absolutely the WORST modern tv production that I have ever seen. There are some respectable actors in this but did they not read the script and meet the producers/director before they signed on? Sack your agents guys. Absolutely pitiful as a dramatic production.
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What, the hell is going on...?
Mr_Apocalypse10 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
*Contains spoilers*

Some reputable actors in this, I'm not sure if they read the script before signing the contract.

If you're expecting the British version of the early Fast & Furious films, you're wrong.

It's wacky races meets the I am Legend mutants and chucked right into the setting of 28 days later.

The "Racers" (if that's what you can call them) are basically trying to escape London via an illegal street race to escape the curfew system that is in place due to the mutants. On top of the poor plot, there is way to many characters having flashbacks to their past, the special effects are bad and there is no racing.

It's bad.

Give it a miss, I've wasted my time so you don't have to.
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Well that was different.
alex1237523 February 2019
Well I wasn't sure what to expect, but I enjoyed it. Yes it was a bit far fetched, but it was well put together. The acting wasn't bad and there were a few faces that i enjoyed seeing again, Adrian Lester and of course the legendary Mr Bean. I am rating this purely on the first episode (only one aired at the time I am writing this review) but it left me looking forward to the next one and I hope it doesn't go down hill from here. This could be the making of a really decent's hoping.
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