Can You Keep a Secret? (2019) Poster

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Can you watch this without cringing?
RobTheWatcher4 February 2022
The movie started off charming and a little bit funny and different. It quickly ran off the tracks and went down hill with a plot line with no actual development and a love story that was weak. It was super corny and awkward to watch.
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Wanted to like it but SO bored.
MovieQween-336223 February 2020
I thought this movie looked so cute! But this fell so flat for me. There was no script, no chemistry, no connection and no humor. What happened with this? While she hasn't picked the best roles yet, Alexandria Daddario deserved better. It just felt like a complete mess. Please skip if you care about any of the things I mentioned.
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Read the book
kcanasta13 September 2019
The book is one of my absolute favorites. I read it a couple times a year so I expected to be disappointed with the movie just because they are rarely as good. That being said, even acknowledging my bias I have to say the movie came off rushed and shallow. Some of the comedic Elements just came across as flat and it felt like they couldn't decide if it was suppose to be American Pie raunchy or a sweet preteen rom com.

Just read the book. It's amazing. The movie? Don't spend money. Wait for Netflix
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Poorly done...
LiveLoveLead8 December 2019
I can see how the story itself could have made for a great rom-com ( I heard that it was a beloved book) but this film is so poorly done. The whole things seems low budget, like a cheesy made-for-TV movie. The writing, directing, and acting are all horrible. The supporting characters seem so immature and unrealistic. Then they awkwardly throw in several f-words, silly sexual scenes and lewd references or discussions which just don't play well. It's like they couldn't decide if they wanted to do a sweet rom-com or a raunchy comedy so they fell short on both. I'm not a picky moviegoer but this is just not worth the time In My Humble Opinion!
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Relatable, Sweet, Romantic!
pawanpunjabithewriter11 April 2020
I haven't read the book yet, but considering the most gorgeous Alexandra is the actress, I went for it. The ratings doesn't give justice. It deserves sone early six pointers. It's a complete fun movie gets you going right from the start. Cinematographed pretty well. And the roles played by the two are even better. Having not much to expect from this movie, it still gave a lot - some a many laughs , friendship goals, couple goals. Lot to cheer about. A very happy movie. It's an underrated rom-com though not one of the finest. It's very fast paced and will end sooner than you expect. Not a must watch I say, but not a bad try either. It's just fun loving, she's very cute! 6.75/10
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Not Good Enough
PennyReviews15 April 2020
Since I haven't read the book, I can't say if it was well represented, yet something tells me that it wasn't. The story was not only boring, but it can make your eyes roll more than one time. The main character was so insecure that it started getting annoying after a while. I mean, she kept saying to him that he is so extraordinary and yet she is not good enough for him, she doesn't worth anything and stuff like that, and he had to constantly reassure her that she was good enough. And even after what happened, somehow she was on the wrong and had to chase after him? Okay... So, anyway, bad romance, boring cheese script and awful makeup and costumes.
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Started off funny, the got all sappy
Top_Dawg_Critic20 January 2020
Good performances and directing, and I enjoyed the humor at the start, but then the story tanked with a sappy romance story and no laughs.
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Three stars for Alexandra beautiful eyes
claire134515 September 2019
It is boring, shallow, not important and not funny. There is no chemistry between the lead actors. Their secrets are ordinary and I am not interested in them.
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Nice, easy film
emsk-7986817 August 2020
I'm sure people just want to be mad and hate everything, this film isn't that bad but you'd think it was the worst thing ever from some of the reviews.

Yes I've read the book, I think it's unfair to compare the two as the book is always going to be better. I've never seen a film that's better than the book

It's quite clearly a romcom so expectations should be far more realistic. And nit picking about the's fiction. Just switch off and let it wash over you and enjoy, that's what films are made for.
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A clichéd plain film which offers nothing than slow paced cringe Romance.
Vetrrich_Chelvan4 February 2020
Directed by Elise Duran, Cinematography by Autumn Eakin. Both the direction and the cinematography were kept simple. No complexity at all. The camera stands still covering up beautiful portraits like it's a photo shoot and not a film.

Screenplay by Peter Hutchings was lame. Neither did the cringe comedy nor the stuttering awkward conversations strike a chord with the audience. I don't know if he had made justice for the book but definitely not for the producers.

Music by Jeff Cardoni was the only admirable thing in the film. It may not be the best but it's good and not odd.

The cast members Alexandra Daddario, Tyler Hoechlin and others have perfectly acted out their role but what didn't come out goodiin the film is that the pathetic characters they play.

To conclude, Can you keep a secret is a clichéd romantic film that's slow paced and plain with weird characters and cringe comedy.
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Loved it!
ivyks10 October 2020
This was such a cute movie! I don't know why everyone is giving it such terrible reviews! I haven't read the book...I just stumbled across it on HBO. I watched it because I love both the leading actor and actress. They did a great job! I definitely recommend watching for a cute, light-hearted romance.
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A Hallmark Movie With Bigger Stars
davidsask13 September 2019
Nice little date movie for the weekend, Sit back and chill at home most likely. Tyler fans will flock, still has that unique hot look. I saw nothing wrong chemistry wise with relationship in movie. Not reinventing anything for said rom-com genre. 6/10
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Read the book
primcaj16 February 2020
Awful film. They made lots of changes to the book for no obvious reason. Gets one star as I can't give less. Just dreadful.
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shougaa-0951917 October 2019
The worst part of this movie is they spent money to produce it
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functional rom-com
SnoopyStyle10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Emma Corrigan (Alexandra Daddario) is a junior marketing executive for an energy drink and flying home from Chicago after a bad sales meeting. The flight attendant takes pity on her and bumps her up to first class. The plane runs into turbulence. Fearing imminent death, she drunkenly spills out all of her secrets to the hot stranger sitting next to her. She is embarrassed when they land safely on the ground. When she gets to work, she is further embarrassed to find the hot stranger to be her new boss Jack Harper (Tyler Hoechlin).

This starts with a solid meet-cute and a fine premise. Daddario is a hot girl trying to stretch into comedies. She still has work to do but she's showing some promising skills at being awkward. She's not quite there and it would help to have better writing. Hoechlin is a functional romantic lead but he shows little comedic skills. He's better at action or being stoic. At the least, he should try more business casual instead of the non-stop workout casual. When a guy has those pecks, he likes to show them off in a tight T-shirt. The rom-com has a few bumps along the way but generally goes on a predictable journey. There are issues of dating the boss. There are modern sensibilities that the movie needs to be more careful about. My main issue with this movie is the rest of the cast and the directions in general. Some are fine but some are bad. Emma only needs one roommate and Lissy is good. I know what Gemma is trying to be but it's annoying. It's trying too hard. That goes for the workplace. There are a few functional characters but Emma needs only one mean-girl enemy. The mean girl is fine and the work husband needs a better actor. Everybody else is a waste of time. That brings us to the boyfriend Connor. He needs to be a cold corporate type. The hairy butt is not funny. He's too meek. He is basically a nice guy and that's not enough to root against. He's pathetic and the movie wants to laugh at him. That's different from he's a bad person and we want Emma to get away from him. A lot of the problem starts with the directing. It's generally uninspired with moments of bad directing. I can take the uninspired formula but the bad directing stands out. This is a functional rom-com and I like Daddario for the most part.
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saadgkhan4 June 2020
Can you keep a Secret - C (Mediocre)

Alexandria Daddario, Tyler And Laverne Cox are good maybe not great actors. This director honestly should never be allowed to work again after this tedious dud. Alexandria was acting drunk all the time, even when she was supposed to be sober and charming.

Not worth any time, its just dumb.
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Good Movie
Ericbaeker1116 September 2019
I liked this all the way through and can't make sense of the negative reviews, which are sheer gobbledygook!! A nice romantic comedy!
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What Lies Far Beneath the Bottom of the Barrel in Entertainment
leftbanker-114 September 2019
This is not fit entertainment for adults. It's billed as a comedy, but the completely hackneyed attempts at humor wouldn't pass muster on an episode of Sponge Bob (which can actually be sort of funny). People acting awkward and stupid in the presence of their boss, like serfs in a medieval village, is painful to watch.

The premise is paper-thin: some nitwit coward freaks out on a plane because of a little turbulence and spills her guts out to a complete stranger next to her...but get this, he is her new boss! Wow, I just think that idea should have been left on the cocktail napkin it was written on, but what do I know? It was the subject of a book and a bestseller, further proof than most people have nothing in the way of critical thinking skills.

Yet another story that tells us how cool it is to work in marketing and sell crap to people that they don't want and definitely don't need. In about 90% of movies, people are either ad people or lawyers.

The only surprise in the entire film, and something I found hilarious, was the handsome guy dumping her after a few rounds in the sack, telling her she is just too stupid and shallow for him. I'm kidding, I didn't make it to the end.

Every scene will make you cringe, it's that stupid. As I said. it's not fit for adults.
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The book is great- this is not!
kemp528015 September 2019
I literally fell asleep while watching this awful movie. It was so, so, so painfully slow and boring. Such a shame because Daddario and Hoechlin are likeable, attractive actors but they're failed here by a terrible script and very awkward, stiff direction. The script is especially sad because it's based on a fantastic book by the fabulous Sophie Kinsella. Unfortunately the movie has none of the clever humor, fast-paced wit and charm of the book. It's a total cringe-fest. AVOID THIS MOVIE LIKE THE PLAGUE.
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souroray14 September 2019
I read 'Can You Keep a Secret?' by Sophie Kinsella earlier this year. The book was not great. But it was fun, a fun read which I enjoyed very much. But compared to the book this movie is pure garbage.
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One of my favorite books
natbug801 October 2019
For a book to movie adaptation, this was so fun! The book originally came out in 2005 and has long been my favorite Sophie Kinsella book, one that I have reread multiple times because of how funny it is. I think the writers, producers & cast did a great job updating this novel and keeping the fun tone of the book. It is not a serious story. It's supposed to be funny and fun and make you feel a bit uncomfortable on behalf of Emma's character.

I think that those of us who are familiar with the book, understand this and appreciate this. All the haters who are ragging on this movie are really overreacting: what's wrong with enjoying a movie for the sake of enjoying the story?

I read one review that said: "Her secrets are boring". Let me tell you something: THATS THE EFFING POINT!!!! Emma spills all the mundane secrets she keeps to herself, the ones she can't tell anyone because they ARE ridiculous, and she knows it. That's the dichotomy: the secrets that Emma shares in a terrified moment were personal, silly and weird, while Jack's secret is incredibly serious and with it, carries a huge burden.

Obviously, much is left out of the movie. But they hit all the high notes and retained the moments that made the most sense to the story. Casting was perfect, especially Alexandra & Tyler.
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Worth a Watch!
Rachael-Harper20 August 2020
As a fan of the books I like many other reviewers on here was disappointed at how much been removed from the book. I mean sure the basic premise of the story is there but they have missed out all those quirky and fun parts that made us swoon and root for the main character. Having said that, there were times that I laughed at some good parts and Tyler H was well cast as Jack Harper. The sad fact is this had fantastic potential but falls way below the mark.
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Budget deluxe
nellqwell13 September 2019
I've read the book, and I loved it... This one on the other hand, ehhmm... It's noticeable that it's a budget movie. Bad cinematography and poorly acting actually - which is interesting because there are some big names in the cast. OBVIOUSLY a bad director! The story had the potential to become a great romcom, but this was just awkward.
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not what I expected
djmate-209856 January 2020
I read the book from Sophie Kinsella a couple times, and totally loved it. Also I love the lead actors, they're great, but in this movie it was just shallow and boring. They didn't have any chemistry. I hope they have better jobs than this. Or better directors or producers. I don't recommend for anybody.
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Fun and entertaining
Gordon-1129 February 2020
This is a fun and entertaining romantic comedy. The jokes funny, and they got me laughing out loud. The two leads are beautiful and I think they are right for each other. I find this film enjoyable.
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