Emily in Paris (TV Series 2020– ) Poster

(2020– )

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Light and Fun
leanne-elizabeth5 October 2020
Is it the most well written, eloquent, well acted series ever? No. Is it a light watch that is easy to check in and out of with fantastic colours and set design/ costumes? Yes. I enjoyed this in a time where I don't want to be reminded of the Covid Global Crisis, politics, the crap weather and other depressing things going on across the globe.

The characters are quite fun. The storyline is easy to navigate. The set and colours are beautiful. A lot of criticism around the wardrobe on Vogue Instagram but I thought they were fun and pretty.

It's mindless and distracting from reality. Perfect. What more could one want from a series right now?
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Enjoyable Escapist Romantic Comedy
violevalery6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the two seasons of ¨Emily in Paris¨ in 5 days on Netflix. The episodes run smoothly and are fun to watch. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and I loved Emily's colourful, daring outfits, which reflect her cheerful personality. I found Lily Collins' acting very good; she is funny and I totally disagree with people roasting her skills. The series is loaded with very ackward situations that Emily has to go through, which become the source of the comic element in the story. I think users who seem to be so offended by this tv show should really chill off and re-watch this series doing away with their own prejudice towards this American production. As a non-American and non-French viewer, I really don't think that the series looks down on the French and their culture. If you reach the last episode of Season 2 you will see that there has been a change of mindset in Emily and her attitude totally differs from her American boss's attitude. Also, behind her supposedly shallow surface she has developed strong feelings for the people their and the French culture. Emily is very open-minded about becoming friends with people of different ethnic origins, so I don't think this is a racist story at all. At the end of episode 2 it is the American culture that is much more under criticism than the French. So I think you people just need to relax and enjoy this entertaining story. Is not realistic? Maybe not, but who said Romantic comedies are a portrayal of real life? They serve the purpose of giving us a relief from the drama of real life. So I think that purpose is definitely fulfilled.
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Lot of cliché but still funny
quentinballan4 October 2020
I'm French and yes there is lot of clichés in the show, it may be a bit annoying when this is overplayed but to be fair, even if in numbers the cliché are mostly on French, the authors do not avoid to put some on Americans too (shouting instead of talking, not able to dress up without a lack of taste, etc.). Moreover what I found interesting in this show (and apparently my fellow country mans didn't noticed it) is the fact that when there is a cultural difference to settle, this is not a " Merica is always right so think as we do". Both are giving their point of view and explain it.

Overall, the show is quite nice even if lot of things are not credible, and I would put a 8 stars if clichés were a bit more nuanced (ex: yes we know that there is less working hours/per week than in US but come on, nobody starts a 10:30 AM and take a 2h lunch break at restaurant every day).

To conclude, this is not the tv show of the year, but still nice to watch. If you're not French, keep in mind that this is not a true reflection of France, if you say "bonjour" we're not that rude ;), and if your French, chill-out a bit, i know we are a proud of being French and very chauvinist but come on, what is showed is somewhat halfway true and keep in mind that authors try to do it in both ways with superficiality on US social media etc...
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Well, I like it and I'm French. So there!
juju-9622420 January 2023
Wow, this innocuous little sitcom gets quite a pasting from the imdb crowd! I wonder why?

I find it odd that so many reviewers, the majority of whom are presumably American, are getting their knickers in a twist over it to such an extent. 'How DARE this American girl roll up in Paris, without any experience of the language or culture, and proceed to make a series of social gaffes in every episode?! And THEN, to make matters worse, she posts pictures of herself eating patisserie on Instagram! This is OUTRAGEOUS - and symptomatic of EVERYTHING THAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD!!!'

Well, get over yourselves, it's a sitcom, not a treatise on the dangers of US cultural imperialism - and don't forget that the French once had a powerful empire too. It's a classic 'fish out of water' scenario, it's meant to be light and fluffy, and it's raison d'être is to poke fun at social mores and the clash of cultures, against the backdrop of Paris at its most appealing. If you're not into any of these things then why are you even watching?

Points against: I hate Emily's clothes, although I appreciate that she's meant to be a bright, brash contrast to the likes of Sylvie. Also I'm on series 2 at present and concerned that it's all going to be relationship shenanigans and not much else. But series 1, for me, was a 10. And Lily Collins is great.
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Shallow and stupid
antonijaargent3 October 2020
Main character is just annoying and for anyone outside of America this is just stupid. How on Earth is someone supposed to like and relate with ignorant social media expert that has a personality of a cartoon character.
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Absolute trash
hanaahbraan19 October 2020
Seen it all before a million times. France made to look awful through a fake and ignorant lens of petty cliché. Utter nonsense. This production insults the intelligence of Netflix subscribers.
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They did Alfie dirty!!!
ademosutimilehin25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This season was great overall, until like the last 5 minutes with their "twist." I was so livid. What was that? They basically made Alfie play second fiddle for the entire season only for her to still have feelings for Gabriel?

Before you say it, I know, t'was obvious she had this will they won't they thing going on with Gabriel but when she was fussing about not getting introduced to Alfie's family, I thought, "okay, she's finally moving on" only for her to resume the rat race with Gabriel. This is why I hate romance shows, I mean, WTF.

And Camille, I have a lot to say. I get that Gabriel was at fault for not giving her the attention she needed but she was so annoying all season. I felt she could have communicated her feelings better at least. And she didn't have to act as dramatic as waiting until the middle of the wedding to break up. She also didn't have to let Emily's relationship go down with hers.

But Idk, deep down I guess we all know she'd end up with Gabriel, but I'm still angered at the fact that they made Alfie open up like that just for him to get heartbroken.

I loved Mindy the most this season, she brought the energy, dialogue, vocals, friendship and everything else. She might have just been the reason I finished, Sylvie too.

The outfits were on point as always. Luc brought the comedy and I think he deserves more screen time.

What's up with Julian. I get that Emily is always giving main character energy and stealing the spotlight but she's a good listener and it's nothing you can't solve with communication. He's probably leaving the company and that's fine, I'll miss his sass tho.

As for Benoît, I dunno what he was thinking, leaving without a word and coming back hoping Mindy was waiting for him, life goes on bruh.

I don't think there's going to be another season, and if there is, I'm not ready to see the Gabily ship stall for another 10 episodes.
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Nothing deep, but fun to watch
arlindazhegu-2765319 October 2020
I enjoyed it. A chick flick, full of cliches, not deep, but fun and entertaining. I binge watched it while I was feeling sick. I needed something fun that doesn't require much concentration, thinking and analyzing. It was good and inspiring in general.
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Very fun, sweet & entertaining
lvdr1727 February 2022
I've found myself laughing out loud, smiling so big, and replaying those sweet but simple scenes between Emily and Gabriel more than any other romcom show I've watched. This show is definitely not some deep, dramatic, life-altering, Academy award winning Paris love story, but it is extremely fun and light-hearted to watch. Perfect for an easy, mindless night winding down after a days work :) The French cast (Luc, Julian, and Sylvie) are scene stealers and just add so much flair and color to the show, they're an absolute delight watch. Overall, this show doesn't take itself too seriously, knows how to have fun, and I honestly just love watching it.
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In 2020, still a Paris imagined by Americans
fainatan6 October 2020
  • Critizing French people for giving 'male gaze' in the ads, while laughing at the age of Brigitte;
  • Every French man thinks about going to the bed with you since you're pretty?
  • Every girl that comes to Paris SHOULD go have sex randomly if they spend time in this most romantic place in the world?
  • French people are conservative, ignorant, insulting foreigners in the face;
  • Finding a Korean actress that does not speak mandarin to perform a Chinese, with bunch of "american chinese girls" as her besties;
  • Emily has not made any improvement in her French, nor in her dressing style, from episode 1 till the end. This sucks.

I'm not French, but that's definitely not the Paris that I'm living in.
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A lovely way to start the weekend
hennatui2 October 2020
I love this show. It has a great cast and an amazing storyline. The show's fashion's just incredible. The city's filmed a lot and it certainly does make you wanna go to Paris immediately. I don't care how truthful the show is cause it's like a good rom-com that shouldn't end at all. This is a show that puts a smile on your face!
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qromaq24 December 2021
First Kyiv not Kiev. Its mispronounced.

Second Ukrainians are not the same as mentioned in this tv show, that is really wrong.

It seems that filmmaker's didn't spend much time on designing all things in this tv show.
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Patronising twaddle
daveellis-3089711 October 2020
Do Americans realise how they come across when they produce patronising twaddle such as this? Shallow and awful.
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Ringarde ! Just saw season 2
anya-arakelyan23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I saw season 2, I had quite some expectations maybe that's why I am so upset but the season two was a complete failure! Here is my recap:
  • some scenes looked like they were filmed from first year students
  • most of it was boring without a real story going on... sorry not sorry
  • a bit of this, a bit of that nothing really finished properly
  • the follow up of Emily and Gabriel was simply missing
  • what happened between Emily and Camille was out of any logic ! Camille made such a scene on Emily's birthday, called her fake friend and two episodes later they are bffs again .... Wut?

  • some guy showed up in Emily's life but then he left ? His presence in the series was completely pointless and he had 0 contribution to the plot and the events that followed, Emily wouldn't be with Gabriel since she was feeling guilty for Camille
  • Sylvie - she is married ??? Where is the story of that ?

  • And sorry not sorry but if Emily can afford her clothes how come she is living in this tiny apartment and not just getting something proper, clearly she has the money.

  • and last but not least... let's sleep with a guy and then do everything possible to get him back with his ex. They tried to make it as Emily and Gabriel have actual feelings for each other but that did not look like it on screen... looked more like a fling, so her attempt confession at the end was pointless out of place and felt like "here's a reason to have season 3"
Actually this was complete waste of time. Even the ending was stupid.... Hope there is no season 3 after this failure, should have stopped after season 1.
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It is what it is SO ENJOY.
tullytom2 October 2020
Lily Collins lights up the screen.Set in wonderful Paris this show has a marvellous vibe.It is not Game of Thrones but it is fun,and boy do we need some fun.
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It's a devil wears Prada rip off
annierosser8 March 2024
Well, I am partly enjoying it..but then realized it is basically a drawn out version of devil wears Prada- same fashions, same mean boss woman, same bitchy office politics, and if you listen closely enough- also the same background music they used in the original movie.

The main high point is Gabriel (obvious reasons really ; ) but the series lacks realism- the main character is dripping in designer outfits yet rents a very average apartment. She somehow manages to befriend her narcissistic boss and invites her to parties. She's allowed to speak English at work when everyone else is talking in french. Literally every guy she meets seems to want her. Who actually buys this?

Also, I dont know French people but they are not represented in the nicest way- made to look philandering and full of secret agendas, whilst Emily is made to look like the sweet little innocent amongst them.

The actress, Lily Collins, is amazing..but the story is so cliche and feels just like another Andy sachs adventure .
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Funny, beautiful, breath of fresh air
toniogirbal2 October 2020
A few episodes in and loving this show. I'm originally from France and while many aspects are cliche for comedic effect, a lot of it is actually accurate. Some really clever observations of the French culture. Plus beautiful shots of Paris, and Lily Collins who's stunning. Entertaining, relaxing, and quite informative.
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great American show in Paris
beretdu752 October 2020
I am a born and raised Parisian, so I expected to watch another bad show/film about Paris. There are still many clichés about the French and Paris, but there are also a lot about the Americans and the USA. The French are mean and rude for the Americans because the French are in my opinion less hypocritical ;) and the Americans are "ringards" because you cannot compete with the French sense of class. In the end, it is more a reality than a cliché. Emily made on each outfit at least one fashion mistake!!! But that is how it is supposed to be!

Everyone did a great job on the show. It is really rare to watch an American show with so many details about the French culture (or about another that is not American). I even started to think it was French with some American actors.

I did not want to give 10 stars because sometimes the characters spoke in English to another although they were both French. For example Antoine and Gabriel spoke in English although Emily was not around. It is a typically mistake on American shows and I think they tried avoiding it but not enough ;)

I binged the show in one day, so I would definitely recommend Emily in Paris!
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Enjoyable easy viewing
eleanorwarne2 October 2020
Watched it in a day. Loved it even though it was predictable but almost every romcom type show is. Thought all the actors did a great job and the social media spin made a nice change.
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A simple, easy-to-watch romcom
duster-134 November 2020
I don't understand why is this show attracting so much hate. Sure, the show is making jokes about French and American stereotypes, and nothing is real - all French in the show speak amazing English with very little French accent. And the job is too easy, and the lead actress seems to be too lucky, and so on.

But come on, it's not a thriller or a documentary. It's a different genre and within this genre you don't have to show reality as close as possible.

Occasionally there were some jokes that made me lough and the image in general is pretty good with some nice Paris views. It's very light, there is no aggression or violence or hate or negativity of any kind in this TV show which is a plus as well

I think it's an okay mainstream TV show
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wasted potential
martymillman5 October 2020
This was advertised as Sex and the City (in Paris), but it is nothing of the sort. Lily Collins is a great actor, but her character is basic white girl caricature. Everyone is a caricature. French people are mean and smoke too much. You will just meet your new best friend on a park bench. Every man is hot and going to hit on you. The show was so cringy I couldn't believe what I was watching. It felt like a CW show with a larger budget, then I found out the show was originally set to premiere on MTV. With the toned down language and idealized view of the world, this show is probably great for tween girls who want to put themselves in Emily shoes. This is no Sex and the City.
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So much fun! Even my husband loves it!
Similovesmovies3 February 2023
I'm totally perplexed by all the bad reviews. This is one of my favorite shows. If you're expecting it to be based on reality then you just aren't getting it. It's supposed to be ridiculous and over the top, and it's supposed to be a dramatic, funny train wreck. When I watched the first season my husband just being in the room got totally sucked into it. He thinks it's brilliant and his family is part French. He's also a writer by profession and we both agree it's amazing how much story they can tell in 30 mins when so many shows can go an hour or more and not move the story along at all. If you want something fun, witty and a bit crazy this will hit the spot.

For those that find offense in this show that's meant to be ridiculous means you're taking life way too seriously and you might need to chill out a bit. If it's not your kind of humor, fine move on, but don't go knocking it and ruining it for all those that find the joy in it because it's not based in strict reality for you. You should probably avoid Fantasy, Sci-fi, ROM-com, adventure or things like Telenovelas too at the very least, I'm sure there's more.

There's very few lighthearted shows that are just fun to watch, this is one of them. And I really hope it gets at least one more season to close out the storyline.
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Enjoy it, don't over think it!
lizwolking29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OMG it's a silly fun RomCom set in a beautiful city! It's not Yellowstone! Enjoy it for what it is! The only reason I am writing this is because I can't believe how much effort some of you put into hating it!

The outrageous fashion, the countryside, the singing by Ashley Park is outstanding and the silliness of it all! It makes me laugh, smile and often shocked me with some of the over the top.scenes like the one with Kate Walsh hooked up to two breast pumps!

The men are beautiful and hot! What's not to like? In the third season the food prep/plated dishes for the opening of Gigi where incredibly beautiful! I don't know who did these but they were Michelin Star quality for sure.

It's an entertaining show and I would recommend it simply for the smile it will put on your face! Don't over think it!
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Potato chips
theweffy17 October 2020
This show is potato chips. Tastes ok, no substance or nutritional value. I call these shows my hair drying shows. Not good enough to watch with my husband or really pay attention. I watch while I dry my hair or put on makeup. I think the main character is very pretty and I enjoy her outfits. And of course everyone she meets is hyper attractive and equally groomed. So watch for some eye candy and silly scenarios. It definitely takes you into a different (not super believable) realm where you can just keep popping those potato chips and relax.
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I Cannot Decide The Level Of Horrible
How incredibly narcissistic is this dingbat that she truly believes she holds the keys to unlock all that lies before her? In real life, being this obnoxious, needy and self-absorbed doesn't endear you to anyone, least of all, your boss (or whatever the woman is), and it certainly doesn't get you clients unless you're a prostitute.

I gave it 7 episodes, as the 1st was like-able enough, but after that it all went downhill- with the possible exception of Mindy, Luc and Julien- the rest is just a hot mess of vanity and self righteous indignation that's too insufferable.
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