Raised by Wolves (TV Series 2020–2022) Poster


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7.8/10. This story must be told, a TV network must pick it up
athanasiosze10 March 2023


For the love of Sol, isn't there a TV network to pick it up ? This story must be told and completed.

Aaron Guzikowski has a vision. I believe that, if his story wraps up, this tv show will look better, in retrospect. I mean, right now, it seems kinda flawed/confusing/chaotic, there are a few unanswered questions and some events are difficult to comprehend. However, it seems to me that he knows what he is doing. The story is not so vague as it may seems. Many questions were indeed answered by second season's ending. It would be a shame if RAISED BY WOLVES don't get an ending.

Right now, i don't know if i should recommend it to someone. Any scifi fan will feel frustrated if he spends so many hours and finds out that RBW got cancelled. But this is a very good scifi tv show. There are mysteries to be solved, there are worlds to be discovered. There is vivid imagination, shocking moments, tension, twists and surprises. Well acted too. It's not easy to build such an interesting and bizarre world, sci fi tv shows can become ridiculous if they are not meticulously planned and written.

I can't rate it higher before i watch the end of this journey, there is always a chance that i overestimate this. I hope to find out soon.
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Why can't they conclude a decent plot?
FA-BWP8 June 2022
Raised by Wolves has interesting plot. Second season has good story but lot of stuff left for next season in the last episode. Now we are told that the show has been cancelled.

The show runners have no respect for the audience who watch a season, wait for 1-2 years for next season and when they are really into the plot someone pulls off the plug. It is really awkward and unworthy for a network.
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Good Sci-fi Series!
Rob133129 September 2022
Raised by Wolves is such an underrated sci-fi show. I don't think HBO Max did a good enough job promoting it because not enough people have seen this. It's about the world being torn apart by humans because of religious belief differences. Two androids are then tasked with taking and raising human children on a mysterious unknown planet. It just got canceled with a bunch of other shows because of the HBO/Discovery merger and also how expensive the show is to make so it's only two seasons long, but those two seasons are pretty damn good though. If you're a fan of sci-fi then give this show a chance. You won't be disappointed.
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anonima-9356513 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This has been an amazing sci-fi series and i have watched it twice.

So many questions need to be answered with a season 3 and beyond.

22B is a very mysterious planet and i would love to know it's origins and history.

I love Travis Fimmel who is a fellow Victorian, he is such an amazing actor and his character left us all on a cliff hanger at the very ending of the last episode of season 2.

Credit goes to Amanda Collin who is simply fantastic as Mother. She plays the role of an android aka Necromancer perfectly.

Abubakar Salim who plays the role as Father is so good, he is an amazing actor and the expressions he displays with his eyes alone is superb.

I really hope to see a season 3, we need to see Selina Jones as Grandmother play itself out. There is so much to look forward to and hoping we hear some good news from the creators in early 2023.
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Cursed HBO for cancelling the show
ixap20 July 2022
This is the only good show HBO max made and they have cancelled it after 2 seasons.

Overall a good sci fi to watch which is beyond imagination. Needs to he completed this series.
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Started so well and then ..... oh dear
neilbrown-409381 October 2020
I love sci fi. I love aliens. I love ridley. And I love anti religion series that make you think. It started so well but by the end I was left confused where it was going. And then the finale. Man, I had to look at reviews to understand what the hell happened. The androids are great - really stole the show. The kids less so. Travis is just Ragnar in space. Such a shame that the ahow started so well and ended in a mess.
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Still can't believe it's cancelled
Dennis_D_McDonald6 January 2023
Definitely one of the best SF TV series ever made but certainly not for everyone. Weird story line, great acting, bizarre physical environment, some really terrifying moments. Also it's great to see religion treated as an important plot point in such a creative fashion. So many unanswered questions! What is apparent in every episode is the creativity displayed in even minor physical details. Normally one would see a story like this is a long SF novel which the reader would be justified in asking, "How the heck would they ever fim this while retainaing the main ideas?" Yet, here it is. I doubt that anyone else will pick this production up given the state of the world economies and hate that the cancellation will be viewed as a warning to others not to press the envelope too hard.
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Season 1 - a season of two halves
munro01419 February 2021
As many have already noted Esp. 1 to 4 are some of highest quality TV show I had ever seen. They set the bar so high. I had bought into the dystopia premise, I was engaged and engrossed by the bleak narrative set out by the first 3 episodes and invested in the both sets of protagonist's and what they would do next. However from Esp. 5 all of those threads unraveled . I like challenging thought provoking sci -fi however It genuinely felt like the last few episodes hadn't been storyboarded. ( which I'm sure they where ) It was as if the director / screen writer didn't even considered " Are we taking the audience along with us" ? After all that, I still recommend watching it.
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Very, very upset HBO canceled this show.
phillipschepp26 December 2022
HBO has canceled some of its best shows well before their time: Rome, Deadwood, and now Raised by Wolves. Apparently production costs are too high in relation to how many viewers the show brings in. In my opinion this is ludicrous since Raised by Wolves was canceled before I even got a chance to view season 2. I loved this show almost as much as I loved Alien and Prometheus by Ridley Scott. And as far as HBO shows go, I thought Raised by Wolves has much more potential than most HBO shows. Maybe not as much as Game of Thrones, but not too far off. What a huge mistake canceling this show was. I need to look up the name of the new guy at HBO who decided to slash costs, so I know who to hate.
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Something original during an era of remakes and repetitive storylines
kierran894 September 2020
If, like me, you've been looking for something truly original and thought-provoking, this is the show for you.

Aside from the great CGI and very high production value, the storyline is intriguing, suspenseful, and makes you think about some core elements of humanity and relationships that, when you think about it, aren't really that farfetched when the reality of humans setting up a colony on Mars could happen within our lifetimes.

I'd also recommend ignoring some of the bizarre 1 star reviews on here. Reading through some of them, it seems as though most of these people dislike the sci-fi genre in general, not just this show.

I've given it 9 stars so far because the first 3 episodes were amazing but 10 stars should be reserved for something truly epic. I imagine I'll be coming back when the season ends to upgrade it to 10 stars.


Wow, dropped this from 9 stars to 6.

So much potential turned into...what? I have no idea what this show is trying to be. The last few episodes were a drag to get through.
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Why I went from a 1 to a 9 ...
stephen-435-7419649 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers


For the first 2 episodes I thought "Looks like we have something good here", and then it seemed to start to slide into an incomprehensible mess.

By episode 6 I was about to pull the pin. Sure, sci-fi is speculative fiction, but the test is whether or not it makes sense according to the rules set up by its own story. And whether or not it makes basic science sense.

But once we cross into "Android is having a baby" territory, it really is seeming like wishful fantasy crossing into the world, with a touch of Pinnochio ... can the android have a real child !?!

But I stuck with it until the end of the season and I am so glad I did. The entire first season is a setup that is giving us the initial glimpses through the crack in the door into the full picture, and once you are done you will feel like backing right up and rewatching from the start to understand all the hints and snippets we were given along the way but didn't realise what they were about.

SPOILER - The unstated story as implied by what has been seen to date:

"Sol" is likely the fiery entity at the centre of Kepler-22. On this planet there was an advanced civilization of humans that developed android tech and other advanced tech. For reasons unknown (likely influenced by Sol and Sol's ability to telepathically communicate with the local humans) the civilization used androids as incubators to birth snakelike creatures (ref: Mother's visions of the android tapped inside the dodecahedron box, with android fluid dripping from its mouth ... which is what we subsequently see happen to Mother). The jewel encrusted skull Mother finds is an ancient android skull.

Speculation: In the distant past some members of that civilization escaped Kepler-22 and relocated on Earth, and were what we believe are Neanderthals.

Sol transmitted to Earth the tech data needed to build androids, especially Necromancers like Mother. This information was received and presented to the world as religious scripture and led to Mithraism as the dominant religion rapidly displacing other religions because it was "evidence of god". The zealotry also inspired the religious war that pitted Mithraists again Atheists. There is a neat possible clue here - the phrase "Praise Sol" is an anagram of Polarises i.e. believers vs non-believers.

Sol's message to the faithful was to kill all unbelievers and come to Kepler-22

In the meantime, Campion the android hacker used instructions to modify pre-Mother on Earth to be receptive to software instructions that would enable her to combine silicone and carbon compounds within her torso and artificially create a new creature - likely instructions received by the scriptures. We are told at some point that Campion used live with the Mithraic.

Now it all falls into place:
  • Humans come to Kepler-22 and some of them are telepathically receptive to
  • Sol because we are all descendants of the original inhabitants of this planet.
  • Sol wants Mother to birth a snake and is able to affect her programming via influence through the sim pods.
  • The giant dodecahedron in the desert responds to Caleb's needs because both it and Caleb are receiving messages from Sol.
  • Other humans, and also Father, see fleeting figures of the past because they are being telepathically influenced by Sol.
  • Native Hooded priest dude leaves metallic "tarot" cards for Mother to find.
  • Because Mother is of Mithraic tech, the cards respond to her but she doesn't understand the warning.
  • Paul finds the cave painting of Mother and Father's ship landing, and the subsequent giant snake - another warning that is not understood.
  • Mary's reading of Mother's amniotic fluid makes her realise that whatever is growing inside is growing abnormally fast.
  • Hooded priest dude realises Mother doesn't understand the warnings so as a last resort rushes to push her into the hole. But fails and dies.
  • Mother finds the android skull, recalls her vision of the trapped android being forced to birth a snake, and realises too late that she is an unwitting vessel of something bad and gives birth.
  • Mother and Father aim to save the children by destroying themselves and plunge into a hole. This, and other holes, lead to the centre of the planet and they pass through the fiery core unharmed because Sol won't harm the snake child ... for reasons we don't know.
  • Mother and Father pass through to the other side of the planet and the snake escapes ... as super-snake.

With all of the above unpacked, I am really looking forward to Season 2. This is the most ambitious sci-fi we have seen brought to TV since The Expanse.
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Wasn't sure but now wanting more
gtkjkre18 March 2022
I really wasn't sure where this series was heading after season 1, so I started season 2 with some trepidation. However, the weirdness and complexities in the storyline really have me hooked. It's been so fun digesting it with other fans. I'm going to watch it all again to pick up on the hidden messages that I've missed along the way. I really hope it gets renewed for season 3 and beyond.
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All over the place
Acid_Reflex1 October 2020
Without creating spoilers, I would say this series starts out really strong and then gets really silly by the end with the characters becoming just stupid enough to keep the series going to an even sillier somewhat cliffhanger ending.
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Good start,ridiculous ending
nikthefreak2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first episodes are good,but the things go wrong with the last episodes. The story with Sol is exhausting and the scenario become very problematic. The last episode is totally crazy. The series lost its purpose and lost a big opportunity to become a good series overall.
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Sci fi series that goes beyond with its theme.
cruise016 November 2020
Season 1 (4 out of 5 stars).

Good series. It is weird, beautiful, and well sharp direction that keeps it interesting. The plot is good. It dives into science and religious themes. Especially when characters go over faith territory. Great cast ensemble. The music score is good. Cinematography and set locations are impressive. Kind of reminds me of Prometheus. It does have some slow moments. But very good with the story moving.
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Great Sci-fi!
Supermanfan-1314 February 2021
All I can say about Raised by Wolves is Wow...what an awesome show! It really is one of the better new sci-fi shows to come out in a long time. The acting, writing, directing, cinematography, etc., etc. are all amazing! Ridley Scott is the executive producer with Travis Fimmel as the lead, if that right there doesn't make you want to see this then I don't know what will? I can't wait until Season 2!
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Don't tempt me HBO
soger2 October 2020
I've abandoned many shows before they crashed and burned and I will do the same with this one too! For a show with such an interesting premise and such strong start it went downhill pretty fast with all the mysticism nonsense and then the season finale was a big mess. I suppose they wanted a great cliffhanger but they overcooked it. So at this point my position is that I'll watch a few more episodes from season 2 and if it doesn't get better very fast I'll abandon it.
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It's Weird. I like that.
lghedges3 September 2020
Cinematography is great. Music is great. Acting is pretty good. Story is weird. And I mean it's weird to the point where it's original and not disturbing. It's really good if you want an original sci-fi that has un original characters. We have had robots, we have had alien monsters, we have had religion vs non religion and we have had other worldly planets. But Raised By Wolves has that all in one and it works!

Weirdly enough.
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Great show but absolute bonkers
jxcdej4 February 2021
This show starts off brilliantly. The first few episodes are great and hook you in. The second half of the season is less effective. Characters make strange, inexplicable decisions that contradict their actions in previous episodes. This makes it a rather frustrating watch. Overall, it's worth sticking with and the last episode definitely whetted my appetite for a second season. If you enjoyed Prometheus/ covenant then you will enjoy this. Feels like an unofficial alien sequel.
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A Feast for cerebral SciFi fans
nancyldraper24 October 2020
This is a feast if you are a cerebral SciFi fan (attested by the many YouTube videos dedicated to explaining it). It has an intelligent premise. The casting is perfect (Amanda Collins owns the screen) and the performances are nuanced. The locations are eerie and very otherworldly. The tension is well calibrated and the mystery is complex and haunting. Two warnings: don't watch this if you have a snake phobia and don't expect the season to resolve the mystery (the season finale actually leaves us with more questions than answers) but I think you, like I, will be left with a hunger for more. I give this series a 9 (superb) out of 10 {SciFi Thriller}
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Creepy, edgy, science fiction at its best
amesmonde14 September 2020
Androids Mother and Father flee Earth to settle on the planet Kepler-22b. However, when their mission doesn't go as planned, Mother shows that she is not the same as Father when confronted with threats - both human and unhuman.

Ridley Scott's Raised by Wolves is pretty mesmerising. Expands on the Artificial Intelligence themes of Blade Runner and Alien. It's edgy with high production values from the outset. Although the music, topography and holographic technology aesthetics mirror those in Prometheus and Alien Covenant, Raise by Wolves has it own identity. Scott's touch and DNA is all over the screen elevating it to another level.

Actor Amanda Collin's Mother is one of the creepiest and most dangerous memorable AI's to grace the screen. But Abubakar Salim steals many scenes as likeable Father. Travis Fimmel is a welcomed addition and there is more to his character Marcus as the episodes proceeded.

The visuals are outstanding for a television show, following in the footsteps of the likes of Game of Thrones and Westworld. Yes there's alien creatures and dangers on Kepler but the triangle of conflicts, namely AI, atheists and faith deliver plenty of drama. There's story twists within the welcomed metronome pace and there's plenty of nods to other science fictions littered throughout, even a (possibly unintentional) homage of sorts to Class of 1999 in the 2nd episode with the medic robot.

It's scary, emotional and intriguing, the apocalyptic flashback imagery echo The Terminator. Like many TV shows that have explored AI and religion, Caprica; Westworld, Battlestar Glacticia and Almost Human to name a few Scott's offering has its own memorable legs. Highly recommended.
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Season 2...
jemkatkitty14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I find it very annoying that the antagonist always seems to win, no matter what.. even though he's a human, he has now survived multiple times he should have absolutely died.. and was basically teleported to the tropical zone despite being 3,000 miles away.

I'm all for villains.. but make it make sense. The Trust doesn't check it's team when driving billion dollar equipment? I hardly believe that.

Marcus can survive acid oceans? Sure.

Marcus now has the power of an android? Sure.

Paul is suddenly a little twerp with knowledge that he would have never know? Sure.

Everyone needs to go warn Marcus of the incoming attack? Uh huh.... Right.

Why would the trust even have Mithraic people in their midst, knowing how brainwashed and ridiculous they are about their pretend religion?

I hope logic makes a come back in the upcoming episodes.. because I just cannot stand the nonsense that's going on right now.
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Hard to imagine a way to make this even better
GIJoel625 November 2022
I was so pleased to discover this gem.

There are two equally wonderful looking environments on this faraway-from-Earth planet. One is the stark, arid, mostly rocky area on which our stranded family of refugees crash-lands, where they create an orderly array of shelters from a bare-bones terrain that offers precious little in the way of building materials. And eventually they come to the second where earlier successful colonists landed intact and unfolded clean modern structures with comfortably rounded edges amongst a tropical paradise.

Then there is the story and the scripts. There are marvelously introspective scenes written for both the android parents and the human children, great dialogs and great monologues for all. They explore various important aspects of the mental and social evolution of human and humanoid species.

Special effects are as good as you would expect them to be from Ridley Scott. And thankfully, they are also few and far between as the focus is deliberately kept more on the characters, their development and interactions.

Finally, the cast is terrific. Not a lot of known names in it, but the unknowns shine. Travis Fimmel is thoroughly and appropriately creepy, altho you do have to frequently overlook the fact that he is the only cast member who has a noticeably American accent while the rest have noticeably UK accents. And it's easy to forget that minor quibble when stunning Amanda Collin is onscreen as the fierce and usually decisive lioness Mother droid, or when Abubakar Salim brings his gentle humor to the ethically thoughtful pacifistic Father droid. Niamh Algar is both tragic and heroic as the human medical officer; and Winta McGrath is brilliant as the boy being asked to grow into adult skills and responsibilities and understanding of the worlds he came from and has been thrust into far sooner than most boys usually are. The rest of the child cast is also excellent.

If all that is not enough for you, yes, eventually, there is also a version of a dragon.

It's easy to fall in love with this story and these characters whether you are a fan of the sci-fi genre or not. Enjoy.
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Omg that ending
danedanee15 October 2020
This series is pretty great, amazing even, up until episode 6. Then it goes slowly downhill, culminating with an ending that's both contradictory and senseless. I really did not like this ending, and I ended up feeling like it's pointless for me to watch a second season. A big waste of amazing characters!!
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High hopes dashed
wadegerrits1 October 2020
I have watched 10 episodes.

This show started strong with an interesting premise and high production value. Unfortunately the story seemed to become incompressible in an obvious attempt to be outside the box and thought provoking. There are a lot of plot holes here ranging from the behavior of the androids, to Travis Fimmel's inability to act in any way other than Ragnar Lothbrok.

Overall I found this show to be cringe, boring and nonsensical, and I am an avid fantasy / science fiction fan.

Watch it to kill time, but not if you are looking for something good.
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