Get Jax Cafe emails and texts

We are proud to offer a variety of special offers and promotions only to our email list throughout the year and would like to share them with you.

For reservations, please visit the Make a Reservation page or call us at (612) 789-7297.


1928 University Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55418

  • Hours

    Weekend Brunch Seating Hours:
    Saturday and Sunday 10:00AM -1:30PM
    Lunch Menu Seating Hours:
    Friday Only: 11:00AM - 2:00PM
    Happy Hour (Bar Only) Seating Hours:
    Wednesday to Sunday: 3:30PM to 6:00PM
    Dinner Menu Seating Hours:
    Wednesday to Saturday 4:00PM to 9:00PM

    Sunday 4:00PM to 8:00PM

  • Contact Info