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Dr Daniel Staetsky

Senior Research Fellow and Director of JPR's European Demography Unit

Contact: [email protected]

Dr Daniel Staetsky

Senior Research Fellow and Director of JPR's European Demography Unit

Contact: [email protected]


Daniel holds a PhD in Social Statistics and Demography from the University of Southampton and a Master’s degree in Population Studies from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is the Director of the European Jewish Demography Unit at JPR. 

Before joining JPR in 2012, Daniel worked as an analyst at RAND Europe, as a research fellow at the Southampton Statistical Science Research Institute and as a coordinator of migration statistics at the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel. Daniel’s work has been widely published and covers the topics of demography, survey methodology, social statistics and the quantitative study of antisemitism. During his time at JPR, he has undertaken work for numerous clients, including the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the European Jewish Association, Lauder-Chabad, Partnerships for Jewish Schools and Langdon. 

Daniel is passionate about the popularisation of demography and numerical thinking. His blogs at The Times of Israel, Jewish World in Data and Demography of Israel use demography and statistics to analyse contemporary social and political realities, and his YouTube videos on Jewish demography are watched by tens of thousands of Hebrew-speaking viewers. 

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