
Our Mission and Vision

Kennebunkport is “special”.
This is a statement that many have used to describe the certain characteristics of Kennebunkport that encourage people to move here, or stay for decades. Although our town is known for its scenic vistas, beautiful beaches, and postcard harbors, when questioned further, most people define Kennebunkport by its people.

The mission of the Kennebunkport Heritage Housing Trust is to sustain Kennebunkport as a year-round community by providing housing accessible to working families and seniors.

Our vision is a Kennebunkport that is a vibrant, multigenerational, diverse community where citizens raise their families, support our schools, volunteer with their neighbors, enrich our workforce, and contribute to our treasured quality of life.

We will achieve our mission and vision through the dedicated efforts of our board and staff and  with the support of residents, the business community, philanthropic funders, and public resources that share our vision. We will join our fellow local nonprofits in being a trusted member of the community and a valued steward of the public’s trust by creating and sustaining attainable housing.


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