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Since the summer of 2020, KMUW has led an effort to collect, digitize and preserve audio and video materials from across Kansas. The goal of the Kansas Public Media Archive Project — dubbed “Save the Waves” — is to quite literally save historic recordings from obsolete formats before deterioration makes preservation impossible.

These historic television and radio programs are accessible at americanarchive.org and the Library of Congress.

Largely unseen and unheard since they were first broadcast, the materials digitized through Save the Waves are the first from Kansas added to the American Archive of Public Broadcasting at the Library of Congress. The Kansas collection consists of programs produced by KMUW, High Plains Public Radio, KPR, KPTS, KRPS, KHCC, KTWU and Vietnamese Public Radio. Torin Andersen, KMUW’s digital archivist, collected and organized the material. He continues to oversee the transcription process of the thousands of items from across our state.

Transcription Repair Volunteers Needed

The software used to transcribe these historic files is not perfect, and that's where we need your help. KMUW is looking for volunteers to help correct grammar, spelling and punctuation on these digital transcriptions.

Here is an example of the media KMUW is preserving. In the audio below, Wichitans Ron Walters and Carol Parks Hahn share their experience participating in the 1958 Dockum sit-in.

Save the Waves Dockum Sit-In.mp4

Click here to see a quick example of the process. This can be done entirely remotely. The only requirement is that you have a gmail account. No experience required. There is no set time commitment; just contribute what you can, when you can.

KMUW's digital archivist Torin Andersen will be available to answer any questions and would happily meet with you via Zoom to get you familiar with the project. Please contact [email protected] to learn more.

To see the Kansas Public Media Collection, visit the American Archive of Public Broadcasting.