First Command Financial Services, Inc.

First Command Financial Services, Inc.


Fort Worth, Texas 36,677 followers

Get squared away.

Consider First Command for your second career. Your Active Duty, Reserves or National Guard military experience makes you an ideal candidate.

At First Command, we value the work ethic, leadership skills and personal accountability forged in the military.

Our Mission

At First Command, we are committed to coaching those who serve in their pursuit of financial security. The mission-driven focus, teamwork and commitment to service that are inherent in military life are not often replicated in a civilian career. But they are an integral part of being a First Command Financial Advisor. The valuable skills and ability that you have built throughout your service are the primary skills we look for in our Advisors.

Learn More About First Command Careers

A second career with First Command will keep you connected to the military community

The camaraderie and bonds you shared with those who served with you throughout your military career helped you form significant connections. And, as a First Command Financial Advisor you can continue to stay connected to the military community in a most meaningful way. You will be adding value to the lives of members of the military community by helping clients pursue their financial objectives and goals.

Gain Professional Experience While on Active Duty

First Command has partnered with the Department of Defense and Hiring Our Heroes to assist with a smooth military transition to civilian life. Our internship programs emphasize professional development and help match your skills with private sector positions so you can find the best fit for your next career – all while you’re still on active duty.

Learn More About Our Military Internship Programs

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