Terence Grennon

Terence Grennon

Creator & Manager

View articles by Terence Grennon

Whether the standard of living and stock ownership were better in the 1950s than today is a complex question with no simple answer.

Whether the standard of living and stock…

January 13, 2024

California Senate Approves Major Climate Bill, Requires Companies to Report Carbon Footprint

California Senate Approves Major Climate…

September 15, 2023

EV Sales Are Up

EV Sales Are Up

September 9, 2023


White House Designates $3 Billion Towards Climate Resilience

White House Designates $3 Billion Towards…

September 1, 2023

Renewables Hit Record Led by Solar

Renewables Hit Record Led by Solar

August 24, 2023

U.S. Solar Industry Adds $100B in Private Investments

U.S. Solar Industry Adds $100B in Private…

August 17, 2023

Two New Carbon Dioxide Purification Projects Start

Two New Carbon Dioxide Purification Projects…

August 12, 2023

The White House Proposes a Rule on Sustainable Products and Services

The White House Proposes a Rule on…

August 8, 2023

Biden Announces an Increase in HydyoEnergy Investment

Biden Announces an Increase in HydyoEnergy…

July 29, 2023


The Issue With Emissions

The Issue With Emissions

July 20, 2023

EU to push for fossil fuel phaseout ‘well ahead of 2050’ at Cop28

EU to push for fossil fuel phaseout ‘well…

July 14, 2023

Chemical recycling has advanced significantly

Chemical recycling has advanced significantly

July 11, 2023


Do ESG funds offer lower returns than regular funds?

Do ESG funds offer lower returns than…

June 22, 2023

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Peak Oil Demand On the Horizon

Peak Oil Demand On the Horizon

June 16, 2023

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Copper’s Demand is Forecast to Be Well Short of Supply

Copper’s Demand is Forecast to Be Well Short…

June 16, 2023

Investing in Desalination

Investing in Desalination

June 9, 2023

Water is Central to Our Global Crisis

Water is Central to Our Global Crisis

June 8, 2023

Another Leg-Up in Fusion Based Power Development Occurs

Another Leg-Up in Fusion Based Power…

June 3, 2023

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IEA Report: Global Clean Energy Investment Outpaces Fossil Fuels

IEA Report: Global Clean Energy Investment…

May 30, 2023

A New Battery Has Broken The Big 3 Barriers

A New Battery Has Broken The Big 3 Barriers

May 25, 2023

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