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LSOHC FY2010 Accomplishment Plans

FY2010 Final Appropriation Language and Accomplishment Plans

M.L. 2009, Chapter 172, Article 1, Section 2

Subd. 2. Prairies

(a) Accelerated Prairie and Grassland Management (Final)
$1,700,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources to accelerate the restoration and enhancement of native prairie vegetation on public lands, including roadsides. A list of proposed projects, describing the types and locations of restorations and enhancements, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. To the extent possible, prairie restorations conducted with money appropriated in this section must plant vegetation or sow seed only of ecotypes native to Minnesota, and preferably of the local ecotype, using a high diversity of species originating from as close to the restoration site as possible, and protect existing native prairies from genetic contamination.

(b) Green Corridor Legacy Program (Final)
$1,617,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Southwest Initiative Foundation or successor to acquire land for purposes allowed under the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 15, in Redwood County to be added to the state outdoor recreation system as defined in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 86A. A list of proposed fee title acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each proposed acquisition. No more than five percent of this appropriation may be spent on professional services directly related to this appropriation's purposes.

(c) Prairie Heritage Fund - Acquisition and Restoration (Final)
$3,000,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Pheasants Forever or successor to acquire and restore land to be added to the state wildlife management area system. A list of proposed fee title acquisitions and a list of proposed restoration projects, describing the types and locations of restorations, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each proposed acquisition. To the extent possible, prairie restorations conducted with money appropriated in this section must plant vegetation or sow seed only of ecotypes native to Minnesota, and preferably of the local ecotype, using a high diversity of species originating from as close to the restoration site as possible, and protect existing native prairies from genetic contamination.

(d) Accelerated Prairie Grassland Wildlife Management Area Acquisition (Final)
$3,913,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources to acquire land for wildlife management areas with native prairie or grassland habitats. A list of proposed fee title acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(e) Northern Tall Grass Prairie National Wildlife Refuge Protection (Final)
$1,583,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to acquire land or permanent easements within the Northern Tall Grass Prairie Habitat Preservation Area in western Minnesota. The commissioner may advance funds to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. A list of proposed fee title and permanent easement acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. Land removed from this program shall transfer to the state.

(f) Bluffland Prairie Protection Initiative (Final)
$500,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Minnesota Land Trust or successor to acquire permanent easements protecting critical prairie and grassland habitats in the blufflands in southeastern Minnesota. A list of proposed fee title and permanent easement acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(g) Rum River - Cedar Creek Initiative (Final)
$1,900,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Anoka County to acquire land at the confluence of the Rum River and Cedar Creek in Anoka County. Acquired land must remain open to hunting and fishing, consistent with the capacity of the land, during the open season, as determined by the commissioner of natural resources. This is the first of two planned appropriations for this acquisition.

Subd. 3.Forests

MN Forests for the Future / Upper Mississippi Project, Phase 1 & 2 (FINAL, main report is pages 1-27, total report is 699 pages)

$18,000,000 in fiscal year 2010 and $18,000,000 in fiscal year 2011 are to the commissioner of natural resources to acquire land or permanent working forest easements on private forests in areas identified through the Minnesota forests for the future program under Minnesota Statutes, section 84.66. Priority must be given to acquiring land or interests in private lands within existing Minnesota state forest boundaries. Any easements acquired must have a forest management plan as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 290C.02, subdivision 7. A list of proposed fee title and easement acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The fiscal year 2011 appropriation is available only for acquisitions that, by August 15, 2009, are: (1) subject to a binding agreement with the commissioner; and (2) matched by at least $9,000,000 in private donations.

Subd. 4. Wetlands

(a) Accelerated Wildlife Management Area Acquisition (Final)
$2,900,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources to acquire land for wildlife management areas. A list of proposed fee title acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(b) Accelerated Shallow Lake Restorations and Enhancements (Final)
$2,528,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Ducks Unlimited, Inc. or successor to restore and enhance shallow lake habitats. Up to $400,000 of this appropriation may be used for permanent easements related to shallow lake restorations and enhancements. A list of proposed easements and projects, describing the types and locations of easements, restorations, and enhancements, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each easement, restoration, and enhancement.

(c) Accelerate the Waterfowl Production Area Program in Minnesota (Final)
$5,600,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Pheasants Forever or successor to acquire and restore wetland and related upland habitats, in cooperation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and Ducks Unlimited, Inc. or successor to be managed as waterfowl production areas. A list of proposed acquisitions and a list of proposed projects, describing the types and locations of restorations, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(d) Reinvest in Minnesota Wetlands Reserve Program Acquisition and Restoration (Final)
$9,058,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the Board of Water and Soil Resources to acquire permanent easements and restore wetlands and associated uplands in cooperation with he United States Department of Agriculture Wetlands Reserve Program. A list of proposed acquisitions and a list of proposed projects, describing the types and locations of restorations, must be provided as part of he required accomplishment plan.

(e) Shallow Lake Critical Shoreland (Final)
$450,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Ducks Unlimited, Inc. or successor to protect habitat by acquiring land associated with shallow lakes. A list of proposed acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each proposed acquisition.

Subd. 5. Fish, Game, and Wildlife Habitat

(a) Outdoor Heritage Conservation Partners Grant Program (Final)
$4,000,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for a pilot program to provide competitive, matching grants of up to $400,000 to local, regional, state, and national organizations, including government, for enhancement, restoration, or protection of forests, wetlands, prairies, and habitat for fish, game, or wildlife in Minnesota. Up to 6-1/2 percent of this appropriation may be used for administering the grant. The funds may be advanced in three equal sums, on or after November 1, 2009, February 1, 2010, and April 1, 2010. Grantees may protect land through acquisition of land or interests in land. Easements must be permanent. Land acquired in fee must be open to hunting and fishing during the open season unless otherwise provided by state law. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each proposed acquisition of land or interest in land. The program shall require a match of at least $1 nonstate funds to $10 state funds. The nonstate dollars match may be in-kind. The criteria for evaluating grant applications must include amount of habitat restored, enhanced, or protected; local support; degree of collaboration; urgency; multiple benefits; habitat benefits provided; consistency with sound conservation science; adjacency to protected lands; full funding of the project; supplementing existing funding; public access for hunting and fishing during the open season; sustainability; and use of native plant materials. All projects must conform to the Minnesota statewide conservation and preservation plan. Wildlife habitat projects must also conform to the state wildlife action plan. Priority may be given to projects acquiring land or easements associated with existing wildlife management areas. All restoration or enhancement projects must be on land permanently protected by conservation easement or public ownership. To the extent possible, a person conducting prairie restorations with money appropriated in this section must plant vegetation or sow seed only of ecotypes native to Minnesota, and preferably of the local ecotype, using a high diversity of species originating from as close to the restoration site as possible, and protect existing native prairies from genetic contamination. Subdivision 10 applies to grants awarded under this paragraph. This appropriation is available until June 30, 2013, at which time all grant projects must be completed and final products delivered, unless an earlier date is specified in the grant agreement. No less than 15 percent of the amount of each grant must be held back from reimbursement until the grant recipient has completed a grant accomplishment report in the form prescribed by and satisfactory to the Lessard Outdoor Heritage Council. As a condition of proceeding with this appropriation, the commissioner shall report on the feasibility, process, and timeline for creation of a Minnesota fish and wildlife foundation, to be modeled after the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and on the possibility of allowing for the administration by this entity of the conservation partners grant program. The legislative guide created in this act shall consider whether this program should be administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the commissioner of natural resources, or some neutral third party.

(b) Aquatic Management Area Acquisition (Final)
$5,748,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources to acquire and in fee title and easement to be added to he state aquatic management area system. Acquired land must remain open to hunting and fishing, consistent with the capacity of the land, during the open season, as determined by the commissioner of natural resources. A list of proposed fee title and easement acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(c) Cold Water River and Stream Restoration, Protection, and Enhancement (Final)
$2,050,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Trout Unlimited or successor to restore, enhance, and protect cold water river and stream habitats in Minnesota. A list of proposed acquisitions and a list of proposed projects, describing the types and locations of restorations and enhancements, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each proposed acquisition, restoration, and enhancement.

(d) Dakota County Habitat Protection (Final)
$1,000,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Dakota County for acquisition of permanent easements. A list of proposed acquisitions must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(e) Lake Rebecca Water Quality Improvement Project (Final)
$450,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Three Rivers Park District to improve the water quality in Lake Rebecca in Lake Rebecca Park Reserve in Hennepin County. A description of the activities to enhance fish habitat in Lake Rebecca must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

(f) Fountain Lake Fish Barriers (Final)
$655,000 in fiscal year 2010 is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with the Shell Rock River Watershed District to construct fish barriers at three locations on Fountain Lake. Land acquisition necessary for fish barrier construction is permitted. A list of proposed projects, describing the types and locations of barriers, must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan. The commissioner of natural resources must agree to each proposed barrier.

Subd. 16 Sec. 7 Forest Protection Reserve
$2,000,000 is appropriated in fiscal year 2010 from the outdoor heritage fund to the commissioner of agriculture to identify, prevent, and in consultation with the Forest Resources Council, protect Minnesota forests by rapidly and effectively responding to the threat or presence of plant pests. The commissioner may access this appropriation if sufficient resources are not available from state, federal, or other sources or if the commissioner determines that sufficient state, federal, or other resources will not be available to the commissioner in time to effectively prevent the introduction or spread of tree pests and avert environmental or economic harm. Up to $125,000 is available immediately to the commissioner of agriculture to update the state's invasive and exotic tree pest plans by addressing the role of all stakeholders in preventing the introduction or spread of invasive pests, responding to and containing outbreaks, and remediation. The commissioner shall work in consultation with the commissioner of natural resources, the Forest Resources Council, and the Forest Protection Task Force and provide quarterly reports on findings and recommendations to the governor and the appropriate legislative committees. The reports must include recommendations to ensure that a coordinated and effective response network is in place to protect our forests. The commissioner of agriculture may transfer all or part of this appropriation to the commissioner of natural resources and shall award grants to local units of government or other entities.