Person-Centered Planning

Photo of smiling woman

Everyone has a right to work, live, love, have fun, and do what they want in their community.
Person-Centered Planning puts you at the center of deciding what a good life looks like for you.

What is Person-Centered Planning?

Person-Centered Planning means you are the expert in your own life and what your good life looks like. The Person-Centered Planning process listens and learns about what is most important to you:

  • What to do and how to spend your time. You might work, learn something new, volunteer, pursue hobbies and interests, or a mix of choices;
  • Who to have relationships with and how to be involved in chosen communities;
  • Where to live and with whom; and
  • How to balance health, safety, and risks.

When Person-Centered Planning works, you have more chances to make choices.

Some of the choices to think about in your life include:

Community Engagement
Communication & Advocacy
Home & Housing
Lifelong Learning
Social & Relationships
Health & Wellness
Safety & Security

Creating your Person-Centered Plan (PCP):

The goal of the Person Centered Plan (PCP) is that you decide how to get or keep your good life. Your PCP lists the steps to take to meet your goals.

You will work with your Case Manager/Care Coordinator, guardian (if you have one), and any other people that you want to help you. These people are your Planning Team. Some questions you may want to think about for your meeting are:

  • Where do you want your meeting to be held?
  • Who do you want to invite? Do you want to send out invites?
  • Do you want to lead your meeting? Do you want help leading it?
  • Do you have topics you want to talk about?

Icon of the LifeCourse medallionCharting the LifeCourse (CtLC)

Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) is a way of thinking that can help you with planning. It can help you ask questions to find choices, options, and experiences that you may want in your life.

Tools to Support Developing a PCP

Just as there are many tools in a toolbox, there are many tools that can help you create your PCP. 

The Office of Aging and Disability Services thinks Charting the LifeCourse tools work well with the  PCP process. You and your Planning Team may use these tools and any other tools you like. 

The Life Experiences Series helps you think about questions at different times in your life. Download Life Experiences Quick Guides here:


Focus on Transition to Adulthood Quick Guide


Focus on Adulthood Quick Guide


Focus on Aging Quick Guide

Personal Profile: Planning works best when you can tell others what is most important in your life. You can use a One-Page Profile (PDF) to tell others what matters to you. You can take this with you and share it when you meet with people. The Personal Profile helps others understand what to pay attention to and what works best for you

Life Stage Trajectory: Using the Life Stage Trajectory (PDF) form can help you think about the goals or experiences you want. It can also say what you know you don’t want. The space around the arrows can be used to list current or desired experiences to help guide you to your goals. Click here for a Life Trajectory Tip Sheet: an overview of how and why to use this tool.

Integrated Supports: The Integrated Support Star helps list the supports you have now. It asks you to think about other supports that might be helpful. These supports might be relationships, technology, personal strengths/assets, supports anyone in the community can access, and others based on eligibility (such as waiver services). Click here to download the Integrated Supports Star Tip Sheet: an overview of how and why to use this tool.

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Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Resources:

Grievance/Advocacy Resources:

Advocacy Groups:

Supported Decision Making:

These tools help you think about where you might need decision making support. They will also help you plan for what your choice looks like and how it can happen.

If you have questions about person-centered planning please email [email protected] .