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Betti kóshiriw

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Moving a page and the translation is 18% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
PD Eskertiw: Bul betti ózgertkenińizde, siz CC0 astında óz úlesińizdi qosıwǵa razılıq bildiresiz. Qosımsha maǵlıwmat ushın Ulıwma ortalıq járdem betlerine qarań. PD

Betti kóshiriw (atamasın ózgertiw) oǵan basqa at beriwdi ańlatadı. Bul bet joqarısındaǵı "Jáne" tabınıń "kóshiriw" ámeli járdeminde ámelge asırıladı. Eger siz sistemaǵa kirmegen bolsańız, tab kórinbeydi. Keyin jaysha jańa attı kirgiziń hámde "Betti kóshiriw" túymesin basıń. Ádetde siz "Baylanıslı talqılaw betin kóshiriw" ámelin belgilep qoyıwdı qáleysiz.

Eger siz "A" betin jańa "B" atamasına kóshirseńiz, bul operaciya tómendegilerdi ámelge asıradı:

  • "A" betiniń atın "B" dep ózgertedi
  • "A" betiniń barlıq redaktorlaw tariyxın "B" beti retinde ózgertedi
  • Ishindegisin kóriw ushın "B" betine qaytabaǵdarlaw arqalı ótetuǵın jańa "A" betin jaratadı

Ekinshi bánt áhmiyetli. "Kóshiriw" funkciyasınan paydalanıp, siz redaktorlaw tariyxın da kóshiresiz, bul kóbinese maqsetke muwapıq bolıp tabıladı. Tariyx adamlarǵa bettiń redaktorlaw mazmunı qalay qálipleskeni hámde kim qanday úles qosqanın kóriw imkaniyatın beredi.

When you go to the move log for the source page,[1] you will find a record showing the reason behind a move. This is also displayed in the edit summary of the move, but may not be fully displayed due to the maximum edit summary length.

Eger siz bettiń quramın nusqalaw hám jaylastırıw arqalı basqa jerge kóshirseńiz (kóshiriw funkciyasınan paydalanbasańız), siz buǵan erise almaysız (sonıń menen birge, Ózgerislerdi gúzetiw ge qarań).

Kóshiriw operaciyası ózinen keyin qaytabaǵdarlaǵısh qaldırǵanda (qarań: Qaytabaǵdarlaǵıshlar ), bul eki tárepleme qaytabaǵdarlaǵıshlar – yaǵnıy betlerdi ózi qaytabaǵdarlaǵıshqa aylanatuǵın "A" ǵa baǵdarlaw múmkinshiliginen tısqarı hesh qanday buzılǵan siltemelerge alıp kelmewi kerek. Múmkin siz qaytabaǵdarlaǵıshqa baylanısqan betlerdi yamasa basqa qaytabaǵdarlaǵıshlardı tabıwdı hám olardı tuwrıdan-tuwrı jańa atamaǵa silteme qılıw ushın olardıń tekstin ózgertiwdi qálewińiz múmkin. Bunı ámelge asırıwda Ásbaplar (qaptal paneldiń tómengi bólegindegi) siltemesi arqalı paydalanıw múmkin bolǵan "Siltelgen betler" funkciyası paydalı bolıp tabıladı.


Before you move a page, consider whether you're following these guidelines for the wiki involved. The guidelines for most wikis are similar to these:

  • Experiment in a sandbox before making changes.
  • Adhere to standard naming conventions when choosing a title.
  • Check for ongoing discussions on the talk page before making edits.
  • Avoid trying to move and edit a page simultaneously - if you open the edit box for a page (or its talk page), then move the page, then save, your edit can be applied to the redirect from the move rather than the page you moved.
  • Consider noting the fact that you moved the page on its talk page (although the move itself will be recorded as part of the page history).

Moving a page without creating a redirect

Relevant option highlighted

Users with the suppressredirect user right can optionally move a page without creating a redirect. This is particularly useful when undoing a move.

When the right is enabled, one additional check box will appear when one needs to move a page (see picture at right).

Moving over a redirect

If the destination page already exists as a redirect pointing to the source page with only one revision, it is possible to automatically delete the redirect to make way for the move, even without the right to delete pages. If the destination page redirects elsewhere or has more than one revision, it cannot be deleted automatically, and will need to be deleted manually by an administrator to make way for the move.

Háreketti biykarlaw

Derlik barlıq wiki redaktorlawlarda bolǵanı sıyaqlı, kóshiriw operaciyası da biykar etiliwi múmkin (qálegen paydalanıwshı tárepinen). Kóshiriw operaciyasın biykarlaw ushın betti artqa qaytarıw jetkilikli, mısalı "B" betin "A" ǵa qaytarıń.

Another way to reverse a move operation is by clicking "View logs for this page" from the history page and then the "revert" link from the corresponding record in "Move Log".

Bettiń ataması "B" ele de "B" dan " A" ǵa qaytabaǵdarlaǵısh retinde artta qaladı. Any user can remove the redirect and propose that the page be deleted. However the final deletion will require sysop privileges (see Óshiriw hám qayta tiklew ).

Note that the "undo" link in the history page only reverts edits to the page, and cannot undo moves.

Page swapping

To swap pages A and B with their histories, you can:

  1. Move A to C (no redirect).
  2. Move B to A (no redirect).
  3. Move C to B (no redirect).

People who do not have the suppressredirect right will need to ask someone who does to perform the move for them.

URL parameters

These query strings can be added to the URL of Special:MovePage in order to fill out fields and check boxes in advance.

Parameter Meaning
wpOldTitleNs=n Namespace number of existing page
wpOldTitle= Title of existing page
wpNewTitleNs=n Target namespace number
wpNewTitle= Target page title
wpMovetalk=1 Move talk page, if one exists.
wpReason= Text for reason field
wpWatch=1 Watch source and target pages

Special namespace restrictions

Pages in the "File:" and "Category:" namespaces require special permissions (movefile and move-categorypages respectively) to move. Moving a category additionally requires updating all pages in that category to point to the new name, which is not done automatically.

Moving a redirect page

Moving a redirect page, like any other page, is possible but not recommended due to its negative impact on page history. When a redirect page is moved to a new name, the old page's redirect must be updated to avoid double redirects, resulting in the old page no longer redirecting to the page containing its history. This makes locating the page history of the old page more challenging, while the new page inherits a history without clarifying the necessity for it to be a redirect page.

If a redirect page fails to direct users to the intended destination, the best approach, while maintaining page histories, is to adjust the redirect on that page without relocating it.


Administrators can protect a page from getting moved. If a user does not have permission to edit a page, they also cannot move it.

Other observations

When a page is moved, it appears in "Recent Changes" under "Move log," linking to a log of all moves. However, moving a watched page doesn't show up on the watchlist; both the old and new names remain watched after the move.

Subpages, like talk page archives and template documentation pages, don't move automatically when the main page is moved. Administrators can move up to 100 subpages along with the main page.

Automate moving subpages

Users with the move-subpages user right can optionally move subpages of a page (up to $wgMaximumMovedPages , defaulting to 100), preserving its "tree" structure. If you specify the root page you want to move in the title (by visiting Special:MovePage/Some page), the special page displays the subpages of that root page.

Ensure all subpage titles (and their corresponding talks) are freely accessible for this to function effectively.

Also, MediaWiki does not offer a special page with which to perform a batch operation for page moves. There may be alternatives, depending on your situation:

See also
