George Washington and the Jews

His famous letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport.

Praying for the Government

The tradition of praying for the government reflects a recognition that Jewish welfare is bound up with that of the nations in which Jews live.

Ask the Expert: How Do I Know When To Stop Saying Kaddish?

Traditionally, mourners recite Kaddish for parents for 11 months minus one day.

Why Do So Many Orthodox Men Have Beards?

The Jewish reasons for facial hair, including sidelocks (payot).

Next Torah Portion


In this Torah portion, Korach and his followers accuse Moses and Aaron of taking power and prestige for themselves at the expense of the community. Moses defends himself against the rebels by saying that the Lord will make God’s presence known by how God kills these rebels. Then God opens the ground and swallows Korach and his followers.


Parashat Korach

Numbers 16:1-18:32, 28:9-15

Isaiah 66:1-24 | Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

Between Chaos and Order

The biblical narrative of Korach’s rebellion offers a deep lesson about how to emerge from challenging times.

Jewish Meditation Moment

Meets: Tuesdays

Hosted by: My Jewish Learning

recharge now

Our weekly Shabbat newsletter, Recharge, features a thoughtful, timely essay to enrich your Shabbat. Here are a few of our recent pieces:

Sharing the Burden

When the stakes are high, and crisis is imminent, we do not put all of the responsibility on a single charismatic leader.

The Divine in Your Words

How do we hold conflict now so we can still be family in the future?

Things Fall Apart

With some exceptions, the Jewish people have always been beset by external conflict and inner turmoil. 


The World to Come

The rabbis of the Talmud had a lot to say on the World to Come, but little about what it actually is.

Jewish Art 101

An introduction to Jewish visual arts from Bezalel to the 21st century.

What Are Jewish Genetic Diseases?

As many as 1 in 3 Ashkenazi Jews are estimated to be carriers for one of about 19 genetic diseases.

Being a Guest at a Jewish Wedding: A Guide

From chuppah to glass-breaking, here’s what to expect at Jewish nuptials.

Albert Einstein

The genius physicist’s Jewish activism, while less famous than his theory of relativity, was significant.